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Impairment of flow-induced vasodilation in coronary resistance arterioles may contribute to the decline in coronary vasodilatory reserve that occurs with advancing age. This study investigated the effects of age on flow-induced signaling and activation of nitric oxide (NO)-mediated vasodilation in coronary resistance arterioles. Coronary arterioles were isolated from young (approximately 6 mo) and old (approximately 24 mo) male Fischer-344 rats to assess vasodilation to flow, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and ACh. Flow- and VEGF-induced vasodilation of coronary arterioles was impaired with age (P相似文献   
Continual neurogenesis in the subventricular zone (SVZ) of postnatal and adult mammalian forebrain has been well documented, but the mechanisms underlying cell migration and differentiation in this region are poorly understood. We have developed novel in vivo and in vitro methods to investigate these processes. Using stereotaxic injections of a variety of tracers/tracker [Cholera Toxin β subunit (CTb‐), Fluorogold (FG), and Cell Tracker Green (CTG)], we could efficiently label SVZ cells. Over several days, labeled cells migrate along the rostral migratory stream (RMS) to their final differentiation site in the olfactory bulb (OB). The compatibility of these tracers/trackers with immunohistochemistry allows for cell labeling with multiple dyes (e.g., CTb and CTG) and/or specific cell antigens. To investigate the dynamics of migration we labeled SVZ progenitor cells with small injections of CTG and monitored the movements of individual cells in fresh parasagittal brain slices over several hours using time‐lapse confocal microscopy. Our observations suggest that tangential cell migration along the RMS occurs more rapidly than radial cell migration into the OB granule cell layer. To investigate migration over longer time periods, we developed an in vitro organotypic slice in which labeled SVZ progenitors migrate along the RMS and differentiate within the OB. The phenotypic characteristics of these cells in vitro were equivalent to those observed in vivo. Taken together, these methods provide useful tools investigating cell migration and differentiation in a preparation that maintains the anatomical organization of the RMS. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 49: 326–338, 2001  相似文献   
In heterothallic Myxomycetes, diploid plasmodia arise when haploid amoebae of two different mating types are cultured together. In this mating process, the amoebae fuse in pairs, and the resulting zygotes develop directly into plasmodia. It has been shown previously that plasmodia start to form in this fashion only when the growing amoebae in a mixed culture reach a critical density. We have investigated the cellular basis of this phenomenon by growing amoebae of different mating type separately from one another and then mixing them to test their mating ability. Amoebae from cultures above and below the critical density were, respectively, competent and incompetent to mate. Furthermore, both partners had to be competent in order for mating to occur. No binucleate cells were formed in mixtures of incompetent amoebae, indicating that they failed to fuse with one another. Incompetent amoebae growing at low density on filters with 0.2-μm pores became competent when the filters were placed on dense cultures of amoebae. We suggest that amoebae release a filter-transmissible material that accumulates during growth and induces the cells to become fusion competent.  相似文献   
Tropical dry forests are characterized by punctuated seasonal precipitation patterns that drive primary production and the availability of fruits, seeds, flowers, and insects throughout the year. In environments in which the quantity and quality of food resources varies seasonally, consumers should adjust their foraging behavior to maximize energy intake while minimizing overlap with competitors during periods of low food availability. Here, we investigated how the diets of frugivorous bats in tropical dry forests of NW Mexico varied in response to seasonal availability and how this affected dietary overlap of morphologically similar species. We performed stable isotope analyses to understand temporal and interspecific patterns of overall isotopic niche breadth, trophic position, and niche overlap in the diet of six frugivorous species of closely related New World leaf-nosed bats (family Phyllostomidae, subfamily Stenodermatinae). We estimated seasonal changes in resource abundance in two complementary ways: (a) vegetative phenology based on long-term remote sensing data and (b) observational data on food availability from previously published insect and plant fruiting surveys. In all species, there was a consistent pattern of reduced isotopic niche breadth during periods of low food availability. However, patterns of niche overlap varied between morphologically similar species. Overall, results from our study and others suggest that seasonal food availability likely determines overall dietary niche breadth in Phyllostomidae and that despite morphological specialization, it is likely that other mechanisms, such as opportunistic foraging and spatiotemporal niche segregation, may play a role in maintaining coexistence rather than simply dietary displacement.  相似文献   
Microfibril-associated glycoprotein (MAGP) 1 and 2 are evolutionarily related but structurally divergent proteins that are components of microfibrils of the extracellular matrix. Using mice with a targeted inactivation of Mfap5, the gene for MAGP2 protein, we demonstrate that MAGPs have shared as well as unique functions in vivo. Mfap5−/− mice appear grossly normal, are fertile, and have no reduction in life span. Cardiopulmonary development is typical. The animals are normotensive and have vascular compliance comparable with age-matched wild-type mice, which is indicative of normal, functional elastic fibers. Loss of MAGP2 alone does not significantly alter bone mass or architecture, and loss of MAGP2 in tandem with loss of MAGP1 does not exacerbate MAGP1-dependent osteopenia. MAGP2-deficient mice are neutropenic, which contrasts with monocytopenia described in MAGP1-deficient animals. This suggests that MAGP1 and MAGP2 have discrete functions in hematopoiesis. In the cardiovascular system, MAGP1;MAGP2 double knockout mice (Mfap2−/−;Mfap5−/−) show age-dependent aortic dilation. These findings indicate that MAGPs have shared primary functions in maintaining large vessel integrity. In solid phase binding assays, MAGP2 binds active TGFβ1, TGFβ2, and BMP2. Together, these data demonstrate that loss of MAGP2 expression in vivo has pleiotropic effects potentially related to the ability of MAGP2 to regulate growth factors or participate in cell signaling.  相似文献   
Group living is favorable to pathogen spread due to the increased risk of disease transmission among individuals. Similar to individual immune defenses, social immunity, that is antiparasite defenses mounted for the benefit of individuals other than the actor, is predicted to be altered in social groups. The eusocial honey bee (Apis mellifera) secretes glucose oxidase (GOX), an antiseptic enzyme, throughout its colony, thereby providing immune protection to other individuals in the hive. We conducted a laboratory experiment to investigate the effects of group density on social immunity, specifically GOX activity, body mass and feeding behavior in caged honey bees. Individual honeybees caged in a low group density displayed increased GOX activity relative to those kept at a high group density. In addition, we provided evidence for a trade‐off between GOX activity and body mass: Individuals caged in the low group density had a lower body mass, despite consuming more food overall. Our results provide the first experimental evidence that group density affects a social immune response in a eusocial insect. Moreover, we showed that the previously reported trade‐off between immunity and body mass extends to social immunity. GOX production appears to be costly for individuals, and potentially the colony, given that low body mass is correlated with small foraging ranges in bees. At high group densities, individuals can invest less in social immunity than at low densities, while presumably gaining shared protection from infection. Thus, there is evidence that trade‐offs at the individual level (GOX vs. body mass) can affect colony‐level fitness.  相似文献   
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