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Inactivation of p53 functions is an almost universal feature of human cancer cells. This has spurred a tremendous effort to develop p53 based cancer therapies. Gene therapy using wild-type p53, delivered by adenovirus vectors, is now in widespread use in China. Other biologic approaches include the development of oncolytic viruses designed to replicate and kill only p53 defective cells and also the development of siRNA and antisense RNA''s that activate p53 by inhibiting the function of the negative regulators Mdm2, MdmX, and HPV E6. The altered processing of p53 that occurs in tumor cells can elicit T-cell and B-cell responses to p53 that could be effective in eliminating cancer cells and p53 based vaccines are now in clinical trial. A number of small molecules that directly or indirectly activate the p53 response have also reached the clinic, of which the most advanced are the p53 mdm2 interaction inhibitors. Increased understanding of the p53 response is also allowing the development of powerful drug combinations that may increase the selectivity and safety of chemotherapy, by selective protection of normal cells and tissues.Thirty years of research on p53 have produced a detailed understanding of its structure and function. The almost universal loss of p53 activity in tumors has spurred an enormous effort to develop new cancer treatments based on this fact. Sophisticated animal models have shown that activation of the p53 response in even advanced tumors can be curative (Martins et al. 2006; Ventura et al. 2007; Xue et al. 2007). The p53 gene therapy, Gendicine, is approved in China and its US counterpart, Advexin, has shown activity in number of clinical trials. The p53 protein level is raised in many tumors by virtue of an increase in the protein''s half life and this tumor specific alteration in p53 processing has attracted tumor immunologists, who are now testing a number of p53 based vaccines in cancer patients (Speetjens et al. 2009).In more conventional approaches a range of small druglike molecules targeting the p53 system have been developed and several are now in clinical trials. Of critical importance has been the development of small-molecule inhibitors of the p53–Mdm2 protein interaction such as the Nutlins (Vassilev et al. 2004), which have shown activity against human xenografts in preclinical models. Advanced structural approaches have provided compelling support for the idea that some mutant p53 proteins can be targets for small molecules that would cause them to regain wild-type function (Joerger et al. 2006). Cell based screening methods have identified small molecules that can activate both mutant and wild-type p53 proteins in tumor cells to induce apoptosis. These screens, and RNAi based approaches, have revealed many new targets for therapy in the p53 pathway. In an exciting new approach, that has been validated in other tumor suppressor pathways, the search is on for targets in pathways that will show synthetic lethal interactions with loss of p53 function. Finally drug combinations have been developed that can selectively kill cancer cells that lack p53 function while protecting normal cells (Sur et al. 2009). The next few years hold out the prospect of new p53 based therapies that will be of wide application in cancer and other diseases.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Fewer than 40% of U.S. women are taking folic acid supplements periconceptionally at a time when the risk of neural tube defects (NTDs) can be reduced by supplementation. A better understanding of the vitamin-taking habits of childbearing-age women and effective methods for improving periconceptional supplement use are needed. METHODS: A telephone survey conducted through the California Teratogen Information Service (TIS) between August 2003 and January 2004 assessed the prevalence and characteristics of pregnant callers who did not use folic acid supplements in the periconceptional period, and explored attitudes toward advice to continue vitamin use following pregnancy in order to be protected in a future pregnancy. RESULTS: A total of 327 pregnant women who called the TIS for information agreed to participate in the survey. More than half (53.2%) were not taking folic acid-containing supplements in the periconceptional period. Predictors of lack of use included a higher prepregnancy body mass index, younger maternal age, non-white race/ethnicity, lower education level, and unplanned pregnancy. One-quarter of the women said they would be willing to continue taking vitamins after the pregnancy if advised to do so by a physician. The remainder identified obstacles to following that advice--notably, not planning to become pregnant again and the belief that enough folate is derived from diet alone. CONCLUSIONS: More than half of the callers to the TIS were not compliant with recommendations regarding periconceptional folic acid supplementation. This represents an opportunity for TIS specialists and physicians to intervene in a current pregnancy to encourage maintenance of supplement use in the subsequent interpregnancy interval.  相似文献   
This is the first record of winter eggs of the holocyclic monoeceous crapemyrtle aphid Tinocallis kahawaluokalani (Kirkaldy) on Lagerstroemia indica L., in Brazil. The shiny black eggs were observed since early autumn, laid on small folds and crevices of the branches. In order to evaluate and model the egg abundance and distribution, four branches from the cardinal points of 10 plants of two age groups, 5-10 and 20-30 years-old, were collected randomly and cut in eight segments of 10 cm and the number of eggs was registered, in the winter 2001. The eggs were laid mainly on the middle portion of the branch, from 40 cm to 60 cm from the apex on the older trees (54%) and on 30 cm to 60 cm on younger ones (58%). The data fit in a longitudinal regression model that expresses the tendency of the egg distribution on the branches. The number of eggs was greater on the 20-30 year-old plants (61%) than on younger ones (39%). The average number (+/- CI 95%) of eggs was 70.5 +/- 9.3 and 47.4 +/- 12.5, respectively, for the older and younger tree groups. There was no correlation between egg distribution and the cardinal positions of the branches.  相似文献   
Statistical practice in high-throughput screening data analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
High-throughput screening is an early critical step in drug discovery. Its aim is to screen a large number of diverse chemical compounds to identify candidate 'hits' rapidly and accurately. Few statistical tools are currently available, however, to detect quality hits with a high degree of confidence. We examine statistical aspects of data preprocessing and hit identification for primary screens. We focus on concerns related to positional effects of wells within plates, choice of hit threshold and the importance of minimizing false-positive and false-negative rates. We argue that replicate measurements are needed to verify assumptions of current methods and to suggest data analysis strategies when assumptions are not met. The integration of replicates with robust statistical methods in primary screens will facilitate the discovery of reliable hits, ultimately improving the sensitivity and specificity of the screening process.  相似文献   
Burrowing rate index, diurnal variations in heart rate and heart rate alterations associated with behavioral patterns were studied in Anodontites trapesialis from the Pardo River (PR) and the Galo Bravo Dam (GBD). In both populations the pattern immobile/buried was associated with the lowest (basal) values of heart rate, which increase significantly during burrowing remaining steady in its phases I and II and at the first 10 min of phase III. A decrease in the frequency of digging cycles was significantly correlated with the gradual decrease in heart rate during the phase III of burrowing. Nevertheless, mussels from PR burrow faster than those of GBD and possess higher values of basal heart rate which present a diurnal variation with the higher values occurring during the light phase. Yet, the basal heart rate in mussels from GBD remained stable over the course of 24 h. Also, the increase in heart rate associated with burrowing was higher in mussels from PR and compatible with the highest burrowing index previously detected. Since mussels possess a plastic phenotype it is probable that the cited functional differences are phenotypic adaptations, but we cannot exclude the possibility of these adaptations being genotypic in nature.  相似文献   
Accumulating evidence suggests that COX-2-derived prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)) plays an important role in esophageal adenocarcinogenesis. Recently, PGE(2) receptors (EP) have been shown to be involved in colon cancer development. Since it is not known which receptors regulate PGE(2) signals in esophageal adenocarcinoma, we investigated the role of EP receptors using a human Barrett's-derived esophageal adenocarcinoma cell line (OE33). OE33 cells expressed COX-1, COX-2, EP(1), EP(2) and EP(4) but not EP(3) receptors as determined by real time RT-PCR and Western-blot. Treatment with 5-aza-dC restored expression, suggesting that hypermethylation is involved in EP(3) downregulation. Endogenous PGE(2) production was mainly due to COX-2, since this was significantly suppressed with COX-2 inhibitors (NS-398 and SC-58125), but not COX-1 inhibitors (SC-560). Cell proliferation ((3)H-thymidine uptake) was significantly inhibited by NS-398 and SC-58125, the EP(1) antagonist SC-51322, AH6809 (EP(1)/EP(2) antagonist), and the EP(4) antagonist AH23848B, but was not affected by exogenous PGE(2). However, treatment with the selective EP(2) agonist Butaprost or 16,16-dimethylPGE(2) significantly inhibited butyrate-induced apoptosis and stimulated OE33 cell migration. The effect of exogenous PGE(2) on migration was attenuated when cells were first treated with EP(1) and EP(4) antagonists. These findings suggest a potential role for EP selective antagonists in the treatment of esophageal adenocarcinoma.  相似文献   
Unsaturated fatty acids play an essential role in the biophysical characteristics of cell membranes and determine the proper function of membrane-attached proteins. Thus, the ability of cells to alter the degree of unsaturation in their membranes is an important factor in cellular acclimatization to environmental conditions. Many eukaryotic organisms can synthesize dienoic fatty acids, but Saccharomyces cerevisiae can introduce only a single double bond at the Δ9 position. We expressed two sunflower (Helianthus annuus) oleate Δ12 desaturases encoded by FAD2-1 and FAD2-3 in yeast cells of the wild-type W303-1A strain (trp1) and analyzed their effects on growth and stress tolerance. Production of the heterologous desaturases increased the content of dienoic fatty acids, especially 18:2Δ9,12, the unsaturation index, and the fluidity of the yeast membrane. The total fatty acid content remained constant, and the level of monounsaturated fatty acids decreased. Growth at 15°C was reduced in the FAD2 strains, probably due to tryptophan auxotrophy, since the trp1 (TRP1) transformants that produced the sunflower desaturases grew as well as the control strain did. Our results suggest that changes in the fluidity of the lipid bilayer affect tryptophan uptake and/or the correct targeting of tryptophan transporters. The expression of the sunflower desaturases, in either Trp+ or Trp strains, increased NaCl tolerance. Production of dienoic fatty acids increased the tolerance to freezing of wild-type cells preincubated at 30°C or 15°C. Thus, membrane fluidity is an essential determinant of stress resistance in S. cerevisiae, and engineering of membrane lipids has the potential to be a useful tool of increasing the tolerance to freezing in industrial strains.  相似文献   
Viroids: the minimal non-coding RNAs with autonomous replication   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Viroids are small (246-401 nucleotides), non-coding, circular RNAs able to replicate autonomously in certain plants. Viroids are classified into the families Pospiviroidae and Avsunviroidae, whose members replicate in the nucleus and chloroplast, respectively. Replication occurs by an RNA-based rolling-circle mechanism in three steps: (1). synthesis of longer-than-unit strands catalyzed by host DNA-dependent RNA polymerases forced to transcribe RNA templates, (2). processing to unit-length, which in family Avsunviroidae is mediated by hammerhead ribozymes, and (3). circularization either through an RNA ligase or autocatalytically. Disease induction might result from the accumulation of viroid-specific small interfering RNAs that, via RNA silencing, could interfere with normal developmental pathways.  相似文献   
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