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Long-chain and/or branched-chain polyamines are unique polycations found in thermophiles. Cytoplasmic polyamines were analyzed for cells cultivated at various growth temperatures in the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus kodakarensis. Spermidine [34] and N4-aminopropylspermine [3(3)43] were identified as major polyamines at 60°C, and the amounts of N4-aminopropylspermine [3(3)43] increased as the growth temperature rose. To identify genes involved in polyamine biosynthesis, a gene disruption study was performed. The open reading frames (ORFs) TK0240, TK0474, and TK0882, annotated as agmatine ureohydrolase genes, were disrupted. Only the TK0882 gene disruptant showed a growth defect at 85°C and 93°C, and the growth was partially retrieved by the addition of spermidine. In the TK0882 gene disruptant, agmatine and N1-aminopropylagmatine accumulated in the cytoplasm. Recombinant TK0882 was purified to homogeneity, and its ureohydrolase characteristics were examined. It possessed a 43-fold-higher kcat/Km value for N1-aminopropylagmatine than for agmatine, suggesting that TK0882 functions mainly as N1-aminopropylagmatine ureohydrolase to produce spermidine. TK0147, annotated as spermidine/spermine synthase, was also studied. The TK0147 gene disruptant showed a remarkable growth defect at 85°C and 93°C. Moreover, large amounts of agmatine but smaller amounts of putrescine accumulated in the disruptant. Purified recombinant TK0147 possessed a 78-fold-higher kcat/Km value for agmatine than for putrescine, suggesting that TK0147 functions primarily as an aminopropyl transferase to produce N1-aminopropylagmatine. In T. kodakarensis, spermidine is produced mainly from agmatine via N1-aminopropylagmatine. Furthermore, spermine and N4-aminopropylspermine were detected in the TK0147 disruptant, indicating that TK0147 does not function to produce spermine and long-chain polyamines.Polyamines are positively charged aliphatic compounds. Putrescine [4], spermidine [34], and spermine [343] are common polyamines observed in various living organisms, from viruses to humans (16). Polyamines, which play important roles in cell proliferation and cell differentiation (19, 34), are thought to contribute to adaptation against various stresses (9, 26). In thermophilic microorganisms, polyamines contribute to growth under high-temperature conditions. Indeed, in the thermophilic bacterium Thermus thermophilus, a mutant strain lacking the enzyme related to polyamine biosynthesis shows defective growth at high temperatures (23). Furthermore, thermophilic archaea and bacteria possess long-chain and branched-chain polyamines such as N4-aminopropylspermidine [3(3)4], N4-aminopropylspermine [3(3)43], and N4-bis(aminopropyl)spermidine [3(3)(3)4], in addition to common polyamines (11, 13, 14). N4-aminopropylspermine was detected in the cells of thermophiles, such as Saccharococcus thermophilus, thermophilic Bacillus and Geobacillus spp. (Bacillus caldolyticus, B. caldotenax, B. smithii, Geobacillus stearothermophilus, and G. thermocatenulatus), Caldicellulosiruptor spp. (C. kristjanssonii and C. owensensis) and Calditerricola spp. (C. satsumensis and C. yamamurae) (10, 12, 22), but it was not detected in archaea. These unique polyamines are thought to support the growth of thermophilic microorganisms under high-temperature conditions. An in vitro study indicated that long-chain and branched-chain polyamines effectively stabilized DNA and RNA, respectively (32).Polyamines are synthesized from amino acids such as arginine, ornithine, and methionine (26). In most eukaryotes, putrescine is synthesized directly from ornithine by ornithine decarboxylase (34). Plants and some bacteria possess additional or alternative putrescine biosynthesis pathways in which putrescine is synthesized from arginine via agmatine (18, 31, 35). In this pathway, agmatine is synthesized by arginine decarboxylase, and agmatine is converted to putrescine by agmatine ureohydrolase or a combination of agmatine iminohydrolase and N-carbamoylputrescine amidohydrolase. Longer polyamines are then produced by the addition of the aminopropyl group from decarboxylated S-adenosylmethionine. This pathway is shown on the left in Fig. Fig.11 (pathway I). On the other hand, the thermophilic bacterium T. thermophilus possesses a unique polyamine-biosynthetic pathway (23) in which spermidine is synthesized from agmatine via N1-aminopropylagmatine by aminopropyl transferase followed by ureohydrolase, as shown on the right in Fig. Fig.11 (pathway II).Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Predicted biosynthetic pathway of polyamines in T. kodakarensis. (A) Predicted biosynthetic pathway. Pyruvoyl-dependent arginine decarboxylase proenzyme (TK0149), arginine/agmatine ureohydrolases (TK0240/TK0474/TK0882), aminopropyl transferase (TK0147), and pyruvoyl-dependent S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase proenzyme (TK1592) are shown based on the genome analysis. (B) Structures of unique polyamines.A sulfur-reducing hyperthermophilic archaeon, Thermococcus kodakarensis KOD1, was isolated from Kodakara Island, Kagoshima, Japan (1, 21). This archaeon grows at temperatures between 60°C and 100°C but optimally at 85°C. Under low- or high-temperature-stressed conditions, T. kodakarensis produces cold- or heat-inducible chaperones to adapt to unfavorable growth environments (4, 5, 30). The lipid composition of the membrane also changes depending on the growth shift (20). In addition to acting as such tolerance factors, polyamines have been suggested to play an important role in maintaining nucleosomes in high-temperature environments (15). A complete genome analysis of T. kodakarensis has been performed, and the pathway of polyamine biosynthesis has been predicted (Fig. (Fig.1)1) (6, 7). It has been speculated that putrescine is synthesized from arginine via agmatine by arginine decarboxylase (PdaDTk) and agmatine ureohydrolase. Long- and/or branched-chain polyamines are then produced by the addition of the aminopropyl group derived from decarboxylated S-adenosylmethionine. Previously, we revealed that PdaDTk catalyzed the first step of polyamine biosynthesis and was essential for cell growth (6). The strain DAD, which lacks the gene pdaDTk, does not grow in medium without agmatine. Archaeal cells are known to use agmatine to synthesize agmatidine, which is an agmatine-conjugated cytidine found at the anticodon wobble position of archaeal tRNAIle (17). Agmatine is important for agmatidine synthesis as well as long-chain polyamine. In the present study, we focused on the subsequent steps in polyamine biosynthesis, especially from agmatine to spermidine. T. kodakarensis possesses three agmatine ureohydrolase homologues (TK0240, TK0474, and TK0882); however, it is unclear which one is dominantly functional in T. kodakarensis cells. In a closely related genus, Pyrococcus, TK0474 and TK0882 orthologues have been identified, but the TK0240 orthologue is missing in Pyrococcus genomes. In Pyrococcus horikoshii, PH0083, which is an orthologue of TK0882, was shown to possess agmatine ureohydrolase activity (8). TK0882, hence, appears to possess agmatine ureohydrolase activity as well. It is unclear whether other agmatine ureohydrolase homologues (TK0240 and TK0474) are involved in polyamine synthesis and cell growth in T. kodakarensis. In addition to agmatine ureohydrolase, aminopropyl transferase plays a crucial role in the synthesis of polyamines. TK0147 was annotated first as spermidine synthase and shares sequence identity with aminopropyl transferase (PF0127) from Pyrococcus furiosus (3). It is therefore expected to harbor the function of aminopropyl transferase for long-chain-polyamine synthesis. Recombinant PF0127 showed broad amine acceptor specificity for agmatine, 1,3-diaminopropane (3), putrescine, cadaverine (5), sym-nor-spermidine (33), and spermidine. While maximal catalytic activity was observed with cadaverine, agmatine was most often preferred on the basis of the kcat/Km value (3), suggesting that pathway II is a dominant route for polyamine synthesis in P. furiosus. In the present study, various disruptants lacking genes for polyamine biosynthesis were constructed in order to understand the physiological roles of these enzymes in T. kodakarensis. The cell growth profiles and cytoplasmic polyamines of the wild type and the disruptants were analyzed and compared. Recombinant enzymes were also purified and characterized. The obtained results are expected to provide useful information regarding the specific roles of polyamines in thermophiles.  相似文献   
Indian hedgehog (Ihh) is indispensable for development of the osteoblast lineage in the endochondral skeleton. In order to determine whether Ihh is directly required for osteoblast differentiation, we have genetically manipulated smoothened (Smo), which encodes a transmembrane protein that is essential for transducing all Hedgehog (Hh) signals. Removal of Smo from perichondrial cells by the Cre-LoxP approach prevents formation of a normal bone collar and also abolishes development of the primary spongiosa. Analysis of chimeric embryos composed of wild-type and Smo(n/n) cells indicates that Smo(n/n) cells fail to contribute to osteoblasts in either the bone collar or the primary spongiosa but generate ectopic chondrocytes. In order to assess whether Ihh is sufficient to induce bone formation in vivo, we have analyzed the bone collar in the long bones of embryos in which Ihh was artificially expressed in all chondrocytes by the UAS-GAL4 bigenic system. Although ectopic Ihh does not induce overt ossification along the entire cartilage anlage, it promotes progression of the bone collar toward the epiphysis, suggesting a synergistic effect between ectopic Ihh and endogenous factors such as the bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs). In keeping with this model, Hh signaling is further found to be required in BMP-induced osteogenesis in cultures of a limb-bud cell line. Taken together, these results demonstrate that Ihh signaling is directly required for the osteoblast lineage in the developing long bones and that Ihh functions in conjunction with other factors such as BMPs to induce osteoblast differentiation. We suggest that Ihh acts in vivo on a potential progenitor cell to promote osteoblast and prevent chondrocyte differentiation.  相似文献   
Spinal cord injury (SCI), despite considerable progress in palliative care, has currently no satisfying therapeutic leading to functional recovery. Inability of central nervous system severed axons to regenerate after injury is considered to originate from both limited intrinsic capabilities of neurons and inhibitory effect of the local environment. Precisely, the so-called "glial scar" formed by reactive astrocytes in response to injury exerts a well-known axon-outgrowth inhibitory effect. However, recent studies revealed that role of reactive astrocytes after SCI is more complex. During the first weeks after injury, reactive astrocytes indeed protect the tissue and contribute to a spontaneous relative functional recovery. Compaction of the lesion center and seclusion of inflammatory cells by migrating reactive astrocytes seem to underlie this beneficial effect. Stimulation of reactive astrocytes migration in the sub-acute phase of SCI might thus represent a new approach to improve the functional outcome of patients.  相似文献   
Pulmonary hypertension (PH) causes right ventricular (RV) hypertrophy and, according to the extent of pressure overload, eventual heart failure. We tested the hypothesis that the mechanical stress in PH-RV impairs the vasoreactivity of the RV coronary microvessels of different sizes with increased superoxide levels. Five-week-old male Sprague-Dawley rats were injected with monocrotaline (n=126) to induce PH or with saline as controls (n=114). After 3 wk, coronary arterioles (diameter = 30-100 microm) and small arteries (diameter = 100-200 microm) in the RV were visualized using intravital videomicroscopy. We evaluated ACh-induced vasodilation alone, in the presence of N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), in the presence of tetraethylammonium (TEA) or catalase with or without L-NAME, and in the presence of SOD. The degree of suppression in vasodilation by L-NAME and TEA was used as indexes of the contributions of endothelial nitric oxide (NO) and endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor (EDHF), respectively. In PH rats, ACh-induced vasodilation was significantly attenuated in both arterioles and small arteries, especially in arterioles. This decreased vasodilation was largely attributable to reduced NO-mediated vasoreactivity, whereas the EDHF-mediated vasodilation was relatively robust. The suppressive effect on arteriolar vasodilation by catalase was similar to TEA in both groups. Superoxide, as measured by lucigenin chemiluminescence, was significantly elevated in the RV tissues in PH. SOD significantly ameliorated the impairment of ACh-induced vasodilation in PH. Robust EDHF function will play a protective role in preserving coronary microvascular homeostasis in the event of NO dysfunction with increased superoxide levels.  相似文献   
Magnetic interactions in the three copper(II)-complex polymers, [Cu(PZ)(NO3)2]n, [Cu(PM)(NO3)2(H2O)2]n, and [Cu(PM)2(NO3)2]n are discussed on the basis of extended Hückel calculations inthe formulas PZ and PM stand for pyrazine and pyrimidine, respectively. Interactions between the Cu-3d orbitals and the lone-pair orbitals of pyrazine and pyrimidine are analyzed from the viewpoint of `through-space' and `through-bond' interactions using binuclear complexes to model the three copper(II) polymers. Three conclusions can be drawn from the orbital interaction analysis: (1) in the first polymer, a superexchange pathway is formed with the bond of Cu–-N and the through-bond interaction between the lone pairs of the nitrogen atoms of pyrazine will lead to an antiferromagnet state; (2) in the second polymer a superexchange pathway is formed with the bond of Cu–-N and the through-space interaction between the lone pairs of the nitrogen atoms of pyrimidine, and as a result an antiferromagnetic state will be preferred; and (3) in the third polymer., there is no effective pathway in respect of overlap interaction and the HOMO and the LUMO are actually degenerate, and thus a ferromagnetic state will arise. The band structures are analyzed to characterize the magnetic properties of the antiferromagnetic polymers, [Cu(PZ)(NO3)2]n and [Cu(PM)(NO3)2(H2O)2], and the ferromagnetic polymer, [Cu(PM)2(NO3)2]n.  相似文献   
Urotensin II is among the most potent vasoactive hormones known and the urotensin II (UTS2) gene is localized to 1p36-p32, one of the regions reported to show possible linkage with type 2 diabetes in Japanese. When we surveyed genetic polymorphisms in the UTS2 and urotensin II receptor (GPR14) gene, we identified two SNPs with amino acid substitutions (designated T21M and S89N and an SNP in the promotor region (-605G>A) of the UTS2 gene, and two SNPs in the non-coding region of the GPR14 gene. We then studied these three SNPs in the UTS2 gene and two SNPs in the GPR14 gene in 152 Japanese subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus and two control Japanese populations. The allele frequency of 89N was significantly higher in type 2 diabetic patients than in both elderly normal subjects (P = 0.0018) and subjects with normal glucose tolerance (P = 0.0011), whereas the allele frequency of T21M and -605G>A in the UTS2 gene and those of two SNPs in the GPR14 gene were essentially identical in these three groups. Furthermore, in the subjects with normal glucose tolerance, 89N was associated with significantly higher insulin levels on oral glucose tolerance test, suggesting reduced insulin sensitivity in subjects with 89N. These results strongly suggest that subjects with S89N in the UTS2 gene are more insulin-resistant and thus more susceptible to type 2 diabetes mellitus development.  相似文献   
Tailed calix[4]resorcarene macrocycle (tail=undecyl) can be used as a platform to assemble four glycosaminoglycan polysaccharide chains to give a new type of proteoglycan mimics. A tetra(chondroitin sulfate) derivative thus obtained from the reaction of macrocyclic octaamine and chondroitin sulfate lactone is readily immobilized on a tissue culture plastic (polystyrene) plate and inhibits fibronectin-mediated adhesion of BHK (baby hamster kidney) cells thereon remarkably strongly with 50% inhibition occurring at a 10 ng/mL or 40 pM concentration range.  相似文献   
(2R,3Z)-, (2R,3E)-, (2S,3Z) and (2S,3E)-2-Acetylamino-3-octadecen-1-ol, and (2R)- and (2S)-2-acetylamino-octadecan-1-ol were prepared using the Wittig olefination of Garner's aldehyde (N-Boc-N,O-isopropylidene-L- or D-serinal) from L- or D-serine. The apoptotic activities of these saturated and unsaturated 2-acetylaminoalcohols were examined in human leukemia HL-60 cells using MTT assay. Among the newly synthesized compounds, the cis-isomers were the most potent. Despite their simple structures, (2R,3Z)- and (2S,3Z)-2-acetylamino-3-octadecen-1-ol showed high and comparable apoptotic activities compared with N-acetyl-D-erythro-sphingosine (D-e-C2-Cer, a well-known inducer of apoptosis). Their apoptotic activities were in the order D-e-C2-Cer approximately L-e-C2-Cer approximately (2R,3Z)- approximately (2S,3Z)->(2R,3E)- approximately (2S,3E)- approximately (2R)- approximately (2S)-derivative. Qualitative analysis of DNA fragmentation caused by these compounds was conducted using agarose gel electrophoresis, and typical DNA fragmentation was found in the cases of (2R,3Z)- and (2S,3Z)-isomers such as C2-Cer, but not trans and saturated isomers. The morphological features of the cells, the proteolytic processing of pro-caspase-3, and the cleavage of PARP as a result of exogenous treatment with (2R,3Z)- and (2S,3Z)-isomers indicated that cell death induced by these compounds was apoptosis. These observations suggest that these newly synthesized compounds, (3Z)-2-Acetylamino-3-octadecen-1-ol, have similar characteristics and apoptosis-inducing activities against HL-60 cells with C2-Cer.  相似文献   
Cellular turnover rates in the immune system can be determined by labelling dividing cells with 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU) or deuterated glucose ((2)H-glucose). To estimate the turnover rate from such measurements one has to fit a particular mathematical model to the data. The biological assumptions underlying various models developed for this purpose are controversial. Here, we fit a series of different models to BrdU data on CD4(+) T cells from SIV(-) and SIV(+) rhesus macaques. We first show that the parameter estimates obtained using these models depend strongly on the details of the model. To resolve this lack of generality we introduce a new parameter for each model, the 'average turnover rate', defined as the cellular death rate averaged over all subpopulations in the model. We show that very different models yield similar estimates of the average turnover rate, i.e. ca. 1% day(-1) in uninfected monkeys and ca. 2% day(-1) in SIV-infected monkeys. Thus, we show that one can use BrdU data from a possibly heterogeneous population of cells to estimate the average turnover rate of that population in a robust manner.  相似文献   
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