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The reduced β-globin synthesis characterizing the β+ thalassemia phenotype has been shown to be caused by anomalous processing within the small Intervening sequence (IVS1) of the β-globin mRNA precursor. The β-globin gene from such patients contains a single base substitution within IVS1, located 22 bp from the 3′ junction between IVS1 and exon 2, creating an alternative splice site within IVS1 and resulting in retention of the 3′-terminal 19 bases of IVS1. We have identified this abnormally spliced mRNA in the reticulocyte RNA of two patients with β+ thalassemia, by S1 nuclease mapping and primer-extension analysis. Moreover, a cloned β+-thalassemic gene preferentially generated the anomalously spliced RNA when expressed In monkey kidney cells. The anomalously spliced RNA constituted approximately 80%–90%, and normal β RNA approximately 10%–20%, of the total β mRNA. In contrast, the small amount of β mRNA present in reticulocytes from such patients consisted predominantly of normal β mRNA. These results suggest that the reduced amount of normally functioning β mRNA present in such patients results from preferential processing at the alternative splice site, with subsequent Instability, reduced nuclear processing and/or inadequate cytoplasmic transport of the abnormal RNA species.  相似文献   
A procedure has been developed for use of metronidazole (2-methyl-5-nitroimidazole-1-ethanol) as an enrichment agent during the isolation of temperature-sensitive, photosynthetic mutants in the cyanobacteriumSynechococcus cedrorum. The protocol includes incubation with this drug following mutagenesis withN-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. Incubation of photosynthetically activeS. cedrorum cells with 1 mM metronidazole causes a light-dependent reduction of cell viability. Maximum reduction in cell viability occurred following 6 h of incubation. Cessation of electron transport reduced the impact of the drug by five orders of magnitude. Yet during the time of incubation, metronidazole did not influence the electron transport capacities of theS. cedrorum cells, suggesting that the thylakoid membrane was not the target of the toxic effects of this drug. In addition, this drug was found to be an effective electron acceptor to photosystem I although high concentrations were required to observe maximum rates of electron transfer. Metronidazole interacted in a noncompetitive manner with methyl viologen, which suggested that those two acceptors to photosystem I have unique reduction sites on theS. cedrorum thylakoid membrane. The temperature-sensitive strains that were isolated using the procedure presented here were assessed for photosynthetic electron transport and chlorophyll fluorescence (induction kinetics and low-temperature emission spectra) characteristics. Approximately one-half of the temperature-sensitive mutants isolated possessed abnormal photosynthetic properties when shifted to the restrictive temperature (40°C). A total of 31 strains have been characterized and initially classified, showing abnormalities throughout the photosynthetic electron-transport chain.  相似文献   
Surface antigens of the avian malarial parasite, Plasmodium lophurae, and its host cell, the duckling erythrocyte, were visualized at the ultrastructural level using rabbit antisera and ferritin-labeled goat anti-rabbit IgG. Rabbit antisera to P. lophurae caused an aggregation of parasite and parasitophorous vacuole surface membrane antigens, a phenomenon known as capping. Capping required living plasmodia and did not occur if parasites had been fixed with glutaraldehyde prior to exposure to antisera. Antisera against duckling erythrocytes did not cross-react with erythrocyte-free malarial parasites, and did not form caps on the surface of the red blood cell. Antiplasmodial sera did not react with normal or malaria-infected red cells. These results suggest that surface membrane proteins of the intracellular plasmodium are capable of lateral movement.  相似文献   
The four mutant genes, cyc2, cyc3, cyc8 and cyc9, that affect the levels of the two iso-cytochromes c in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae have been characterized and mapped. Both cyc2 and cyc3 lower the amount of iso-1-cytochrome c and iso-2-cytochrome c; whereas, cyc8 and cyc9 increase the amount of iso-2-cytochrome c. The cyc2, cyc3, cyc8 and cyc9 genes are located, respectively, on chromosomes XV, I, II and III, and are, therefore, unlinked to each other and unlinked to CYC1, the structural gene of iso-1-cytochrome c and to CYC7, the structural gene of iso-2-cytochrome c. While some cyc3 mutants are completely or almost completely deficient in cyotchromes c, none of the cyc2 mutants contained less than 10% of parental level of cytochrome c even though over one-half of the mutants contain UAA or UAG nonsense mutations. Thus, it appears as if a complete block of the cyc2 gene product still allows the formation of a residual fraction of cytochrome c. The cyc2 and cyc3 mutant genes cause deficiencies even in the presence of CYC7, cyc8 and cyc9, which normally cause overproduction of iso-2-cytochrome c. We suggest that cyc2 and cyc3 may be involved with the regulation or maturation of the iso-cytochromes c. In addition to having high levels of iso-2-cytochromes c, the cyc8 and cyc9 mutants are associated with flocculent cells and other abnormal phenotypes. The cyc9 mutant was shown to be allelic with the tup1 mutant and to share its properties, which include the ability to utilize exogenous dTMP, a characteristic flocculent morphology, the lack of sporulation of homozygous diploids and low frequency of mating and abnormally shaped cells of alpha strains. The diverse abnormalities suggest that cyc8 and cyc9 are not simple regulatory mutants controlling iso-2-cytochrome c.  相似文献   
Reversal of ischemic mitochondrial dysfunction.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
We have previously reported the isolation and characterization of UAA suppressors from a haploid strain of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae containing the ψ+ non-Mendelian determinant which increases the efficiency of action of certain suppressors (Ono et al., 1979). Most of the suppressors caused the insertion of either tyrosine or serine. In contrast, the pattern of suppression of nutritional markers suggested that the rare suppressor, SUP26, inserted in an amino acid other than tyrosine or serine. In this investigation we report the characterization of additional suppressors, similar to SUP26, that were isolated on a medium lacking uracil and containing canavanine; this medium is expected to exclude serine-inserting suppressors because they do not suppress the ura4-1 marker, and to exclude tyrosine-inserting suppressors because they suppress the can1-100 marker. The total of 155 revertants similar to the SUP26 suppressor were analyzed genetically and these could be assigned to one or another of the six distinct loci SUP26, SUP27, SUP28, SUP29, SUP32 and SUP33. The SUP26, SUP27 and SUP29 loci mapped on chromosomes XII, IV and X, respectively. The detailed map position of the SUP29 suppressor suggests that it may be allelic to the SUP30 suppressor reported by Hawthorne &; Mortimer (1968). These six suppressors had the same pattern of suppression of UAA nutritional markers and all of them had a similar low efficiency of action on the iso-1-cytochrome c mutation cyc1-72. The efficiency of each of these suppressors was increased by a chromosomal allo-suppressor, sal. Each of the six suppressors caused the insertion of leucine in iso-1-cytochrome c at the UAA site of the cyc1-72 mutation. It is suggested that the gene products of these suppressors are redundant forms of the same leucine transfer RNA.  相似文献   
Abstract— A method for the quantitative analysis of femtomole amounts of kynurenine (along with tryptophan, 3-hydroxykynurenine and kynuramine) in rat brain using high pressure liquid chroma-tography and electron-capture GLC is described. Endogenous concentrations of these substances in rat brain regions were measured, and their formation after the injection of radioactive tryptophan or kynurenine was determined. Kynurenine was formed from tryptophan in brain and was also taken up from the periphery. Extracerebral kynurenine was calculated to account for 60% of the cerebral pool of kynurenine. The cerebral rates of synthesis of kynurenine and 3-hydroxykynurenine were 0.29 and 0.17nmol/g/h. The turnover rate of kynurenine in the brain was 1.02 nmol/g/h measured from [14C]tryptophan or 1.14 nmol/g/h from [3H]kynurenine injected intraperitoneally. Kynuramine levels in different areas of the brain were similar to those of tryptamine. Following intraperitoneal injection of [14C]tryptophan, the presence of anthranilic, 3-hydroxyanthranilic, xanthurenic, kynurenic and quinaldic acids was demonstrated in the brain.  相似文献   
The presence of isolated mobile water in dehydrated eukaryotic microorganisms established earlier by NMR has been confirmed by direct chemical registration of this water in the yeast Cryptococcus albidus. This water constitutes several per cent of the dry biomass weight. Apparently, its preservation should be attributed to changes in the permeability of intracellular membranes upon dehydration. The water is released by the cells when they are heated to 150--200 degrees C and the cellular structures containing water are destroyed.  相似文献   
We have determined the structures and thermodynamic stabilities of the wild type Asn-52 and unusually thermostable mutant Ile-52 yeast iso-1-cytochromes c (Das, G., Hickey, D. R. McLendon, D., McLendon, G., and Sherman, F. (1989) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 86, 496-499). Although both structures were similar, Water-166, buried within the wild type protein, is excluded from the Ile-52 mutant, which substantially reorganizes the local hydrogen bonding. Wild type Cys-102 was replaced with alanine or serine to eliminate dimerization in vitro. The Cys-102 (wild type), Ala-102, and Ser-102 proteins were equally stable, whereas the chemically modified Cys-102-SCH3 was less stable. The order of stability observed with replacements at positions 52 and 102 was as follows: Ile-52 Ala-102 greater than Ala-52 Ala-102 greater than Asn-52 Ala-102 ("normal") greater than Gly-52 Ala-102. No significant stabilization was attributed to potential energy interactions expressed as helix-forming propensities of replacements at position 52. A high correlation between differences in free energy changes and transfer free energies suggests hydrophobic interactions are the main factor for enhancing stability in the Ile-52 mutant. Additional possible contributions to the thermostability of the Ile-52 variant are energetic effects due to packing and hydrogen bonding changes surrounding position 52.  相似文献   
Cytoadherence of Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes to amelanotic melanoma cells was pH dependent; increased adherence was observed in the pH range of 6.1 to 6.8 and was greatest between pH 6.6 and 6.8 Ca2+ promoted cytoadherence, but at higher concentrations (40-50 mM) than is usually the case for cell-cell adhesion. The effects of pH and Ca2+ were interdependent--the pH optimum of cytoadherence was altered by the Ca2+ concentration in the medium. The adherent properties of several P. falciparum lines (including a knobless cytoadherent line) under varying pH and Ca2+ concentrations were similar.  相似文献   
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