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In vivo microdialysis of cyclic AMP from prefrontal cortex complemented by ex vivo measures was used to investigate the possibility that lithium produces functional changes in G proteins that could account for its effects on adenylate cyclase activity. Four weeks of lithium administration (serum lithium concentration of 0.85 +/- 0.05 mM; n = 11) significantly increased the basal cyclic AMP content in dialysate from prefrontal cortex of anesthetized rats. Forskolin infused through the probe increased dialysate cyclic AMP, but the magnitude of this increase was unaffected by chronic lithium administration. Inactivation of the inhibitory guanine nucleotide binding protein Gi with pertussis toxin increased dialysate cyclic AMP in control rats, as did stimulation with cholera toxin (which activates the stimulatory guanine nucleotide binding protein Gs). The effect of pertussis toxin was abolished following chronic lithium, whereas the increase in cyclic AMP after cholera toxin was enhanced. In vitro pertussis toxin-catalyzed ADP ribosylation of alpha i (and alpha o) was increased by 20% in prefrontal cortex from lithium-treated rats, but the alpha i and alpha s contents (as determined by immunoblot) as well as the cholera toxin-catalyzed ADP ribosylation of alpha s were unchanged. Taken together, these results suggest that chronic lithium administration may interfere with the dissociation of Gi into its active components and thereby remove a tonic inhibitory influence on adenylate cyclase, with resultant enhanced basal and cholera toxin-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity.  相似文献   
Summary A series of new vectors for the model zygomycete Absidia glauca was constructed on the basis of the structural neomycin resistance (Neor) gene controlled by the promoter of the gene for elongation factor 1 (TEF). In order to select for transformed colonies with a stable Neor phenotype, spores from primary transformants were pooled and grown for two sporulation cycles under non-selective conditions. Southern blot analysis of DNA from single spore isolates originating from independent transformant pools allowed the identification of two autonomously replicating plasmids. Retransformation of Escherichia coli and restriction analysis of the two plasmids provided evidence for spontaneous in vivo insertion of a new DNA element (SEG1) from the A. glauca genome. The inserted regions in both plasmids are essentially identical and do not represent repetitive DNA. Compared with other autonomously replicating vectors, these SEG1-containing plasmids are mitotically extremely stable and are passed on to the vegetative spore progeny of a retransformed A. glauca strain. We assume that SEG1 contains structural elements involved in partitioning and stable segregation of plasmids. For the construction of stable transformants of A. glauca, the SEG1 element may be regarded as a major breakthrough, because stabilization of transformed genetic traits by integration is difficult to achieve in all mucoraceous fungi and all known replicating plasmids are mitotically unstable.  相似文献   
We studied species composition, similarity, and structure of homegardens in two Yucatecan Maya communities, Tixpeual and Tixcacaltuyub, Yucatan, Mexico. The number of gardens sampled per village was 20 and 22; total area sampled was very similar, 45,265 m2 and 40,150 m2; the number of trees and shrubs present was 5651 and 5603; and number of species was 135 and 133, respectively. Diversity was low for both sites (H′= 1.6), as were the correlation coefficients (r) for the species-area and individuals-area correlations. The relatively low values obtained for the structural parameters reflect the random pattern of plant incorporation to the gardens, the variability in the proportion of constantly used and not constantly used garden area, and a certain uniformity in the number of species used and number of individuals present, and the relationship between these parameters and garden size. All these reflect the uniqueness of each homegarden, which depends upon the cultural background of the owner. We noticed a trend towards a change in homegarden structure and function in response to the modernization process. Homegardens in villages in the outskirts of cities tend to have more ornamental species and commercial fruit plants than homegardens in isolated villages.  相似文献   
In neutralizing heparin with intravenous protamine sulfate, hypotension may be prevented by administering the drug intraarterially. Forty patients underwent cardiac surgery with extracorporeal circulation in our hospital; each received a rapid injection of nondiluted protamine sulfate in the aortic root to reverse the effects of heparin. To maintain the blood volume at a constant level, volume expanders and inotropic drugs were avoided. The intraaortic injections ranged in duration from 0.2 min to 2.8 min, with a mean of 1.1 min. The mean systolic pressure only dropped from 92 mm Hg (SD +/- 21) before protamine injection to 85 mm Hg (SD +/- 23) after injection (p < 0.0001). In seven patients (18%), no hypotension was evident; in the remaining patients, the systolic pressure returned to preinjection values within a mean of 2.2 min. Coagulation was observed within 3 to 4 min (mean = 2.2 min) after the initiation of injection. This study indicates that intraaortic administration of protamine is a rapid and safe technique for heparin reversal after cardiopulmonary bypass.  相似文献   
Summary The effect of quinidine on Na and H+ transport by the turtle bladder and water transport by the toad bladder was examined. Quinidine inhibited the short-circuit current and the potential difference in a dose-dependent fashion. The effect of quinidine on the short-circuit was not dependent on extracellular calcium concentration and was not reversible with removal of the drug. Quinidine inhibited H+ secretion in a dose-dependent fashion. The effect of quinidine on H+ secretion also was not dependent on extracellular calcium concentration and was not reversible, either with removal of the drug or with stimulation of H+ secretion with 5% CO2. The effect of quinidine on Na or H+ transport could not be elicited by an equivalent dose of tetracaine, suggesting that the inhibitory effect of quinidine is not dependent on its anesthetic properties. Quinidine also inhibited vasopressin and cyclic AMP stimulated water flow in the toad bladder. Quinidine did not alter calcium uptake by the turtle bladder but increased calcium efflux by the turtle and toad bladders. These observations suggest that a rise in cytosolic calcium is responsible for the inhibitory effect of quinidine on Na, H+, and water transport.  相似文献   
The structure of the capsular polysaccharide from Klebsiella K26 has been determined by using the techniques of methylation, periodate oxidation, partial hydrolysis, and β-elimination. N.m.r. spectroscopy (1H and 13C) was used to establish the nature of the anomeric linkages and to identify oligosaccharides obtained by the different degradative techniques employed.The polysaccharide is comprised of repeating units of the heptasaccharide shown.
Net‐wire fencing built to confine livestock is common on rangelands in the Southwestern USA, yet the impacts of livestock fencing on wildlife are largely unknown. Many wildlife species cross beneath fences at defined crossing locations because they prefer to crawl underneath rather than jump over fences. Animals occasionally become entangled jumping or climbing over fences, leading to injury or death. More commonly, repeated crossings under net‐wire fencing by large animals lead to fence damage, though the damage is often tolerated by landowners until the openings affect the ability to enclose livestock. The usage, placement, characteristics, and passage rates of fence crossings beneath net‐wire fencing are poorly understood. We monitored 20 randomly selected fence crossings on net‐wire livestock fencing across two study sites on rangelands in South Texas, USA, from April 2018 to March 2019. We assessed the characteristics of fence‐crossing locations (openings beneath the fence created by animals to aid in crossing) and quantified crossing rates and the probability of crossing by all species of animals via trail cameras. We documented 10,889 attempted crossing events, with 58% (n = 6271) successful. Overall, 15 species of medium‐ and large‐size mammals and turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) contributed to crossing events. Crossing locations received 3–4 crossing attempts per day on average, but the number of attempts and probability of successful crossing varied by location and fence condition. The probability of crossing attempts was most consistently influenced by the opening size of the crossing and season; as crossing size (opening) increased, the probability of successful crossing significantly increased for all species. Peaks in crossing activity corresponded with species'' daily and seasonal movements and activity. The density and size of fence‐crossing locations were dependent on fence maintenance and not associated with vegetation communities or habitat variables. However, crossing locations were often re‐established in the same locations after fence repairs. This is one of the few studies to monitor how all animal species present interacted with net‐wire livestock fencing in rangelands. Our results will help land managers understand the impact of net‐wire livestock fencing on animal movement.  相似文献   
We have previously reported that insulin-like growth factor (IGF) receptors appear to predominate over insulin receptors in early stages of embryogenesis in the chick (days 2-3 whole embryo membranes). Overall, [125I]IGF I and II binding to specific receptors was maximal when the rate of brain growth is highest. In the present study we used the embryonic chick lens, a well-defined tissue composed of a single type of cell, to analyse whether changes of insulin and IGF I binding are correlated with changes in growth rate and differentiation state of the cells. We show that both insulin receptors and IGF receptors are present in the lens epithelial cells, and that each type is distinctly regulated throughout development. While there is a direct correlation between IGF-binding capability and growth rate of the cells, there is less relation to differentiation status and embryo age. Insulin receptors, by contrast, appear to be mostly related to the differentiated state of cells, decreasing sharply in fibers, irrespective of their developmental age.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to establish a new tool for screening surface displayed peptide libraries based on the idea that cells expressing an enzyme inhibitor at the surface can be specifically labeled by the target enzyme. For this purpose peptide P15, exhibiting a K(i) value of 0.25 microM toward human cathepsin G, was expressed on the Escherichia coli cell surface by the use of Autodisplay. Purified cathepsin G was coupled to biotin and incubated with cells expressing the inhibitor. After addition of streptavidin-fluorescein isothiocyanate, these cells could be clearly differentiated from control cells by whole-cell fluorescence using flow cytometer analysis. To determine whether this protocol can be used for the sorting of single cells, a mixed population of cells with and without inhibitor was treated accordingly. Single cells were selected by increased fluorescence and sorted using fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). Single cell clones were obtained and subjected to DNA sequence analysis. It turned out that the bacteria selected by this protocol displayed the correct peptide inhibitor at the cell surface. The protocol was then used to screen random peptide libraries, expressed at the cell surface, and a new lead structure for human cathepsin G (IC50 = 11.7 microM) was identified. The new drug discovery tool presented here consists of three steps: (a) surface display of peptide libraries, (b) selection of single cells with inhibiting structures by using the inherent affinity of the target enzyme, and (c) sorting of single cells, which were labeled by FACS.  相似文献   
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