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Changes in the structure of tenebrionid beetle, lizard and rodent communities along the aridity gradient that determines the position of a phytogeographic province boundary were studied to test: (1) whether there are two different species assemblages on either side of the boundary (2) the extent of their differentiation and (3) if they are composed of different or the same faunal elements. Several ordination methods were tested for their capacity to reflect community structure, and discriminant function analysis was selected as the primary method of ordination. Each of the ordination axes reflected a complex environmental gradient. The latter was different for each taxon. The gradient of productivity cross-cuts ecological space for each animal group in an individual manner. Revealed spatial assemblages of species were related to the level of productivity. There was one assemblage of species at high productivity and one or two assemblages occurred at low productivity in each taxon. The α–diversity curve of rodents changed weakly along the productivity gradient, whereas those of lizard and beetle communities were distinctly unimodal and had maxima near the middle of the gradient. β–diversity curves of rodents had a concave shape, but those of lizard and beetle communities increased from low productivity values to the middle of the gradient and after that weakly declined to the upper (productive) end of the gradient. Seven types of ranges or areographic groups of species were distinguished. Each species assemblage was composed of different faunal elements. Comparison of the results of ecological and areographic analyses demonstrated that two assemblages of rodents and lizards represent different guilds within the same community rather than different communities. The phytogeographic border for these taxa is an ecological rather than a geographical boundary. The difference between the two tenebrionid assemblages appears to be zoogeographical rather than ecological, and coincides with the phytogeographic boundary.  相似文献   
Population density is a fundamental property of a species and yet it varies among populations of the same species. The variation comes from the interplay between intrinsic features of a species that tend to produce repeatable density values across all populations of the same species and extrinsic environmental factors that differ among localities and thus tend to produce spatial variation in density. Is inter-population variation in density too large for density to be considered a true species character? We addressed this question using data on abundance (number of parasites per individual host, i.e. equivalent to density) of fleas ectoparasitic on small mammals. The data included samples of 548 flea populations, representing 145 flea species and obtained from 48 different geographical regions. Abundances of the same flea species on the same host species, but in different regions, were more similar to each other than expected by chance, and varied significantly among flea species, with 46% of the variation among samples accounted by differences between flea species. Thus, estimates of abundance are repeatable within the same flea species. The same repeatability was also observed, but to a lesser extent, across flea genera, tribes and subfamilies. Independently of the identity of the flea species, abundance values recorded on the same host species, or in the same geographical region, also showed significant statistical repeatability, though not nearly as strong as that associated with abundance values from the same flea species. There were also no strong indications that regional differences in abiotic variables were an important determinant of variation in abundance of a given flea species on a given host species. Abundance thus appears to be a true species trait in fleas, although it varies somewhat within bounds set by species-specific life history traits.  相似文献   
Using Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) as a model system, we investigated whether 18 microsatellites tightly linked to immune‐relevant genes have experienced different selection pressures than 76 loci with no obvious association with immune function. Immune‐relevant loci were identified as outliers by two outlier tests significantly more often than nonimmune linked loci (22% vs. 1.6%). In addition, the allele frequencies of immune relevant markers were more often correlated with latitude and temperature. Combined, these results support the hypothesis that immune‐relevant loci more frequently exhibit footprints of selection than other loci. They also indicate that the correlation between immune‐relevant loci and latitude may be due to temperature‐induced differences in pathogen‐driven selection or some other environmental factor correlated with latitude.  相似文献   
We asked whether (a) variation in species composition of parasite assemblages on the same host species follows a non‐random pattern and (b) if so, manifestation of this non‐randomness across space and time differs among parasites, hosts and scales. We assessed nestedness and its contribution to β‐diversity of fleas and gamasid mite assemblages exploiting small mammals across three scales: (a) within the same region across different locations; (b) within the same location across different times and (c) across distinct geographic regions. We estimated (a) the degree of nestedness (NCOL) and (b) the proportional contribution of nestedness to the total amount of β‐diversity across locations, times and regions (βNESP). In the majority of host species, parasite assemblages were nested significantly across all three scales. In mites, but not fleas, NCOL correlated with the contribution of nestedness to the total amount of β‐diversity. In fleas, NCOL did not differ among assemblages at the two local scales, but was significantly lower at regional scale. In mites, NCOL was the highest in assemblages at local spatial scale. βNESP was significantly higher (a) in flea than in mite assemblages at both local scales and (b) in mite than in flea assemblages at regional scale. In fleas, βNESP was higher at both local scales, whereas in mites it was higher at both local temporal and regional scales. Sheltering habits and geographic range of a host species did not affect either NCOL or βNESP in flea assemblages, but both metrics significantly decreased with an increase of geographic range of a host species in mite assemblages. We conclude that flea and mite assemblages across host populations at smaller and larger spatial scales and at temporal scale were characterized by nestedness which, in turn, contributed to an important degree to the total amount of β‐diversity of these assemblages.  相似文献   
It has been reported that the use of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) as a solvent for fixatives enhances preservation of cellular ultrastructure. By contrast, we have shown that DMSO alters the ultrastructural integrity of glutaraldehyde fixed cells. The cell membrane, nuclear envelope, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, microtubules and intracytoplasmic organelles are most susceptible to the action of DMSO. We hypothesize that DMSO exerts intracellular alterations via its interaction with remnant interfacial water in fixed cells. DMSO-induced alterations of these and related cellular components may result in the formation of artefactual structures and networks. Thus, it appears that DMSO containing glutaraldehyde neither accelerates fixation nor enhances stabilization of cellular ultrastructure. For these reasons, addition of DMSO to fixatives is not recommended.  相似文献   
It has been reported that the use of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) as a solvent for fixatives enhances preservation of cellular ultrastructure. By contrast, we have shown that DMSO alters the ultrastructural integrity of glutaraldehyde fixed cells. The cell membrane, nuclear envelope, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, microtubules and intracytoplasmic organelles are most susceptible to the action of DMSO. We hypothesize that DMSO exerts intracellular alterations via its interaction with remnant interfacial water in fixed cells. DMSO-induced alterations of these and related cellular components may result in the formation of artefactual structures and networks. Thus, it appears that DMSO containing glutaraldehyde neither accelerates fixation nor enhances stabilization of cellular ultrastructure. For these reasons, addition of DMSO to fixatives is not recommended.  相似文献   
We used null models to examine patterns of species co‐occurrences in 59 communities of fleas parasitic on small mammals from 4 biogeographic realms (Afrotropics, Nearctic, Neotropics, and Palaearctic). We compared frequencies of co‐occurrences of flea species across host species with those expected by chance, using a null model approach. We used 4 tests for non‐randomness to identify pairs of species (within a community) that demonstrate significant positive or negative co‐occurrence. The majority of flea communities were non‐randomly assembled. Patterns of flea co‐occurrences on the same host species indicated aggregation but not segregation of flea species (except for the flea community of Madagascar). Although only a small fraction of species pairs were associated significantly (264 of 10, 943 species pairs according to the most liberal criterion), most of these associations were positive (except for 2 negatively associated species pairs). Significantly associated pairs were represented mainly by non‐congeneric species. The degree of non‐randomness of the entire flea community was similar among biogeographic regions, but the strength of pair‐wise association varied geographically, being the highest in the Afrotropics and the lowest in the European region of the Palaearctic.  相似文献   
Aim The similarity between parasite assemblages should decrease with increasing geographic distance between them, increasing dissimilarity in environmental conditions, and/or increasing dissimilarity of the local host fauna, depending on the dispersal abilities of the parasites and the intimacy of their associations with the host. We tested for a decay in the similarity of gamasid mite assemblages parasitic on small mammals with increasing geographic, ‘environmental’ and ‘host faunal’ (= ‘host’) distances. Location We used data on assemblages of haematophagous gamasid mites (superfamily Dermanyssoidea) parasitic on small mammals (Insectivora, Lagomorpha and Rodentia) from 26 different regions of the northern Palaearctic. Methods Similarity in mite assemblages was investigated at the compound community level across all regions, and at the component community level, across populations of the same host species for each of 11 common host species. Similarity between pairs of mite communities was estimated using both the Jaccard and the Sorensen indices. Environmental distance was estimated as the dissimilarity between locations in a composite measure of climatic variables, and host faunal distance was simply taken as the reciprocal of indices of similarity between the composition of host faunas in different locations. Generalized Linear Models (GLM) and Akaike's Information Criterion were used to select the best model of decay in similarity as a function of geographic, ‘environmental’ and ‘host faunal’ distances. Results Overall, despite slight differences among host species, the similarity in mite assemblages decreased with both increasing ‘environmental’ distance and increasing ‘host faunal’ distance, but was generally unaffected by geographic distance between regions. The similarity of component communities of gamasid mites among host populations was determined mainly by similarity in the physical environment, whereas that of compound communities varied mainly with host‐species composition. Main conclusions Our results indicate that the general decay in community similarity with increasing geographic distances does not apply to assemblages of gamasid mites; it is possible that they can overcome great distances by means of passive dispersal (either by phoresy or wind‐borne), or more likely they occur wherever their hosts are found as a result of tight cospeciation in the past. Mite assemblages on small mammalian hosts seem to be affected mainly by local environmental conditions, and, to a much lesser extent, by the species composition of local host communities.  相似文献   
The abundance of a given species in a community is likely to depend on both the total abundance and diversity of other species making up that community. A large number of co-occurring individuals or co-occurring species may decrease the abundance of any given species via diffuse competition; however, indirect interactions among many co-occurring species can have positive effects on a focal species. The existence of diffuse competition and facilitation remain difficult to demonstrate in natural communities. Here, we use data on communities of fleas ectoparasitic on small mammals from 27 distinct geographical regions to test whether the abundance of any given flea species in a community is affected by either the total abundance of all other co-occurring flea species, or the species richness and/or taxonomic diversity of the flea community. At all scales of analysis, i.e. whether we compared the same flea species on different host species, or different flea species, two consistent results emerged. First, the abundance of a given flea species correlates positively with the total abundance of all other co-occurring flea species in the community. Second, the abundance of any given flea species correlates negatively with either the species richness or taxonomic diversity of the flea community. The results do not support the existence of diffuse competition in these assemblages, because the more individuals of other flea species are present on a host population, the more individuals of the focal species are there as well. Instead, we propose explanations involving either apparent facilitation among flea species via suppression of host immune defenses, or niche filtering processes acting to restrict the taxonomic composition and abundance of flea assemblages.  相似文献   
An Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) expressed sequence tag (EST) database consisting of 58 146 ESTs was screened for microsatellite sequences. Subsequent development of 75 polymorphic EST‐associated microsatellite markers in this species is described together with cross‐species amplification results of 133 gene‐associated tandem repeat markers in five salmonid species (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Salvelinus aplinus, Thymallus thymallus, Coregonus lavaretus). The number of alleles among EST‐linked microsatellites in Atlantic salmon ranged from two to 41 with an average of 12 alleles per locus. Cross‐species amplification resulted in detection of a total of 111 polymorphic locus‐species combinations (12–32 loci per species).  相似文献   
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