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Summary A mathematical model of the species-area relation is described for a group of limited species. This model is a modification of that proposed earlier (Kobayashi, 1975), being assumed that the limited species are expected to occur in a habitat under consideration. The model equation gives a sigmoid species-log area curve implying that few rare species are found in a group of species. The good agreement between observation and this model is exemplified with the data of plant and arthropod communities. The implication of parameters involved are examined in connection with those of the preceding model, and the underlying ecology of the model is discussed. Contribution from the Laboratory of Applied Zoology, Yamagata University, No. 83.  相似文献   
Many nodal cells are interposed between two internodal cellsof Chara braunii. When an action potential conducted in an internodereached the node, no electrical activation in the nodal cellscould be found, although an area of the membrane bordering thenodal cells in this internode was partially activated (end-membraneaction potential). When the action potential approached thenode along the stimulated internode, an electrotonic potentialchange (depolarization) was produced in the other internode.This depolarization was greatly depressed by the end-membraneaction potential of the stimulated internode, so that hardlyany transmission took place. The ratio of the potential changein the surface membrane of the adjoining ("postsynaptic") internode(cell b) to that of the stimulated one (cell a), the couplingratio, eb/ea, can be estimated from a simple equivalent circuitof the nodal region composed of two surface-membrane resistances(Ra, Rb) and intercellular resistance (Rn). If Rn remains thesame, a higher ratio should be produced with a larger Rb, butthe ratio does not depend on any change in Ra, which could beproved experimentally. Transmission of the action potentialbeyond the node was frequent when the coupling ratio was increasedand when the threshold that elicits the action potential waslowered by immersing the node in a K or Na salt solution. 1 Present address: Department of Physiology, Tohoku UniversitySchool of Dentistry, Sendai 980, Japan. (Received December 1, 1980; Accepted January 23, 1981)  相似文献   
The process of digestion of captured feeds in a pitcher, an insect-trapping organ, ofNepenthes was studied. Changes in bacterial population, pH and NH4 + concentrations in pitcher juice were examined. Strong activities of both acid- and alkaline phosphatase, phosphoamidase, esterase C4 and esterase C8 were found in the pitcher juice. Optimum pH of proteases in the juice and those secreted from bacteria showed pH 3.0 and pH 8.0–9.0, respectively. Twenty six strains of bacteria were isolated from 4 pitchers: 10 strains were gram positive, 16 strains were gram negative (10 strains had casein hydrolase activity). A proton excretion was induced by NH4 + released from the added solutions, and accordingly, the pH of the solutions fell. As a simulation model of the digestion process of feeds in pitcher juice and polypeptone solution was added into the washed pitcher. A good correlation was found among the NH4 + concentration, pH and bacterial cell titer.  相似文献   
For comprehensive analysis of genes expressed in the model dicotyledonous plant, Arabidopsis thaliana, expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were accumulated. Normalized and size-selected cDNA libraries were constructed from aboveground organs, flower buds, roots, green siliques and liquid-cultured seedlings, respectively, and a total of 14,026 5'-end ESTs and 39,207 3'-end ESTs were obtained. The 3'-end ESTs could be clustered into 12,028 non-redundant groups. Similarity search of the non-redundant ESTs against the public non-redundant protein database indicated that 4816 groups show similarity to genes of known function, 1864 to hypothetical genes, and the remaining 5348 are novel sequences. Gene coverage by the non-redundant ESTs was analyzed using the annotated genomic sequences of approximately 10 Mb on chromosomes 3 and 5. A total of 923 regions were hit by at least one EST, among which only 499 regions were hit by the ESTs deposited in the public database. The result indicates that the EST source generated in this project complements the EST data in the public database and facilitates new gene discovery.  相似文献   
When two separated Chara internodal cells were kept in contactover a length of 14 mm or more in moist air, an action potentialof one cell could be transmitted to the other cell in about40% of cases (ephaptic transmission). The action potential ofthe former cell was sometimes eliminated transiently when anew action potential was elicited in the latter cell. The newaction potential reactivated the former cell. The conductionvelocity of the action potential was reduced from 0.30?0.11cm/s (mean?SD) to 0.15?0.05 cm/s by ephaptic transmission ofthe action potential. Substitution of an artificial pond waterfor moist air or contact over a shorter length (4 mm insteadof 14 mm or more) between the two cells reduced the couplingratio, the ratio of the change in membrane potential of onecell to that of the other cell, and no transmission was observed.After ephaptic transmission, the action potentials of the twocells were conducted at almost the same velocity along the cells.The velocity was increased to 0.68?0.06 cm/s by simultaneousconduction of the action potentials in the two adjacent cells.When the simultaneously conducted action potentials reachedthe node of one cell, at the point at which another cell madecontact, they were able very frequently to trigger a new actionpotential in the adjoining cell. (Received September 28, 1989; Accepted April 5, 1990)  相似文献   
Nodal cells of Chara braunii were exposed to artificial pondwater (APW) for a month or more, with removal of larger surroundingcells. The membrane resistance, resting potential, amplitudeof the action potential, and threshold voltage measured fromthe resting level were examined. Exposure to APW had markedeffects on membrane properties. (Received April 2, 0990; Accepted August 24, 1990)  相似文献   
A total of 40 strains of Orientia tsutsugamushi (34 isolates from patients and trombiculid mites in Japan, and 6 prototype strains of antigenic variants) were examined for classification based on the reactivities with type-specific monoclonal antibodies in indirect immunofluorescence tests, and on the restriction fragment length polymorphism of a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified 56-kilodalton type-specific antigenic protein gene. By these methods, several antigenic and genotypic variants were found among the strains, and these variants were classified into types and further into subtypes. These results suggest that there are many variants in O. tsutsugamushi, and the methods used here seem to be useful for the systematic classification of the numerous variants. A strain which may be a new type distinguishable from those identified previously was also found in this study. Furthermore, variety in the degree of pathogenicity in mice related to type and/or subtype classification were observed.  相似文献   
Clonal propagation of Stevia rebaudiana has been established by culturing stem-tips with a few leaf primordia on an agar medium supplemented with a high concentration (10 mg/l) of kinetin. Anatomical examination has suggested that these multiple shoots originate from a number of adventitious buds formed on the margin of the leaf. Innumerable shoots can be obtained by repeating the cycle of multiple-shoot formation from a single stem-tip of Stevia. These shoots produce roots when transferred to a medium containing NAA (0.1 mg/l) without kinetin. The regenerated plantlets can be transplanted to soil.  相似文献   
Inphase interactions among EEG signals recorded using eight electrodes were investigated. The inphase interaction parameters are presented in two ways: (1) matrix form in which the number of inphase interactions are tabulated; and (2) histogram in which the number of inphase interactions are plotted pair-wise between two sites as a function of phase delays in milliseconds. The highest number of interactions occurs between 0 and 8 ms in normal brains. The values of interaction parameters are enhanced by various activities. For example, inphase interaction parameters increase in the motor area in the right hemisphere if the EEG is recorded during repeated left fist clenching. Inphase interactions are drastically altered by the presence of a tumor. We studied the inphase interactions of the EEG of a patient having an occipital tumor. The interaction parameters are greatly diminished in this area, indicating a severe impairment of neuronal communications between both hemispheres in the occipital region. The confidence limits of the changes in inphase interaction parameters during fist clenching are tested statistically using the Student's t test. The test shows that the interaction parameters increase, in general, with 1–5% confidence limits in respective cortex areas as a result of fist clenching.  相似文献   
To evaluate alpha diversities, various variables such as density, cover, volume, and weight have been used. However, density is often a distinct variable from the remaining three. To clarify differences in diversity measured by those two kinds of variables, the data collected in fourteen 2×5 m permanently-marked plots on Mount Usu, Japan, which erupted during 1977 and 1978 in growing seasons from 1983 to 1989 was analyzed, using Shannon's species diversity (H) that is represented as a result of combination of species richness and evenness (J). H and J were evaluated by density (density H and J) and cover (cover H and J). Cover H and J were significantly lower than density H and J, indicating that cover H has different characteristics from density H. Those differences are due to differences in evenness, because species richness is the same. The rank orders of species density are different from those of cover. The predominance of a few perennial herbs greatly decreases cover evenness, while seedling establishment success influences density evenness. Therefore, I propose that, during the early stages of succession on harsh environments such as volcanoes, density diversity represents seedling establishment success rate while cover diversity expresses vegetative reproduction success rate.  相似文献   
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