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Rhodopsin is a G-protein-coupled receptor, in which retinal chromophore acts as inverse-agonist or agonist depending on its configuration and protonation state. Photostimulation of rhodopsin results in a pH-dependent equilibrium between the active state (Meta-II) and its inactive precursor (Meta-I). Here, we monitored conformational changes of rhodopsin using a fluorescent probe Alexa594 at the cytoplasmic surface, which shows fluorescence increase upon the generation of active state, by single-molecule measurements. The fluorescence intensity of a single photoactivated rhodopsin molecule alternated between two states. Interestingly, such a fluorescence alternation was also observed for ligand-free rhodopsin (opsin), but not for dark-state rhodopsin. In addition, the pH-dependences of Meta-I/Meta-II equilibrium estimated by fluorescence measurements deviated notably from estimates based on absorption spectra, indicating that both Meta-I and Meta-II are mixtures of two conformers. Our observations indicate that rhodopsin molecules intrinsically adopt both active and inactive conformations, and the ligand retinal shifts the conformational equilibrium. These findings provide dynamical insights into the activation mechanisms of G-protein-coupled receptors.  相似文献   
Rod and cone photoreceptor cells that are responsible for scotopic and photopic vision, respectively, exhibit photoresponses different from each other and contain similar phototransduction proteins with distinctive molecular properties. To investigate the contribution of the different molecular properties of visual pigments to the responses of the photoreceptor cells, we have generated knock-in mice in which rod visual pigment (rhodopsin) was replaced with mouse green-sensitive cone visual pigment (mouse green). The mouse green was successfully transported to the rod outer segments, though the expression of mouse green in homozygous retina was approximately 11% of rhodopsin in wild-type retina. Single-cell recordings of wild-type and homozygous rods suggested that the flash sensitivity and the single-photon responses from mouse green were three to fourfold lower than those from rhodopsin after correction for the differences in cell volume and levels of several signal transduction proteins. Subsequent measurements using heterozygous rods expressing both mouse green and rhodopsin E122Q mutant, where these pigments in the same rod cells can be selectively irradiated due to their distinctive absorption maxima, clearly showed that the photoresponse of mouse green was threefold lower than that of rhodopsin. Noise analysis indicated that the rate of thermal activations of mouse green was 1.7 x 10(-7) s(-1), about 860-fold higher than that of rhodopsin. The increase in thermal activation of mouse green relative to that of rhodopsin results in only 4% reduction of rod photosensitivity for bright lights, but would instead be expected to severely affect the visual threshold under dim-light conditions. Therefore, the abilities of rhodopsin to generate a large single photon response and to retain high thermal stability in darkness are factors that have been necessary for the evolution of scotopic vision.  相似文献   
Picosecond laser photolysis of rhodopsin in 15% polyacrylamide gel was performed for estimating absolute absorption spectra of the primary intermediates of cattle rhodopsin (bathorhodopsin and photorhodopsin). Using a rhodopsin digitonin extract embedded in 15% polyacrylamide gel, a precise percentage of bleaching of rhodopsin after excitation of a picosecond laser pulse was measured. Using this value, the absolute absorption spectrum of bathorhodopsin was calculated from the spectral change before and 1 ns after the picosecond laser excitation (corresponding to the difference spectrum between rhodopsin and bathorhodopsin). The absorption spectrum of bathorhodopsin thus obtained displayed a lambda max at 535 nm, which was shorter than that at low temperature (543 nm) and a half band-width broader than that measured at low temperature. The oscillator strength of bathorhodopsin at room temperature was smaller than that at low temperature. The absolute absorption spectrum of photorhodopsin was also estimated from the difference spectrum measured at 15 ps after the excitation of rhodopsin (Shichida, Y., S. Matuoka, and T. Yoshizawa. 1984. Photobiochem. Photobiophys. 7:221-228), assuming a sequential conversion of photorhodopsin to bathorhodopsin. Its lambda max was located at approximately 570 nm, and the oscillator strength was smaller than those of rhodopsin and bathorhodopsin.  相似文献   
We have investigated the molecular properties of rod and cone visual pigments to elucidate the differences in the molecular mechanism(s) of the photoresponses between rod and cone photoreceptor cells. We have found that the cone pigments exhibit a faster pigment regeneration and faster decay of meta-II and meta-III intermediates than the rod pigment, rhodopsin. Mutagenesis experiments have revealed that the amino acid residues at positions 122 and 189 in the opsins are the determinants for these differences. In order to study the relationship between the molecular properties of visual pigments and the physiology of rod photoreceptors, we used mouse rhodopsin as a model pigment because, by gene-targeting, the spectral properties of the pigment can be directly correlated to the physiology of the cells. In the present paper, we summarize the spectroscopic properties of cone pigments and describe our studies with mouse rhodopsin utilizing a high performance charge coupled device (CCD) spectrophotometer.  相似文献   
Red-green color vision in primates is unique in the sense that it is mediated by two photoreceptor cells that are indistinguishable in all aspects except for their visual pigments. In order to generate an animal model for investigation of the interaction between red-green inputs at the molecular level, we applied knock-in technology and X-chromosome inactivation machinery to make a mouse model with cone cells possessing visual pigments with different spectral sensitivities. We introduced a S308A point mutation into the Green opsin gene allele on the X-chromosome. This manipulation generated a 24 nm red-shift of absorption maximum in the cone pigment with negligible functional differences in other molecular properties. Amplitudes of responses in ERG and ganglion cell recordings of homozygotes were similar to those of wild-types, although the spectral sensitivities differed. Heterozygotes showed variable spectral sensitivities of ganglion cell responses due to the different integration of the native and the S308A cone inputs on the dendritic fields. In situ hybridization experiments showed that cone cells with respective pigments formed patch-like clusters of specific L cone-types, approximately 30 mum in diameter, which were randomly distributed in the dorsal region of the retinas. Since the patch-like clustering was arranged by X-inactivation, such clustering could be present in the peripheral retinas of New World monkeys with polymorphic L pigments, indicating that our mice would be a suitable model to study evolution of the mammalian color vision system.  相似文献   
G protein-coupled receptors have a common structural motif of seven transmembrane alpha-helices and are classified into different families showing no sequence similarity. Extensive studies have been conducted on the structure-function relationship in family 1 receptors, but those in other families have not been well studied. In this study, to investigate the molecular basis leading to the G protein activation by metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR), the member of family 3, we searched for the amino acid residues responsible for the G protein activation in the second cytoplasmic loop, which was thought to be the main G protein binding region. Analyses of the systematical mutations of Gi/Go-coupled mGluR8 revealed the presence of a constitutively active mutation in the C-terminal region of the second loop. The corresponding mutation in the second loop of Gq-coupled mGluR1 also exhibited high agonist-independent activity. These results indicate that there is a common constitutive active mutation site regardless of mGluR subtypes, suggesting that the structural change of the junction between the second cytoplasmic loop and helix IV is strongly linked to the formation of the active state.  相似文献   
Parietopsin is a nonvisual green light-sensitive opsin closely related to vertebrate visual opsins and was originally identified in lizard parietal eye photoreceptor cells. To obtain insight into the functional diversity of opsins, we investigated by UV-visible absorption spectroscopy the molecular properties of parietopsin and its mutants exogenously expressed in cultured cells and compared the properties to those of vertebrate and invertebrate visual opsins. Our mutational analysis revealed that the counterion in parietopsin is the glutamic acid (Glu) in the second extracellular loop, corresponding to Glu181 in bovine rhodopsin. This arrangement is characteristic of invertebrate rather than vertebrate visual opsins. The photosensitivity and the molar extinction coefficient of parietopsin were also lower than those of vertebrate visual opsins, features likewise characteristic of invertebrate visual opsins. On the other hand, irradiation of parietopsin yielded meta-I, meta-II, and meta-III intermediates after batho and lumi intermediates, similar to vertebrate visual opsins. The pH-dependent equilibrium profile between meta-I and meta-II intermediates was, however, similar to that between acid and alkaline metarhodopsins in invertebrate visual opsins. Thus, parietopsin behaves as an "evolutionary intermediate" between invertebrate and vertebrate visual opsins.  相似文献   
The all-trans to 13-cis photoisomerization of the retinal chromophore of bacteriorhodopsin occurs selectively, efficiently, and on an ultrafast time scale. The reaction is facilitated by the surrounding protein matrix which undergoes further structural changes during the proton-transporting reaction cycle. Low-temperature polarized Fourier transform infrared difference spectra between bacteriorhodopsin and the K intermediate provide the possibility to investigate such structural changes, by probing O-H and N-H stretching vibrations [Kandori, Kinoshita, Shichida, and Maeda (1998) J. Phys. Chem. B 102, 7899-7905]. The measurements of [3-18O]threonine-labeled bacteriorhodopsin revealed that one of the D2O-sensitive bands (2506 cm(-1) in bacteriorhodopsin and 2466 cm(-1) in the K intermediate, in D2O exhibited 18(O)-induced isotope shift. The O-H stretching vibrations of the threonine side chain correspond to 3378 cm(-1) in bacteriorhodopsin and to 3317 cm(-1) in the K intermediate, indicating that hydrogen bonding becomes stronger after the photoisomerization. The O-H stretch frequency of neat secondary alcohol is 3340-3355 cm(-1). The O-H stretch bands are preserved in the T46V, T90V, T142N, T178N, and T205V mutant proteins, but diminished in T89A and T89C, and slightly shifted in T89S. Thus, the observed O-H stretching vibration originates from Thr89. This is consistent with the atomic structure of this region, and the change of the S-H stretching vibration of the T89C mutant in the K intermediate [Kandori, Kinoshita, Shichida, Maeda, Needleman, and Lanyi (1998) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 120, 5828-5829]. We conclude that all-trans to 13-cis isomerization causes shortening of the hydrogen bond between the OH group of Thr89 and a carboxyl oxygen atom of Asp85.  相似文献   
Sato K  Yamashita T  Ohuchi H  Shichida Y 《Biochemistry》2011,50(48):10484-10490
VA/VAL opsin is one of the four kinds of nonvisual opsins that are closely related to vertebrate visual pigments in the phylogenetic tree of opsins. Previous studies indicated that among these opsins, parapinopsin and pinopsin exhibit molecular properties similar to those of invertebrate bistable visual pigments and vertebrate visual pigments, respectively. Here we show that VA/VAL opsin exhibits molecular properties intermediate between those of parapinopsin and pinopsin. VAL opsin from Xenopus tropicalis was expressed in cultured cells, and the pigment with an absorption maximum at 501 nm was reconstituted by incubation with 11-cis-retinal. Light irradiation of this pigment caused cis-to-trans isomerization of the chromophore to form a state having an absorption maximum in the visible region. This state has the ability to activate Gi and Gt types of G proteins. Therefore, the active state of VAL opsin is a visible light-absorbing intermediate, which probably has a protonated retinylidene Schiff base as its chromophore, like the active state of parapinopsin. However, this state was apparently photoinsensitive and did not show reverse reaction to the original pigment, unlike the active state of parapinopsin, and instead similar to that of pinopsin. Furthermore, the Gi activation efficiency of VAL opsin was between those of pinopsin and parapinopsin. Thus, the molecular properties of VA/VAL opsin give insights into the mechanism of conversion of the molecular properties from invertebrate to vertebrate visual pigments.  相似文献   
G-protein-coupled receptors transmit stimuli (light, taste, hormone, neurotransmitter, etc.) to the intracellular signaling systems, and rhodopsin (Rh) is the most-studied G-protein-coupled receptor. Rh possesses an 11-cis retinal as the chromophore, and 11-cis to all-trans photoisomerization leads to the protein structural changes in the cytoplasmic loops to activate G-protein. Microbial rhodopsins are similar heptahelical membrane proteins that function as bacterial sensors, light-driven ion-pumps, or light-gated channels. Microbial rhodopsins possess an all-trans retinal, and all-trans to 13-cis photoisomerization triggers protein structural changes for each function. Despite these similarities, there is no sequence homology between visual and microbial rhodopsins, and microbial rhodopsins do not activate G-proteins. However, it was reported that bacteriorhodopsin (BR) chimeras containing the third cytoplasmic loop of bovine Rh are able to activate G-protein, suggesting a common mechanism of protein structural changes. Here we design chimeric proteins for Natronomonas pharaonis sensory rhodopsin II (SRII, also called pharaonis phoborhodopsin), which has a two-orders-of-magnitude slower photocycle than BR. Light-dependent transducin activation was observed for most of the nine SRII chimeras containing the third cytoplasmic loop of bovine Rh (from Y223, G224, Q225 to T251, R252, and M253), but the activation level was 30,000–140,000 times lower than that of bovine Rh. The BR chimera, BR/Rh223-253, activates a G-protein transducin, whereas the activation level was 37,000 times lower than that of bovine Rh. We interpret the low activation by the chimeric proteins as reasonable, because bovine Rh must have been optimized for activating a G-protein transducin during its evolution. On the other hand, similar activation level of the SRII and BR chimeras suggests that the lifetime of the M intermediates is not the simple determinant of activation, because SRII chimeras have two-orders-of-magnitude's slower photocycle than the BR chimera. Activation mechanism of visual and microbial rhodopsins is discussed on the basis of these results.  相似文献   
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