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Approximately 70 species of Bactrocera fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) are polyphagous economic pests that attack many important agricultural crops. Several of these Bactrocera species are also highly invasive, and many countries operate continuous, large-scale trapping programs to detect incipient infestations. Detection programs rely heavily on traps baited with male lures, with males of some species responding to raspberry ketone (RK; or its synthetic analogue cue-lure [CL]) and males of other species responding to methyl eugenol (ME). These lures (plus naled, an insecticide) are currently applied as liquids, although this procedure is time-consuming and may expose workers to health risks. Recent field tests, conducted largely in Hawaii, have shown that traps baited with a solid formulation (termed a wafer) that contains both RK and ME (plus dichlorvos, an insecticide) capture as many or more B. dorsalis (Hendel) and B. cucurbitae (Coquillett) males as traps baited with the standard liquid lures. While these results are promising, a more complete evaluation of the solid formulation requires testing in a region with a diverse assemblage of Bactrocera species, since interspecific variation in male response to lures has been reported. The objective of the present investigation was to assess the relative effectiveness of liquid versus solid formulations of male lures in Malaysia, a country known to harbor a large assemblage of Bactrocera species. Based on a 12-week sampling period, we found that, contrary to the Hawaiian results, traps baited with the wafer captured significantly fewer males than traps baited with liquid lures for all five ME-responding taxa analyzed and for one of the three RK/CL-responding species analyzed. Possible explanations for the discrepancy between these and earlier findings are offered.  相似文献   


Light-emitting diode fluorescence microscopy (LED-FM) has been shown to be more sensitive than conventional bright field microscopy using Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) stain in detecting sputum smear positive tuberculosis in controlled laboratory conditions. In 2012, Auramine O staining based LED-FM replaced conventional ZN microscopy in 200 designated microscopy centres (DMC) of medical colleges operating in collaboration with India’s Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme. We aimed to assess the impact of introduction of LED-FM services on sputum smear positive case detection under program conditions.


This was a before and after comparison study. In 15 randomly selected medical college DMCs, all presumptive TB patients who underwent sputum smear examination in the years 2011 (before LED-FM) and 2012 (after LED-FM) were compared. An additional 15 comparable DMCs that implemented conventional ZN sputum smear microscopy were also selected for comparison between 2011 and 2012.


The proportion of presumptive TB patients (PTP)found sputum smear positive increased by 30%- from 13.6% (3432/25159) in 2011 to 17.8% (4706/26426) in 2012 (P value <0.01) in the sites that implemented LED-FM microscopy, whereas in DMCs where the ZN staining procedure is followed the proportion of sputum smear positive had remained unchanged (13.0%versus 12.6%;P value0.31).


Use of LED-FM significantly increased the proportion of smear positive cases among presumptive TB patients under routine program conditions in high workload laboratories. The study provides operational evidence needed to scale-up the use of LED-FM in similar settings in India and beyond.  相似文献   
Infection with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1) induces defects of both cellular and humoral immune responses. Impaired CD4+ T cell help and B cell dysfunction may partially explain the low frequency of broadly neutralizing antibodies in HIV-infected individuals. To understand the extent of B cell dysfunction during HIV infection, we assessed the level of B cell activation at baseline and after stimulation with a variety of antigens. Increased levels of viremia were associated with higher baseline expression of the activation marker CD86 on B cells and with decreased ability of B cells to increase expression of CD86 after in vitro stimulation with inactivated HIV-1. In a series of cell isolation experiments B cell responses to antigen were enhanced in the presence of autologous CD4+ T cells. HIV infected individuals had a higher frequency of PD-1 expression on B cells compared to HIV- subjects and PD-1 blockade improved B cell responsiveness to HIV antigen, suggesting that inhibitory molecule expression during HIV-1 infection may contribute to some of the observed B cell defects. Our findings demonstrate that during chronic HIV infection, B cells are activated and lose full capacity to respond to antigen, but suppression of inhibitory pressures as well as a robust CD4+ T cell response may help preserve B cell function.  相似文献   
Microbial ferrous iron [Fe(II)] oxidation leads to the formation of iron-rich macroscopic aggregates (“iron snow”) at the redoxcline in a stratified lignite mine lake in east-central Germany. We aimed to identify the abundant Fe-oxidizing and Fe-reducing microorganisms likely to be involved in the formation and transformation of iron snow present in the redoxcline in two basins of the lake that differ in their pH values. Nucleic acid- and lipid-stained microbial cells of various morphologies detected by confocal laser scanning microscopy were homogeneously distributed in all iron snow samples. The dominant iron mineral appeared to be schwertmannite, with shorter needles in the northern than in the central basin samples. Total bacterial 16S rRNA gene copies ranged from 5.0 × 108 copies g (dry weight)−1 in the acidic central lake basin (pH 3.3) to 4.0 × 1010 copies g (dry weight)−1 in the less acidic (pH 5.9) northern basin. Total RNA-based quantitative PCR assigned up to 61% of metabolically active microbial communities to Fe-oxidizing- and Fe-reducing-related bacteria, indicating that iron metabolism was an important metabolic strategy. Molecular identification of abundant groups suggested that iron snow surfaces were formed by chemoautotrophic iron oxidizers, such as Acidimicrobium, Ferrovum, Acidithiobacillus, Thiobacillus, and Chlorobium, in the redoxcline and were rapidly colonized by heterotrophic iron reducers, such as Acidiphilium, Albidiferax-like, and Geobacter-like groups. Metaproteomics yielded 283 different proteins from northern basin iron snow samples, and protein identification provided a glimpse into some of their in situ metabolic processes, such as primary production (CO2 fixation), respiration, motility, and survival strategies.  相似文献   
Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV) (Geminiviridae) is an important pathogen that severely affects tomato production. An extensive survey was carried out during 2003–2010 to study the diversity of begomoviruses found in tomato, potato, and cucurbits that showed symptoms of leaf puckering, distortion, curling, vein clearing, and yellow mosaic in various fields in different regions of India. Ten begomovirus isolates were cloned from infected samples and identified as belonging to the species ToLCNDV. A total of 44 % of the samples showed association of betasatellites, with CLCuMuB and LuLDB being the most frequent. The ToLCNDV cloned component DNA A and DNA B were agroinoculated on Nicotiana benthamiana and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) plants with or without betasatellites, CLCuMuB or LuLDB. The viral genome levels were then monitored by real-time polymerase chain reaction at different time points of disease development. Plants co-inoculated with betasatellites showed enhanced symptom severity in both N. benthamiana and tomato, as well as increases in helper viral DNA A and DNA B levels. The DNA B and betasatellites acted antagonistically to each other, so that the level of DNA B was 16-fold greater in the presence of betasatellites, while accumulation of betasatellites, CLCuMuB and LuLDB, were reduced by 60 % in the presence of DNA B. DNA B-mediated symptoms predominated in CLCuMuB-inoculated plants, whereas betasatellite-mediated leaf abnormalities were prominent in LuLDB-co-inoculated plants. Inoculation with the cloned components will be a good biotechnological tool in resistance breeding program.  相似文献   
Major histocompatibility complex (Mhc) genes are frequently used as a model for adaptive genetic diversity. Although associations between Mhc and disease resistance are frequently documented, little is known about the fitness consequences of Mhc variation in wild populations. Further, most work to date has involved testing associations between Mhc genotypes and fitness components. However, the functional diversity of the Mhc, and hence the mechanism by which selection on Mhc acts, depends on how genotypes map to the functional properties of Mhc molecules. Here, we test three hypotheses that relate Mhc diversity to fitness: (i) the maximal diversity hypothesis, (ii) the optimal diversity hypothesis and (iii) effect of specific Mhc types. We combine mark–recapture methods with analysis of long‐term breeding data to investigate the effects of Mhc class I functional diversity (Mhc supertypes) on individual fitness in a wild great tit (Parus major) population. We found that the presence of three different Mhc supertypes was associated with three different components of individual fitness: survival, annual recruitment and lifetime reproductive success (LRS). Great tits possessing Mhc supertype 3 experienced higher survival rates than those that did not, whereas individuals with Mhc supertype 6 experienced higher LRS and were more likely to recruit offspring each year. Conversely, great tits that possessed Mhc supertype 5 had reduced LRS. We found no evidence for a selective advantage of Mhc diversity, in terms of either maximal or optimal supertype diversity. Our results support the suggestion that specific Mhc types are an important determinant of individual fitness.  相似文献   
Macroecology strives to identify ecological patterns on broad spatial and temporal scales. One such pattern, Rapoport''s rule, describes the tendency of species'' latitudinal ranges to increase with increasing latitude. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain this rule. Some invoke climate, either through glaciation driving differential extinction of northern species or through increased seasonal variability at higher latitudes causing higher thermal tolerances and subsequently larger ranges. Alternatively, continental tapering or higher interspecific competition at lower latitudes may be responsible. Assessing the incidence of Rapoport''s rule through deep time can help to distinguish between competing explanations. Using fossil occurrence data from the Palaeobiology Database, we test these hypotheses by evaluating mammalian compliance with the rule throughout the Caenozoic of North America. Adherence to Rapoport''s rule primarily coincides with periods of intense cooling and increased seasonality, suggesting that extinctions caused by changing climate may have played an important role in erecting the latitudinal gradients in range sizes seen today.  相似文献   
Stimulation of subsurface microorganisms to induce reductive immobilization of metals is a promising approach for bioremediation, yet the overall microbial community response is typically poorly understood. Here we used proteogenomics to test the hypothesis that excess input of acetate activates complex community functioning and syntrophic interactions among autotrophs and heterotrophs. A flow-through sediment column was incubated in a groundwater well of an acetate-amended aquifer and recovered during microbial sulfate reduction. De novo reconstruction of community sequences yielded near-complete genomes of Desulfobacter (Deltaproteobacteria), Sulfurovum- and Sulfurimonas-like Epsilonproteobacteria and Bacteroidetes. Partial genomes were obtained for Clostridiales (Firmicutes) and Desulfuromonadales-like Deltaproteobacteria. The majority of proteins identified by mass spectrometry corresponded to Desulfobacter-like species, and demonstrate the role of this organism in sulfate reduction (Dsr and APS), nitrogen fixation and acetate oxidation to CO2 during amendment. Results indicate less abundant Desulfuromonadales, and possibly Bacteroidetes, also actively contributed to CO2 production via the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. Proteomic data indicate that sulfide was partially re-oxidized by Epsilonproteobacteria through nitrate-dependent sulfide oxidation (using Nap, Nir, Nos, SQR and Sox), with CO2 fixed using the reverse TCA cycle. We infer that high acetate concentrations, aimed at stimulating anaerobic heterotrophy, led to the co-enrichment of, and carbon fixation in Epsilonproteobacteria. Results give an insight into ecosystem behavior following addition of simple organic carbon to the subsurface, and demonstrate a range of biological processes and community interactions were stimulated.  相似文献   


Black Caribbean women have a higher burden of cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors than their male counterparts. Whether this results in a difference in incident cardiovascular events is unknown. The aim of this study was to estimate the 10 year World Health Organization/International Society for Hypertension (WHO/ISH) CVD risk score for Jamaica and explore the effect of sex as well as obesity, physical activity and socioeconomic status on these estimates.

Methods and Findings

Data from 40–74 year old participants in the 2007/08 Jamaica Health and Lifestyle Survey were used. Trained interviewers administered questionnaires and measured anthropometrics, blood pressure, fasting glucose and cholesterol. Education and occupation were used to assess socioeconomic status. The Americas B tables were used to estimate the WHO/ISH 10 year CVD risk scores for the population. Weighted prevalence estimates were calculated. Data from 1,432 (450 men, 982 women) participants were analysed, after excluding those with self-reported heart attack and stroke. The women had a higher prevalence of diabetes (19%W;12%M), hypertension (49%W;47%M), hypercholesterolemia (25%W;11%M), obesity (46%W;15%M) and physical inactivity (59%W;29%M). More men smoked (6%W;31%M). There was good agreement between the 10-year cardiovascular risk estimates whether or not cholesterol measurements were utilized for calculation (kappa –0.61). While 90% had a 10 year WHO/ISH CVD risk of less than 10%, approximately 2% of the population or 14,000 persons had a 10 year WHO/ISH CVD risk of ≥30%. As expected CVD risk increased with age but there was no sex difference in CVD risk distribution despite women having a greater risk factor burden. Women with low socioeconomic status had the most adverse CVD risk profile.


Despite women having a higher prevalence of CVD risk factors there was no sex difference in 10-year WHO/ISH CVD risk in Jamaican adults.  相似文献   
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