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袁嘉  欧桦杰  金晓东  钱深华 《生态学报》2023,43(4):1703-1713
荒野是地球表面未受人类开发建设影响或基本不受人类活动干扰的自然区域,在城市的局部人为干扰极低区域也存在荒野片段。城市荒野作为城市内部及周边区域中以自然过程主导的景观单元,其物种组成、结构、过程和功能处于基本不受人类活动干扰的状况,因此具有高度自我调节的生态过程,以及良好的生态系统服务潜力,是城市生态系统的高保护价值区域。城市荒野有别于一般人工生态系统的生态特征及生物多样性保育等高价值服务功能开始引起人们的广泛重视,被认为是完善城市生态网络、保护城市生物多样性以及应对人类世人地矛盾激化的重要机遇。当前,国内外城市荒野研究尚处在初级阶段,有关城市荒野辨识、分类及生态特征等方面的研究滞后,制约了城市荒野的价值判断与保护决策。研究系统分析了城市荒野生态研究的进展与趋势,深入辨析了城市荒野的概念、分类与生态特征,探讨了城市荒野与人类的共存挑战和协同机遇,针对现有研究不足提出了保护和修复对策,并就值得进一步关注的研究方向给出了相关建议。研究旨在阐明基于城市荒野恢复城市与自然联系的机遇和挑战,可为城市生物多样性可持续管理提供科学依据,对城市自然资本保护与增强城市生态系统韧性具有重要意义。  相似文献   
The Chinese water pine Glyptostrobus pensilis is the sole surviving species of the genus Glyptostrobus. It is endemic to southern China, central Vietnam, and eastern Laos, and today it is nearly extinct in the wild. Forest community characteristics and population structure of G. pensilis in China have remained un-known up to now. We investigated six swamp forest stands and analyzed their forest community characteristics (i.e. vertical stratification, species composition, and diversity) and population structure, including the frequency distribution of DBH (diameter at breast height) and age-classes as found in Fujian Province, southeastern China. The vertical stratifications of all the forest stands were rather simple. The remaining wild specimens ranged from roughly 15 to some 357 years for an average of ca. 85 years, with only a few individuals less than 20 years old. Compared with the stands and populations of G. pensilis in Vietnam, the taxonomic compositions of the stands in the two regions were different, except for the dominant species-G. pensilis. The Shannon-Wiener index showed the overstory of each stand had much lower diversity (0.26 on average) in Fujian Province than that (1.97 on average) in Vietnam, whereas the diversity indices were about the same (around 2.41) for the understories in the two regions. Furthermore, we discovered 18 G. pensilis seedlings at the study sites in Fujian Province. This discovery demonstrates that G. pensilis regeneration is extremely poor and its populations are declining, although these populations are rela-tively healthier than those in Vietnam.  相似文献   
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