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Two experiments were conducted to evaluate sexual development in early- and late-maturing Nelore (Bos indicus) and Canchim (3/8 Bos indicus x 5/8 Bos taurus crossbred) bulls and to determine predictors of sexual precocity, and pubertal and maturity status. In Experiment 1, 12 Nelore bulls where examined from 300 to 900 days of age. Puberty was characterized by an ejaculate containing > or =50 million sperm with > or =10% motile sperm, and maturity by an ejaculate containing > or =70% morphologically normal sperm. In Experiment 2, 28 Canchim bulls where examined from 295 to 488 days of age and puberty was characterized by an ejaculate containing > or =30% motile sperm. In both experiments, bulls were classified as early- or late-maturing based on age at puberty. Early-maturing bulls were younger (P < 0.05) than late-maturing bulls at puberty (527 days versus 673 days in Experiment 1 and 360 days versus 461 days in Experiment 2) and at maturity (660 days versus 768 days in Experiment 1). In general, early-maturing bulls were heavier and had greater scrotal circumference (SC), testes, and testicular vascular cone diameter than late-maturing bulls during the experimental period. Scrotal circumference adjusted for 365 days of age was a good predictor of sexual precocity; minimum yearling SC of 19 and 24 cm for Nelore and Canchim bulls, respectively, had the best predictive values. Early-maturing bulls were lighter and had smaller SC at puberty than late-maturing bulls; therefore, sexual precocity was not related to the attainment of a threshold body weight or testicular size earlier, but to lower thresholds in early-maturing bulls. When predictors of pubertal status were evaluated, SC had the best sensitivity/specificity relationship in Nelore bulls, and high sensitivity and specificity in Canchim bulls. When predictors of sexual maturity were evaluated in Nelore bulls, age, weight, and SC had similar sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values. At puberty, approximately 60% of the sperm present in the ejaculate were morphologically defective. Changes in semen quality after puberty in Nelore bulls were characterized by increased motility and proportion of morphologically normal sperm, with a decrease in the proportion of major sperm defects. In conclusion, early-maturing bulls were more developed in the pre-pubertal period and attained puberty at earlier stages of body and testicular development than late-maturing bulls. Yearling SC could be used to select bulls for sexual precocity and SC was the best predictor of pubertal status. Age, weight, and SC were equally good predictors of sexual maturity in B. indicus bulls.  相似文献   
Autoclave method for rapid preparation of bacterial PCR-template DNA   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An autoclave method for preparing bacterial DNA for PCR template is presented, it eliminates the use of detergents, organic solvents, and mechanical cellular disruption approaches, thereby significantly reducing processing time and costs while increasing reproducibility. Bacteria are lysed by rapid heating and depressurization in an autoclave. The lysate, cleared by microcentrifugation, was either used directly in the PCR reaction, or concentrated by ultrafiltration. This approach was compared with seven established methods of DNA template preparation from four bacterial sources which included boiling Triton X-100 and SDS, bead beating, lysozyme/proteinase K, and CTAB lysis method components. Bacteria examined were Enterococcus and Escherichia coli, a natural marine bacterial community and an Antarctic cyanobacterial-mat. DNAs were tested for their suitability as PCR templates by repetitive element random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis. The autoclave method produced PCR amplifiable template comparable or superior to the other methods, with greater reproducibility, much shorter processing time, and at a significantly lower cost.  相似文献   
HPLC methodology was investigated for the simultaneous determination of cisapride and ranitidine in small volume paediatric plasma samples. Such a simultaneous determination proved difficult due to the small sample volumes, the low concentrations of the drugs and the different log P values of the two compounds. The two drugs and their respective internal standards were separated "on-cartridge" using HLB Solid Phase Extraction cartridges and the samples quantified by individual HPLC methodologies. The technique has been applied successfully to 60 paediatric plasma samples containing both cisapride and ranitidine.  相似文献   
The blood anion nitrite contributes to hypoxic vasodilation through a heme-based, nitric oxide (NO)-generating reaction with deoxyhemoglobin and potentially other heme proteins. We hypothesized that this biochemical reaction could be harnessed for the treatment of neonatal pulmonary hypertension, an NO-deficient state characterized by pulmonary vasoconstriction, right-to-left shunt pathophysiology and systemic hypoxemia. To test this, we delivered inhaled sodium nitrite by aerosol to newborn lambs with hypoxic and normoxic pulmonary hypertension. Inhaled nitrite elicited a rapid and sustained reduction ( approximately 65%) in hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension, with a magnitude approaching that of the effects of 20 p.p.m. NO gas inhalation. This reduction was associated with the immediate appearance of NO in expiratory gas. Pulmonary vasodilation elicited by aerosolized nitrite was deoxyhemoglobin- and pH-dependent and was associated with increased blood levels of iron-nitrosyl-hemoglobin. Notably, from a therapeutic standpoint, short-term delivery of nitrite dissolved in saline through nebulization produced selective, sustained pulmonary vasodilation with no clinically significant increase in blood methemoglobin levels. These data support the concept that nitrite is a vasodilator acting through conversion to NO, a process coupled to hemoglobin deoxygenation and protonation, and evince a new, simple and inexpensive potential therapy for neonatal pulmonary hypertension.  相似文献   
Eukaryotic cells coordinate chromosome duplication by the assembly of protein complexes at origins of DNA replication by sequential binding of member proteins of the origin recognition complex (ORC), CDC6, and minichromosome maintenance (MCM) proteins. These pre-replicative complexes (pre-RCs) are activated by cyclin-dependent kinases and DBF4/CDC7 kinase. Here, we carried out a comprehensive yeast two-hybrid screen to establish sequential interactions between two individual proteins of the mouse pre-RC that are probably required for the initiation of DNA replication. The studies revealed multiple interactions among ORC subunits and MCM proteins as well as interactions between individual ORC and MCM proteins. In particular CDC6 was found to bind strongly to ORC1 and ORC2, and to MCM7 proteins. DBF4 interacts with the subunits of ORC as well as with MCM proteins. It was also demonstrated that CDC7 binds to different ORC and MCM proteins. CDC45 interacts with ORC1 and ORC6, and weakly with MCM3, -6, and -7. The three subunits of the single-stranded DNA binding protein RPA show interactions with various ORC subunits as well as with several MCM proteins. The data obtained by yeast two-hybrid analysis were paradigmatically confirmed in synchronized murine FM3A cells by immunoprecipitation of the interacting partners. Some of the interactions were found to be cell-cycle-dependent; however, most of them were cell-cycle-independent. Altogether, 90 protein-protein interactions were detected in this study, 52 of them were found for the first time in any eukaryotic pre-RC. These data may help to understand the complex interplay of the components of the mouse pre-RC and should allow us to refine its structural architecture as well as its assembly in real time.  相似文献   
Allogeneic bone marrow cell reconstitution of the nonmyeloablatively conditioned host is supposed to provide an optimized platform for tumor vaccination. We recently showed that an allogeneic T cell-depleted graft was well accepted if the tumor-bearing host was NK depleted. Based on this finding, a vaccination protocol in tumor-bearing, nonmyeloablatively conditioned, allogeneically reconstituted mice was elaborated. Allogeneically reconstituted mice, bearing a renal cell carcinoma, received tumor-primed donor lymph node cells (LNC), which had or had not matured in the allogeneic host. Primed LNC were supported by tumor lysate-pulsed dendritic cells, which were donor or host derived. Optimal responses against the tumor were observed with host-tolerant, tumor-primed LNC in combination with host-derived dendritic cells. High frequencies of tumor-specific proliferating and CTLs were recorded; the survival time of tumor-bearing mice was significantly prolonged, and in >50% of mice the tumor was completely rejected. Notably, severe graft-vs-host disease was observed in reconstituted mice that received tumor-primed LNC, which had not matured in the allogeneic host. However, graft-vs-host was not aggravated after vaccination with tumor-primed, host-tolerant LNC. Thus, the LNC were tolerant toward the host, but not toward the tumor. The finding convincingly demonstrates the feasibility and efficacy of tumor vaccination after allogeneic reconstitution of the nonmyeloablatively conditioned host.  相似文献   
Genetic variants in a gene on 6p22.3, dysbindin, have been shown recently to be associated with schizophrenia (Straub et al. 2002a). There is no doubt that replication in other independent samples would enhance the significance of this finding considerably. Since the gene is located in the center of the linkage peak on chromosome 6p that we reported earlier, we decided to test six of the most positive DNA polymorphisms in a sib-pair sample and in an independently ascertained sample of triads comprising 203 families, including the families for which we detected linkage on chromosome 6p. Evidence for association was observed in the two samples separately as well as in the combined sample (P=.00068 for SNP rs760761). Multilocus haplotype analysis increased the significance further to .00002 for a two-locus haplotype and to .00001 for a three-locus haplotype. Estimation of frequencies for six-locus haplotypes revealed one common haplotype with a frequency of 73.4% in transmitted, and only 57.6% in nontransmitted, parental haplotypes. All other six-locus haplotypes occurring at a frequency of >1% were less often transmitted than nontransmitted. Our results represent a first successful replication of linkage disequilibrium in psychiatric genetics detected in a region with previous evidence of linkage and will encourage the search for causes of schizophrenia by the genetic approach.  相似文献   
The presence of the lamivudine-associated M184V RT mutation increases tenofovir susceptibility in multiple HIV genotypes. Tenofovir is uniquely active against multinucleoside-resistant HIV expressing the Q151M mutation, but shows reduced susceptibility to the T69S insertion mutations. HIV with common forms of zidovudine and lamivudine resistance are susceptible to tenofovir, corroborating phase II clinical results demonstrating the activity of tenofovir DF in treatment-experienced patients.  相似文献   
Duplications and deletions are known to cause a number of genetic disorders, yet technical difficulties and financial considerations mean that screening for these mutations, especially duplications, is often not performed. We have adapted multiplex amplifiable probe hybridization (MAPH) for the screening of the DMD gene, mutations in which cause Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) and Becker muscular dystrophy. MAPH involves the quantitative recovery of specifically designed probes following hybridization to immobilized genomic DNA. We have engineered probes for each of the 79 exons of the DMD gene, and we analyzed them by using a 96-capillary sequencer. We screened 24 control individuals, 102 patients, and 23 potential carriers and detected a large number of novel rearrangements, especially small, one- and two-exon duplications. A duplication of exon 2 alone was the most frequently occurring mutation identified. Our analysis indicates that duplications occur in 6% of patients with DMD. The MAPH technique as modified here is simple, quick, and accurate; furthermore, it is based on existing technology (i.e., hybridization, PCR, and electrophoresis) and should not require new equipment. Together, these features should allow easy implementation in routine diagnostic laboratories. Furthermore, the methodology should be applicable to any genetic disease, it should be easily expandable to cover >200 probes, and its characteristics should facilitate high-throughput screening.  相似文献   
Viruses were characterized by their adsorption to DEAE-Sepharose or by their elution from octyl-Sepharose by using buffered solutions of sodium chloride with different ionic strengths. Viruses whose adsorption to DEAE-Sepharose was reduced most rapidly by an increase in the sodium chloride concentration were considered to have the weakest electrostatic interactions with the solids; these viruses included MS2, E1, and phiX174. Viruses whose adsorption to DEAE-Sepharose was reduced least rapidly were considered to have the strongest electrostatic interactions with the column; these viruses included P1, T4, T2, and E5. All of the viruses studied adsorbed to octyl-Sepharose in the presence of 4 M NaCl. Viruses that were eluted most rapidly following a decrease in the concentration of NaCl were considered to have the weakest hydrophobic interactions with the column; these viruses included phiX174, CB4, and E1. Viruses that were eluted least rapidly from the columns after the NaCl concentration was decreased were considered to have the strongest hydrophobic interactions with the column; these viruses included f2, MS2, and E5.  相似文献   
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