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Since 2012 Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance has provided financial support for HPV vaccine introduction in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs); however, funding has been contingent on establishing a demonstration project prior to national scale-up, in order to gauge effectiveness of delivery models. Although by 2016, most beneficiary countries had completed demonstration projects, few have scaled up delivery nationwide. An important barrier was the dearth of published, country-specific implementation recommendations. We employed the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) as a lens to identify drivers of heterogeneous (dissimilar) implementation performance during Mozambique’s 2-year demonstration project. Mozambique presents a compelling example as the country conducted demonstration projects in three different districts with extremely different economic resources and sociocultural practices.


A post implementation interpretive evaluation was undertaken. Forty key informant interviews were conducted with district and health facility immunization staff, Ministry of Education managers, and teachers across the three demonstration districts, central level informants from MOH, research institutes, and immunization program partners. We compared valence and strength ratings of CFIR constructs, across diverse implementation sites, so as to explain drivers and barriers to implementation success. Two researchers coded separately, and subsequent content analysis followed pre-defined CFIR construct themes.


Eighteen constructs emerged from informants’ responses as implementation influencers. Adaptability was identified as an important construct because delivery modalities needed to meet differing levels of girls’ school attendance. Expanding outside of school-based delivery was needed in the low-performing district, making the vaccine delivery process more complex. Available resources varied across the three sites, with one site receiving direct Gavi support, while others received primarily state-based support. These latter sites reported considerably more implementation bottlenecks, in part related to weaker infrastructural characteristics and insufficient organizational incentives. Health workers’ beliefs in importance of vaccines and an organizational culture of making personal sacrifice for immunization program activities drove implementation performance. Advocacy and social mobilization through the right opinion leaders and champions generated higher demand.


HPV vaccination presents a pertinent opportunity for the prevention of cervical cancer in Mozambique, sub-Saharan Africa, and other LMICs. However, important barriers to broad-scale implementation exist. We recommend the development of local and global strategies to overcome barriers and facilitate its expanded utilization.
We have developed a double-staining procedure for use with epifluorescence microscopy which allows the detection both of dividing cells and of ingested bacteria in food vacuoles of heterotrophic microprotozoa. Microprotozoan cells are stained sequentially with the DNA-specific fluorochrome DAPI (4′,6-diami-dino-2-phenylindole) and the nonspecific protein stain fluorescein isothiocyanate. During microscopic examination, heterotrophic microprotozoan cells are first located with fluorescein isothiocyanate fluorescence and then epifluorescence filter sets are switched to permit inspection under DAPI fluorescence of the cell nuclei and of the contents of food vacuoles. Among in situ populations of estuarine microprotozoa sampled over a tidal cycle, we found from 2.2 to 5.2% of the heterotrophic cells in a recognizable stage of division (nuclei elongated or double). Batch culture growth experiments were also carried out both with natural populations and with two isolated species of estuarine microprotozoa. In these experiments, the frequency of dividing cells ranged from 1.2 to 3.8% and appeared to be negatively correlated with growth rate. Microprotozoan populations sampled in continental shelf waters off Savannah, Ga., had mean frequencies of dividing cells ranging from 2.0 to 5.0%. A large fraction of cells in heterotrophic microprotozoan populations (an average of 27.4 ± 1.0% in estuarine water and of 30.1 ± 4.8% in shelf water) had DAPI-stained inclusions, presumably recently ingested bacteria, in their food vacuoles.  相似文献   
X-ray study of chicken cytosolic aspartate aminotransferase revealed conformational changes in the protein of two kinds: (1) a shift of the small domain adjacent to substrate-binding area due to interaction of the protein with two carboxyl groups of substrate and (2) a change in inclination of the coenzyme plane due to replacement of C = N bond of the coenzyme with Lys-258 by C = N bond with a substrate. An asymmetry in subunit behaviour is observed in both cases: the domain is shifted in one subunit and the coenzyme is rotated in other. Substrate-binding properties of each subunit are strictly dependent on the protein conformation in substrate-binding area.  相似文献   
The involvement of a third-order suppressor T cell population (Ts3) in the suppression of in vitro PFC responses was analyzed. It was shown that Ts2 effector-phase suppressor cells, induced by the i.v. injection of NP-coupled syngeneic spleen cells, require a third suppressor T cell population to effect NPb idiotype-specific suppression of an in vitro B cell response. This Ts3 population was shown to be present in NP-primed but not unprimed donors. The Ts3 population specifically binds NP and is Lyt-1-, Lyt-2+, I-J+ and bears NPb idiotypic determinants. The involvement of the Ts3 population in a suppressor pathway that requires recognition of idiotypic determinants is discussed.  相似文献   
The assembly of functional holoenzymes composed of regulatory D-type cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases (cdks) is rate limiting for progression through the G1 phase of the mammalian somatic cell cycle. Complexes between D-type cyclins and their major catalytic subunit, cdk4, are catalytically inactive until cyclin-bound cdk4 undergoes phosphorylation on a single threonyl residue (Thr-172). This step is catalyzed by a cdk-activating kinase (CAK) functionally analogous to the enzyme which phosphorylates cdc2 and cdk2 at Thr-161/160. Here, we demonstrate that the catalytic subunit of mouse cdc2/cdk2 CAK (a 39-kDa protein designated p39MO15) can assemble with a regulatory protein present in either insect or mammalian cells to generate a CAK activity capable of phosphorylating and enzymatically activating both cdk2 and cdk4 in complexes with their respective cyclin partners. A newly identified 37-kDa cyclin-like protein (cyclin H [R. P. Fisher and D. O. Morgan, Cell 78:713-724, 1994]) can assemble with p39MO15 to activate both cyclin A-cdk2 and cyclin D-cdk4 in vitro, implying that CAK is structurally reminiscent of cyclin-cdk complexes themselves. Antisera produced to the p39MO15 subunit can completely deplete mammalian cell lysates of CAK activity for both cyclin A-cdk2 and cyclin D-cdk4, with recovery of activity in the resulting immune complexes. By using an immune complex CAK assay, CAK activity for cyclin A-cdk2 and cyclin D-cdk4 was detected both in quiescent cells and invariantly throughout the cell cycle. Therefore, although it is essential for the enzymatic activation of cyclin-cdk complexes, CAK appears to be neither rate limiting for the emergence of cells from quiescence nor subject to upstream regulatory control by stimulatory mitogens.  相似文献   
Research on microbial loop organisms, heterotrophic bacteria and phagotrophic protists, has been stimulated in large measure by Pomeroy's seminal paper published in BioScience in 1974. We now know that a significant fate of bacterioplankton production is grazing by < 20-µm-sized flagellates. By selectively grazing larger, more rapidly growing and dividing cells in the bacterioplankton assemblage, bacterivores may be directly cropping bacterial production rather than simply the standing stock of bacterial cells. Protistan herbivory, however, is likely to be a more significant pathway of carbon flow in pelagic food webs than is bacterivory. Herbivores include both < 20-µm flagellates as well as > 20-µm ciliates and heterotrophic dinoflagellates in the microzooplankton. Protists can grow as fast as, or faster than their phytoplankton prey. Phototrophic cells grazed by protists range from bacterial-sized prochlorophytes to large diatom chains (which are preyed upon by extracellularly-feeding dinoflagellates). Recent estimates of microzooplankton herbivory in various parts of the sea suggest that protists routinely consume from 25 to 100% of daily phytoplankton production, even in diatom-dominated upwelling blooms. Phagotrophic protists should be viewed as a dominant biotic control of both bacteria and of phytoplankton in the sea.  相似文献   
1. We have developed a plasma membrane preparation from the mucosal epithelium of rabbit gallbladder and have characterized the hormonal sensitivity of adenylate cyclase in this preparation. 2. Basal activity is low and is stimulated by GTP and GppNHp. Hormonal stimulation is largely dependent on exogenous guanine nucleotide. 3. Several prostaglandins (E1 approximately E2 greater than A1 greater than B1), vasoactive intestinal peptide and the beta-adrenergic agonist, isoproterenol, stimulate mucosal adenylate cyclase activity; a variety of peptides and neurotransmitters (secretin, cholecystokinin, arg-vasopressin, oxytocin, histamine, dopamine and serotonin) are without effect. 4. The data support the hypothesis that the inhibitory effect of prostaglandins, vasoactive intestinal peptide, and isoproterenol on gallbladder fluid absorption in certain species may be mediated by cyclic AMP. 5. The membrane preparation should be useful in further characterizing hormone receptor-transducer interactions of the gallbladder mucosal epithelium.  相似文献   
Huntington disease (HD) is an autosomal dominant degenerative disorder caused by an expanded and unstable trinucleotide repeat (CAG)n in a gene (IT-15) on chromosome 4. HD exhibits genetic anticipation—earlier onset in successive generations within a pedigree. From a population-based clinical sample, we ascertained parent-offspring pairs with expanded alleles, to examine the intergenerational behavior of the trinucleotide repeat and its relationship to anticipation. We find that the change in repeat length with paternal transmission is significantly correlated with the change in age at onset between the father and offspring. When expanded triplet repeats of affected parents are separated by median repeat length, we find that the longer paternal and maternal repeats are both more unstable on transmission. However, unlike in paternal transmission, in which longer expanded repeats display greater net expansion than do shorter expanded repeats, in maternal transmission there is no mean change in repeat length for either longer or shorter expanded repeats. We also confirmed the inverse relationship between repeat length and age at onset, the higher frequency of juvenile-onset cases arising from paternal transmission, anticipation as a phenomenon of paternal transmission, and greater expansion of the trinucleotide repeat with paternal transmission. Stepwise multiple regression indicates that, in addition to repeat length of offspring, age at onset of affected parent and sex of affected parent contribute significantly to the variance in age at onset of the offspring. Thus, in addition to triplet repeat length, other factors, which could act as environmental factors, genetic factors, or both, contribute to age at onset. Our data establish that further expansion of paternal repeats within the affected range provides a biological basis of anticipation in HD.  相似文献   
CD5+ B cells have been shown to be disproportionately associated with autoimmune diseases and transformation. In many cases, their apparent ability to bypass self-tolerance is manifested by the production of autoantibodies. These observations, plus the hypothesis that CD5+ B cells represent a distinct B cell lineage, encourage studies into the conditions and factors that influence their development. In the present study, we employed a well-established assay for murine CD5+ B cell function, i.e., their ability to augment the responses of IgHb-linked idiotypic determinants on anti-(4-hydroxy-3-nitrophenyl) acetyl (NP) antibody (Nbb) idiotype-bearing CD5- B cells to a T-independent antigen, together with multiple methods of cell surface phenotyping, to evaluate the potential for interleukin (IL) 4 to effect maturation of CD5+ B cells, CD5+, IgM+, Thy-1-, and NPb idiotype-specific cells panned on antibody-coated petri dishes or sorted by flow cytometry from spleen were capable of augmenting NPb idiotypic responses of NP-KLH-primed responder cells to NP-Ficoll. Splenic B cell populations depleted of CD5+ B cells failed to affect idiotype expression even after 2 days in culture, a time when a small percentage of CD5+ B cells appeared to be regenerated. However, idiotype-specific regulatory activity could be restored in CD5- splenic B cell populations by culture for 2 days with recombinant IL-4. Cells responsible for idiotype-specific regulatory activity after culture with IL-4 were in fact CD5+, IgM+, and Thy-1.2- B cells, demonstrating that IL-4 can drive the functional, if not the phenotypic, maturation of splenic B cells associated with the CD5+ B cell lineage. The results illustrate one possible mechanism by which T cells could control the maturation of cells belonging to the CD5+ B cell lineage.  相似文献   
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