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Efficient propagation of uniform starting material is a critical requirement for mass production of most ornamental plants, including carnation. For some elite cultivars, the production of young plantlets is limited by poor adventitious root formation from stem cuttings. We previously characterized the molecular signature during adventitious rooting in two carnation cultivars, 2101-02 MFR and 2003 R 8, which were selected because of their contrasting rooting performance. To determine additional factors that contribute to the differences observed in adventitious rooting during the commercial scaling-up of this species, we characterized rooting performance and endogenous hormone levels in stem cuttings of these two cultivars during one production season. We found that stem cutting production declined during the harvest season in a cultivar-dependent manner. In addition, the initiation of adventitious roots in the stem cutting base depended on its endogenous auxin and cytokinin levels at harvest time, while their subsequent growth and development was mainly influenced by the physiological status of the mother plant at harvest time and of the stem cutting during the rooting process.  相似文献   
Zn对细胞保护作用机理的研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
应用扫描质子微探针和同步辐射x荧光分析技术测定了细胞中元素的分布和组成,为确定Zn是细胞结构成分提供了直接的实验依据.用上述核技术结合有关生化指标,分析测定了正常和损伤细胞(脂质过氧化损伤)中Fe,Zn和丙二醛、SH基含量变化的相互关系.实验结果表明,当细胞发生脂质过氧化损伤时,Fe含量和丙二醛含量同步增高,而Zn含量和SH基量则降低.给细胞补充Zn后,提高了细胞质膜中的Zn含量,SH基量也随之增加,同时丙二醛量降低.提示Zn保护细胞完整性的作用机理之一是控制脂质过氧化作用.Zn可保护膜蛋白的SH基,减少和阻止被Fe所催化的过氧化反应.  相似文献   
实验植物黑麦草(Loliumperenne)种植于自行设计和制作的圆形土壤柱内,土壤含水量采用称重法加以控制,通过调节灌水次数和每次灌入水量模拟3种类型的水分胁迫,即周期性胁迫、持续稳定性胁迫和渐进性胁迫,并以充足灌水作为对照。3种胁迫又分别设有3个水平,即轻度、中度和重度。当土壤柱内植物建立稳定种群后开始胁迫处理,至生长季末共进行两个周期的胁迫实验。胁迫处理期间以固定间隔在草群内取最新完全展开的叶片测定其含水量和游离脯氨酸含量。实验结果表明,3种类型的水分胁迫均引起脯氨酸在植物叶内的积累且其数量随胁迫强度增加而变化,但这种效应是累积性的而不是即时性的。在任何一种处理的时间序列上,脯氨酸含量的变化与土壤含水量的变化不存在同步性,而与叶片含水量变化呈同步相反走势。通过与他人从生理生化角度所做的工作相比较,本文对上述研究结果的生理生态学意义进行了讨论。  相似文献   
本文报道了在正廿面体病毒衣壳中,当蛋白结构亚单位以“三聚体”的形式聚集在单位三角形(?)时,其亚单位的种类数应等于该病毒的三角形剖分数值。  相似文献   
In contrast to mammals, teleost fish exhibit an enormous potential to regenerate adult spinal cord tissue after injury. However, the mechanisms mediating this ability are largely unknown. Here, we analyzed the major processes underlying structural and functional regeneration after amputation of the caudal portion of the spinal cord in Apteronotus leptorhynchus, a weakly electric teleost. After a transient wave of apoptotic cell death, cell proliferation started to increase 5 days after the lesion and persisted at high levels for at least 50 days. New cells differentiated into neurons, glia, and ependymal cells. Retrograde tract tracing revealed axonal re-growth and innervation of the regenerate. Functional regeneration was demonstrated by recovery of the amplitude of the electric organ discharge, a behavior generated by spinal motoneurons. Computer simulations indicated that the observed rates of apoptotic cell death and cell proliferation can adequately explain the re-growth of the spinal cord. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
山楂蜂花粉中脂肪酸的GC-MS分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
用乙醇-氯仿作溶剂,提取出山楂蜂花粉粗脂肪,然后进行甲酯化处理,用气相色谱/质谱联用技术进行分离鉴定,共鉴定出10种脂肪酸,并测定相对含量,多不饱和脂肪酸含量较高,其中亚油酸相对含量为47.84%,亚麻酸相对含量为19.30%.  相似文献   
C Wu  P M Bingham  K J Livak  R Holmgren  S C Elgin 《Cell》1979,16(4):797-806
When the chromatin of Drosophila is examined by digestion with DNAase I or micrococcal nuclease, no general structural organization above the level of the nucleosome is revealed by the cleavage pattern. In contrast, the DNAase I cleavage pattern of specific regions of the Drosophila chromosome shows discrete bands with sizes ranging from a few kilobase pairs (kb) to more than 20 kb. Visualization of such higher order bands was achieved by the use of the Southern blotting technique. The DNAase I-cleaved fragments were transferred onto a nitrocellulose sheet after size fractionation by gel electrophoresis. Hybridization was then carried out with radioactively labeled cloned fragments of DNA from D. melanogaster. For the five different chromosomal regions examined, each gives a unique pattern of higher order bands on the autoradiogram; the patterns are different for different regions. Restriction enzyme cleavage of the fragments generated indicates that the preferential DNAase I cleavage sites in chromatin are position-specific. The chromosomal regions bounded by preferential DNAase I cleavage sites are referred to as supranucleosomal or higher order domains for purposes of discussion and analysis. The micrococcal nuclease cleavage pattern of chromatin at specific loci was also examined. In the one case studied in detail, this nuclease also cleaves at position-specific sites.  相似文献   
The phylogenetic diversity of microorganisms living at high salt concentrations is surprising. Halophiles are found in each of the three domains: Archaea, Bacteria, and Eucarya. The metabolic diversity of halophiles is great as well: they include oxygenic and anoxygenic phototrophs, aerobic heterotrophs, fermenters, denitrifiers, sulfate reducers, and methanogens. The diversity of metabolic types encountered decreases with salinity. The upper salinity limit at which each dissimilatory process takes place is correlated with the amount of energy generated and the energetic cost of osmotic adaptation. Our understanding of the biodiversity in salt-saturated environments has increased greatly in recent years. Using a combination of culture techniques, molecular biological methods, and chemotaxonomic studies, we have obtained information on the nature of the halophilic Archaea as well as the halophilic Bacteria that inhabit saltern crystallizer ponds. Several halophilic microorganisms are being exploited in biotechnology. In some cases, such as the production of ectoine, the product is directly related to the halophilic behavior of the producing microorganism. In other cases, such as the extraction of β-carotene from Dunaliella or the potential use of Haloferax species for the production of poly-β-hydroxyalkanoate or extracellular polysaccharides, similar products can be obtained from non-halophiles, but halophilic microorganisms may present advantages over the use of non-halophilic counterparts. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2002) 28, 56–63 DOI: 10.1038/sj/jim/7000176 Received 20 May 2001/ Accepted in revised form 20 June 2001  相似文献   
生态脆弱带内部空间分异结构与脆弱度划分   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
孙武  南忠仁 《生态学报》2002,22(4):445-451
内蒙乌盟后山及河北坝上地区是研究土地利用的人为驱动,气候驱动同全球变化关系的理想剖面。区内气候风蚀力代表了自然地理条件的主分异方向,其值在70-3之间,高低差别很大,区内42a内单位面积上牲畜头数累积减少量以旱作界线附近为最高,向南北两侧减低,且南部高于北部。20世纪80年代沙漠化的发展并没改变本世纪70年代沙漠化程度分布的基本格局。两介时代具有相同的空间分布规律;沿旱作农业北界附近的旗县为沙漠化最严重的地带,向南部坝上农业地带和北部牧业地带递减。虽然社会经济因素仍以西北东南为分异的主方向,但滥垦加剧了农牧交错带梯度分异,旱作界线附近构成了社会经济因子分异的跃变地带。对区内20个旗县13个因子的旋转主成分分析表明,前4个主成分约分别为33%,21%,15%和14%,各自代表社会经济条件,灾害,气候风蚀力和沙尘天气四类要素。根据其分异规律,自东南向西北可将本区划为南部农牧中度脆弱,中部牧农重度脆弱和北部牧业轻度脆弱3个弧形地带。  相似文献   
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