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Major ecological problems of our polluted troposphere includeairborne toxic chemicals, acid rain and photochemical smog,all three of which are now recognized as being closely relatedchemical phenomena. We also recognize that inorder to developcost-effective strategies for their control, which protect publichealth and the environment, there must be close scientific interactionsbetween chemists and biological scientists. For example, ofrapidly emerging importance is the development of risk assessmentevaluations for specific aspects of each of these problem areas.In preparing such assessments, chemists must define the "exposure,"and biological scientists the "effects." In this paper, I discuss an example of how such close interactionsproved indispensible in our search for atmospheric mutagensand carcinogens. Thus, an integrated chemical/ microbiologicalprocedure for the isolation and identificationof particulatechemical mutagens in respirable diesel soot and ambient particlesis described. Emphasis is placed on our use of the short-term,Ames Salmonella typhimurium bacterial mutagenicity test as arapid, and relatively inexpensive, means of following the biologicalactivities of these environmental mutagens through the chemicalsteps of their separation, isolation and identification fromhighly complex environmental samples. Possible mechanisms offormation of these particulate mutagens are discussed. Theyinclude the reactions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons presenton the surfaces of combustion-generated particles with gaseousco-pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide plus nitric acid, andozone. In discussing this research on a societally "relevant" problem,we illustrate the importance of "Science as a Way of Knowing."We further suggest that this integrated approach to scientificproblem solving by chemical and biological scientists mightserve as an example of a discussion topic on human ecology forundergraduate courses in the natural sciences.  相似文献   
Interleukin-1 (IL-1) has been implicated in the regulation of the expression of various matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) in many mesenchymal cell types, but its role in liver myofibroblasts (MFs) has not been elucidated. A myofibroblast-like cell line, MG2, was derived from an isolate of rat hepatic stellate cells (HSCs). These cells expressed desmin, vimentin, smooth muscle -actin, and fibulin-2. Using a recombinant IL-1 at 5 ng/ml, it was shown that IL-1 would upregulate, while IL-1Ra, an IL-1 receptor antagonist, would down-regulate the expression of IL-1 mRNA in MG2 cells, indicating the presence of an autostimulatory loop of IL-1 in these cells. Besides, a paracrine source of IL-1 may be produced from Kupffer cells, as we showed primarily cultured Kupffer cells responded much more remarkably than MG2 cells to lipopolysaccharide stimuli to produce both IL-1 and IL-1. Recombinant IL-1 upregulated the expression of both MMP-9 and -13, and the induction of MMP-13 but not MMP-9 could be inhibited by SB203580, an inhibitor of p38. Similarly, in primarily cultured human liver MFs, upregulation of MMP-1 by IL-1 was also shown to be inhibited by SB203580. All of these data suggested that, during liver inflammation, IL-1 produced by an autocrine model from MFs or by a paracrine model from Kupffer cells might play a crucial role in the remodeling of liver fibrosis through an either p38-dependent or p38-independent pathway to regulate the expression of various MMPs by liver MFs.  相似文献   
Evidence suggests that the autoimmune cardiomyopathy produced by a peptide corresponding to the sequence of the second extracellular loop of the beta(1)-adrenergic receptor (beta(1)-EC(II)) is mediated via a biologically active anti-beta(1)-EC(II) antibody, but the mechanism linking the antibody to myocyte apoptosis and cardiac dysfunction has not been well elucidated. Since the beta(1)-EC(II) autoantibody is a partial beta(1)-agonist, we speculate that the cardiomyopathy is produced by the beta(1)-receptor-mediated stimulation of the CaMKII-p38 MAPK-ATF6 signaling pathway and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, and that excess norepinephrine (NE) exaggerates the cardiomyopathy. Rabbits were randomized to receive beta(1)-EC(II) immunization, sham immunization, NE pellet, or beta(1)-EC(II) immunization plus NE pellet for 6 mo. Heart function was measured by echocardiography and catheterization. Myocyte apoptosis was determined by terminal deoxytransferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling and caspase-3 activity, whereas CaMKII, MAPK family (JNK, p38, ERK), and ER stress signals (ATF6, GRP78, CHOP, caspase-12) were measured by Western blot, immunohistochemistry, and kinase activity assay. beta(1)-EC(II) immunization produced progressive LV dilation, systolic dysfunction, and myocyte apoptosis. These changes were associated with activation of GRP78 and CHOP and increased cleavage of caspase-12, as well as increased CaMKII activity, increased phosphorylation of p38 MAPK, and nucleus translocation of cleaved ATF6. NE pellet produced additive effects. In addition, KN-93 and SB 203580 abolished the induction of ER stress and cell apoptosis produced by the beta(1)-EC(II) antibody in cultured neonatal cardiomyocytes. Thus ER stress occurs in autoimmune cardiomyopathy induced by beta(1)-EC(II) peptide, and this is enhanced by increased NE and caused by activation of the beta(1)-adrenergic receptor-coupled CaMKII, p38 MAPK, and ATF6 pathway.  相似文献   
Abstract: We responded to the claim by Greenwald et al. (2005) that the management recommendations for the northern goshawk in the Southwestern United States (MRNG; Reynolds et al. 1992), a food web-based conservation plan that incorporated both northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) and multiple prey habitats, may be inadequate to protect goshawks. Greenwald et al. (2005) based this claim on their review of 12 telemetry studies of goshawk habitat selection and 5 nontelemetry studies of the effects of vegetation structure at the home range scale on goshawk nest occupancy and reproduction that appeared after the 1992 publication of the MRNG. Greenwald et al. (2005) summarized their review as showing that 1) goshawks were habitat specialists limited to forests with mature and old-growth structures including large trees, high canopy cover, multiple canopy layering, and abundant woody debris; 2) habitats were not selected on the basis of prey abundance and, therefore, managing for prey habitats diluted goshawk habitats; and 3) selection for openings, edges, and habitat diversity was inconclusive. Our review found that when the studies' respective authors pooled their radiotagged goshawks there were weak to strong selections for old forest structures. However, the studies also documented extensive variation in use of vegetation types and structures by individual goshawks; some avoided openings, edges, young forests, and old forests, whereas others selected for these characteristics. Additionally, by virtue of their wide geographic distribution, the studies showed that the focal populations themselves occurred in a variety of forest types, some with large structural differences. We found no evidence in Greenwald's et al. (2005) review that the MRNG are inadequate to protect goshawks. Rather, the studies reviewed by Greenwald et al. (2005), as well as many studies they missed, supported the MRNG. The suggestion of inadequacy by Greenwald et al. (2005) appeared rooted in misunderstandings of goshawk habitats described in the MRNG, a discounting of the extent of variation in vegetation structural and seral stages used by goshawks, a limited understanding of the extent to which prey limits goshawks, a failure to recognize the dynamic nature of forests, and an incomplete review of the literature. We believe the MRNG are adequate because they maximize the sustainable amount of mature and old forests in goshawk home ranges and specify the kinds and intermixtures of prey habitats within home ranges. Implementation of MRNG should reduce the likelihood that the availability of vegetation structures suited to goshawk nesting and foraging, as well as abundance and availability of prey, will limit goshawk nest occupancy and reproduction.  相似文献   
Benzophenone is an ultraviolet (UV)-absorbing agent that has been used in industry and medicine for more than 30 years. Consumers of cosmetics and sunscreens containing UV-absorbers are exposed to benzophenones on a daily basis, owing to the widespread use of these compounds. However, the efficacy of these compounds as scavengers of oxidative stress is still not well established. In the present study, we investigate the antioxidative capacity of six sunscreen benzophenone compounds. A primary myoblast culture was mixed in vitro with 100 microM menadione. The cytotoxic effect by menadione-induced oxidative stress was monitored by the lucigenin- or luminol-amplified chemiluminescence, methylthiotetrazole (MTT) assay, and the antioxidative effects of various benzophenone compounds were evaluated. The results showed that the addition of menadione can induce oxidative stress on myoblasts by superoxide and hydrogen peroxide production, which can be eradicated by superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase, respectively, in a dose-dependent mode. The catalase has a protective effect on the cytotoxicity induced by menadione as measured by the MTT assay, while the SOD does not. The selected benzophenones also have a significant scavenging effect on the menadione-induced cell death on the myoblasts. The ortho-dihydroxyl structure and other hydroxy groups in the same ring have a stronger scavenging effect on the superoxide anion on myoblasts; thus, a stable penoxy radical may be formed. The mechanism of this effect remains to be clarified.  相似文献   
The breeding success and chronology of Wood Storks Mycteria americana were studied at eight colonies in northern and central Florida during 1981–1985. Mean ± s.d. clutch size for all colony-years was 3.07 ± 0.56 (n = 2694 nests), with three-egg clutches (72%) most frequent. Mean clutch size among all colonies and years ranged from 2.73 ± 0.55 to 3.41 ± 0.61. Many colonies exhibited significant negative trends in clutch size with, hatching date because of a proportional decrease in four-egg clutches later in the season. Mean colony clutch size was not correlated with nest numbers, nesting density or mean hatching date within most years. Mean ± s.d. number of fledglings for all colonies and years was 1.29 ± 1.16 fledglings per nest (n = 2812 nests). Mean annual fledging rates in colonies ranged from 0 (colony failed) to 2.66 fledglings per nest. Most breeding failure occurred prior to egg hatching, and the second highest mortality occurred between hatching and 2 weeks of age. Four-egg clutches fledged more storks than three-egg clutches, which in turn were more successful than two-egg clutches. However, all clutch sizes showed similar fledgling per egg rates. The seasonal decline in productivity was associated proportionally with smaller clutch sizes later in the breeding season. An increase in mean hatching date was correlated with an increase in latitude. There was greater within-year breeding synchrony among colonies than interyear breeding synchrony within each colony. Breeding synchrony was not correlated with mean hatching date, latitude, longitude, nest numbers or nesting density.  相似文献   
Human apolipoprotein E (apoE) is a 299-amino-acid protein with a molecular weight of 34 kDa. The difference between the apoE3 and apoE4 isoforms is a single residue substitution involving a Cys-Arg replacement at residue 112. ApoE4 is positively associated with atherosclerosis and late-onset and sporadic Alzheimer's disease (AD). ApoE4 and its C-terminal truncated fragments have been found in the senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in the brain of AD patients. However, detail structural information regarding isoform and domain interaction remains poorly understood. We prepared full-length, N-, and C-terminal truncated apoE3 and apoE4 proteins and studied their structural variation. Sedimentation velocity and continuous size distribution analysis using analytical ultracentrifugation revealed apoE3(72-299) as consisting of a major species with a sedimentation coefficient of 5.9. ApoE4(72-299) showed a wider and more complicated species distribution. Both apoE3 and E4 N-terminal domain (1-191) existed with monomers as the major component together with some tetramer. The oligomerization and aggregation of apoE protein increased when the C-terminal domain (192-271) was incorporated. The structural influence of the C-terminal domain on apoE is to assist self-association with no significant isoform preference. Circular dichroism and fluorescence studies demonstrated that apoE4(72-299) possessed a more alpha-helical structure with more hydrophobic residue exposure. The structural variation of the N-terminal truncated apoE3 and apoE4 protein provides useful information that helps to explain the greater aggregation of the apoE4 isoform and thus has implication for the involvement of apoE4 in AD.  相似文献   
The fixing-staining mixture consisted of 1 part of 2% aqueous OsO4 and 3 parts of 3% Nal in distilled water. Fresh lungs were cut into 2 mm slices and immersed in this solution for 24 hr at room temperature. Controls were fixed in buffered OsO4 alone. Selective staining of type II alveolar cells was shown by the OsOt-NaI mixture but was absent in the controls. No additional staining of the sections was required, and the selectivity was readily observable in either paraffin or Araldite sections by light microscopy and in Araldite sections by electron microscopy  相似文献   
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