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Arachidonic acid metabolites are mediators of various pathophysiologic events following endotoxin administration. However, their role in the endotoxin-induced increase in glucose metabolism has not been examined. Rats were administered either saline or BW755C (an inhibitor of both the cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase pathways) 30 min prior to injection of E. coli endotoxin and whole body glucose kinetics assessed using a constant iv infusion of [6-3H] glucose. Treatment with BW755C prevented the endotoxin-induced hypotension and tachycardia. Endotoxin produced characteristic increases in the plasma glucose (23-70%) and lactate (2- to 9-fold) concentrations, as well as elevations in the rate of glucose appearance (34-63%) and metabolic clearance (40-92%). In contrast to the amelioration in hemodynamics, pretreatment with BW755C did not prevent these alterations in glucose metabolism normally seen after endotoxin. BW755C markedly reduced the endotoxin-induced increase in plasma catecholamine concentrations, but levels were still elevated 2- to 4-fold compared to control values. The results suggest that arachidonic acid metabolites mediate the early hypotensive response following endotoxin, but are not by themselves responsible for the elevated rates of glucose production and utilization.  相似文献   
The induction of liver microsomal monooxygenase activities elicited by pyrazole, ethanol, and acetone, all shown to be inducers of rat P450j and rabbit P450LM3a, has been compared in inbred strains of DBA/2N, AKR/J, and Balb/c mouse. Pyrazole strongly increases coumarin 7-hydroxylase (COH) activity in DBA/2N but much less in other strains. The effect of pyrazole on aniline p-hydroxylase and ethanol oxidase activities is also strain dependent: an increase was seen only in the DBA/2N strain. Ethanol and acetone were unable to induce COH, whereas aniline p-hydroxylase and ethanol oxidase were elevated about 1.4- to 3.3-fold in all strains. No strain difference could be detected in aniline p-hydroxylase or ethanol oxidase inducibility. There was a strong correlation between aniline p-hydroxylase and ethanol oxidase activities in every strain, whereas no positive correlation could be found between COH and aniline p-hydroxylase activities. Immunoinhibition experiments showed that a polyclonal antibody against purified pyrazole-inducible COH (P450Coh) blocked about 90% of COH activity, but only about 10% of aniline p-hydroxylase or ethanol oxidase in mouse liver microsomes. Monoclonal antibody 1-91-3 (raised against rat acetone-inducible P450ac) did not inhibit COH, whereas aniline p-hydroxylase was blocked 46-76% and ethanol oxidase 25-70%, depending on the source of microsomes. In immunoblots, anti-P450Coh recognized only its own antigen but not the P450ac, whereas monoclonal antibody 1-98-1 against P450ac detected P450ac and a corresponding form in the D2 mouse liver, but not the P450Coh. The purified P450ac and P450Coh had molecular masses of 52 and 50 kDa, respectively, on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. These antigens were expressed differentially in response to pyrazole, ethanol, and acetone: P450Coh was increased only after pyrazole treatment, but 1-98-1-detectable protein was elevated in D2 mouse liver microsomes by ethanol and acetone, but not by pyrazole. We conclude that mouse P450Coh and rat P450ac are not corresponding forms of the same isozyme, and that a P450ac-like protein, responsible for most of aniline p-hydroxylation and ethanol oxidation, is present in the D2 mouse liver. These two P450 isozymes are also dissimilarly expressed in the mouse liver in response to inducer administration.  相似文献   
Fura2 - fluorescence was utilized to test for the effect of extracellular nucleotides on intracellular calcium concentration of subconfluent Madin-Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK)-cells. Extracellular ATP (10 mumol/l) and UTP (10 mumol/l) lead to rapid (within seconds), sustained, and fully reversible enhancement of intracellular calcium concentration from 138 +/- 9 nmol/l (n = 27), to 1561 +/- 260 nmol/l (n = 10) and 3435 +/- 949 nmol/l (n = 5), respectively. Half maximal effects are observed at some 1 mumol/l. In the absence of extracellular calcium the effect of ATP is transient, pointing to release of intracellular calcium. The sustained effect in the presence of extracellular calcium indicates that the nucleotides in addition recruit calcium from extracellular space.  相似文献   
ATP and ADP but not AMP lead to sustained hyperpolarization of Madin Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. The present study has been performed to test for an influence of other nucleotides on the potential difference across the cell membrane (PD) in subconfluent MDCK cells. PD has been continuously monitored with conventional microelectrodes during rapid exchange of extracellular fluid. Application of 1 mumol/1 UTP leads to a rapid (less than 2 s) hyperpolarization of the cell membrane by -17.0 +/- 0.4 mV (from -50.1 +/- 0.6 mV), a reduction of cell membrane resistance and an increase of the sensitivity of PD to alterations of extracellular potassium. The concentration needed for half maximal effect of UTP is approximately equal to 0.2 mumol/1. ITP is similarly effective, whereas UDP, GTP and GDP are less effective. Up to 1 mmol/1 UMP, GMP, TTP or CTP do not significantly alter PD. In calcium-free extracellular fluid the hyperpolarizing effect of UTP is blunted (-11.6 +/- 2.3 mV) and only transient. In conclusion, UTP similar to purine triphosphates hyperpolarizes MDCK cells by increasing the potassium conductance. The activation of potassium channels requires calcium, which is apparently recruited from both intra- and extracellular sources.  相似文献   
W H Lang 《Biochemistry》1988,27(19):7276-7282
A cDNA library was constructed in pUC 19, using poly(A+) RNA purified from Octopus dofleini branchial gland, which is the site of hemocyanin biosynthesis in cephalopods. The library was screened with an oligonucleotide probe derived from a portion of the partially known sequence of the C-terminal domain of Paroctopus dofleini dofleini. The clone with the longest insert--called pHC1--was sequenced and used as a probe for Northern blotting. It hybridized to a 9.5-kb RNA species, which was also visible as a band after ethidium bromide staining. The cDNA insert (approximately 1200 bp) of pHC1 contained an open reading frame of 1071 bp coding for 357 amino acids. In this insert, a region coding for 42 amino acids from the N-terminal end of the C-terminal domain is missing. These were obtained by sequencing a cloned primer extension product. By comparing our sequence with Helix pomatia beta c-hemocyanin unit D, we found 42.9% identical and 11.5% similar residues. One putative copper binding site (site B) was identified by homology to Helix hemocyanin and arthropodan hemocyanin. The location of a second possible site was identified.  相似文献   
The mechanism of the formation of 4-hydroxynonenal through the NADPH-linked microsomal lipid peroxidation was investigated. The results were as follows: 4-hydroxynonenal arises exclusively from arachidonic acid contained in the polar phospholipids, neither arachidonic acid of the neutral lipids nor linoleic acid of the polar or neutral lipids are substrates for 4-hydroxynonenal generation. This finding results from the estimation of the specific radioactivity of 4-hydroxynonenal produced by microsomes prelabelled in vivo with [U-14C]arachidonic acid. Phospholipid-bound 15-hydroperoxyarachidonic acid would have the structural requirements needed for 4-hydroxynonenal (CH3-(CH2)4-CH(OH)-CH=CH-CHO). Microsomes supplemented with 15-hydroperoxyarachidonic acid and NADPH, ADP/iron converted only minimal amounts (0.6 mol%) of 15-hydroperoxyarachidonic acid into 4-hydroxynonenal; similarly, 15-hydroperoxyarachidonic acid incubated at pH 7.4 in the presence of ascorbate/iron yielded only small amounts of 4-hydroxynonenal with a rate orders of magnitude below that observed with microsomes. Phospholipid-bound 15-hydroperoxyarachidonic acid is therefore not a likely intermediate in the reaction pathway leading to 4-hydroxynonenal. The rate of 4-hydroxynonenal formation is highest during the very initial phase of its formation and the onset does not show a lag phase, suggesting a transient intermediate predominantly formed during the early phase of microsomal lipid peroxidation. After 60 min of incubation, 204 nmol polyunsaturated fatty acids (20 nmol 18:2, 143 nmol 20:4, 41 nmol 22:6) were lost per mg microsomal protein and the incubation mixture contained 206 nmol lipid peroxides, 71.6 nmol malonic dialdehyde and 4.6 nmol 4-hydroxynonenal per mg protein. Under artificial conditions (pH 1.0, ascorbate/iron, 20 h of incubation) not comparable to the microsomal peroxidation system, 15-hydroperoxyarachidonic acid can be decomposed in good yields (15 mol%) into 4-hydroxynonenal. Autoxidation of arachidonic acid in the presence of ascorbate/iron gave after 25 h of incubation 2.8 mol% (pH 7.4) and 1.5 mol% (pH 1.0) 4-hydroxynonenal. The most remarkable difference between the non-enzymic system and the enzymic microsomal system is that the latter forms 4-hydroxynonenal at a much higher rate.  相似文献   
The temperature-sensitive Drosophila developmental mutation, l(3)c21RRW630 (abbreviated RW630) disturbs oogenesis and has a maternal effect on embryogenesis. At restrictive temperature, RW630 alters post-translational modification of three abundant proteins. To examine the causal relationship between these biochemical defects and the developmental defects in RW630, a series of temperature-shift experiments was performed. It was found that defects in protein modification could be detected in RW630 ovaries after RW630 females had been exposed to restrictive temperature for 1 day. RW630 females treated in this fashion produce embryos which contain a low level of unmodified proteins. Nevertheless, these embryos hatch at a normal rate. Since these ovaries and these embryos are developmentally normal, but do show defects in protein modification, it is unlikely that the RW630 developmental defects cause the biochemical defects in RW630. It is more likely that accumulation of unmodified proteins after extended exposure to restrictive temperature produces the developmental defects in RW630.  相似文献   
In this paper we examined the effects of transforming growth factor β (TGFβ) on the proliferation and differentiation of rabbit tracheal epithelial cells in primary culture. Treatment of these cells with TGFβ inhibits cell proliferation in a time- and dose-dependent manner; concentrations as low as 1 pM are able to inhibit cell growth. Concomitantly, TGFβ causes cells to accumulate in the G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle and a sharp reduction in the ability of the cells to form colonies after subculture at clonal density. These results indicate that TGFβ induces terminal cell division in these cells. The inhibition of cell growth is accompanied by changes in cell morphology and a stimulation of the formation of cross-linked envelopes. TGFβ enhances the levels of transglutaminase activity and cholesterol sulfate, two markers of squamous differentiation. Our results indicate that TGFβ induces terminal squamous cell differentiation in rabbit tracheal epithelial cells. Retinoic acid (RA) does not affect the commitment to terminal cell division induced by TGFβ, but inhibits the expression of the squamous phenotype. Growth of normal human bronchial epithelial cells was affected by TGFβ in a way similar to that of rabbit tracheal epithelial cells. Several carcinoma cell lines tested were quite resistant to TGFβ, whereas growth of one carcinoma cell line was stimulated by TGFβ. These results indicate that a modified response to TGFβ could be one mechanism involved in the aberrant growth control of malignant cells.  相似文献   
Sixteen clients afflicted with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) were reassessed 1 year following completion of a multicomponent treatment package incorporating progressive muscle relaxation, thermal biofeedback, cognitive therapy, and IBS education. For the 14 patients who kept a 2-week symptom diary, significant reductions in ratings of abdominal pain and tenderness, diarrhea, and flatulence were obtained comparing pretreatment and follow-up symptom-diary ratings. Eleven of 14 clients were improved over pretreatment levels, 57% met the criteria for clinical improvement of at least a 50% reduction in major symptom scores, and all but 1 of 16 rated themselves as subjectively improved.  相似文献   
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