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Although the sex-determining genes are known in mammals, Drosophila, and C. elegans, little is known in other animals. Fishes are an attractive group of organisms for studying the evolution of sex determination because they show an amazing variety of mechanisms, ranging from environmental sex determination and different forms of hermaphroditism to classical sex chromosomal XX/XY or WZ/ZZ systems and modifications thereof. In the fish medaka, dmrt1b(Y) has recently been found to be the candidate male sex-determining gene. It is a duplicate of the autosomal dmrt1a gene, a gene acting in the sex determination/differentiation cascade of flies, worms, and mammals. Because in birds dmrt1 is located on the Z-chromosome, both findings led to the suggestion that dmrt1b(Y) is a "non-mammalian Sry" with an even more widespread distribution. However, although Sry was found to be the male sex-determining gene in the mouse and some other mammalian species, in some it is absent and has obviously been replaced by other genes that now fulfil the same function. We have asked if the same might be true of the dmrt1b(Y) gene. We find that the gene duplication generating dmrt1b(Y) occurred recently during the evolution of the genus Oryzias. The gene is absent from all other fish species studied. Therefore, it may not be the male-sex determining gene in all fishes.  相似文献   
We previously showed that MKP-7 suppresses MAPK activation in COS-7 cells in the order of selectivity, JNK > p38 > ERK, but interacts with ERK as well as JNK and p38. In this study we found that, when expressed in COS-7 cells with HA-ERK2, the mobility of FLAG-MKP-7 was decreased on SDS-PAGE gels depending on several stimuli, including phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, fetal bovine serum, epidermal growth factor, H2O2, and ionomycin. By using U0126, a MEK inhibitor, and introducing several point mutations, we demonstrated that this upward mobility shift is because of phosphorylation and identified Ser-446 of MKP-7 as the phosphorylation site targeted by ERK activation. To determine how MKP-7 interacts with MAPKs, we identified three domains in MKP-7 required for interaction with MAPKs, namely, putative MAP kinase docking domains (D-domain) I and II and a long COOH-terminal stretch unique to MKP-7. The D-domain I is required for interaction with ERK and p38, whereas the D-domain II is required for interaction with JNK and p38, which is likely to be important for MKP-7 to suppress JNK and p38 activations. The COOH-terminal stretch of MKP-7 was shown to determine JNK preference for MKP-7 by masking MKP-7 activity toward p38 and is a domain bound by ERK. These data strongly suggested that Ser-446 of MKP-7 is phosphorylated by ERK.  相似文献   
Dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPPIV) is a serine protease, a member of the prolyl oligopeptidase (POP) family, and has been implicated in several diseases. Therefore, the development of DPPIV selective inhibitors, which are able to control the biological function of DPPIV, is important. We determined the crystal structure of human DPPIV at 2.6A resolution. The molecule consists of a unique eight-bladed beta-propeller domain in the N-terminal region and a serine protease domain in the C-terminal region. Also, the large "cave" structure, which is thought to control the access of the substrate, is found on the side of the beta-propeller fold. Comparison of the overall amino acid sequence between human DPPIV and POP shows low homology (12.9%). In this paper, we report the structure of human DPPIV, especially focusing on a unique eight-bladed beta-propeller domain. We also discuss the way for the access of the substrate to this domain.  相似文献   
Phenotype-based identification of mouse chromosome instability mutants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is increasing evidence that defects in DNA double-strand-break (DSB) repair can cause chromosome instability, which may result in cancer. To identify novel DSB repair genes in mice, we performed a phenotype-driven mutagenesis screen for chromosome instability mutants using a flow cytometric peripheral blood micronucleus assay. Micronucleus levels were used as a quantitative indicator of chromosome damage in vivo. Among offspring derived from males mutagenized with the germline mutagen N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU), we identified a recessive mutation conferring elevated levels of spontaneous and radiation- or mitomycin C-induced micronuclei. This mutation, named chaos1 (chromosome aberration occurring spontaneously 1), was genetically mapped to a 1.3-Mb interval on chromosome 16 containing Polq, encoding DNA polymerase theta. We identified a nonconservative mutation in the ENU-derived allele, making it a strong candidate for chaos1. POLQ is homologous to Drosophila MUS308, which is essential for normal DNA interstrand crosslink repair and is unique in that it contains both a helicase and a DNA polymerase domain. While cancer susceptibility of chaos1 mutant mice is still under investigation, these data provide a practical paradigm for using a forward genetic approach to discover new potential cancer susceptibility genes using the surrogate biomarker of chromosome instability as a screen.  相似文献   
Inhibitor 2 (I-2) is a ubiquitous regulator of type 1 protein phosphatase (PP1). Previous in vitro studies suggested that its inhibitory activity towards PP1 is regulated by phosphorylation at Thr72 by glycogen synthase kinase-3beta (GSK-3beta), and at Ser86, Ser120, and Ser121 by casein kinase 2 (CK2). Here we report that GSK-3beta expressed in COS-7 cells phosphorylates wild-type I-2 but not an I-2 mutant carrying a T to A substitution at residue 72, showing that GSK-3beta phosphorylates I-2 at T72 in vivo as well. Co-immunoprecipitation study demonstrated that HA-GSK-3beta and I-2-FLAG co-exist in a same complex in the intact cells, but they do not bind directly. It is noteworthy that co-expression of Myc-PP1C significantly increased co-precipitation of HA-GSK-3beta with I-2-FLAG, showing a complex formation of HA-GSK-3beta/Myc-PP1C / I-2-FLAG in vivo. Further studies using a GSK-3beta kinase-dead mutant and LiCl, an inhibitor of GSK-3beta, showed that the enzyme activity of GSK-3beta is required for co-precipitation. IP-Western study using several I-2 mutants substituted at phosphorylation sites (T72, S86, S120, and S121) suggested that phosphorylation of I-2 by CK2 is also involved in enhancement of association between GSK-3beta and I-2 in vivo. This study is the first demonstration that GSK-3beta associates with PP1C/I-2 complex and phosphorylates I-2 at T72 in the intact cells.  相似文献   
Enterococcus sp. K-4, with a bacteriocin-like activity against E. faecium, was isolated from grass silage in Thailand. Morphological, physiological, and phylogenetic studies clearly identified strain K-4 as a strain of E. faecalis. Strain K-4 produced a maximal amount of bacteriocin at 43-45 degrees C. We purified, for the first time, the bacteriocin produced at high temperature by E. faecalis to homogeneity, using adsorption on cells of the producer strain and reversed-phase liquid chromatography. The bacteriocin, designated enterocin SE-K4, is a peptide of about 5 kDa as measured by SDS-PAGE, and Mass spectrometry analysis found the molecular mass of 5356.2, which is in good agreement. The amino acid sequencing of the N-terminal end of enterocin SE-K4 showed apparent sequence similarity to class IIa bacteriocins. Enterocin SE-K4 was active against E. faecium, E. faecalis, Bacillus subtilis, Clostridium beijerinckii, and Listeria monocytogenes. Enterocin SE-K4 is very heat stable.  相似文献   
Formyltransferase catalyzes the reversible formation of formylmethanofuran from N(5)-formyltetrahydromethanopterin and methanofuran, a reaction involved in the C1 metabolism of methanogenic and sulfate-reducing archaea. The crystal structure of the homotetrameric enzyme from Methanopyrus kandleri (growth temperature optimum 98 degrees C) has recently been solved at 1.65 A resolution. We report here the crystal structures of the formyltransferase from Methanosarcina barkeri (growth temperature optimum 37 degrees C) and from Archaeoglobus fulgidus (growth temperature optimum 83 degrees C) at 1.9 A and 2.0 A resolution, respectively. Comparison of the structures of the three enzymes revealed very similar folds. The most striking difference found was the negative surface charge, which was -32 for the M. kandleri enzyme, only -8 for the M. barkeri enzyme, and -11 for the A. fulgidus enzyme. The hydrophobic surface fraction was 50% for the M. kandleri enzyme, 56% for the M. barkeri enzyme, and 57% for the A. fulgidus enzyme. These differences most likely reflect the adaptation of the enzyme to different cytoplasmic concentrations of potassium cyclic 2,3-diphosphoglycerate, which are very high in M. kandleri (>1 M) and relatively low in M. barkeri and A. fulgidus. Formyltransferase is in a monomer/dimer/tetramer equilibrium that is dependent on the salt concentration. Only the dimers and tetramers are active, and only the tetramers are thermostable. The enzyme from M. kandleri is a tetramer, which is active and thermostable only at high concentrations of potassium phosphate (>1 M) or potassium cyclic 2,3-diphosphoglycerate. Conversely, the enzyme from M. barkeri and A. fulgidus already showed these properties, activity and stability, at much lower concentrations of these strong salting-out salts.  相似文献   
Von Willebrand factor (vWf) functions both as a carrier of factor VIII (fVIII) in plasma and as an adhesive protein providing the primary link between collagen of the extracellular matrix and platelets sequestered from blood flow. The functional activity of vWf correlates with the level of its binding to collagen, which is commonly measured in the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). We developed an automated collagen-binding assay employing the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) phenomenon, which allows one to quantitatively measure the binding of purified vWf and vWf-containing therapeutic fVIII concentrates to collagen type III immobilized on a biosensor chip. The results of the SPR-based assay highly correlated (r = 0.987) with collagen-binding ELISA. The advantages of the SPR-based assay are its higher accuracy and reproducibility in comparison with ELISA. We applied the developed assay for monitoring structural changes in the vWf component of plasma-derived fVIII/vWf concentrates during a virus inactivation procedure performed by heat treatment. We determined the critical residual moisture content of 2% that can be present in lyophilized concentrates during heat-treatment procedures without causing deteriorative changes in vWf properties. Our data suggest that the SPR-based assay is a useful tool in the development of industrial virus-inactivation procedures, allowing one to preserve vWf activity and achieve the maximal therapeutic efficacy of fVIII/vWf concentrates.  相似文献   
The high expression of CD98 was reported in some normal tissues, including blood brain barrier, activated lymphocytes, the basal layer of skin, proximal tubles of kidney, placenta, testis and a wide variety of tumors. The CD98 complex consists of an 80-85kD heavy chain (4F2hc/FRP-1) and a 40-45kD light chain. CD98hc, 4F2hc, and FRP-1 are the same glycosylated protein each other and define antigenicity of CD98. LAT1, the sodium-independent L-type amino acid transporter 1, has been identified as a light chain of the CD98 heterodimer from C6 glioma cells. LAT1 also corresponds to TA1, an oncofetal antigen that is expressed primarily in fetal tissues and cancer cells such as glioma cells. Increased LAT1 expression was found in various malignancies including human gliomas. Several studies implicated the important role of LAT1 and 4F2hc in malignant transformation and carcinogenesis. The LAT1-CD98 pathway may represent a unique therapeutic target for cancer intervention.  相似文献   
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