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Representative plant allelochemicals were tested for toxicity to larvae of the cigarette beetle Lasioderma serricorne (F.) that were either untreated, treated with fungicides, or treated to render them free of symbiotic yeast (aposymbiotic) through surface sterilization of eggs. Insects rendered symbiont-free had higher mortality and/or developmental rates than controls when fed diets containing flavone, resorcinol or tannic acid. Fungicides reduced symbiont populations and/or caused morphological abnormalities. Two hydrolytic enzymes, which made up a significant protion of mycetome hydrolytic activity, were absent when symbionts were not present, as indicated by gel electrophoresis. This information indicates symbionts do contribute to the survival of their host by detoxifying toxins.
Résumé La toxicité relative de substances allélochimiques végétales typiques a été examinée sur des larves de L. serricorne F. traitées aux fongicides et rendues aposymbiotiques par stérilisation superficielle des ufs. La toxicité de la nicotine est relativement inaffectée chez les larves aposymbiotiques; cependant les toxicités des resorcinol, flavone et acide tannique sont significativement augmentées chez les insectes ayant reçu un traitement pour éliminer leurs symbiontes. L'électrophorèse sur gel a montré que quelques enzymes responsables de l'hydrolyse du 1-naphthyl acétate, réaction enzymatique de la détoxification enzymatique, sont absentes chez les insectes aposymbiotiques. L'acide sorbique a réduit significativement l'effectif de symbiontes, tandis que le bénomyl a réduit leur gamme provoquant la multiplication anormale d'autres espèces. Ces résultats montrent que les symbiontes contribuent aux possibilités de détoxification de l'insecte. L'élimination des symbiontes peut être une technique efficace pour lutter contre les insectes qui en contiennent, puisqu'elle les priverait de leur contribution à l'alimentation et à la détoxification. Cette stratégie est vraisemblablement compatible avec des programmes de lutte intégrée, puisque les prédateurs et parasites ne contiennent pas de symbiontes.
我国现有地区以上中等农业学校224所,分布全国各地,担负着全国中级农业科技人才的培养和县以下在职农业技术干部的轮训任务。实践证明,中等农业学校是我国初、高级农业教育和研究机构中承上启下的组成部分,是加速农业现代化建设的重要方面军。中等农业学校教育质量的高低,与专业基础课——植物及植物生理学教学质量的好坏是密切相关的。1980年5月农业部教育局颁布《植物及植物生理教学大纲》的  相似文献   
Using a battery of seven lectin-ferritin conjugates as probes for cell surface glycoconjugates, we have studied the pattern of plasmalemmal differentiation of cells in the embryonic rat pancreas from day 15 in utero to the early postpartum stage. Our results indicate that differentiation of plasmalemmal glycoconjugates on acinar, endocrine, and centroacinar cells is temporally correlated with development and is unique for each cell type, as indicated by lectin-ferritin binding. Specifically, (a) expression of adult cell surface saccharide phenotype can be detected on presumptive acinar cells as early as 15 d in utero, as indicated by soybean agglutinin binding, and precedes development of intracellular organelles characteristic of mature acinar cells; (b) maturation of the plasmalemma of acinar cells is reached after intracellular cytodifferentiation is completed, as indicated by appearance of Con A and fucoselectin binding sites only at day 19 of development; conversely, maturation of the endocrine cell plasmalemma is accompanied by "loss" (masking) of ricinus communis II agglutinin receptors; and (c) binding sites for fucose lectins and for soybean agglutinin are absent on endocrine and centroacinar cells at all stages examined. We conclude that acinar, centroacinar, and endocrine cells develop from a common progenitor cell(s) whose plasmalemmal carbohydrate composition resembles most closely that of the adult centroacinar cell. Finally, appearance of acinar lumina beginning at approximately 17 d in utero is accompanied by differenetiation of apical and basolateral plasmalemmal domains of epithelial cells, as indicated by enhanced binding of several lectin-ferritin conjugates to the apical plasmalemmal, a pattern that persists from this stage through adult life.  相似文献   
This report that (1) cells mediating NK activity in different inbred mouse strains selectively express one of two allelic products specified by theLy-5 locus (or a locus tightly linked to it) and (2) this surface structure may directly contribute to NK-mediated cytolysis, since Ly 5 antiserum specifically inhibits NK activity in vitro in the absence of complement.  相似文献   
Electrical coupling has been observed between cultured cells of the mouse mammary gland in five distinct physiological or pathological states. We have employed young primary cultures of cells dissociated from the following tissues: normal glands from young virgin or midpregnant females, hyperplastic alveolar nodules (believed to be precancerous) transplanted in gland-free mammary fat pads, and spontaneous mammary adenocarcinomas and their pulmonary metastases. All successfully impaled pairs of cells (a total of 97 pairs) were found to be ionically coupled. Furthermore, in normal and tumor cell cultures, electrical coupling was observed between dome-dome and dome-nondome cell pairs. This study correlates with electronmicroscopic studies of fresh normal, hyperplastic, and tumor samples, which show the presence of gap junctions in all three.  相似文献   
The cytology and developmental attributes of 18 deficiency mutations in the 3A1–3C6 region of the salivary gland X chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster have been investigated. The cytological limits of several older deficiencies have been revised and clarified and several new deficiencies are characterized. The deficiency mutants, with one possible exception, show a lethal phase in the late embryonic period or the early first larval instar. In contrast, the earliest acting point mutation lethals exposed by these deficiencies generally exhibit a somewhat later, post-embryonic lethality, perhaps indicating that the deficiencies are having some cumulative or synergistic impact on development. However, even with this difference in time of lethality, it is still possible to conclude that it is not the absolute size of the deficiency but rather the character of the loci deleted that determines the impact on development. Observations on the morphology of lethal embryos shows that while this analysis is internally consistent, it does not agree with earlier work. None of the 3A1–3C6 deficiencies causes any major teratologies during embryogenesis. Furthermore, the "earliest acting" gene in this region does not lie in band 3C1 but is most likely associated with bands 3A8–10.  相似文献   
BackgroundPlanarian has attracted increasing attentions in the regeneration field for its usefulness as an important biological model organism attributing to its strong regeneration ability. Both the complexity of multiple regulatory networks and their coordinate functions contribute to the maintenance of normal cellular homeostasis and the process of regeneration in planarian. The polarity, size, location and number of regeneration tissues are regulated by diverse mechanisms. In this review we summarize the recent advances about the importance genetic and molecular mechanisms for regeneration control on various tissues in planarian.MethodsA comprehensive literature search of original articles published in recent years was performed in regards to the molecular mechanism of each cell types during the planarian regeneration, including neoblast, nerve system, eye spot, excretory system and epidermal.ResultsAvailable molecular mechanisms gave us an overview of regeneration process in every tissue. The sense of injuries and initiation of regeneration is regulated by diverse genes like follistatin and ERK signaling. The Neoblasts differentiate into tissue progenitors under the regulation of genes such as egfr‐3. The regeneration polarity is controlled by Wnt pathway, BMP pathway and bioelectric signals. The neoblast within the blastema differentiate into desired cell types and regenerate the missing tissues. Those tissue specific genes regulate the tissue progenitor cells to differentiate into desired cell types to complete the regeneration process.ConclusionAll tissue types in planarian participate in the regeneration process regulated by distinct molecular factors and cellular signaling pathways. The neoblasts play vital roles in tissue regeneration and morphology maintenance. These studies provide new insights into the molecular mechanisms for regulating planarian regeneration.

Genetic and molecular mechanisms for regeneration control on various tissues in planarian.  相似文献   
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