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The isolation of Chlamydia pneumoniae, especially from elderly persons, is generally not easy. Recently, we succeeded in isolating a chlamydial strain, which was designated KKpn-15, from a 57-year-old man suffering from acute bronchitis. It was compared with well established strains of C. pneumoniae, C. trachomatis and C. psittaci, and its biological properties, such as the morphology of elementary bodies (EBs) and inclusions, and the immunochemistry of EB proteins, were investigated. Based on the results obtained in the present study, it was confirmed that the new chlamydial strain, KKpn-15, is a member of the C. pneumoniae strain and that the organisms of KKpn-15 are useful as an antigen for the serodiagnosis and epidemiology of C. pneumoniae infection.  相似文献   
Abstract: L-DOPA is a large neutral amino acid subject to transport out of, as well as into, brain tissue. Competition between dopamine synthesis and L-DOPA egress from striatum must favor L-DOPA egress if decarboxylation declines relatively more than transport in Parkinson's disease. To test this hypothesis, we injected patients with Parkinson's disease with a radidabeled analogue of L-DOPA and recorded regional brain radioactivity as a function of time by means of positron emission tomography. We simultaneously estimated the activity of the decarboxylating enzyme and the amino acid transport. In the striatum of patients, we found the L-DOPA decarboxylase activity to be reduced in the head of the caudate nucleus and the putamen. However, the rate of egress of the DOPA analogue was unaffected by the disease and thus inhibited dopamine synthesis more than predicted in the absence of L-DOPA egress.  相似文献   
Summary The solution structure of a specific DNA complex of the minimum DNA-binding domain of the mouse c-Myb protein was determined by distance geometry calculations using a set of 1732 nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) distance restraints. In order to determine the complex structure independent of the initial guess, we have developed two different procedures for the docking calculation using simulated annealing in four-dimensional space (4D-SA). One is a multiple-step procedure, where the protein and the DNA were first constructed independently by 4D-SA using only the individual intramolecular NOE distance restraints. Here, the initial structure of the protein was a random coil and that of the DNA was a typical B-form duplex. Then, as the starting structure for the next docking procedure, the converged protein and DNA structures were placed in random molecular orientations, separated by 50 Å. The two molecules were docked by 4D-SA utilizing all the restraints, including the additional 66 intermolecular distance restraints. The second procedure comprised a single step, in which a random-coil protein and a typical B-form DNA duplex were first placed 70 Å from each other. Then, using all the intramolecular and intermolecular NOE distance restraints, the complex structure was constructed by 4D-SA. Both procedures yielded the converged complex structures with similar quality and structural divergence, but the multiple-step procedure has much better convergence power than the single-step procedure. A model study of the two procedures was performed to confirm the structural quality, depending upon the number of intermolecular distance restraints, using the X-ray structure of the engrailed homeodomain-DNA complex.Abbreviations rmsd root-mean-square deviation - NOE nuclear Overhauser enhancement - 4D-SA simulated annealing in four-dimensional space - Myb-R2R3 repeats 2 and 3 of the DNA-binding domain of the c-Myb protein - DNA 16 Myb-specific binding DNA duplex with 16 base pairs - IHDD-C residues 3 to 59 of the C-chain of the engrailed homeodomain-DNA complex - DNA11 DNA duplex with base pairs 9 to 19 of the engrailed homeodomain-DNA complex  相似文献   
Mice immunized with viable C. albicans cells demonstrated a high incidence of cell-mediated and a low incidence of humoral immune response. There was good agreement between the final survival rate of C. albicans infected mice and the rate of simultaneous cell-mediated and humoral immune response acquisition. Immunized mice with positive delayed hypersensitivity (DTH) against C. albicans crude antigen showed significant protection against intravenous challenge with C. albicans. Furthermore, the transfer of immunoglobulins from rabbit anti-C. albicans serum to DTH-positive mice enhanced protection, while it did not protect control mice against a subsequent challenge with C. albicans. These results suggest that cell-mediated immunity plays a major role and humoral immunity a side role in the defense mechanism(s) of C. albicans infected mice.  相似文献   
A monoclonal antibody (IM7) toward scallop testis calmodulin and another one (PBE2) toward wheat germ calmodulin were produced. Ca2+ was required for IM7 to react with scallop calmodulin. IM7 reacted with the C-terminal region (Asp78-Lys148) of the calmodulin. As observed on competitive ELISA, IM7 reacted with chicken calmodulin, but not with Euglena gracilis or wheat calmodulin, troponin C, myosin light chains, or parvalbumin. It is assumed that the cluster of Thr143, Thr146, and Ser147 in the C-terminal region acts as the antigenic site. IM7 (and Fab of IM7) inhibited the activities of myosin light chain kinase and cAMP-phosphodiesterase. PBE2 reacted with wheat germ calmodulin irrespective of the presence or absence of Ca2+, the antigenic site being in the N-terminal region (Ala1-Met37). It reacted with wheat and spinach calmodulins, but not with scallop, chicken, or Euglena calmodulin, troponin C, myosin light chains, or parvalbumin. PBE2 had no effect on the activities of myosin light chain kinase and cAMP-phosphodiesterase.  相似文献   
In an attempt to detect differences in the thermal effect of infrared irradiation of different wavelengths, transient sweating response to infrared irradiation in various spectral regions was examined. In Series 1, the ventral or dorsal surface of the nude subject was irradiated repetitively for a period of 4 min (2 min on, 2 min off) by each of three kinds of infrared heaters with main emissivity in near-infrared (NIR; 0.7–2.8 m), intermediate-infrared (MIR; 1.5–5.8 m), and far-infrared (FIR; 2.8–25 m) regions. The sweating response on a non-irradiated area tended to be the greatest with MIR, while the magnitude of the sweating response on the irradiated area showed no consistent differences among various wavelengths. The results infer that MIR stimulated cutaneous thomoreceptors most effectively, while its direct effect on local sweat gland activity was minimal. In Series 2, the effects of 9–12 min irradiations in more restricted ranges of wavelength were compared by the combination of the three kinds of heaters with filters (translucent to wavelength ranges of 1.3–2.7, 2.7–3.5, 3.6–8.0 m, respectively). The sweating response on a remote area was predominantly greater with the range of 2.7–3.5 m than with the other wavelength ranges, while the local effect on sweating was minimal with this range. The results of Series 2 reinforce those of Series 1, indicating that the degree of stimulation of cutaneous thermoreceptors and of direct thermal effect on sweat gland activity differ with spectral regions incident on the skin, thus affecting local and remote effects on the sweating response.  相似文献   
A DNA fragment containing the Saccharomyces cerevisiae CYS3 (CYI1) gene was cloned. The clone had a single open reading frame of 1,182 bp (394 amino acid residues). By comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence with the N-terminal amino acid sequence of cystathionine gamma-lyase, CYS3 (CYI1) was concluded to be the structural gene for this enzyme. In addition, the deduced sequence showed homology with the following enzymes: rat cystathionine gamma-lyase (41%), Escherichia coli cystathionine gamma-synthase (36%), and cystathionine beta-lyase (25%). The N-terminal half of it was homologous (39%) with the N-terminal half of S. cerevisiae O-acetylserine and O-acetylhomoserine sulfhydrylase. The cloned CYS3 (CYI1) gene marginally complemented the E. coli metB mutation (cystathionine gamma-synthase deficiency) and conferred cystathionine gamma-synthase activity as well as cystathionine gamma-lyase activity to E. coli; cystathionine gamma-synthase activity was detected when O-succinylhomoserine but not O-acetylhomoserine was used as substrate. We therefore conclude that S. cerevisiae cystathionine gamma-lyase and E. coli cystathionine gamma-synthase are homologous in both structure and in vitro function and propose that their different in vivo functions are due to the unavailability of O-succinylhomoserine in S. cerevisiae and the scarceness of cystathionine in E. coli.  相似文献   
Crystallization and a preliminary crystallographic study of Trimeresurus flavoviridis (habu snake) phospholipase A2 (PLA2) were carried out. Although crystals were obtained from various solutions, crystals suitable for X-ray analysis could be obtained from polyethylene glycol solutions only when a repeated seeding technique was applied starting from twinned crystals. The crystal is monoclinic with space group P21, with a = 44.1, b = 55.7, c = 48.8 A, and beta = 92.4 degrees. An asymmetric unit contains a dimer consisting of two identical subunits made of 122 amino acids. The crystal reflects X-rays beyond 2.5 A. A Pt derivative gave a good isomorphous crystal.  相似文献   
Addition of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to the culture of mouse myeloid stem cells (CFUc) increased the incidence of compact colonies and decreased that of dispersed ones in the presence of colony-stimulating factor (CSF-1) which had not such an effect by itself even in high concentrations. Although colony morphology was thus changed, nearly all colonies were composed of monocytes. The incidence of compact colonies increased with the increase of LPS concentration but plateaued at about 50%. Bone marrow cells of LPS-tolerant mice responded to LPS in vitro to a slightly decreased extent. The activity of LPS was decreased by alkaline or acid hydrolysis of the LPS molecule and inhibited by polymixin B, but not by indomethacin, α-L-fucose, nor by α-methyl-D-mannoside. Other immunopotentiating substances, such as OK-432, Lentinan, and Levamisole, had no effect on the colony morphology. Both muramyl dipeptide and poly(I)poly(C) were also ineffective. Furthermore, the action of LPS was not abolished by the use of heat-inactivated serum in the culture. LPS was no longer stimulative for the induction of lysosomal enzymes in the CSF-stimulated culture, although it greatly enhanced the enzyme induction in the unstimulated culture. These results indicate that the cells of monocyte/macrophage lineage develop the capacity for migration before they become responsive to LPS, and that the LPS-responding monocytic cells can proliferate even in a state of confluence induced by LPS.  相似文献   
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