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Increased interferon (IFN)-β signaling in patients with insufficient coronary collateralization and an inhibitory effect of IFNβ on collateral artery growth in mice have been reported. The mechanisms of IFNβ-induced inhibition of arteriogenesis are unknown. In stimulated monocytes from patients with chronic total coronary artery occlusion and decreased arteriogenic response, whole genome expression analysis showed increased expression of IFNβ-regulated genes. Immunohistochemically, the IFNβ receptor was localized in the vascular media of murine collateral arteries. Treatment of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) with IFNβ resulted in an attenuated proliferation, cell-cycle arrest, and increased expression of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor-1A (p21). The growth inhibitory effect of IFNβ was attenuated by inhibition of p21 by RNA interference. IFNβ-treated THP1 monocytes showed enhanced apoptosis. Subsequently, we tested if collateral artery growth can be stimulated by inhibition of IFNβ-signaling. RNA interference of the IFNβ receptor-1 (IFNAR1) increased VSMC proliferation, cell cycle progression, and reduced p21 gene expression. IFNβ signaling and FAS and TRAIL expression were attenuated in monocytes from IFNAR1−/− mice, indicating reduced monocyte apoptosis. Hindlimb perfusion restoration 1 week after femoral artery ligation was improved in IFNAR1−/− mice compared with wild-type mice as assessed by infusion of fluorescent microspheres. These results demonstrate that IFNβ inhibits collateral artery growth and VSMC proliferation through p21-dependent cell cycle arrest and induction of monocyte apoptosis. Inhibition of IFNβ stimulates VSMC proliferation and collateral artery growth.  相似文献   
As a component of the inquiline community of the purple pitcher plant (Sarracenia purpurea), the pitcher plant midge Metriocneus knabi has been the subject of various ecological studies. However, very little is known about its characteristics beyond the larval stage, in particular the dispersal ability of adults. This study presents new molecular tools developed for testing of evolutionary and ecological questions in natural populations of this species. We describe a set of 12 microsatellite loci specific to M. knabi that are sufficiently polymorphic to provide insight into population genetic structure and dispersal patterns.  相似文献   
A small number of closely related strains of Listeria monocytogenes serotype 4b, designated epidemic clone I (ECI), have been implicated in numerous outbreaks of food-borne listeriosis described during the past two decades in Europe and North America. In 1998 to 1999, a multistate outbreak traced to contaminated hot dogs involved a different strain type of serotype 4b, with genetic fingerprints rarely encountered before. In spite of the profound economic and public health impact of this outbreak, the implicated bacteria (designated epidemic clone II [ECII]) have remained poorly characterized genetically, and nucleotide sequences specific for these strains have not been reported. Using genome sequence information, PCR, and Southern blots, we identified DNA fragments which appeared to be either absent or markedly divergent in the hot dog outbreak strains but conserved among other serotype 4b strains. PCR with primers derived from these fragments as well as Southern blots with the amplicons as probes readily differentiated ECII from other serotype 4b strains. The serotype 4b-specific region harboring these fragments was adjacent to inlA, which encodes a well-characterized virulence determinant. The findings suggest that ECII strains have undergone divergence in portions of a serotype-specific region that is conserved in other serotype 4b strains. Although the mechanisms that drive this divergence remain to be identified, DNA-based tools from this region can facilitate the detection and further characterization of strains belonging to this lineage.  相似文献   

Key message

Reduced leaf longevity, N-fixation, and enhanced hydraulic capacity combined support greater shifts in seasonal photosynthetic capacity of an expansive understory evergreen woody species relative to co-occurring less expansive evergreen species.


Physiological functioning typically declines with increased leaf life span. While an evergreen leaf habit is generally associated with reduced leaf N, physiological capacity, and slower growth, most expansive woody species are evergreens and/or N fixers. An evergreen leaf habit enables year-round activity and less investment in carbon and nutrients, while N-fixation enhances photosynthetic capacity. Our objective was to compare anatomy and physiology of three woody evergreens Ilex opaca Aiton (Aquifoliaceae), Kalmia latifolia L. (Ericaceae), and Myrica cerifera (Myricaceae) of varying leaf longevity, N-fixation capability, and known expansive potential in a deciduous forest understory to determine if seasonal physiological performance integrated these factors. We hypothesized that I. opaca (non-expansive) and K. latifolia (moderately expansive), which have longer leaf longevities, would have reduced physiological performance compared to M. cerifera (expansive), which has shorter leaf longevity, and symbiotically fixes atmospheric N. Stomatal conductance to water vapor, photosynthetic and hydraulic capacities, specific leaf area, and leaf %N decreased with increasing leaf life span; however, trends among species were not consistent seasonally. While hydraulic capacity remained constant throughout the year, photosynthetic capacity did not. During the growing season, M. cerifera displayed photosynthetic capacity similar to deciduous species, yet, during the winter, photosynthetic capacity was similar to the slower-growing evergreens. Reduced leaf life span, enhanced hydraulic capacity, and nitrogen fixation support the seasonal shift in photosynthetic capacity observed in M. cerifera. This “hybrid” strategy enables M. cerifera to maximize productivity during months of optimal conditions, thereby promoting rapid growth and expansion in the understory.  相似文献   
Chronic exposure to nicotine up-regulates high sensitivity nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) in the brain. This up-regulation partially underlies addiction and may also contribute to protection against Parkinson’s disease. nAChRs containing the α6 subunit (α6* nAChRs) are expressed in neurons in several brain regions, but comparatively little is known about the effect of chronic nicotine on these nAChRs. We report here that nicotine up-regulates α6* nAChRs in several mouse brain regions (substantia nigra pars compacta, ventral tegmental area, medial habenula, and superior colliculus) and in neuroblastoma 2a cells. We present evidence that a coat protein complex I (COPI)-mediated process mediates this up-regulation of α6* or α4* nAChRs but does not participate in basal trafficking. We show that α6β2β3 nAChR up-regulation is prevented by mutating a putative COPI-binding motif in the β3 subunit or by inhibiting COPI. Similarly, a COPI-dependent process is required for up-regulation of α4β2 nAChRs by chronic nicotine but not for basal trafficking. Mutation of the putative COPI-binding motif or inhibition of COPI also results in reduced normalized Förster resonance energy transfer between α6β2β3 nAChRs and εCOP subunits. The discovery that nicotine exploits a COPI-dependent process to chaperone high sensitivity nAChRs is novel and suggests that this may be a common mechanism in the up-regulation of nAChRs in response to chronic nicotine.  相似文献   

Key message

Robust physiology of Myrica cerifera across a chronosequence (i.e., space for time substitution) of shrub thicket age classes contributes to rapid cover expansion observed in the last 50 years.


Many studies have documented the causes of woody expansion into grasslands, but few address unique morphological and physiological traits that facilitate expansion. Myrica cerifera, an evergreen N-fixer, is the dominant shrub on many barrier islands of the southeastern United States. Cover of Myrica cerifera has expanded by ~400 % on Hog Island, Virginia, in the past 50 years. Accretion of the northern end of the island has resulted in a chronosequence (i.e., space for time substitution) of both soil age and shrub thicket development. We investigated functional traits and physiological parameters related to light capture, processing and water balance of M. cerifera across shrub thickets of four age classes from ~10 to ~50 years. We hypothesized that light processing capabilities and hydraulic capacity would be reduced with thicket age. Spatial variation in morphology (i.e., leaf thickness, leaf area) and structure (i.e., leaf angle) related to light capture was observed. Yet, little or no differences were detected in stomatal density, photosynthetic pigments, electron transport rate (ETR) and hydraulic conductivity across sites. Previous research has shown declines in leaf N content, productivity and leaf litter production across the chronosequence. In contrast, we observed that physiology remains consistent despite considerable differences in thicket age and development. Myrica cerifera maintains high photosynthetic and hydraulic efficiency, factors which enable expansion and maintenance of shrub thickets in mesic coastal environments.  相似文献   
Alphaviruses, including several emerging human pathogens, are a large family of mosquito-borne viruses with Sindbis virus being a prototypical member of the genus. The host factor requirements and receptors for entry of this class of viruses remain obscure. Using a Drosophila system, we identified the divalent metal ion transporter natural resistance-associated macrophage protein (NRAMP) as a host cell surface molecule required for Sindbis virus binding and entry into Drosophila cells. Consequently, flies mutant for dNRAMP were protected from virus infection. NRAMP2, the ubiquitously expressed vertebrate homolog, mediated binding and infection of Sindbis virus into mammalian cells, and murine cells deficient for NRAMP2 were nonpermissive to infection. Alphavirus glycoprotein chimeras demonstrated that the requirement for NRAMP2 is at the level of Sindbis virus entry. Given the conserved structure of alphavirus glycoproteins, and the widespread use of transporters for viral entry, other alphaviruses may use conserved multipass membrane proteins for infection.  相似文献   
Cellular immune responses, particularly those associated with CD3+ CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL), play a primary role in controlling viral infection, including persistent infection with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). Accordingly, recent HIV-1 vaccine research efforts have focused on establishing the optimal means of eliciting such antiviral CTL immune responses. We evaluated several DNA vaccine formulations, a modified vaccinia virus Ankara vector, and a replication-defective adenovirus serotype 5 (Ad5) vector, each expressing the same codon-optimized HIV-1 gag gene for immunogenicity in rhesus monkeys. The DNA vaccines were formulated with and without one of two chemical adjuvants (aluminum phosphate and CRL1005). The Ad5-gag vector was the most effective in eliciting anti-Gag CTL. The vaccine produced both CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell responses, with the latter consistently being the dominant component. To determine the effect of existing antiadenovirus immunity on Ad5-gag-induced immune responses, monkeys were exposed to adenovirus subtype 5 that did not encode antigen prior to immunization with Ad5-gag. The resulting anti-Gag T-cell responses were attenuated but not abolished. Regimens that involved priming with different DNA vaccine formulations followed by boosting with the adenovirus vector were also compared. Of the formulations tested, the DNA-CRL1005 vaccine primed T-cell responses most effectively and provided the best overall immune responses after boosting with Ad5-gag. These results are suggestive of an immunization strategy for humans that are centered on use of the adenovirus vector and in which existing adenovirus immunity may be overcome by combined immunization with adjuvanted DNA and adenovirus vector boosting.  相似文献   
The B lymphotrophic γ-herpesvirus EBV is associated with a variety of lymphoid- and epithelial-derived malignancies, including B cell lymphomas in immunocompromised and immunosuppressed individuals. The primary oncogene of EBV, latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1), activates the PI3K/Akt pathway to induce the autocrine growth factor, IL-10, in EBV-infected B cells, but the mechanisms underlying PI3K activation remain incompletely understood. Using small molecule inhibition and siRNA strategies in human B cell lines expressing a chimeric, signaling-inducible LMP1 protein, nerve growth factor receptor (NGFR)-LMP1, we show that NGFR-LMP1 utilizes Syk to activate PI3K/Akt signaling and induce IL-10 production. NGFR-LMP1 signaling induces phosphorylation of BLNK, a marker of Syk activation. Whereas Src kinases are often required for Syk activation, we show here that PI3K/Akt activation and autocrine IL-10 production by NGFR-LMP1 involves the Src family kinase Fyn. Finally, we demonstrate that NGFR-LMP1 induces phosphorylation of c-Cbl in a Syk- and Fyn-dependent fashion. Our results indicate that the EBV protein LMP1, which lacks the canonical ITAM required for Syk activation, can nevertheless activate Syk, and the Src kinase Fyn, resulting in downstream c-Cbl and PI3K/Akt activation. Fyn, Syk, and PI3K/Akt antagonists thus may present potential new therapeutic strategies that target the oncogene LMP1 for treatment of EBV+ B cell lymphomas.  相似文献   
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