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Organophosphorus compounds (OPs) such as pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides are highly toxic but are nevertheless extensively used worldwide. To detect OPs, we constructed a yeast strain that co-displays organophosphorus hydrolase (OPH) and enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) on the cell surface using a Flo1p anchor system. OP degradation releases protons and causes a change in pH. This pH change results in structural deformation of EGFP, which triggers quenching of its fluorescence, thereby making this cell useful for visual detection of OPs. Fluorescence microscopy confirmed the high-intensity fluorescence displayed by EGFP on the cell surface. The yeast strain possessed sufficient OPH hydrolytic activities for degrading OPs, as measured by incubation with 1 mM paraoxon for 24 h at 30°C. In addition, with 20 mM paraoxon at 30°C, fluorescence quenching of EGFP on the single yeast cell was observed within 40 s in a microchamber chip. These observations suggest that engineered yeast cells are suitable for simultaneous degradation and visual detection of OPs.  相似文献   
Polyacetylenic glucosides (15) were isolated from the MeOH extract of Mediasia macrophylla, and their structures were established by spectroscopic analyses. Compounds 24 were the first examples of C10-polyacetylenic glucosides found in the family Umbelliferae, while compound 1 was a unique polyacetylenic glucoside possessing an α-pyrone moiety.  相似文献   
Organisms that overproduced l-cysteine and l-cystine from glucose were constructed by using Escherichia coli K-12 strains. cysE genes coding for altered serine acetyltransferase, which was genetically desensitized to feedback inhibition by l-cysteine, were constructed by replacing the methionine residue at position 256 of the serine acetyltransferase protein with 19 other amino acid residues or the termination codon to truncate the carboxy terminus from amino acid residues 256 to 273 through site-directed mutagenesis by using PCR. A cysteine auxotroph, strain JM39, was transformed with plasmids having these altered cysE genes. The serine acetyltransferase activities of most of the transformants, which were selected based on restored cysteine requirements and ampicillin resistance, were less sensitive than the serine acetyltransferase activity of the wild type to feedback inhibition by l-cysteine. At the same time, these transformants produced approximately 200 mg of l-cysteine plus l-cystine per liter, whereas these amino acids were not detected in the recombinant strain carrying the wild-type serine acetyltransferase gene. However, the production of l-cysteine and l-cystine by the transformants was very unstable, presumably due to a cysteine-degrading enzyme of the host, such as cysteine desulfhydrase. Therefore, mutants that did not utilize cysteine were derived from host strain JM39 by mutagenesis with N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. When a newly derived host was transformed with plasmids having the altered cysE genes, we found that the production of l-cysteine plus l-cystine was markedly increased compared to production in JM39.l-Cysteine, one of the important amino acids used in the pharmaceutical, food, and cosmetics industries, has been obtained by extracting it from acid hydrolysates of the keratinous proteins in human hair and feathers. The first successful microbial process used for industrial production of l-cysteine involved the asymmetric conversion of dl-2-aminothiazoline-4-carboxylic acid, an intermediate compound in the chemical synthesis of dl-cysteine, to l-cysteine by enzymes from a newly isolated bacterium, Pseudomonas thiazoliniphilum (11). Yamada and Kumagai (13) also described enzymatic synthesis of l-cysteine from beta-chloroalanine and sodium sulfide in which Enterobacter cloacae cysteine desulfhydrase (CD) was used. However, high level production of l-cysteine from glucose with microorganisms has not been studied.Biosynthesis of l-cysteine in wild-type strains of Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium is regulated through feedback inhibition by l-cysteine of serine acetyltransferase (SAT), a key enzyme in l-cysteine biosynthesis, and repression of expression of a series of enzymes used for sulfide reduction from sulfate by l-cysteine (4), as shown in Fig. Fig.1.1. Denk and Böck reported that a small amount of l-cysteine was excreted by a revertant of a cysteine auxotroph of E. coli. In this revertant, SAT encoded by the cysE gene was desensitized to feedback inhibition by l-cysteine, and the methionine residue at position 256 in SAT was replaced by isoleucine (2). These results indicate that it may be possible to construct organisms that produce high levels of l-cysteine by amplifying an altered cysE gene. Although the residue at position 256 is supposedly part of the allosteric site for cysteine binding, no attention has been given to the effect of an amino acid substitution at position 256 in SAT on feedback inhibition by l-cysteine and production of l-cysteine. It is also not known whether isoleucine is the best residue for desensitization to feedback inhibition. Open in a separate windowFIG. 1Biosynthesis and regulation of l-cysteine in E. coli. Abbreviations: APS, adenosine 5′-phosphosulfate; PAPS, phosphoadenosine 5′-phosphosulfate; Acetyl CoA, acetyl coenzyme A. The open arrow indicates feedback inhibition, and the dotted arrows indicate repression.On the other hand, l-cysteine appears to be degraded by E. coli cells. Therefore, in order to obtain l-cysteine producers, a host strain with a lower level of l-cysteine degradation activity must be isolated. In this paper we describe high-level production of l-cysteine plus l-cystine from glucose by E. coli resulting from construction of altered cysE genes. The methionine residue at position 256 in SAT was replaced by other amino acids or the termination codon in order to truncate the carboxy terminus from amino acid residues 256 to 273 by site-directed mutagenesis. A newly derived cysteine-nondegrading E. coli strain with plasmids having the altered cysE genes was used to investigate production of l-cysteine plus l-cystine.  相似文献   
A key requirement for Rab function in membrane trafficking is site-specific activation by GDP-GTP exchange factors (GEFs), but the majority of the 63 human Rabs have no known GEF. We have performed a systematic characterization of the 17 human DENN domain proteins and demonstrated that they are specific GEFs for 10 Rabs. DENND1A/1B localize to clathrin patches at the plasma membrane and activate Rab35 in an endocytic pathway trafficking Shiga toxin to the trans-Golgi network. DENND2 GEFs target to actin filaments and control Rab9-dependent trafficking of mannose-6-phosphate receptor to lysosomes. DENND4 GEFs target to a tubular membrane compartment adjacent to the Golgi, where they activate Rab10, which suggests a function in basolateral polarized sorting in epithelial cells that compliments the non-DENN GEF Sec2 acting on Rab8 in apical sorting. DENND1C, DENND3, DENND5A/5B, MTMR5/13, and MADD activate Rab13, Rab12, Rab39, Rab28, and Rab27A/27B, respectively. Together, these findings provide a basis for future studies on Rab regulation and function.  相似文献   
The development of motor protein activity in the lateral membrane of the mouse outer hair cell (OHC) from postnatal day 5 (P5) to P18 was investigated under whole-cell voltage clamp. Voltage-dependent, nonlinear capacitance (C v), which represents the conformational fluctuations of the motor molecule, progressively increased during development. At P12, the onset of hearing in the mouse, C v was about 70% of the mature level. C v saturated at P18 when hearing shows full maturation. On the other hand, C lin, which represents the membrane area of the OHC, showed a relatively small increase with development, reaching steady state at P10. This early maturation of linear capacitance is further supported by morphological estimates of surface area during development. These results, in light of recent prestin knockout experiments and our results with quantitative polymerase chain reaction, suggest that, rather than the incorporation of new motors into the lateral membrane after P10, molecular motors mature to augment nonlinear capacitance. Thus, current estimates of motor protein density based on charge movement may be exaggerated. A corresponding indicator of motor maturation, the motor’s operating voltage midpoint, V pkcm, tended to shift to depolarized potentials during postnatal development, although it was unstable prior to P10. However, after P14, V pkcm reached a steady-state level near −67 mV, suggesting that intrinsic membrane tension or intracellular chloride, each of which can modulate V pkcm, may mature at P14. These developmental data significantly alter our understanding of the cellular mechanisms that control cochlear amplification and provide a foundation for future analysis of genetic modifications of mouse auditory development.  相似文献   
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the leading causes of cancer death in humans. In order to identify novel cancer-promoting genes in CRC, we here constructed a retroviral cDNA expression library from a CRC cell line RKO, and used it for a focus formation assay with mouse 3T3 fibroblasts, leading to the identification of 42 independent cDNAs. One of such cDNAs turned out to encode purinergic receptor P2Y, G-protein coupled, 2 (P2RY2). The oncogenic potential of P2RY2 was confirmed in vitro with the focus formation assay as well as soft agar-growth assay, and also in vivo with a tumorigenicity assay in nude mice. While our P2RY2 cDNA encodes a protein with two amino-acid substitutions compared to the reported one, we have confirmed that the wild-type P2RY2 has a strong transforming potential as well. These results indicate an unexpected role of P2RY2 in the carcinogenesis of human cancers.  相似文献   
Isolation of Zn2+ as an endogenous agonist of GPR39 from fetal bovine serum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We attempted to determine natural agonists of GPR39 in fetal bovine serum (FBS). FBS was conditioned to extract peptides and fractionated by two types of HPLC. The activity of each fraction was monitored by intracellular calcium mobilization. Then the purified active ingredient was analyzed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. In this fashion, Zn2+ ion was identified as an agonist of GPR39, though no peptidergic molecules were found. The calcium-mobilizing activity of Zn2+ was not abolished by pertussis toxin but was by a phospholipase C (PLC) inhibitor, U73122, indicating that the activity of GPR39 is mediated through the Gqalpha -PLC pathway. In addition, Zn2+ also activated mouse and rat GPR39, showing that the function of GPR39 as a Zn2+ receptor is conserved across species. This study is the first exploration of GPR39 agonists in FBS and indicates that GPR39 functions as a Gq-coupled Zn2+-sensing receptor.  相似文献   
The effects of spacer sequences on silencing efficiency of plant RNAi vectors   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
RNA interference (RNAi) has been used to suppress gene expression in various eukaryotic organisms. In plants, RNAi can be induced by introduction of an RNAi vector that transcribes a self-complementary hairpin RNA. Most basic RNAi constructs have an inverted repeat interrupted with a spacer sequence. To test silencing capability of RNAi constructs, we developed an in vivo assay that is based on the RNAi-mediated changes of the α-linolenic acid content in hairy roots. A tobacco endoplasmic reticulum ω-3 fatty acid desaturase (NtFAD3) is the main enzyme for production of α-linolenic acid of root membrane lipids. Tobacco hairy roots transformed with the RNAi vectors against the NtFAD3 gene showed a decrease in α-linolenic acid content. The frequency of RNA silencing was more affected by spacer sequence than by spacer length, at least between 100 and 1800 bp. Since significant amounts of hairpin RNA against the NtFAD3 gene remained in the transgenic plants displaying a weak silencing phenotype, low degree of silencing was attributed to low efficiency of hairpin RNA processing mediated by Dicer-like proteins. Our results show the possibility of producing a broad range of the RNAi-induced silencing phenotypes by replacing the spacer sequence of RNAi construct.  相似文献   
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