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为建立多顺反子质粒载体转染技术获得人脂肪干细胞(adipose stem cells,ASCs)来源的诱导多能干细胞(induced pluripotency stem cells,iPSCs),应用2A元件连接Oct4/Sox2/KLF4/c-Myc四因子基因,构建为单一开放阅读框的多顺反子质粒载体.使用该质粒对ASCs进行转染及重编程为iPSC.采用形态学观察、特异性抗体免疫荧光鉴定、体外拟胚体诱导分化和体内畸胎瘤形成等方法进行鉴定.结果显示,ASCs成功重编程为iPSCs,具有与人胚胎干细胞相似的形态学及多向分化潜能;通过拟胚体和畸胎瘤实验证实iPSCs能在体内外分化成三胚层细胞;DNA印迹实验显示质粒载体序列未整合至iPSCs基因组中.因此,通过多顺反子质粒载体重编程技术成功建立的人iPSCs具有多向分化潜能,可减免发生插入突变和免疫排斥问题,为iPSCs在遗传性或退行性疾病的治疗奠定了实验基础.  相似文献   
为了研究水氮耦合对于小桐子生长和灌溉水利用效率的影响,采用3个供水水平(W1,15.3mm;W2,25.5mm;W3,40.7mm)和3个施氮水平(N1,0g·kg-1;N2,0.3g·kg-1;N3,0.6g·kg-1)进行盆栽实验。结果表明:与W3相比,W1和W2处理的株高、茎粗、叶面积和总干物质量分别降低了61%和34%、57%和35%、46%和32%、49%和35%,根冠比在W2处理时达到最大值;对不同氮素处理,株高和叶面积最大值均出现在N2处理,而茎粗和根冠比则随着施氮量的增加而减小;与W3N3相比,W2N2处理节省灌溉用水38%,节约氮肥施用量50%,其株高、茎粗和总干物质量分别减少了12%、21%和12%,根冠比和叶面积分别显著增加了48%和16%,灌水后第2天、第3天和第4天的蒸腾量分别显著降低21%、15%和12%,从而使灌溉水利用效率提高了40%。  相似文献   
Objectives To explore whether the angiotensin T -converting enzyme (ACE) I/D (insertion/ deletion) polymorphism is associated with the susceptibility to high altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) in the Han Chinese. Methods One hundred and forty-seven HAPE-p (HAPE patients) and 193 HAPE-r (HAPE resistants) were enrolled from the Yushu earthquake reconstruction workers in Qinghai province where the altitude is over 3 500 m above sea level. Blood samples were collected from each of the HAPE-p and HAPE-r groups. Information about physiological phenotypes was obtained via fieldwork investigation. The ACE-I/D polymorphism in HAPE-p and HAPE-r was detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Results The SaO2 was significantly lower while HR was significantly higher in HAPE-p group than those in HAPE-r group. The genotype frequencies of ACE-I/D for II, ID, DD in HAPE-r and HAPE-p groups were 0.430, 0.446, 0.124 and 0.435, 0.469, 0.095, respectively, the allelic frequencies of I and D were 0.650, 0.350 and 0.670, 0.330, respectively. The OR of ID, DD and D alleles relative to II for HAPE was 0.961 (0.610-1.514), 1.322 (0.634-2.758) and 1.080 (0.783-1.489). There was no significant difference of the genotypic and the allelic frequencies in ACE-I/D polymorphism between HAPE-p and HAPE-r groups. Conclusions There is no relation between ACE-I/D polymorphism and HAPE in the Han Chinese.  相似文献   
青蛤抗菌肽基因的克隆及其在组织间的表达分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用构建的SMART-cDNA文库及高通量测序方法,获得了青蛤抗菌肽macin家族相关基因(mytimacin)的全长序列,采用荧光定量PCR方法分析了mytimacin在青蛤各组织的表达情况,并在鳗弧菌胁迫下分析了mytima-cin在外套膜中的时序表达关系。结果表明,mytimacin基因全长461bp,开放阅读框为261bp,编码86个氨基酸,具有24个氨基酸的信号肽序列;荧光定量PCR结果显示,该基因在血液、肝脏、外套膜、鳃和闭壳肌等组织中普遍表达,其中外套膜表达水平最高,在鳃中表达最低;在鳗弧菌刺激后6~24h,青蛤外套膜中mytimacin的表达量出现明显上调的趋势且与对照组差异显著(P<0.05),说明mytimacin抗菌肽基因在青蛤的免疫反应中具有重要作用。  相似文献   

The diurnal patterns of changes in plasma cortisol, growth hormone (GH), somatostatin‐14 (SRIF), thyroid hormones (L‐thyroxine, T4 and triiodo‐L‐thyronine, T3) and glucose were investigated in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, both during single meal‐feeding and during a progressive fast of 13 weeks. All measured variables exhibited a diurnal pattern in fed rainbow trout, most of which appeared to be correlated with the time of feeding (30–60 min after the onset of light), while additional changes, associated with the scotophase were also found for cortisol. Although fasting had no affect on mean daily plasma cortisol or SRIF concentrations, there was a progressive increase in mean daily plasma GH concentrations and a progressive decrease in mean daily plasma thyroid hormone and glucose concentrations associated with fasting. However, for GH, significant changes were not evident until week 10 of the fast. In addition, fasting appeared to phase‐shift the diurnal patterns of plasma GH, cortisol and glucose concentrations; the consequence of such a shift is that conclusions as to the effects of fasting, if based on a single time of sampling, may be flawed.  相似文献   
目的探讨新生BALB/c小鼠胆道梗阻模型的建立,并与报告的新生BALB/c小鼠感染猕猴轮状病毒(RRV)模型小鼠生存曲线进行比较。方法将出生后5~7 d的BALB/c小鼠随机分为实验组和对照组,实验组进行胆总管结扎,然后关腹。对照组打开腹部后关腹不结扎胆总管。实验完成后每天观察小鼠的体重变化、无毛区皮肤颜色变化、小鼠存活天数以及在术后第5、10天时分别取小鼠肝脏做病理及免疫组化。结果小鼠在结扎后随着时间的延长,小鼠的体重及肝体比、无毛区皮肤颜色、存活天数、肝脏病理等都存在一定变化。小鼠体重增长逐渐缓慢,术后第2天就会出现无毛区的皮肤变黄,在尿道口会有淡黄色的液体并随后出现陶土样便。在术后第5天及第10天时取肝脏做肝体比有统计学差异(P≤0.05),小鼠在术后第10天左右会出现死亡高峰。结论新生BALB/c小鼠胆总管结扎模型是研究胆道梗阻的可靠动物实验,其生存曲线与报告的猕猴轮状病毒致胆道闭锁大体类似。  相似文献   
An essential aspect of normal brain function is the bidirectional interaction and communication between neurons and neighbouring glial cells. To this end, the brain has evolved ligand–receptor partnerships that facilitate crosstalk between different cell types. The chemokine, fractalkine (FKN), is expressed on neuronal cells, and its receptor, CX3CR1, is predominantly expressed on microglia. This review focuses on several important functional roles for FKN/CX3CR1 in both health and disease of the central nervous system. It has been posited that FKN is involved in microglial infiltration of the brain during development. Microglia, in turn, are implicated in the developmental synaptic pruning that occurs during brain maturation. The abundance of FKN on mature hippocampal neurons suggests a homeostatic non-inflammatory role in mechanisms of learning and memory. There is substantial evidence describing a role for FKN in hippocampal synaptic plasticity. FKN, on the one hand, appears to prevent excess microglial activation in the absence of injury while promoting activation of microglia and astrocytes during inflammatory episodes. Thus, FKN appears to be neuroprotective in some settings, whereas it contributes to neuronal damage in others. Many progressive neuroinflammatory disorders that are associated with increased microglial activation, such as Alzheimer''s disease, show disruption of the FKN/CX3CR1 communication system. Thus, targeting CX3CR1 receptor hyperactivation with specific antagonists in such neuroinflammatory conditions may eventually lead to novel neurotherapeutics.  相似文献   
Highlights? The mammary epigenome is highly sensitive to steroid hormones at specific developmental stages ? Ezh2 links hormonal cues to changes in chromatin structure and gene expression ? Progesterone is a key in vivo regulator of Ezh2 ? Hormone-induced chromatin changes likely play a role in the initiation of breast cancer  相似文献   
该研究利用RACE ( Rapid amplification of cDNA ends)技术从小蓬中成功分离编码金属硫蛋白( Metal-lothionein,MT)的cDNA序列,命名为NeMT2,在GenBank中登录号为KT835290。该基因全长590 bp,开放阅读框为237 bp,编码78个氨基酸,编码的氨基酸序列中含有14个半胱氨酸残基( Cys,C),呈C-C,C-X-C,C-X-X-C排列,集中分布在肽链的N端和C端,基因编码蛋白的分子量为7.6036 kD,等电点为4.71。系统发育分析表明,小蓬金属硫蛋白NeMT2与藜科的海蓬子( AEF01492)和盐穗木( AHI62953)同源性最高,其次是甜菜( XP 010667708.1)。生物信息学分析表明,金属硫蛋白NeMT2无信号肽结构,属于非跨膜亲水性蛋白;疏水性分析表明,NeMT2蛋白的35~45个氨基酸之间有较强的疏水性,其中第41位Asp具最强的疏水性(1.444);结构预测分析该蛋白质二级结构的主要元件是无规则卷曲。通过RT-PCR对NeMT2基因的表达分析发现, NeMT2基因在铜矿区和非铜矿区的小蓬叶片中均有表达,但该基因在铜矿区小蓬叶片的表达量明显高于非铜矿区。将小蓬NeMT2基因定向克隆到植物表达载体pCAMBIA1300的35S 启动子下游,构建该基因的植物超表达载体pCAMBIA1300+NeMT2。该研究结果为进一步研究该基因的功能和小蓬响应重金属胁迫的分子机制提供了一定基础。  相似文献   
江西金盆山自然保护区位于江西省龙南县、全南县与信丰县的交汇处,为武夷山脉与南岭山脉之间的过渡区域,保护区植物种类丰富、区系地理成分复杂。经野外实地调查、查阅相关文献资料,对保护区内种子植物的科、属、种分布区类型进行统计分析。结果表明:(1)金盆山保护区共有野生种子植物161科659属1 474种,其中裸子植物6科7属7种,占江西裸子植物总种数(83种)的8.43%,被子植物155科652属1 467种,占江西被子植物总种数(4 369种)的33.58%。(2)区系分析显示,金盆山保护区内科的分布区类型中热带分布和温带分布分别占总科数(除去世界分布)的64.22%和35.77%,热带分布占优势地位;属的分布区类型中热带分布和温带分布分别占总属数(除去世界分布)的50.95%和47.55%,二者接近平衡;种的分布区类型中热带分布种和温带分布分别占总种数(除去世界分布)的33.98%和37.15%,而且中国特有种419种,占总种比的28.88%。(3)金盆山保护区种子植物具有单种属、寡种属多,植物区系起源古老的特点,其中有寡种属212属,占总属比的32.17%;单种属374属,占总属比的56.75%;其中寡种属所含种数537种,占总种比的36.43%。(4)与邻近6个保护区的植物区系比较表明,金盆山保护区与武夷山脉的联系较南岭山脉更近,而且金盆山保护区表现出比邻近的阳际峰等武夷山脉地区热带性质更明显。  相似文献   
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