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本研究之目的在于取得雪山主峰线登山步道最适承载量计量值,以供雪霸公园管理处日后进行承载量管理之参考。研究结果表明,就社会心理承载量而言,登山者对于同时进行登山活动者的承载程度为11-40人或甚至可以更多;实质的设施承载量则依据雪山主峰线目前现况设施可容纳的最大登山人数为296人;每日最大实质生态承载量于平常日为109人,公休日以不超过218人为宜。稀有生物繁殖期最好禁止登山者入山,若无可避免时,每日以不超过65人为宜。本研究建议后继研究应进行长期游憩冲击所带来的环境影响程度的监测,每三年或五年再检查一次生态资料的变化,或有稀有动、植物的消长,配合长期游憩冲击监测指标,以适时修正承载量管制的人数,适度地调整登山人数。  相似文献   
A new polypeptide termed thymosin beta 12 has been isolated from perch liver and its primary structure elucidated. This polypeptide contains 43 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 4822 Da. The content of thymosin beta 12 from perch liver has been determined as 43 micrograms/g of tissue. The amino-terminal end of this polypeptide is blocked by an acetyl group as deciphered by fast-atom bombardment mass spectrometric analysis. Sequence analysis reveals that thymosin beta 12 is 79% homologous to thymosin beta 4, an immunomodulator which was originally isolated from calf thymus. Thymosin beta 12 also shows 84% sequence homology to thymosin beta 11, a beta 4 analog which replaces beta 4 in two species of bony fish, oscar and rainbow trout. The evolutionary implication of such results will be discussed. The isolation of a new beta 4-related peptide from perch liver which differs from beta 11 indicates that beta-thymosin peptides are widely distributed in lower vertebrate classes.  相似文献   
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most aggressive and malignant brain tumor. Delicate microenvironment and lineage heterogeneity of GBM cells including infiltration, hypoxia, angiogenesis, and stemness make them highly resistant to current conventional therapies, with an average life expectancy for GBM patients of less than 15 months. Poor response to cytotoxic agents of GBM cells remains the major challenge of GBM treatment. Resistance of GBM to clinical treatment is a result of genomic alternation and deregulated signaling pathways, such as p53 mutation and apoptosis signaling blockage, providing cancer cells more opportunities for survival rather than cell death. WW domain-containing oxidoreductase (WWOX) is a tumor suppressor gene, commonly downregulated in various types of tumors, including GBM. It has been found that the reintroduction of WWOX induced p53-mutant GBM cells to undergo apoptosis, but not in p53 wild-type GBM cells, indicating WWOX is likely to reopen apoptosis pathways in a p53-independent manner in GBM. Identifying the crucial target modulated by WWOX deficiency provides a potential therapeutic target for GBM treatment. Here, we have reviewed the literatures about the role of WWOX in development, signaling pathway, prognosis, and treatment response in malignant glioma.  相似文献   
The Gram-negative pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa invades epithelial cells in vivo and in vitro . We have examined the pathway(s) by which epithelial cells internalize P. aeruginosa strain PA103 using Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. We have recently demonstrated that P. aeruginosa internalization occurs by an actin-dependent Toxin B-inhibited pathway which becomes downregulated as epithelial cells become polarized, suggesting that one or more of the Rho family GTPases is involved in bacterial internalization. Here, we demonstrate that activation of the Rho family GTPases by cytotoxic necrotizing factor 1 (CNF-1) stimulates P. aeruginosa internalization. Examination of the roles of the individual Rho family GTPases in internalization shows that expression of a constitutively active allele of RhoA (RhoAV14), but not of constitutively active Rac1 (Rac1V12) or Cdc42 (Cdc42V12), is sufficient to increase uptake of PA103 pscJ . This relative increase persists when bacterial infection is established at the basolateral surface of polarized cells, suggesting that the effect of RhoAV14 is not simply due to its known ability to disrupt tight junction integrity in polarized cells. RhoAV14-mediated stimulation of bacterial uptake is actin dependent as it is abrogated by exposure to latrunculin A. We also find that endogenous Rho GTP levels in epithelial cells are increased by infection with an internalized strain of P. aeruginosa; conversely, a poorly internalized isogenic strain expressing the bacterial anti-internalization protein ExoT causes decreased Rho GTP levels. Experimental inhibition of Rho, either by expressing dominant negative RhoAN19 or by inhibiting native Rho using a membrane permeable fusion construct of a Rho-specific inhibitor, C3 ADP-ribosyltransferase, does not inhibit PA103 pscJ internalization in MDCK or HeLa cells. Models consistent with these data are presented.  相似文献   
Nicotine at less than or equal to 33 microM enhanced the single twitch response to indirect stimulation but potentiated the blocking effect of tubocurarine. Failure of tetanic contraction (tetanic fade) occurred on stimulation at 100 Hz. At 76 microM, nicotine induced a first phase rapid (10 min) inhibition of twitch response followed later (60-90 min) by a second phase complete block. Neostigmine partially restored the response at either phase of block whereas diaminopyridine completely antagonized the blockade. The end-plate was depolarized maximally by only 10-15 mV within 30 min with 43 microM nicotine. The depolarization was maintained but was antagonized by tubocurarine. The twitch response induced by direct stimulation was unchanged indicating no depolarization block ensued. The amplitudes of both EPP (0.7 Hz) and MEPP were markedly depressed in parallel indicating a curare-like postsynaptic inhibition without an effect on the release of transmitter. It is concluded that nicotine blocks the neuromuscular transmission by a dual mechanism by its partial agonist action. At higher frequencies of transmission, nicotine (greater than or equal to 22 microM) also produced a remarkable run-down of EPP just like other receptor antagonists suggesting that the nerve terminal acetylcholine receptors are not particularly sensitive to nicotine as those on the autonomic ganglia.  相似文献   
The transformation abilities of CD44s and CD44v6 in normal intestinal epithelial cells have not yet been reported. Herein, we established both CD44s and CD44v6 overexpressing stable clones from rat IEC-6 cells and demonstrated that the CD44v6 clones had higher saturation density and anchorage independence. Additionally, CD44v6 clones were more resistant to oxaliplatin and irinotecan which might be attributed to a significantly increased B-cell lymphoma 2 level and a reduced DNA damage response in these cells. Moreover, c-Met and vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 signalings were involved in modulating the saturation density in CD44v6 clones. Interestingly, higher activation of both AKT and extracellular-signal-regulated kinase (ERK) were detected in CD44v6 clones which might account in part for the cell density-independent nuclear localization of Yes-associated protein (YAP). To no surprise, increases of both saturation density and anchorage independence in CD44v6 clones were markedly diminished by PI3K, AKT, MEK, and ERK inhibitors as well as YAP knockdown. By contrast, overexpression of a constitutively active YAP robustly increased the aforementioned phenotypes in IEC-6 cells. Collectively, our results suggest that upregulation of CD44v6, but not CD44s, induces the transformation of normal intestinal epithelial cells possibly via activating the c-Met/AKT/YAP pathway which might also explain the important role of CD44v6 in the initiation of various carcinomas.  相似文献   
Inflammatory cytokines are closely related to pigmentary changes. In this study, the effects of IFN‐γ on melanogenesis were investigated. IFN‐γ inhibits basal and α‐MSH‐induced melanogenesis in B16 melanoma cells and normal human melanocytes. MITF mRNA and protein expressions were significantly inhibited in response to IFN‐γ. IFN‐γ inhibited CREB binding to the MITF promoter but did not affect CREB phosphorylation. Instead, IFN‐γ inhibited the association of CBP and CREB through the increased association between CREB binding protein (CBP) and STAT1. These findings suggest that IFN‐γ inhibits both basal and α‐MSH‐induced melanogenesis by inhibiting MITF expression. The inhibitory action of IFN‐γ in α‐MSH‐induced melanogenesis is likely to be associated with the sequestration of CBP via the association between CBP and STAT1. These data suggest that IFN‐γ plays a role in controlling inflammation‐ or UV‐induced pigmentary changes.  相似文献   
Although there are numerous reports of carbohydrates enriched in cancer cells, very few studies have addressed the functions of carbohydrates present in normal cells that decrease in cancer cells. It has been reported that core3 O-glycans are synthesized in normal gastrointestinal cells but are down-regulated in cancer cells. To determine the roles of core3 O-glycans, we transfected PC3 and LNCaP prostate cancer cells with β3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase-6 (core3 synthase) required to synthesize core3 O-glycans. Both engineered cell lines exhibited reduced migration and invasion through extracellular matrix components compared with mock-transfected cells. Moreover we found that α2β1 integrin acquired core3 O-glycans in cells expressing core3 synthase with decreased maturation of β1 integrin, leading to decreased levels of the α2β1 integrin complex, decreased activation of focal adhesion kinase, and reduced lamellipodia formation. Upon inoculation into the prostate of nude mice, PC3 cells expressing core3 O-glycans produced much smaller tumors without metastasis to the surrounding lymph nodes in contrast to robust tumor formation and metastasis seen in mock-transfected PC3 cells. Similarly LNCaP cells expressing core3 O-glycans barely produced subcutaneous tumors in contrast to robust tumor formation by mock-transfected LNCaP cells. These findings indicate that addition of core3 O-glycans to β1 and α2 integrin subunits in prostate cancer cells suppresses tumor formation and tumor metastasis.Cancer cells often express surface carbohydrates different from normal cells (1). One such change is expression of sialyl Lewis X and Lewis B blood group antigens in cancer cells (2, 3). These structural elements are seen as capping oligosaccharides attached to the underlying glycan backbone where they likely function as ligands for cell adhesion molecules.The structure of underlying glycans also changes during malignant transformation and differentiation. In particular, there are several reports that an increase in the β1,6-N-acetylglucosaminyl branch in N-glycans synthesized by β1,6-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase-V is associated with oncogenic transformation (47). Similar structural changes are seen in mucin-type O-glycans, which have N-acetylgalactosamine at the reducing end linked to polypeptide threonine or serine residues. Addition of different carbohydrate residues to N-acetylgalactosamine confers a variety of backbone structures on mucin-type O-glycans; the most abundant of those are classified as core1, core2, core3, and core4 O-glycans (8) (Fig. 1). Among these O-glycans, the synthesis of the core2 branch has been extensively studied particularly because conversion of core1 to core2 O-glycans was observed in T cell activation (9). Expression of core2 branch apparently represents an oncodifferentiation antigen because core2 branched O-glycans are synthesized in early stages of T cell differentiation, down-regulated in mature T cells, and reappear in T cell leukemia and immune deficiencies such as AIDS and Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (for a review, see Ref. 10). In addition, overexpression of core2 O-glycans is seen in many cancers, including lung and breast carcinoma cells (11, 12).Open in a separate windowFIGURE 1.Biosynthetic pathways of mucin-type O-glycans. N-Acetylgalactosamine is transferred to a serine or threonine residue in a polypeptide. Resultant GalNAcα1→Ser/Thr is converted by core3 synthase (β3GnT-6) to GlcNAcβ1→3GalNAcα1→Ser/Thr (core3). Core3 is then converted to core4 by C2GnT-2 (C2GnT-M). GalNAcα1→Ser/Thr is also converted to core1, Galβ1→3GalNAcα1→Ser/Thr, by core1 synthase. Core1 is then converted to core2 by C2GnT-1, C2GnT-2, and C2GnT-3.By contrast, core3 and core4 O-glycans are synthesized in normal cells but apparently down-regulated in gastric and colorectal carcinoma (13, 14). Core3 O-glycans are synthesized by core3 synthase (β3GnT-6),2 which adds β1,3-linked N-acetylglucosamine to N-acetylgalactosamine at the reducing terminus (15) (Fig. 1). Iwai et al. (16) showed that forced expression of core3 synthase in human fibrosarcoma HT1080 FP-10 cells resulted in significant reduction in the formation of lung tumor foci in mice after intravenous injection of tumor cells through a tail vein. However, the same study did not address whether the expression of core3 influences tumor metastasis because the cancer cells were intravenously injected and no primary tumor was formed to spread into the lung as metastasis in contrast to the other studies (17, 18). Core4 O-glycan is synthesized by addition of β1,6-linked N-acetylglucosamine to a core3 acceptor by core2 β1,6-N-acetylglucosamine M type (C2GnT-M) or C2GnT-2 (19, 20) (Fig. 1). Huang et al. (21) reported that C2GnT-M is down-regulated in colonic carcinoma cells and that forced expression of C2GnT-M in HCT116 colonic carcinoma cells significantly decreased cell invasion and subcutaneous tumor formation. How up-regulation of core3 and core4 O-glycans influences the pathophysiology of cells expressing core3 and core4 O-glycans has not been addressed.Cell-extracellular matrix interaction plays an essential role during acquisition of migration and invasive behavior of cancer cells. For example, α2β1 integrin is the major receptor for collagen (22) and most abundantly expressed in prostate cancer cells (23). Glycosylation on integrin is one of the important modulators of integrin functions, and many glycan structures, mainly N-glycans, have been studied. An increase of bisecting GlcNAc structure on α5β1 integrin inhibits the cell spreading and migration (24), and induced β1,6-GlcNAc sugar chains on N-glycans of β1 integrin result in stimulation of cell migration (25). However, it has not been addressed whether changes in O-glycans affect integrin maturation and functions.To determine the role of core3 O-glycans in tumor formation and metastasis, we analyzed PC3 and LNCaP human prostate cancer cells. We found that these cell lines express only small amounts of detectable core3 synthase; thus we transfected the cell lines with core3 synthase. Core3 synthase-transfected PC3 and LNCaP cells expressed increased amounts of core3 O-glycans in α2β1 integrin, showed the reduced maturation of β1 integrin and low levels of α2β1 integrin formation, migrated less efficiently through collagen and other extracellular matrix components, and were less invasive than mock-transfected cells. Moreover those cells exhibited decreased activation of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) compared with mock-transfected cells. Significantly PC3 cells expressing core3 O-glycans produced almost no primary tumors in the prostate and formed much fewer metastases in the draining lymph nodes than mock-transfected cells. Similarly LNCaP cells expressing core3 O-glycans produced much smaller subcutaneous tumors than mock-transfected LNCaP cells. These findings indicate that addition of core3 O-glycans to the α2β1 integrin leads to decreased cell migration and invasion, resulting in decreased prostate tumor formation and metastasis.  相似文献   
Yu SY  Wu SW  Khoo KH 《Glycoconjugate journal》2006,23(5-6):355-369
Concerted MALDI-MS profiling and CID MS/MS sequencing of permethylated glycans is one of the most effective approaches for high throughput glycomics applications. In essence, the identification of larger complex type N-glycans necessitates an unambiguous definition of any modification on the trimannosyl core and the complement of non-reducing terminal sequences which constitute the respective antennary structures. Permethylation not only affords analyses of both neutral and sialylated glycans at comparable ease and sensitivity but also yields more sequence-informative fragmentation pattern. Facile glycosidic cleavages directed mostly at N-acetylglucosamine under low energy CID, as implemented on a quadrupole/time-of-flight (Q/TOF) instrument, often afford multiple losses of the attached antenna resulting in characteristic ions related to the number of antennary branches on the trimannosyl core. Non-reducing terminal epitopes can be easily deduced but information on the linkage specific substituent on the terminal units is often missing. The high energy CID MS/MS afforded by TOF/TOF instrument can fill in the gap by giving an array of additional cross-ring and satellite ions. Glycosidic cleavages occurring specifically in concert with loss of 2-linked or 3-linked substituents provide an effective way to identify the branch-specific antennary extension. These characteristics are shown here to be effective in deriving the sequences of additionally galactosylated, sialylated and fucosylated terminal N-acetyllactosamine units and their antennary location. Together, a highly reproducible fragmentation pattern can be formulated to simplify spectral assignment. This work also provides first real examples of sequencing multiply sialylated complex type N-glycans by high energy CID on a TOF/TOF instrument. Shin-Yi Yu and Sz-Wei Wu contributed equally to this work. Dedicated to the late Prof. Yasuo Inoue, without whom the body of work represented by this article would not have been initiated in Taiwan.  相似文献   
Summary In this study, the toxic effect of sanguinarine (SANG) on heart was studied with isolated cardiac muscle strip isolated from Wistar rat. SANG induced positive inotropic action followed by contracture on the left ventricle and both atria strips. In addition, SANG dose-dependently inhibited spontaneous beat of the right atrium. SANG-induced contracture was completely suppressed by pretreatment with La3+ or in a Ca2+ free Tyrode solution containing 2.5 mM EGTA. Incubating isolated cardiomyocytes with SANG enhanced the 45Ca2+ influx, which could be inhibited by pretreatment with La3+. However, the SANG-induced 45Ca2+ influx could not be inhibited by pretreatment with other Ca2+ channel blockers, such as nifedipine, verapamil, diltiazem, nickel and manganese, and amiloride. Although antioxidants can inhibit the SANG-induced lipid peroxidation, they could not prevent the SANG-induced contracture. N-acetylcysteine and dithiothreitol, the sulfhydryl reducing agents, were shown to be effective in preventing the SANG-induced contracture. These data suggested that the SANG-induced contracture is caused by the influx of extracellular Ca2+ through a La3+-sensitive Ca2+ channel.  相似文献   
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