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The biodegradation and toxicity of tetrachloroethylene (C2Cl4) and trichloroethylene (C2HCl3) were studied with different anaerobic enrichment cultures using the following electron donors: acetate, propionate, butyrate, methanol, formate and hydrogen. All of them sustained dechlorination except propionate, for which C2Cl4 biodegradation rates were not significant. The best results were obtained with butyrate. Hydrogen appeared to be a relevant electron donor for dechlorination with the present cultures. In the presence of specific inhibitors such as bromoethanesulphonate or molybdate, a slight inhibition of dechlorination was observed. According to dechlorination kinetics, Monod-type behaviour was observed up to 120 μM C2Cl4 or 200 μM C2HCl3 with K s values around 7 μM for both compounds. Dechlorination was partially inhibited at higher concentrations. In contrast, methanogens, or at least methane production, were more sensitive to the presence of chlorinated ethylenes and inhibition of methanogenesis was observed to different extents over all the C2Cl4/C2HCl3 concentration range tested, even at the lowest concentrations. Received: 17 April 1998 / Received revision: 18 June 1998 / Accepted: 19 June 1998  相似文献   
Affinity constant (Km) of D-glucose, L-alanine, L-aspartate, L-lysine, L-proline and nutrients coupled Na+ were determined in renal brush border membrane vesicles prepared from control and pyelonephritic rats. The Km of D-glucose, amino acids and nutrients coupled Na+ was noted to be significantly increased (p less than 0.001) in experimental animals. The Vmax of D-glucose and amino acids was determined at different concentrations of nutrients keeping extravesicular Na+ constant or at different concentrations of extravesicular Na+ keeping nutrient concentration constant. In the experimental rats the Vmax decreased significantly (p less than 0.01) when compared to control. The increased Km and decreased Vmax may be one of the underlying mechanism leading to decrease in the uptake of D-glucose and amino acids.  相似文献   
In order to study the potential role of cysteinyl residues in catalysis and inhibition of human aldose reductase, mutants containing cysteine to serine substitution at positions 80 (ALR2:C80S), 298 (ALR2:C298S), and 303 (ALR2:C303S) were constructed. Mutation of Cys298 resulted in the most profound changes, as ALR2:C298S displayed 4- to 5-fold elevation in K'm(NADPH), K'm(DL-glyceraldehyde), and kcat(DL-glyceraldehyde) relative to wild type aldose reductase as well as a 10-fold higher Ki for the aldose reductase inhibitor sorbinil. Wild type and mutant reductases were equally sensitive to tolrestat, a structurally different reductase inhibitor. Carboxymethylation of the wild type enzyme or the C80S and C303S mutants led to a modest decrease in kcat as well as an increase in K'm(DL-glyceraldehyde) and Ki(sorbinil). These parameters were not significantly changed when ALR2:C298S was subjected to carboxymethylation. Lithium sulfate caused activation of ALR2:WT, C80S, and C303S but did not significantly affect the activity of ALR2:C298S. The differential sensitivity of wild type and mutant reductases to inhibition by sorbinil and tolrestat, before and after carboxymethylation, indicates that these inhibitors bind at different sites. These results suggest that Cys-298 is present near the active site and constitutes a regulatory group which controls the catalytic activity and inhibitor sensitivity of the enzyme.  相似文献   
A protein binding to the alcohol oxidase 2 upstream activation sequence (AOX2UAS) of the methylotropic yeast, Pichia pastoris, has been purified and identified as cytochrome c (cyt c). Cyt c purified from P. pastoris or Saccharomyces cerevisiae binds to AOX2UAS. Specific point mutations in AOX2UAS abolish cyt c binding. We conclude that yeast cyt c is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein and may have a regulatory role in the nucleus.  相似文献   
The adult cerebral hemispheres are connected to each other by specialized midline cell types and by three axonal tracts: the corpus callosum, the hippocampal commissure, and the anterior commissure. Many steps are required for these tracts to form, including early patterning and later axon pathfinding steps. Here, the requirement for FGF signaling in forming midline cell types and commissural axon tracts of the cerebral hemispheres is examined. Fgfr1, but not Fgfr3, is found to be essential for establishing all three commissural tracts. In an Fgfr1 mutant, commissural neurons are present and initially project their axons, but these fail to cross the midline that separates the hemispheres. Moreover, midline patterning defects are observed in the mutant. These defects include the loss of the septum and three specialized glial cell types, the indusium griseum glia, midline zipper glia, and glial wedge. Our findings demonstrate that FGF signaling is required for generating telencephalic midline structures, in particular septal and glial cell types and all three cerebral commissures. In addition, analysis of the Fgfr1 heterozygous mutant, in which midline patterning is normal but commissural defects still occur, suggests that at least two distinct FGF-dependent mechanisms underlie the formation of the cerebral commissures.  相似文献   
Rat liver tissue was fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde buffered with cacodylic acid (pH 7.3) for 2 hr, washed twice in buffer, and postfixed in 2% osmium tetroxide at 4 C for 1 hr. The tissue then was dehydrated, infiltrated with and embedded in Epon by routine procedures. The ultrathin sections from this tissue, when stained with spectroscopic grade methanol saturated with uranyl acetate (SMUA) for 1 min followed by aqueous lead citrate (PbCi) (Reynolds 1963) for 5 min at room temperature, showed a uniform staining of all major cellular components except glycogen. The SMUA appeared to be specific for ribonuceloprotein granules, rendering them more prominent in the cytoplasm due to the lack of glycogen staining. The question of glycogen removal from the sections due to SMUA treatment was evulated using various extractions and staining methods. It appeared that SMUA pretreatment alters the subsequent binding ability of lead salts, resulting in lack of glycogen staining, although it does not remove the glycogen from the sections.  相似文献   
The ultrastructure of the pineal organ was studied in the tropical megachiropteran Rousettus leschenaulti. The pineal lies deep beneath the hemispheres adjacent to the third ventricle and is traversed by the habenular commissure anteriorly. Its parenchyma consists of a uniform population of light and occasional dark pinealocytes which appear to differ only in the degree of cytoplasmic staining. Pinealocytes are characterized by well developed Golgi bodies associated with numerous small vesicles, many mitochondria and polyribosomes, and frequent subsurface cisternae. Lipid droplets and elements of smooth endoplasmic reticulum are scant. Cisternae of granular endoplasmic reticulum are occasionally dilated. A distinct feature is the abundance of clear vesicles in the pinealocyte pericapillary terminals, which also frequently contain granular vesicles and a very large vacuole. The pineal is further characterized by the presence of a small number of glial cells and myelinated nerve fibers. A broad perivascular space investing numerous capillaries contains glial-cell and pinealocyte processes, collagen fibrils and abundant unmyelinated nerve fibers. Tortuous extensions of the perivascular space enter the pineal parenchyma where they come in close proximity to branched intercellular channels or canaliculi characterized by specialized junctions and microvilli. Differences between the pineal of the non-hibernating megachiropteran Rousettus and that of the hibernating microchiropteran bats, and structural similarities to the pineal of tropical rodents are discussed.  相似文献   
Effects of oxidative stress on isolated rat ventricular myocytes were studied. Myocyte viability was determined by the ability of these cells to retain rod-shaped morphology and to exclude trypan blue. The mean life time of myocytes was quantitated using the Weibull distribution function. Superfusion with 200 M tert-butyl hydroperoxide (t-BHP) led to a time-dependent loss of cell viability, generation of the products of lipid peroxidation, oxidation of protein and non-protein thiols, a decrease in [ATP]i and in the cellular energy charge. Dithiothreitol (DTT, 5 mM) prolonged survival of myocytes exposed to t-BHP, attenuated oxidation of protein and non-protein thiols, and preserved the energy charge. Exposure to DTT did not affect the concentration of t-BHP-generated lipid peroxidation products. Promethazine (1 M) prevented t-BHP-induced increase in the concentration of lipid peroxidation products, but did not prevent either loss of thiols or loss of cell viability. Superfusion with N-ethylmaleimide (NEM, 5 M) also led to loss of cell viability, with accompanying decreases in protein and non-protein thiols, ATP and energy charge without the accumulation of the products of lipid peroxidation. Superfusion with FeSO4 (400 M) and ascorbate (1 mM), (Fe-Asc) did not result in loss of cell viability or a decrease protein thiols or the energy charge. Superfusion with Fe-Asc, did, however, lead to a slight decrease in the concentration of non-protein thiols and ATP and a large increase in the concentration of lipid peroxidation products. Accumulation of lipid peroxidation products induced by Fe-Asc was prevented by promethazine. These results indicate that free radical-induced irreversible cell injury results from a loss of protein thiols. Changes in the cellular energy charge and lipid peroxidation do not bear a simple relationship to the survival of cardiac myocytes under oxidative stress.  相似文献   
The ATP binding cassette transporter, ABCD2 (D2), is a peroxisomal protein whose mRNA has been detected in the adrenal, brain, liver, and fat. Although the role of this transporter in neural tissues has been studied, its function in adipose tissue remains unexplored. The level of immunoreactive D2 in epididymal fat is >50-fold of that found in brain or adrenal. D2 is highly enriched in adipocytes and is upregulated during adipogenesis but is not essential for adipocyte differentiation or lipid accumulation in day 13.5 mouse embryonic fibroblasts isolated from D2-deficient (D2−/−) mice. Although no differences were appreciated in differentiation percentage, total lipid accumulation was greater in D2−/− adipocytes compared with the wild type. These results were consistent with in vivo observations in which no significant differences in adiposity or adipocyte diameter between wild-type and D2−/− mice were observed. D2−/− adipose tissue showed an increase in the abundance of 20:1 and 22:1 fatty acids. When mice were challenged with a diet enriched in erucic acid (22:1), this lipid accumulated in the adipose tissue in a gene-dosage-dependent manner. In conclusion, D2 is a sterol regulatory element binding protein target gene that is highly abundant in fat and opposes the accumulation of dietary lipids generally absent from the triglyceride storage pool within adipose tissue.  相似文献   
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