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Song S  Li B  Wang L  Wu H  Hu J  Li M  Fan C 《Molecular bioSystems》2007,3(2):151-158
Antibody microarrays have shown great potential for measurement of either a spectrum of target proteins in proteomics or disease-associated antigens in molecular diagnostics. Despite its importance, the applications of antibody microarrays are still limited by a variety of fundamental problems. Among them, cross-reactivity significantly limits the multiplexing ability in parallel sandwich immunoassays. As a result, it is very important to design new capture probes in order to incorporate a universal label into the assay configuration. In this report, an antibody fragments (F(ab')2) microarray platform for serum tumor markers was developed. Each antigen was detected at different concentrations to assemble its calibration curve, and combinations of different markers were tested to examine the specificity of simultaneous detection based on the F(ab')2 microarrays. Diagnostics of serum samples with this cancer antibody microarray platform and immunoradiometric assays (IRMA) were also performed. Wide range calibration curves (0-1280 U mL(-1)) were obtained for each tumor marker. Comparative studies demonstrated that such F(ab')2 microarrays exhibited both moderately improved sensitivity and better specificity than full-sized monoclonal antibody microarrays. It is also demonstrated that this microarray platform is quantitative, highly specific and reasonably sensitive. More importantly, clinical applications of our F(ab')2 microarray platform for upwards of 100 patient serum samples clearly show its potential in cancer diagnostics.  相似文献   
利用平板对峙法和牛津杯法,从疏花水柏枝、金银花、秋华柳的内生菌中,筛选出1株对稻瘟病菌具有很强抑制作用的菌株JS-1。经生理生化实验和18S rDNAITS序列分析,确定该菌株为黑曲霉(Aspergillus niger)。实验结果表明,JS-1发酵液作用稻瘟病菌后,稻瘟病菌的菌丝变细,分支减少,菌丝基质颜色变浅,作用72 h后干重显著降低。进一步实验表明,该菌产生的活性物质位于其发酵液的乙酸乙酯酯相部位,对稻瘟病病菌抑制率高达96.1%。大田实验数据(天然接种圃)显示,添加该物质后,丰两优4号(中感)和广陆矮4号(易感)叶瘟病情指数分别只有16.25%和32.48%,对稻瘟病的防治取得了很好的效果,说明该菌株具有开发成高效生物农药的巨大潜能。  相似文献   
绵羊的采食行为与草场空间异质性关系   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
在中国科学院内蒙古草原生态系统定位研究站,于1993年6月,7月9月,分别对放牧率为4羊/hm^2的围栏放牧草场上绵羊采集行为与草场空间异质性的关系进行了定量研究,结果表明,绵羊的采食运动模式与草场空间异质性密切相关,采食区域和卧息及反刍地点相对稳定,对草场的利用依植物群落种类组成的变化有不同的采集顺序,一般地,多选择大针茅,寸草苔,星毛萎陵菜较少的平地上采食,饮水点对采食路线和目标的选择有一定的  相似文献   
Pelodiscus is one of the most widely distributed genera of softshell turtles, ranging from south-eastern Siberia and Korea over central and southern China to Vietnam. Economically, Pelodiscus are the most important chelonians of the world and have been bred and traded in high numbers for centuries, resulting in many populations established outside their native range. Currently, more than 300 million turtles per year are sold in China alone, and the bulk of this figure comprises farmed Pelodiscus. Due to easy availability, Pelodiscus also constitutes a model organism for physiological and embryological investigations. Yet, diversity and taxonomy of Pelodiscus are poorly understood and a comprehensive investigation using molecular tools has never been published. Traditionally, all populations were assigned to the species P. sinensis (Wiegmann, 1834); in recent years up to three additional species have been recognized by a few authors, while others have continued to accept only P. sinensis. In the present study, we use trade specimens and known-locality samples from Siberia, China, and Vietnam, analyze 2,419 bp of mtDNA and a 565-bp-long fragment of the nuclear C-mos gene to elucidate genetic diversity, and compare our data with sequences available from GenBank. Our findings provide evidence for the existence of at least seven distinct genetic lineages and suggest interbreeding in commercial turtle farms. GenBank sequences assigned to P. axenaria (Zhou, Zhang & Fang, 1991) are highly distinct. The validity of P. maackii (Brandt, 1857) from the northernmost part of the genus’ range is confirmed, whereas it is unclear which names should be applied to several taxa occurring in the central and southern parts of the range. The diversity of Pelodiscus calls for caution when such turtles are used as model organisms, because the respective involvement of more than a single taxon could lead to irreproducible and contradictory results. Moreover, our findings reveal the need for a new assessment of the conservation status of Pelodiscus. While currently all taxa are subsumed under ‘P. sinensis’ and listed as ‘vulnerable’ by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, some could actually be endangered or even critically endangered.  相似文献   
Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) causes bacterial blight, the most devastating bacterial disease of rice worldwide. The major disease resistance gene Xa3/Xa26 confers a durable resistance to Xoo with a dosage effect. However, the mechanism of Xa3/Xa26-mediated resistance remains to be elucidated. We created near-isogenic lines carrying Xa3/Xa26 with a background of indica and japonica, the two major subspecies of Asian cultivated rice. Analyzing these rice lines showed that the japonica background facilitated resistance to Xoo, which was associated with increased Xa3/Xa26 expression, compared with rice lines with an indica background. This characteristic of Xa3/Xa26 was related to the WRKY45 locus, which had higher expression with the japonica background than with the indica background. However, the two alleles of the WRKY45 locus had different expression levels, with the WRKY45-1 expression level being higher than that of WRKY45-2 for both japonica and indica backgrounds. In addition, the resistance level conferred by Xa3/Xa26 was higher in the presence of WRKY45-1 than in the presence of WRKY45-2 for both japonica and indica backgrounds. Xa3/Xa26-mediated resistance was associated with increased accumulation of jasmonic acid (JA), JA-isoleucine, and terpenoid and flavonoid phytoalexins. Exogenous JA application enhanced Xa3/Xa26-mediated resistance. These results not only provide more knowledge toward understanding the mechanism of Xa3/Xa26-mediated resistance but also offer the best choice for using Xa3/Xa26 for rice resistance improvement, specifically, a japonica background with the WRKY45-1 allele.  相似文献   
本文报道中国蚋属一新种,重庆蚋Simulium(Simulium)chongaingense sp.nov。标本采自重庆四面山,模式标本保存重庆市卫生防疫站。  相似文献   
土壤-根系界面水分调控措施对冬小麦根系和产量的影响   总被引:27,自引:4,他引:23  
李运生  王菱  刘士平  王吉顺 《生态学报》2002,22(10):1680-1687
以冬小麦田间试验为基础,研究根-土界面不同水分调控措施,包括不同深度灌水(地面、30cm、50cm、100cm)、同一深度保持不同田间持水量(田持80%、65%、50%),共计12个水分处理的土壤水分分布对根系和产量影响。研究表明:根长密度分布与灌水方式息息相关,地面灌水的根长密度随土层深度呈指数下降趋势,主要分布于地表层(0-10cm);不同深度渗灌,根系分布有两个峰值,第1峰值分布在地表以下15cm左右,第2峰值分布在灌水深度处。通过水分调控措施,局部改变根系形态,对节水增产是有利的。耗水量与营养生长(叶面积、根系)成正比关系,与经济产量呈二次多项式(抛物线型)关系,最大产量的耗水量比最大耗水量少约80-100mm。  相似文献   
对分布于3种不同沙地生境(半固定沙丘、固定沙丘、丘间低地)黄柳灌丛的个体形态、生长和群体数量特征进行了比较研究,同时测定了灌丛下草本层植物种类组成及频率。结果显示:分布于丘间低地的黄柳灌丛当年枝平均长度增加缓慢,短枝条的比例较高,枝长频度分布(当年枝)峰值偏左,分枝也较多,叶片短而狭,长宽比大;与之相比,分布于半固定沙丘上的灌丛当年枝平均长度增加较快,长枝条比例较高,枝长频度分布趋于正态分布,分枝  相似文献   
以西藏高原高寒草地3种植被类型(高寒草甸、高寒草原和高寒荒漠草原)为研究对象,分别采用样线法、样方法和巢式样方法进行实地调查,记录每条样线上或每个样方内出现的所有物种,并分物种刈割样方内地上部分,通过统计分析比较不同高寒草地群落植物多样性和地上生物量监测方法,以阐明西藏高原高寒草地不同植被类型的最小取样面积和最少样方数或样线长度。结果显示:(1)就物种丰富度而言,400m样线法观测到的高寒草甸、高寒草原和高寒荒漠草原的所有物种数分别占3种方法调查到的总物种数的55%、71%和50%;8m2巢式样方法调查到高寒草甸、高寒草原的总物种数占所有3种方法观测的物种总数的57.5%和57%,而8m2的巢式样方对高寒荒漠草原的调查监测到的物种数最多,其中2m2观测到的物种数就达到所有可能出现物种的83%;20个样方法监测到高寒草甸和高寒草原的物种数最多,占3种方法观测到总物种数的78%和86%,所以对物种丰富度的调查高寒草甸和高寒典型草原至少需要20个样方,高寒荒漠草原需要最小面积不少于2m2的2个样方。(2)就地上生物量而言,由地上生物量与物种数之间的变异关系得出最小样方数为7~11个,而由地上生物量的变异系数可知,在变异系数小于等于5%的前提下,高寒草甸的最小取样面积不小于0.25m2,高寒典型草原和高寒荒漠草原的最小取样面积不少于1m2。研究表明,对于生产力的监测方法而言,高寒草甸采用10个0.5m×0.5m的样方,而高寒草原和高寒荒漠草原采用10个1m×1m的样方为宜;而对于物种丰富度的监测方法而言,高寒草甸以20个0.5m×0.5m的样方和高寒草原20个1m×1m的样方为宜,高寒荒漠草原采用2个不小于2m2样方面积为宜。  相似文献   
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