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Bmpr1a encodes the BMP type IA receptor for bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), including 2 and 4. Here, we use mosaic inactivation of Bmpr1a in the epiblast of the mouse embryo (Bmpr-MORE embryos) to assess functions of this gene in mesoderm development. Unlike Bmpr1a-null embryos, which fail to gastrulate, Bmpr-MORE embryos initiate gastrulation, but the recruitment of prospective paraxial mesoderm cells to the primitive streak is delayed. This delay causes a more proximal distribution of cells with paraxial mesoderm character within the primitive streak, resulting in a lateral expansion of somitic mesoderm to form multiple columns. Inhibition of FGF signaling restores the normal timing of recruitment of prospective paraxial mesoderm and partially rescues the development of somites. This suggests that BMP and FGF signaling function antagonistically during paraxial mesoderm development.  相似文献   
We compiled published data on the nitrogen and carbon stable isotope ratios of phytoplankton and benthic microalgae from lentic systems and explored the primary factors determining the isotope values among systems. Also, we investigated seasonal changes in nitrogen stable isotope ratios of phytoplankton and benthic microalgae in the strongly acidic lake, Lake Katanuma, which has only two dominant species, Pinnularia acidojaponica as a benthic diatom and Chlamydomonas acidophila, a planktonic green alga. From the published dataset, it may be concluded that δ13C of benthic diatoms were more enriched than those of phytoplankton at the same sites, although the nitrogen isotope of phytoplankton and benthic microalgae were similar. This differences in δ13C between benthic microalgae and phytoplankton could be explained by the boundary layer effect. On the other hand, nitrogen isotope values of both benthic microalgae and phytoplankton were primarily controlled by the same environmental factor, and boundary layer effects are not the primary factor determining the nitrogen isotope values of microalgae. Also, we showed temporal dynamics in nitrogen isotopes of benthic and planktonic microalgae species in Lake Katanuma, and the trends of nitrogen isotopes are similar between benthic and planktonic microalgae, as concluded from the published dataset.  相似文献   
The aggregation of chondroprogenitor mesenchymal cells into precartilage condensation represents one of the earliest events in chondrogenesis. N-cadherin is a key cell adhesion molecule implicated in chondrogenic differentiation. Recently, ADAM10-mediated cleavage of N-cadherin has been reported to play an important role in cell adhesion, migration, development and signaling. However, the significance of N-cadherin cleavage in chondrocyte differentiation has not been determined. In the present study, we found that the protein turnover of N-cadherin is accelerated during the early phase of chondrogenic differentiation in ATDC5 cells. Therefore, we generated the subclones of ATDC5 cells overexpressing wild-type N-cadherin, and two types of subclones overexpressing a cleavage-defective N-cadherin mutant, and examined the response of these cells to insulin stimulation. The ATDC5 cells overexpressing cleavage-defective mutants severely prevented the formation of cartilage aggregates, proteoglycan production and the induction of chondrocyte marker gene expression, such as type II collagen, aggrecan and type X collagen. These results suggested that the cleavage of N-cadherin is essential for chondrocyte differentiation.  相似文献   
The mammalian Ror family of receptor tyrosine kinases consists of two structurally related proteins, Ror1 and Ror2. We have shown that mRor2-deficient mice exhibit widespread skeletal abnormalities, ventricular septal defects in the heart, and respiratory dysfunction, leading to neonatal lethality (S. Takeuchi, K. Takeda, I. Oishi, M. Nomi, M. Ikeya, K. Itoh, S. Tamura, T. Ueda, T. Hatta, H. Otani, T. Terashima, S. Takada, H. Yamamura, S. Akira, and Y. Minami, Genes Cells 5:71-78, 2000). Here we show that mRor1-deficient mice have no apparent skeletal or cardiac abnormalities, yet they also die soon after birth due to respiratory dysfunction. Interestingly, mRor1/mRor2 double mutant mice show markedly enhanced skeletal abnormalities compared with mRor2 mutant mice. Furthermore, double mutant mice also exhibit defects not observed in mRor2 mutant mice, including a sternal defect, dysplasia of the symphysis of the pubic bone, and complete transposition of the great arteries. These results indicate that mRor1 and mRor2 interact genetically in skeletal and cardiac development.  相似文献   
AMSH, a molecule that associates with STAM1, is involved in the in vitro cell growth signaling mediated by interleukin 2 and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor. To investigate the in vivo functional role of AMSH, we have generated AMSH-deficient mice by gene targeting. The AMSH-deficient mice were morphologically indistinguishable from their littermates at birth, and histopathological examinations revealed normal morphogenesis in all tissues tested. However, all the AMSH-deficient mice exhibited postnatal growth retardation and died between postnatal day 19 (P19) and P23. Examination of brain sections at P6 demonstrated significant loss of neurons and apoptotic cells in the CA1 subfield of the hippocampus. Brain atrophy developed by P16 and was accompanied by complete loss of the CA1 neurons in the hippocampus and marked atrophy of the cerebral cortex. Furthermore, AMSH-deficient hippocampal neuronal cells were unable to survive in vitro, even in the presence of several stimulatory cytokines, while AMSH-deficient cerebellar neurons, thymocytes, and embryonic fibroblasts survived normally. Taken together, these observations indicate that AMSH is an essential molecule for the survival of neuronal cells in early postnatal mice.  相似文献   
There are technical difficulties in obtaining intact sections of cereal grains in which mature cells and their subcellular structures are well preserved. Here we describe a simple method for sectioning hard mature rice grains. It makes possible accurate localization of storage proteins in high-quality histological sections of rice endosperm.  相似文献   
We previously reported that B lymphocyte chemoattractant (BLC; CXCL13) was highly and ectopically expressed in aged (NZB x NZW)F1 (BWF1) mice developing lupus nephritis, and that B1 cells were preferentially chemoattracted toward BLC. We demonstrate in this study that B1 cells fail to home to the peritoneal cavity in aged BWF1 mice developing lupus nephritis, and that they are preferentially recruited to the target organs including the kidney, lung, and thymus when injected i.v. In contrast, B1 cells homed to the peritoneal cavity in aged BALB/c mice as effectively as in young mice. Accumulation of B1 cells to the omentum milky spots was also impaired in aged BWF1 mice compared with young mice. CD11bhighF4/80high cells with macrophage morphology were confirmed to be a major cell source for BLC in the peritoneal cavity both in young and aged BWF1 mice. However, the number of BLC-producing peritoneal macrophages was markedly decreased in aged BWF1 mice. These results suggest that the decreased number of BLC-producing peritoneal macrophages together with ectopic high expression of BLC in aged BWF1 mice result in abnormal B1 cell trafficking during the development of murine lupus.  相似文献   
Fas (CD95) ligand (FasL) has the ability to induce apoptosis in Fas-expressing glioma cells by binding to Fas. Several molecular species have been designed to be soluble Fas ligands for therapeutic purposes. We successfully constructed a chimeric soluble FasL by fusing an isoleucine zipper motif for self-oligomerization and a FLAG sequence to the extracellular domain of the human Fas ligand (FIZ-shFasL). The cytotoxic effect of FIZ-shFasL on Jurkat cells was equivalent to that of membrane-bound FasL and approximately 10-fold stronger than that of agonistic anti-Fas antibody (CH-11). Flow cytometric analysis demonstrated that the differential Fas expression of human brain tumor cell lines partially correlated with levels of apoptosis through FIZ-shFasL. The upper limit of FIZ-shFasL for safe systemic administration to rat is estimated as below 2 microg/ml in plasma concentration. FIZ-shFasL could be applicable as a therapeutic agent for cancer.  相似文献   
Tonoplast intrinsic proteins (TIPs) belong to an aquaporin family of proteins that function as water-transport channels. In this study, we isolated and characterized three novel rice cDNAs for OsTIP1, OsTIP2, and OsTIP3 that are homologous to rice gamma-TIP cDNA. Northern blot hybridization analyses revealed that rice gamma-TIP was expressed in all plant organs. OsTIP1 was expressed in mature seed embryos and during early seed germination. OsTIP2 was expressed exclusively in roots. OsTIP3 was specifically expressed in seeds. These results suggest that the OsTIP1, OsTIP2, and OsTIP3 genes encode discrete, functionally specialized TIPs. Immunocytochemical analysis in rice endosperm cells revealed that rice gamma-TIP was localized only on the protein body type II (PB-II) membranes, whereas OsTIP3 was localized on the PB-II and the aleurone grain membranes. Although both the PB-II and the aleurone grain are derived from vacuoles, these results suggest that they may be derived from different types of vacuoles.  相似文献   
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