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Male poeciliid fishes inseminate females using an intromittent organ called the gonopodium. Here we report on natural variation in gonopodium size both within and between 12 populations of the freshwater fish Brachyrhaphis episcopi (Poeciliidae) in Panama. We show that males from sites with more predatory fish species have, on average, a relatively longer gonopodium than males inhabiting sites with fewer predatory fish. Gonopodium length was not correlated with the site-specific adult sex ratio and the average sex ratio was more strongly female biased at sites with more predatory fish. The gonopodium exhibited lower phenotypic variance than the average for sexually selected traits and it generally showed negative allometry. Our results are similar to those reported for the guppy Poecilia reticulata . Two alternative hypotheses for these findings are discussed. First, that population differences are sexually selected. Second, that they are an incidental consequence of environmental differences between sites. Specifically, that higher water flow rates select for enlarged fin size and stockier bodies in downstream sites where predatory fish are more common.  相似文献   
The herpes simplex virus type 1 UL42 DNA polymerase processivity factor interacts physically with UL9 and enhances its ability to unwind short, partially duplex DNA. In this report, ATP hydrolysis during translocation of UL9 on single-stranded (ss) or partially duplex DNA was examined in the presence and absence of UL42 to determine the effect of UL42 on the catalytic function of UL9. Our studies reveal that a homodimer of UL9 is sufficient for DNA translocation coupled to ATP hydrolysis, and the steady-state ATPase catalytic rate was greater on partially duplex DNA than on ss DNA in the presence or absence of UL42. Although UL42 protein increased the steady-state rate for ATP hydrolysis by UL9 during translocation on either partially duplex or ss DNA, UL42 had no significant effect on the intrinsic ATPase activity of UL9. UL42 also had no effect on the catalytic rate of ATP hydrolysis when UL9 was not limiting but enhanced the steady-state ATPase rate at only subsaturating UL9 concentrations. At subsaturating UL9 to DNA ratios, stoichiometric concentrations of UL42 were shown to increase the amount of UL9 bound to ss DNA at equilibrium. These data support a model whereby UL42 increases the ability of UL9 to load onto DNA, thus increasing its ability to assemble into a functional complex capable of unwinding duplex DNA.  相似文献   
Gastrointestinal (GI) carcinoid cells secrete multiple neuroendocrine (NE) markers and hormones including 5-hydroxytryptamine and chromogranin A. We were interested in determining whether activation of the Notch1 signal transduction pathway in carcinoid cells could modulate production of NE markers and hormones. Human pancreatic carcinoid cells (BON cells) were stably transduced with an estrogen-inducible Notch1 construct, creating BON-NIER cells. In the present study, we found that Notch1 is not detectable in human GI carcinoid tumor cells. The induction of Notch1 in human BON carcinoid cells led to high levels of functional Notch1, as measured by CBF-1 binding studies, resulting in activation of the Notch1 pathway. Similar to its developmental role in the GI tract, Notch1 pathway activation led to an increase in hairy enhancer of split 1 (HES-1) protein and a concomitant silencing of human Notch1/HES-1/achaete-scute homolog 1. Furthermore, Notch1 activation led to a significant reduction in NE markers. Most interestingly, activation of the Notch1 pathway caused a significant reduction in 5-hydroxytryptamine, an important bioactive hormone in carcinoid syndrome. In addition, persistent activation of the Notch1 pathway in BON cells led to a notable reduction in cellular proliferation. These results demonstrate that the Notch1 pathway, which plays a critical role in the differentiation of enteroendocrine cells, is highly conserved in the gut. Therefore, manipulation of the Notch1 signaling pathway may be useful for expanding the targets for therapeutic and palliative treatment of patients with carcinoid tumors.  相似文献   
The members of the FoxE subfamily of Fox (forkhead) genes are expressed in the developing pituitary, thyroid and lens. Mammalian Foxe1 is expressed primarily in the developing pituitary and thyroid gland, Foxe3 is expressed in the developing lens, while Xenopus FoxE4 is expressed in the developing lens and thyroid. Here we report the identification of Xenopus FoxE1, a gene that is primarily expressed in the developing pituitary and thyroid.  相似文献   
Soil CO2 flux can contribute as much as 60–80% of total ecosystem respiration in forests. Although considerable research has focused on quantifying this flux during the growing season, comparatively little effort has focused on non-growing season fluxes. We measured soil CO2 efflux through snow in 50 and ~300 year old subalpine forest stands near Fraser CO. Our objectives were to quantify seasonal patterns in wintertime soil CO2 flux; determine if differences in soil CO2 flux between the two forest ages during the growing season persist during winter; and to quantify the sample size necessary to discern treatment differences. Soil CO2 flux during the 2002–2003 and 2003–2004 snow season averaged 0.31 and 0.35 μmols m−2 s−1 for the young and old forests respectively; similar to the relative difference observed during summer. There was a significant seasonal pattern of soil CO2 flux during the winter with fluxes averaging 0.22 μmols m−2 s−1 in December and January and increasing to an average of 0.61 μmols m−2 s−1 in May. Within-plot variability for measurements used in calculating flux was low. The coefficients of variation (CV) for CO2 concentration, snowpack density, and snow depth were 17, 8 and 14%, respectively, yielding a CV for flux measurements within-plot of 29%. A within plot CV of 29% requires 8 sub-samples per plot to estimate the mean flux with a standard error of ±10% of the mean. Variability in CO2 flux estimates among plots (size = 400 m2) was similar to that within plot and was also low (CV = ~28%). With a CV of 28% among plots, ten plots per treatment would have a 50% probability of detecting a 25% difference in treatment means for α = 0.05.  相似文献   
Regulated interactions between microtubules (MTs) and the cell cortex control MT dynamics and position the mitotic spindle. In eukaryotic cells, the adenomatous polyposis coli/Kar9p and dynein/dynactin pathways are involved in guiding MT plus ends and MT sliding along the cortex, respectively. Here we identify Bud14p as a novel cortical activator of the dynein/dynactin complex in budding yeast. Bud14p accumulates at sites of polarized growth and the mother-bud neck during cytokinesis. The localization to bud and shmoo tips requires an intact actin cytoskeleton and the kelch-domain-containing proteins Kel1p and Kel2p. While cells lacking Bud14p function fail to stabilize the pre-anaphase spindle at the mother-bud neck, overexpression of Bud14p is toxic and leads to elongated astral MTs and increased dynein-dependent sliding along the cell cortex. Bud14p physically interacts with the type-I phosphatase Glc7p, and localizes Glc7p to the bud cortex. Importantly, the formation of Bud14p-Glc7p complexes is necessary to regulate MT dynamics at the cortex. Taken together, our results suggest that Bud14p functions as a regulatory subunit of the Glc7p type-I phosphatase to stabilize MT interactions specifically at sites of polarized growth.  相似文献   
Synopsis The goal of this project was to determine if bat rays, Myliobatis californica, display oriented movements and are thus a viable model species for the further study of geomagnetic topotaxis in elasmobranches. We tracked one male and three female rays during September 1998 and August and September 2001 in Tomales Bay, California. The rays exhibited two modes of travel: (1) rapid and highly directional movements in a straight line along the length of the bay and (2) slow and non-directional movements within small areas. Directional movements were defined as point-to-point vectors in the paths of the bat rays that were oriented in similar directions, and the distribution of these was clustered rather than dispersed and uniform. Mean rates of movement during directional swimming approached 0.5 m s−1. In contrast, vectors in the path of bat rays were at times oriented in varying directions, and a distribution of these was widely dispersed as we would expect if the rays were moving randomly. These were defined as non-directional movements. Oriented straight-line swimming is consistent with the species either being able to orient to the bathymetry of the bay or possessing a compass and (or) piloting sense.  相似文献   
The amyloidogenic homotetrameric protein transthyretin (TTR) must undergo rate-limiting dissociation to partially denatured monomers in order to aggregate. TTR contains two distinct quaternary interfaces, one of which defines the binding sites for thyroxine and small-molecule amyloidogenesis inhibitors. Kinetic stabilization of the tetramer can be accomplished either by the binding of amyloidogenesis inhibitors selectively to the native state over the dissociative transition state or by the introduction of trans-suppressor subunits (T119M) into heterotetramers to destabilize the dissociative transition state. In each case, increasing the dissociation activation barrier prevents tetramer dissociation. Herein, we demonstrate that tethering two subunits whose quaternary interface defines the thyroxine binding site also dramatically increases the barrier for tetramer dissociation, apparently by destabilization of the dissociative transition state. The tethered construct (TTR-L-TTR)2 is structurally and functionally equivalent to wild-type TTR. Urea is unable to denature (TTR-L-TTR)2, yet it is able to maintain the denatured state once denaturation is achieved by GdnHCl treatment, suggesting that (TTR-L-TTR)2 is kinetically rather than thermodynamically stabilized, consistent with the identical wild-type TTR and (TTR-L-TTR)2 GdnHCl denaturation curves. Studies focused on a construct containing a single TTR-L-TTR chain and two normal monomer subunits establish that alteration of only one quaternary structural interface is sufficient to impose kinetic stabilization on the entire quaternary structure.  相似文献   
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