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Protein tyrosine phosphorylation is a major regulator of bone metabolism. Tyrosine phosphatases participate in regulating phosphorylation, but roles of specific phosphatases in bone metabolism are largely unknown. We demonstrate that young (<12 weeks) female mice lacking tyrosine phosphatase epsilon (PTPepsilon) exhibit increased trabecular bone mass due to cell-specific defects in osteoclast function. These defects are manifested in vivo as reduced association of osteoclasts with bone and as reduced serum concentration of C-terminal collagen telopeptides, specific products of osteoclast-mediated bone degradation. Osteoclast-like cells are generated readily from PTPepsilon-deficient bone-marrow precursors. However, cultures of these cells contain few mature, polarized cells and perform poorly in bone resorption assays in vitro. Podosomes, structures by which osteoclasts adhere to matrix, are disorganized and tend to form large clusters in these cells, suggesting that lack of PTPepsilon adversely affects podosomal arrangement in the final stages of osteoclast polarization. The gender and age specificities of the bone phenotype suggest that it is modulated by hormonal status, despite normal serum levels of estrogen and progesterone in affected mice. Stimulation of bone resorption by RANKL and, surprisingly, Src activity and Pyk2 phosphorylation are normal in PTPepsilon-deficient osteoclasts, indicating that loss of PTPepsilon does not cause widespread disruption of these signaling pathways. These results establish PTPepsilon as a phosphatase required for optimal structure, subcellular organization, and function of osteoclasts in vivo and in vitro.  相似文献   
The most common cause of infant mortality is diarrhea; the most common cause of bacterial diarrhea is Campylobacter jejuni, which is also the primary cause of motor neuron paralysis. The first step in campylobacter pathogenesis is adherence to intestinal mucosa. We found that such binding was inhibited in vitro by human milk and, with high avidity, by alpha1,2-fucosylated carbohydrate moieties containing the H(O) blood group epitope (Fuc alpha 1,2Gal beta 1,4GlcNAc em leader ). In studies on the mechanism of adherence, campylobacter, which normally does not bind to Chinese hamster ovary cells, bound avidly when the cells were transfected with a human alpha1,2-fucosyltransferase gene that caused overexpression of H-2 antigen; binding was specifically inhibited by H-2 ligands (lectins Ulex europaeus and Lotus tetragonolobus and H-2 monoclonal antibody), H-2 mimetics, and human milk oligosaccharides. Human milk oligosaccharides inhibited campylobacter colonization of mice in vivo and human intestinal mucosa ex vivo. Campylobacter colonization of nursing mouse pups was inhibited if their dams had been transfected with a human alpha1,2-fucosyltransferase gene that caused expression of H(O) antigen in milk. We conclude that campylobacter binding to intestinal H-2 antigen is essential for infection. Milk fucosyloligosaccharides and specific fucosyl alpha1,2-linked molecules inhibit this binding and may represent a novel class of antimicrobial agents.  相似文献   
Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato, the causal agent of bacterial speck of tomato, and the plant growth-promoting bacterium Azospirillum brasilense were inoculated onto tomato plants, either alone, as a mixed culture, or consecutively. The population dynamics in the rhizosphere and foliage, the development of bacterial speck disease, and their effects on plant growth were monitored. When inoculated onto separate plants, the A. brasilense population in the rhizosphere of tomato plants was 2 orders of magnitude greater than the population of P. syringae pv. tomato (10(7) versus 10(5) CFU/g [dry weight] of root). Under mist chamber conditions, the leaf population of P. syringae pv. tomato was 1 order of magnitude greater than that of A. brasilense (10(7) versus 10(6) CFU/g [dry weight] of leaf). Inoculation of seeds with a mixed culture of the two bacterial strains resulted in a reduction of the pathogen population in the rhizosphere, an increase in the A. brasilense population, the prevention of bacterial speck disease development, and improved plant growth. Inoculation of leaves with the mixed bacterial culture under mist conditions significantly reduced the P. syringae pv. tomato population and significantly decreased disease severity. Challenge with P. syringae pv. tomato after A. brasilense was established in the leaves further reduced both the population of P. syringae pv. tomato and disease severity and significantly enhanced plant development. Both bacteria maintained a large population in the rhizosphere for 45 days when each was inoculated separately onto tomato seeds (10(5) to 10(6) CFU/g [dry weight] of root). However, P. syringae pv. tomato did not survive in the rhizosphere in the presence of A. brasilense. Foliar inoculation of A. brasilense after P. syringae pv. tomato was established on the leaves did not alleviate bacterial speck disease, and A. brasilense did not survive well in the phyllosphere under these conditions, even in a mist chamber. Several applications of a low concentration of buffered malic acid significantly enhanced the leaf population of A. brasilense (>10(8) CFU/g [dry weight] of leaf), decreased the population of P. syringae pv. tomato to almost undetectable levels, almost eliminated disease development, and improved plant growth to the level of uninoculated healthy control plants. Based on our results, we propose that A. brasilense be used in prevention programs to combat the foliar bacterial speck disease caused by P. syringae pv. tomato.  相似文献   
The epidemiology of the transmission of malaria parasites varies ecologically. To observe some entomological aspects of the malaria transmission in an urban environment, a longitudinal survey of anopheline fauna was performed in Boa Vista, Roraima, Brazil. A total of 7,263 anophelines was collected in human bait at 13 de Setembro and Caran? districts: Anopheles albitarsis sensu lato (82.8%), An. darlingi (10.3%), An. braziliensis (5.5%), An. peryassui (0.9%) and An. nuneztovari (0.5%). Nightly 12 h collections showed that An. albitarsis was actively biting throughout the night with peak activities at sunset and at midnight. An. darlingi bit during all night and did not demonstrate a defined biting peak. Highest biting indices, entomological inoculation rates and malaria cases were observed seasonally during the rainy season (April-November). Hourly collections showed host seek activity for all mosquitoes peaked during the first hour after sunset. An. darlingi showed the highest plasmodial malaria infection rate followed by An. albitarsis, An. braziliensis and An. nuneztovari (8.5%, 4.6%, 3% and 2.6%, respectively). An. albitarsis was the most frequently collected anopheline, presented the highest biting index and it was the second most frequently collected infected species infected with malaria parasites. An. albitarsis and An. darlingi respectively, are the primary vectors of malaria throughout Boa Vista.  相似文献   
Loperamide and three of its analogs were evaluated for their ability to inhibit binding to cloned human opioid receptor subtypes and to produce antipruritis and antinociception following local s.c. administration to rodents. All four compounds were fully efficacious agonists with affinities of 2 to 4 nM for the cloned human mu opioid receptor. Local s.c. injection of loperamide, ADL 01-0001 or ADL 01-0002 at the same site as the introduction of the pruritogenic compound 48/80 resulted in antipruritic activity in a mouse model of itch. Similarly, i.paw or i.pl. administration of compounds ADL 01-0001, ADL 01-0002 and ADL 01-0003 to inflamed paws caused potent antinociception, inhibiting late phase formalin-induced flinching, Freund's adjuvant-induced mechanical hyperalgesia and tape stripping-induced mechanical hyperalgesia. Loperamide and its analogs were efficacious in animal models of itch and inflammatory pain, and may have potential therapeutic utility as antipruritic and antihyperalgesic agents.  相似文献   
HSP101 belongs to the ClpB protein subfamily whose members promote the renaturation of protein aggregates and are essential for the induction of thermotolerance. We found that maize HSP101 accumulated in mature kernels in the absence of heat stress. At optimal temperatures, HSP101 disappeared within the first 3 days after imbibition, although its levels increased in response to heat shock. In embryonic cells, HSP101 concentrated in the nucleus and in some nucleoli. Hsp101 maps near the umc132 and npi280 markers on chromosome 6. Five maize hsp101-m-::Mu1 alleles were isolated. Mutants were null for HSP101 and defective in both induced and basal thermotolerance. Moreover, during the first 3 days after imbibition, primary roots grew faster in the mutants at optimal temperature. Thus, HSP101 is a nucleus-localized protein that, in addition to its role in thermotolerance, negatively influences the growth rate of the primary root. HSP101 is dispensable for proper embryo and whole plant development in the absence of heat stress.  相似文献   
Stoicheiometric analysis of metabolic pathways provides a systematic way of determining which metabolite concentrations are subject to constraints, information that may otherwise be very difficult to recognize in a large branched pathway. The procedure involves representing the pathway structure in the form of a matrix and then carrying out row operations to convert the matrix into "row echelon form": this is a form in which as many as possible of the elements on the main diagonal are non-zero, and all of the elements below the main diagonal are zero. If exactly the same operations are carried out on a unit matrix of order equal to the number of intermediate metabolites in the pathway, the resulting matrix allows the stoicheiometric constraints to be read off directly.  相似文献   
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