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Insect-resistant poplar (Populus nigra L.) plants have been produced by infecting leaves withAgrobacterium tumefaciens strains carrying a binary vector containing different truncated forms of aBacillus thuringiensis (B.t.) toxin gene under a duplicated CaMV 35S promoter. Putative transgenic plants were propagated by cuttings at two experimental farms (in Beijing and Xinjiang, China). At 2–3 years after transformation, 17 of them were selected on the bases of insect-tolerance and good silvicultural traits, and evaluated for insect resistance, for the presence of theB.t. toxin DNA fragment (Southern blots and PCR) and for the expression of the transgene (western and northern blots). Somaclonal variation, as suggested by the appearance of permanent changes in the shape of the leaves, was also investigated with molecular tools (RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism), RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) and microsatellite DNA).Bioassays withApochemia cineraius andLymantria dispar on the leaves of the selected clones showed different and, in some cases, high levels of insecticidal activity. The molecular analysis demonstrated integration and expression of the foreign gene. Somatic changes were correlated to extensive genomic changes and were quantified in dendrograms, in terms of genomic similarity. The analysis of control plants suggested that genomic changes were correlated to thein vitro culture step necessary forA. tumefaciens-mediated gene transfer, rather than to the integration of the foreign genes.Three transgenic clones (12, 153 and 192), selected for insect resistance, reduced morphological changes and promising silvicultural traits, are now under large-scale field evaluation in six different provinces in China.  相似文献   
本研究采用EBV-EA诱导抑制实验的方法,对40种蔬菜,60个品种,共150个样品的防癌抗促作用效果进行了筛选与比较,其中具有中等以上抑制活性的样品117个,占样品总数的78%,尤其以非洲野苋菜、辣椒、羽衣甘蓝、山药芋头、苦瓜及紫苏、罗勒等一些芳香莱的效果较好。不同品种、不同植株部位、不同提取方法以及不同产地,对蔬菜的抗促活性也有影响,值得进一步研究。  相似文献   
高压静电场处理沙棘插条生根状况的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用高压静电场处理沙棘插条研究生根状况,方法简便易于处理,该装置适于进行大规模的处理,从目前研究表明:高压静电场对沙棘插条有正刺激效应,并以电场强度为3.9kv/cm,时间为40分钟处理最佳。  相似文献   
低能量He—Ne激光血管内照射治疗银屑病21例报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
21例寻常型银屑病患者,经用He-Ne激光血管内照射,功率3.5-5mw,每日照射一次,每次1小时,10次一疗程,同时伴用vitc2givq.d及鼻吸氧,二疗程间休息4-7天,经5-35次治疗,近期疗效:近期痊愈5例(23.81%),显效6例(28.57%),好转10例(47.62%),总有效率100%,复发1例(4.76%)。  相似文献   
Treatment of cultured bovine carotid artery endothelial cells with 0.1 µM human plasmin has been reported to induce a receptor-mediated short burst of arachidonate release, which is a pertussis toxin-sensitive and extracellular calcium-dependent reaction. Plasmin-induced calcium influx in cells was significantly inhibited by pretreatment with pertussis toxin, indicating that the former was coupled with a pertussis toxin-sensitive guanosine 5-triphosphate (GTP)-binding protein. Plasmin significantly induced the formation of lysophosphatidylcholine but not lysophosphatidylethanolamine. A cellular phospholipase A2 with an arachidonyl specificity at the sn-2 position of phosphatidylcholine, which required submicromolar calcium, was identified as a cytosolic phospholipase A2 by immunoblot analysis. By a cell-free enzyme activity assay and immunoblot analysis, plasmin was found to induce a translocation of the cytosolic phospholipase A2 from the cytosol to the membrane. Taken together, the results suggest that plasmin bound to its putative receptor and activated a GTP-binding protein coupled to calcium influx channel, followed by translocation and activation of cytosolic phospholipase A2 in endothelial cells.  相似文献   
Intraspecific variation of four agamospecies ofHieracium sect.Alpina was studied using RAPD and isozyme techniques. No variation in either multiprimer RAPD or multi-enzyme phenotypes was observed withinH. holosericeum, suggesting that this widespread species consists of only a single genotype. A low level of within-population isozyme variation was seen inH. tenuifrons andH. calenduliflorum, the origin of which appears to be consistent with somatic mutation. Most isozyme and all RAPD variation in these two species was partitioned between populations. A strong correlation with geography suggests that its cause may be due to polytopic (-polyphyletic?) origin or perhaps to mutation and dispersal. The most variable species wasH. alpinum, in which isozyme variation occurred mostly within populations rather than between them, suggesting occasional sexual events or that the parents ofH. alpinum were heterozygous. RAPD variation in this species, in contrast, was partitioned between Scottish and Swiss populations, suggesting the existence of geographical races.  相似文献   
Firing patterns of 15 dopamine neurons in the rat substantia nigra were studied. These cells alternated between two firing modes, single-spike and bursting, which interwove to produce irregular, aperiodic interspike interval (ISI) patterns. When examined by linear autocorrelation analysis, these patterns appeared to reflect a primarily stochastic or random process. However, dynamical analysis revealed that the sequential behavior of a majority of these cells expressed "higher-dimensional" nonlinear deterministic structure. Dimensionality refers to the number of degrees of freedom or complexity of a time series. Bursting was statistically associated with some aspects of nonlinear ISI sequence dependence. Controlling for the effects of nonstationarity substantially increased overall predictability of ISI sequences. We hypothesize that the nonlinear deterministic structure of ISI firing patterns reflects the neuron's response to coordinated synaptic inputs emerging from neural circuit interactions.  相似文献   
Protein phosphorylation was investigated in [32P]-labeled cardiomyocytes isolated from adult rat heart ventricles. The -adrenergic stimulation (by isoproterenol, ISO) increased the phosphorylation of inhibitory subunit of troponin (TN-I), C-protein and phospholamban (PLN). Such stimulation was largely mediated by increased adenylyl cyclase (AC) activity, increased myoplasmic cyclic AMP and increased cyclic AMP dependent protein kinase (A-kinase)-catalyzed phosphorylation of these proteins in view of the following observations: (a) dibutyryl-and bromo-derivatives of cyclic AMP mimicked the stimulatory effect of ISO on protein phosphorylation while (b) Rp-cyclic AMP was found to attenuate ISO-dependent stimulation. Unexpectedly, 8-bromo cyclic GMP was found to markedly increase TN-I and PLN phosphorylation. Both 1- and 2-adrenoceptors were present and ISO binding to either receptor was found to stimulate myocyte AC. However, the stimulation of the 2-AR only marginally increased while the stimulation of 1-AR markedly increased PLN phosphorylation. Other stimuli that increase tissue cyclic AMP levels also increased PLN and TN-I phosphorylation and these included isobutylmethylxanthine (non-specific phosphodiesterase inhibitor), milrinone (inhibits cardiotonic inhibitable phosphodiesterase, sometimes called type III or IV) and forskolin (which directly stimulates adenylyl cyclase). Cholinergic agonists acting on cardiomyocyte M2-muscarinic receptors that are coupled to AC via pertussis toxin(PT)-sensitive G proteins inhibited AC and attenuated ISO-dependent increases in PLN and TN-I phosphorylation. Thein vivo PT treatment, which ADP-ribosylated Gi-like protein(s) in the myocytes, markedly attenuated muscarinic inhibitory effect on PLN and TN-I phosphorylation on one hand and, increased the -adrenergic stimulation, on the other. Controlled exposure of isolated myocytes to N-ethyl maleimide, also led to the findings similar to those seen following the PT treatment. Exposure of myocytes to phorbol, 12-myristate, 13-acetate (PMA) increased the protein phosphorylation, augmenting the stimulation by ISO, and such augmentation was antagonized by propranolol suggesting modulation of the -adrenoceptor coupled AC pathway by PMA. Okadaic acid (OA) exposure of myocytes also increased protein phosphorylation with the results supporting the roles for type 1 and 2A protein phosphatases in the dephosphorylation of PLN and TN-I. Interestingly OA treatment attenuated the muscarinic inhibitory effect which was restored by subsequent brief exposure of myocytes to PMA. While the stimulation of alpha adrenoceptors exerted little effect on the phosphorylation of PLN and TN-I, inactivation of alpha adrenoceptors by chloroethylclonidine (CEC), augmented -adrenergically stimulated phosphorylation. KCl-dependent depolarization of myocytes was observed to potentiate ISO-dependent increase in phosphorylation (incubation period 15 sec to 1 min) as well as to accelerate the time-dependent decline in this phosphorylation seen upon longer incubation. Verapamil decreased ISO-stimulated protein phosphorylation in the depolarized myocytes. Depolarization was found to have little effect on the muscarinic inhibitory action on phosphorylation. Prior treatment of myocytes with PMA, was found to augment ISO-stimulated protein phosphorylation in the depolarized myocytes. Such augmented increases were completely blocked by propranolol. Forskolin also stimulated PLN and TN-I phosphorylation. Prior exposure of myocytes to forskolin followed by incubation in the depolarized and polarized media showed that PLN was dephosphorylated more rapidly in the depolarized myocytes. The results support the view that both cyclic AMP and calcium signals cooperatively increase the rates of phosphorylation of TN-I and PLN in the depolarized cardiomyocytes during -adrenergic stimulation. The results raise the additional possibility that the calcium signal may regulate the dephosphorylation of PLN in the depolarized cell. While muscarinic attenuation of -adrenergic action on protein phosphorylation was mediated, in part, by decreased AC activity, and muscarinic inhibition of AC and protein phosphorylation was not detectably influenced by the depolarization, the evidence was seen that muscarinic stimulation of dephosphorylation mechanisms are intimately involved. The postulate that the simultaneous stimulation of 1-adrenoceptors inhibits -adrenergic stimulation of PLN and TN-I phosphorylation is supported.  相似文献   
 The protooncogene protein, Bcl-2, protects cells from apoptosis and ensures their survival in vitro by inhibiting the action of the apoptosis-inducer, Bax. Its expression in proliferative and long-lived cells in vivo also indicates that it protects against cell death. The chondrocytes of the epiphyseal plate cartilage undergo a series of maturation steps and deposit mineral in the cartilage matrix before dying. The possibility that Bcl-2 helps protect chondrocytes until mineral deposition is completed was investigated by determining the distribution of Bcl-2 immunoreactivity in the epiphyseal plate cartilage of growing rats and its subcellular localization, using a specific antibody. The involvement of Bax in the triggering of chondrocyte death was checked by immunocytochemistry. Bcl-2 expression in the osteoblasts and the final result of their evolution, the osteocytes, was also examined in trabecular bone. Bcl-2 immunoreactivity was non-uniformly distributed throughout the epiphyseal cartilage. It was maximal in proliferative chondrocytes, decreased in mature chondrocytes, and low in hypertrophic chondrocytes, whereas there was Bax immunoreactivity in all chondrocytes examined. Immunolabeling was intense in osteoblasts but considerably lower in fully differentiated osteocytes. Bcl-2 immunoreactivity was mainly in the cytoplasm of chondrocytes, osteoblasts, and early osteocytes; the nuclei appeared clear. The subcellular distribution of Bcl-2 immunolabeling in chondrocytes, revealed by gold particles in the electron microscope, showed that gold particles were frequently concentrated in the mitochondria in all the cartilage zones and lay mainly within the organelles, not at their periphery. The endoplasmic reticulum contained moderate immunoreactivity and there were few gold particles in the cytoplasm and nuclei. The number of gold particles decreased in all the subcellular compartments from proliferative to hypertrophic chondrocytes. In contrast, Bax immunoreactivity changed little during chondrocyte terminal evolution, and its subcellular distribution mirrored that of Bcl-2. These immunocytochemical data indicate that Bcl-2 helps maintain chondrocytes and osteoblasts until their terminal maturation. Accepted: 19 February 1997  相似文献   
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