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Colicin E1 was altered by oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis at the site of three charged residues on the COOH side of the 35-residue hydrophobic segment in the channel-forming domain. Asp-509 is one of five conserved acidic residues in the channel domain of colicins A, B, E1, Ia, and Ib and is the first charged residue following the hydrophobic segment, followed by the basic residues Lys-510 and Lys-512. Asp-509 and Lys-512 were changed to amber and ochre stop codons, respectively, while Lys-510 was mutated to a Met codon. Proteins truncated after residue 508 or 511, and missing the last 14 or 11 residues, were obtained from a nonsuppressing cell strain harboring the mutant plasmid while full-length colicin molecules with single residue changes at Asp-509 to Leu, Ser, and Gln, and Lys-512 to Tyr, were obtained by using appropriate suppressor strains. The truncated colicins displayed (i) a low cytotoxicity, approximately 1% of intact wild-type colicin, (ii) 10-fold less in vitro channel activity with liposomes, and (iii) reduced labeling of the colicin in liposomes by a phospholipid photoaffinity probe, showing that one or more of the residues following Asn-511 is necessary for both in vivo and in vitro activity and insertion into the bilayer. (iv) The truncated mutants also displayed an altered conformation at pH 6 that allowed greater binding and activity with liposomes at this pH relative to wild type. The cytotoxicity of single residue substitutions at Asp-509 showed a range of cytotoxicities, wild type greater than Ser-509 greater than Gln-509 greater than Leu-509, although none of these changes greatly affected the in vitro channel activity or pH dependence.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
B H White  J B Cohen 《Biochemistry》1988,27(24):8741-8751
The hydrophobic, photoactivatable probe 3-trifluoromethyl-3-(m-[125I]iodophenyl)diazirine ([125I]TID) was used to label acetylcholine receptor rich membranes purified from Torpedo californica electric organ. All four subunits of the acetylcholine receptor (AChR) were found to incorporate label, with the gamma-subunit incorporating approximately 4 times as much as each of the other subunits. Carbamylcholine, an agonist, and histrionicotoxin, a noncompetitive antagonist, both strongly inhibited labeling of all AChR subunits in a specific and dose-dependent manner. In contrast, the competitive antagonist alpha-bungarotoxin and the noncompetitive antagonist phencyclidine had only modest effects on [125I]TID labeling of the AChR. The regions of the AChR alpha-subunit that incorporate [125I]TID were mapped by Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease digestion. The carbamylcholine-sensitive site of labeling was localized to a 20-kDa V8 cleavage fragment that begins at Ser-173 and is of sufficient length to contain the three hydrophobic regions M1, M2, and M3. A 10-kDa fragment beginning at Asn-339 and containing the hydrophobic region M4 also incorporated [125I]TID but in a carbamylcholine-insensitive manner. Two further cleavage fragments, which together span about one-third of the alpha-subunit amino terminus, incorporated no detectable [125I]TID. The mapping results place constraints on suggested models of AChR subunit topology.  相似文献   
Quinones are believed to be toxic by a mechanism involving redox cycling and oxidative stress. In this study, we have used 2,3-dimethoxy-1,4-naphthoquinone (2,3-diOMe-1,4-NQ), which redox cycles to the same degree as menadione, but does not react with free thiol groups, to distinguish between the importance of redox cycling and arylation of free thiol groups in the causation of toxicity to isolated hepatocytes. Menadione was significantly more toxic to isolated hepatocytes than 2,3-diOMe-1,4-NQ. Both menadione and 2,3-diOMe-1,4-NQ caused an extensive GSH depletion accompanied by GSSG formation, preceding loss of viability. Both compounds stimulated a similar increase in oxygen uptake in isolated hepatocytes and NADPH oxidation in microsomes suggesting they both redox cycle to similar extents. Further evidence for the redox cycling in intact hepatocytes was the detection of the semiquinone anion radicals with electron spin resonance spectroscopy. In addition we have, using the spin trap DMPO (5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide), demonstrated for the first time the formation of superoxide anion radicals by intact hepatocytes. These radicals result from oxidation of the semiquinone by oxygen and further prove that both these quinones redox cycle in intact hepatocytes. We conclude that while oxidative processes may cause toxicity, the arylation of intracellular thiols or nucleophiles also contributes significantly to the cytotoxicity of compounds such as menadione.  相似文献   
Hepatic plasma membrane lactate transport was studied in isolated hepatocytes prepared from fed, starved, and streptozotocin diabetic rats. Carrier-mediated lactate entry was determined using the lactate transport inhibitors alpha-cyano-3-hydroxycinnamate and D-3-hydroxybutyrate and was significantly greater in hepatocytes from starved compared to fed rats and in hepatocytes from diabetic fed compared to fed rats. The saturable component of lactate entry which corresponds to carrier-mediated transport was higher in the starved than in the fed state with results from diabetic fed being intermediate between the two. Insulin treatment prevented the increment in carrier-mediated lactate transport observed in hepatocytes from diabetic fed rats. The data indicate that hepatic plasma membrane lactate transport is increased under conditions of starvation and diabetes mellitus. This may partly explain the increased gluconeogenic flux under these conditions.  相似文献   
A DNA methyltransferase of Mr = 140,000 that is active on both unmethylated and hemimethylated DNA substrates has been purified from the murine plasma-cytoma cell line MPC 11. The maximal rate of methylation was obtained with maintenance methylation of hemimethylated Micrococcus luteus or M13 DNAs. At low enzyme concentrations, the highest rate of de novo methylation occurred with single-stranded DNA or relatively short duplex DNA containing single-stranded regions. Strong substrate inhibition was observed with hemimethylated but not unmethylated DNA substrates. Fully methylated single-stranded M13 phage DNA inhibited neither the de novo nor the maintenance reactions, but unmethylated single-stranded M13 DNA strongly inhibited the maintenance reaction. The kinetics observed with hemimethylated and single-stranded substrates could be explained if the enzyme were to bind irreversibly to a DNA molecule and to aggregate if present in molar excess. Such aggregates would be required for activity upon hemimethylated but not single-stranded DNA. For de novo methylation of duplex DNA, single-stranded regions or large amounts of methyltransferase appear to be required. The relative substrate preference for the enzyme is hemimethylated DNA greater than fully or partially single-stranded DNA greater than fully duplex DNA.  相似文献   
The complete primary structure of inhibitor-2, a specific inhibitor of protein phosphatase-1, has been determined. The protein consists of a single polypeptide chain of 203 residues, and has a relative molecular mass of 22835 Da. This molecular mass is significantly lower than earlier estimates based on sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The threonyl residue phosphorylated by glycogen synthase kinase-3 is located at position 72. The molecule is very hydrophilic, lacks cysteine residues and the single tryptophanyl and phenylalanyl residues are at positions 46 and 139, respectively. The N-terminal alanyl residue is N-acetylated. Digestion with Staphylococcus aureus V8 proteinase, trypsin, or cleavage with cyanogen bromide, destroyed the biological activity of inhibitor-2, demonstrating that many large fragments (e.g. 1-49, 49-92, 67-101, 108-134, 142-182 and 163-197) are inactive. Digestion with clostripain generated a peptide comprising residues 25-114 which retained 2% of the inhibitory potency of the parent molecule. There is no sequence homology between inhibitor-2 and inhibitor-1.  相似文献   
S Alemany  P Cohen 《FEBS letters》1986,198(2):194-202
The dephosphorylation of glycogen synthase by protein phosphatase-1 in hepatic glycogen and microsomes was inhibited by nanomolar concentrations of phosphorylase a. The I50 for phosphorylase a was 1000-fold lower than its Km as a substrate, while tryptic digestion increased the I50 1000-fold without affecting Km. Protein phosphatase-1 from skeletal muscle and protein phosphatase-2A from liver were only inhibited at 1000-fold higher concentrations. Protein phosphatase-1 became desensitized to phosphorylase a when released from hepatic microsomes, but sensitivity was partially restored by readdition of the solubilized enzyme to the microsomes. The results demonstrate that phosphorylase a is a potent allosteric inhibitor of hepatic protein phosphatase-1 and suggest that inhibition may be conferred by a novel phosphorylase a-binding subunit.  相似文献   
A male infant was referred for cytogenetic evaluation because of dysmorphic features and developmental delay. In both lymphocytes and skin fibroblasts, a modal number of 46 chromosomes was obtained with an obvious elongation of the long arm of the X chromosome (Xq+). Studies of seven members in 3 generations of this family showed that the proband's mother, sister, and maternal grandmother were phenotypically normal carriers of this abnormal X chromosome. High resolution GTG- and RBG-banding defined the extra chromatin material as an inverted duplication of Xq21----Xq24. This was supported by an approximate twofold increase in alpha-galactosidase A activity, localized to Xq21----q24, observed in the proband's lymphocytes and fibroblasts. BrdU-incorporation studies of the mother's lymphocytes showed the abnormal X to be late replicating in all 100 cells studied and normal alpha-galactosidase A levels. Cytogenetic analysis of the maternal grandmother revealed cytogenetic mosaicism with one cell line containing the abnormal X (37%), and the other, a normal female karyotype (63%). This family is instructive since: (1) it represents only the second case of a dysmorphic male demonstrating a confirmed interstitial partial Xq duplication, and (2) the origin of this familial structural rearrangement has been traced to a grandparental mitotic error.  相似文献   
Protease activities were detected in quiescent and germinating spores of the ostrich fern (Matteuccia struthiopteris [L.] Todaro). Peak endopeptidase, aminopeptidase, and carboxypeptidase activities were detected 12 to 24 hours after spores began imbibing under light. There was a correlation between activities of proteases, the onset of a decline in levels of soluble protein, and an increase in levels of free amino acids. The earliest visible event of spore germination, breakage of the spore coat and protrusion of a rhizoid cell, was observed after peak protease activity, 48 to 72 hours after the start of imbibition. Results of this study demonstrate similarities in the pattern of protease activities during germination of ostrich fern spores to those of some seeds.  相似文献   
Considerable disagreement has resulted from experiments designed to test whether light-induced falls in cGMP in outer segment (OS) of photoreceptors precede their light-induced electrical responses. Different studies have reported initial declines at 50 ms, at s, or not at all for physiological stimuli. Such studies have employed whole retinas, isolated rod OS, or isolated rod OS with attached inner segments and involved a variety of techniques. We developed an apparatus that illuminates intact pieces of dark-adapted frog retinas at 22 degrees C for known brief durations and then rapidly (47 ms) presses their OS surface against a copper mirror cooled by liquid helium. Freezing occurs in less than 2 ms. Cyclic GMP was then assayed in cryostat sections of the OS layer. Six illumination intensities that bleached from 90 to 9 X 10(8) rhodopsin molecules per s were delivered for durations of 0.1-2 s. Compared to dark-adapted values, progressive losses of cGMP were seen with all illumination intensities. Because a significant loss in cGMP was seen after a 100 ms exposure to our dimmest stimulus, it appears that a loss of cGMP could play a role in rod visual transduction.  相似文献   
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