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Simultaneous determination of unconjugated 16 alpha-hydroxypregnenolone (16 alphaOH-Preg), 16 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone (16 alphaOH-Prog) and 16 alpha-hydroxydehydroepiandrosterone (16 alphaOH-DHEA) in fetal and neonatal plasma was performed utilizing a newly developed radioimmunoassay. In all neonates, the three 16 alpha-hydroxysteroid levels were consistently higher in umbilical cord plasma than in the maternal peripheral circulation. 16 alpha-OH-Preg in the umbilical arterial plasma increased from 11.2 +/- 3.1 at 24 weeks to 29.7 +/- 12.0 ng/ml at term, 16 alphaOH-Prog from 15.5 +/- 3.2 to 34.3 +/- 11.0 ng/ml and 16 alphaOH-DHEA from 5.1 +/- 1.2 to 5.9 +/- 1.0 ng/ml. In the anencephalic neonates, only 16 alphaOH-Preg showed an increase pattern under ACTH priming. 16 alpha-OH-Preg levels for normal full term neonates remain relatively constant at the first 24 hr and show a slight decrease at 3 days post partum. In small full term neonates, 16 alphaOH-Preg levels in umbilical arterial plasma are considerably higher than in normal neonates and remain at roughly equivalent levels for the first 5 days post partum. 16 alphaOH-Prog and 16 alphaOH-DHEA levels in umbilical arterial plasma in normal and small full term neonates are almost equal and both groups show a rapid decrease during the first 24 hr. Comparison with findings of the three 16 alpha-hydroxysteroids in fetal and neonatal plasma is discussed.  相似文献   
A new multifunctional protein kinase, which normally exists as an inactive form in the soluble fraction in mammalian tissues, attaches to membranes to exhibit full enzymatic activity. A low concentration of Ca2+ is absolutely necessary for this activation. This process is reversible. cAMP shows no effect. The active factors in membranes are phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylserine, phosphatidic acid, diphosphatidylglycerol, and phosphatidylethanolamine in that order. Phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin are far less effective. Cytoplasmic as well as other membrane fractions from various tissues are active in supporting the enzymatic activity. A possible role of this Ca2+ and phospholipid-activated protein kinase system in transmembrane control is proposed.  相似文献   
An ATPase activity was found in rat brain microtubules prepared by successive cycles of polymerization and depolymerization. On phosphocellulose column chromatography, the ATPase activity was recovered in the fraction eluted with 0.6 M KCl and containing the microtubule associated proteins. The ATPase activity was markedly stimulated by the addition of purified brain 6S tubulin, and the stimulation was dependent on the presence of Ca2+ ions. Approximately 50 pmol of purified 6S tubulin was required for the maximal stimulation in the presence of 8 microgram of microtubule associated proteins. The specific activity was 8 to 13 nmol of ATP hydrolyzed per min per mg of protein at 37 degrees C, and the Km value for ATP was 3 X 10(-5) M in the presence of added tubulin.  相似文献   
Exposure of Avena coleoptile sections to 8% O2 brought aboutrespiration decrease, resulting in a decrease of ATP production.The pH at the cell wall surface slightly rose in sections exposedto 8% O2, while their growth was greatly accelerated. Moreover,this growth acceleration was observed even in sections treatedwith CCCP known to make membranes permeable for protons. Weconcluded that the growth acceleration with reduction of O2concentration is probably not the result of secretion of H+ions into cell wall compartments. Results of this study provided evidence to support the hypothesisthat there is an inverse relationship between hydroxyproline-proteinlevel and the ability of a cell to undergo rapid cell elongation.Total labeling of the cell wall fraction with 14C-proline wasunaffected by 8% O2 treatment, although the radioactivitiesof hydroxyproline incorporated into this fraction during thetreatments fell to about 45% of the control. Moreover, the radioactivitiesof hydroxyproline incorporated into the SLS-insoluble cell wallfraction of sections exposed to 8% O2 decreased to about 30%of the control. This decrease of hydroxyproline was also observedin sections treated with cycloheximide, which inhibits the secretionof H+ ions into the cell wall compartment. Reduction of O2 concentrationin the surrounding atmosphere affects not only the hydroxylationof peptidyl proline, but also the binding of hydroxyproline-protein(s)to cell wall polysaccharides, and the resulting decrease ofthe protein rigidly bound to them may induce cell elongation. (Received December 5, 1975; )  相似文献   
The thoracic duct of Wistar strain rats was cannulated during 5 days for studying the effect of selective lymphocyte depletion on the lymphoid tissue. A technique for the continuous infusion of cell-free lymph, whole lymph of Eagle's medium to the rat with the thoracic duct fistula is described in detail. The prolonged drainage of lymph from rats was followed by lymphopenia, sever atrophy of lymphoid tissues and the depletion of small lymphocytes in the thymus-dependent areas of spleen and lymph nodes. The infusion of cell-free lymph into the drained rat resulted in the recovery of the weight of lymphoid tissues and in the massive proliferation and accumulation of large cells with prominent nucleoli and intensely pyroninophilic cytoplasm in the lymphocyte depleted areas of the peripheral lymphoid tissues and thymic cortex. There was histological evidence that the large pyroninophilic cells developed well in the spleen and tended to localize preferentially around the periarteriolar region through the marginal zone bridging channels to the red pulp. The infusion of Eagle's medium was found ineffective in restoring the weight of the lymphoid tissues and in bringing about the proliferation of lymphoid cells. The rats infused with whole lymph showed almost similar findings biologically and histologically to those of sham-operated rats.  相似文献   
The biopolymer lignin is deposited in the cell walls of vascular cells and is essential for long-distance water conduction and structural support in plants. Different vascular cell types contain distinct and conserved lignin chemistries, each with specific aromatic and aliphatic substitutions. Yet, the biological role of this conserved and specific lignin chemistry in each cell type remains unclear. Here, we investigated the roles of this lignin biochemical specificity for cellular functions by producing single cell analyses for three cell morphotypes of tracheary elements, which all allow sap conduction but differ in their morphology. We determined that specific lignin chemistries accumulate in each cell type. Moreover, lignin accumulated dynamically, increasing in quantity and changing in composition, to alter the cell wall biomechanics during cell maturation. For similar aromatic substitutions, residues with alcohol aliphatic functions increased stiffness whereas aldehydes increased flexibility of the cell wall. Modifying this lignin biochemical specificity and the sequence of its formation impaired the cell wall biomechanics of each morphotype and consequently hindered sap conduction and drought recovery. Together, our results demonstrate that each sap-conducting vascular cell type distinctly controls their lignin biochemistry to adjust their biomechanics and hydraulic properties to face developmental and environmental constraints.

During the development of each vascular cell, specific lignin chemistries control their biomechanics and water conduction properties to face environmental changes.

IN A NUTSHELL Background: Lignin comprises multiple cell wall–localized aromatic polymers that are essential for vascular plants to conduct water and strengthen their organs. It has long been thought that lignin was randomly and nonspecifically assembled to provide mechanical strengthening and waterproofing to cells by filling-up the empty spaces in the cell walls. However, the different cell types and morphotypes forming the different sap-conducting pipes and their cell wall layers (inner vs. outer layer) exhibit specific lignin chemistries that are conserved among plant species. We, therefore, investigated the function of these specific lignin chemistries at the cell and cell wall layer levels for the different sap-conducting pipes in plants. Question: What is the function of a specific lignin chemistry for the different plant sap-conducting pipe cells? Can changes in the lignin chemistry of sap-conducting cells affect their hydraulic capacity when facing environmental conditions such as drought? Findings: We answered these questions by changing lignin levels and composition, using drugs to block lignin formation, and/or genetic engineering to switch off genes, in three complementary systems: (1) isolated cells grown in test tubes that we can trigger to become sap conduits, (2) annual plants, and (3) hardwood trees. We show that lignin chemistry is specific to each cell morphotype and changes during cell maturation, modifying the amount of lignin, the chemical composition of lignin units, and the position of these units in the longer polymer. These specific lignin chemistries are required for the proper function of each cell morphotype to properly conduct the sap and strengthen plant organs. Modifying the amount, the composition, and the time when specific units with distinct chemistry are incorporated in lignin of each cell morphotype has dramatic effects, causing defects in sap conduit hydraulic and biomechanical properties. The ratio between the different chemical units of lignin needs to be fine-tuned to adjust plant sap conduction and mechanical strengthening. Thus, changes in the proportion of lignin units with distinct chemistries confer different hydraulic and mechanical properties enabling plants to better resist and/or recover from drought. We also revealed that increases in the proportion of lignin units with aldehyde modulate plant pipe hydraulic and mechanical properties. Next steps: We are now working to identify and understand the molecular mechanisms that control the formation of specific lignin chemistries in distinct sites and times during the development of the different cell wall layers in each cell type and morphotype.  相似文献   
The availability of culture systems for both Edinger Westphal and ciliary ganglion neurons has made it possible to examine the interactions in culture between two populations of vertebrate neurons that synapse in vivo. In the chick, Edinger Westphal neurons provide the sole presynaptic input to the ciliary ganglion and, through this projection, are responsible for the control of lens curvature (accommodation), iris constriction, and possibly smooth muscle function in the choroid layer of the eye. When embryonic chick Edinger Westphal and ciliary ganglion neurons were combined in culture and stained for enkephalin-like immunoreactivity to visualize Edinger Westphal terminals, stained calyx-like contacts were observed that resemble the calyciform terminals formed between Edinger Westphal processes and ciliary neurons in the ciliary ganglion in vivo. Although stained calyx-like contacts could also be found in Edinger Westphal-alone and ciliary ganglion-alone cultures, many more were observed when the two cell types were cultured together. The increase depended specifically on the ciliary ganglion neurons since substitution of either dorsal root ganglion or sympathetic ganglion neurons for them in the cocultures did not increase the number of calyx-like contacts staining positive for enkephalin over those present in cultures of Edinger Westphal neurons alone. When Edinger Westphal neurons were grown simultaneously with dorsal root and ciliary ganglion neurons, calyx-like contacts with enkephalin-like immunoreactivity were found to terminate preferentially on the latter. These findings suggest that vertebrate neurons can form morphologically specific contacts preferentially on appropriate target cells in culture in the absence of many of the potential cues present in the intact tissue.  相似文献   
The synthesis of the OmpF porin in Escherichia coli K-12 was highly and reversibly inhibited by 5 mM salicylate in the bacterial growth medium, and salicylate also inhibited the OmpC porin synthesis, although only weakly. The full expression of the salicylate effect was presumed to require the ompB gene product on comparison between the wild type and ompB mutant strains. The salicylate effect was also observed for the porin protein synthesis in Klebsiella pneumoniae and Serratia marcescens, although an ompB-like gene remains to be identified in both species.  相似文献   
With the intention of simplifying construction and operation, improvements have now been made to a photoelectric system for measuring the motile responses of chromatophores. Introduction of chop-per-stabilized operational amplifiers with a complimentary metal-oxide semiconductor (C-MOS) input has brought about a much improved stability of the electronics. Such a feature has been found to be especially suitable for measurements requiring higher amplification and longer periods of time, e.g., the detection of the effects of various factors on bright-colored chromatophores. The use of appropriate color filters that limit the spectral range of light used for measurement has also proven to be important. By installing a small filter close to the photosensor, we can now record the responses of particular types of chromatophores more selectively, while visually monitoring the states of all kinds of chromatophores in natural color. To minimize the influence of motile activities of xanthophores and/or erythrophores, the use of an orange-to-red long-pass filter is appropriate to optimize recording the melanophore responses. By contrast, the responses of xanthophores or erythrophores can be recorded more easily by employing a violet-to-blue band-pass filter, because that increases the contrast of images of these cells against the background. Using an orange-red variety of the medaka Oryzias, we have also recorded photometrically the responses of leucophores, whose organelles are light-scattering. A long-pass filter was efficient in excluding the influences of co-existing xanthophores.  相似文献   
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