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The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of moderate aerobic training on functional, anthropometric, biochemical, and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) parameters on women with metabolic syndrome (MS). Fifteen untrained women with MS performed moderate aerobic training for 15 weeks, without modifications of dietary behaviours. Functional, anthropometric, biochemical, control diet record and HRQOL parameters were assessed before and after the training. Despite body weight maintenance, the patients presented decreases in waist circumference (P = 0.001), number of MS components (P = 0.014), total cholesterol (P = 0.049), HDL cholesterol (P = 0.004), LDL cholesterol (P = 0.027), myeloperoxidase activity (P = 0.002) and thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances levels (P = 0.006). There were no differences in total energy, carbohydrate, protein and lipid intake pre- and post-training. Furthermore, improvements in the HRQOL subscales of physical functioning (P = 0.03), role-physical (P = 0.039), bodily pain (P = 0.048), general health (P = 0.046) and social functioning scoring (P = 0.011) were reported. Despite the absence of weight loss, aerobic training induced beneficial effects on functional, anthropometric, biochemical and HRQOL parameters in women with MS.  相似文献   
Analysis of membrane potential recordings upon microelectrode impalement of four types of macrophages (cell lines P388D1 and PU5-1.8, cultured mouse peritoneal macrophages, and cultured human monocytes) reveals that these cells have membrane potentials at least two times more negative than sustained potential values (E(s)) frequently reported. Upon microelectrode entry into the cell (P388D1), the recorded potential drops to a peak value (E(p)) (mean -37 mV for 50 cells, range -15 to -70 mV) within 2 ms, after which it decays to a depolarized potential (E(n)) (mean -12 mV) in about 20 ms. Thereafter, the membrane develops one or a series of slow hyperpolarizations before a final sustained membrane potential (E(s)) (mean -14 mV, range -5 to -40) is established. The mean value of the peak of the first hyperpolarization (E(h)) is -30 mV (range -10 to -55 mV). The initial fast peak transient, measured upon microelectrode entry, was first described and analyzed by Lassen et al. (Lassen, U.V., A.M. T. Nielson, L. Pape, and L. O. Simonsen, 1971, J. Membr. Biol. 6:269-288 for other change in the membrane potential from its real value before impalement to a sustained depolarized value. This was shown to be true for macrophages by two-electrode impalements of single cells. Values of E(p), E(n), E(h), E(s), and membrane resistance (R(m)) measured for the other macrophages were similar to those of P388D1. From these results we conclude that E(p) is a better estimate of the true membrane potential of macrophages than E(s), and that the slow hyperpolarizations upon impalement should be regarded as transient repolarizations back to the original membrane potentials. Thus, analysis of the initial fast impalement transient can be a valuable aid in the estimation of the membrane potential of various sorts of small isolated cells by microelectrodes.  相似文献   
The stereospecificity of mechanisms for hepatic transport of short-chain bile acids has been examined by following the hepatic metabolism and biliary secretion of 3 beta-hydroxy-5 beta-androstane-17 beta-carboxylic acid (isoetianic acid) administered in two different labeled forms to rats prepared with an external biliary fistula. While 93% of the administered [2,2,4,4-3H]isoetianic acid was recovered in bile after 20 h, only 18% of a similar dose of [3 alpha-3H]isoetianic acid was secreted in bile over the same time period. The recovered radioactivity of the latter compound was mainly associated with bile water. With the [2,2,4,4-3H]isoetianic acid, the bulk of the biliary isotope was determined to be in the form of two glucuronide conjugates. Spectral analysis identified these metabolites as the hydroxyl-linked (major) and carboxyl-linked (minor) beta-glucuronides, not of the 3 beta-hydroxy compound administered, but of 3 alpha-hydroxy-5 beta-androstane-17 beta-carboxylic acid (etianic acid), i.e., the products of hydroxyl group inversion. It is concluded that isoetianic acid is efficiently cleared from plasma and conjugated with glucuronic acid after its epimerization to etianic acid. The prevalent, but not complete, loss of the 3-tritium atom and the retention of the 2- and 4-tritium atoms probably indicates a 3-oxo-5 beta-androstane-17 beta-carboxylic acid intermediate with partial return of the label via a limited labeled pool of reduced nicotinamide cofactor.  相似文献   
Inoculated, irradiated pork (2,300 cans) and chicken (2,000 cans) pack studies were performed to establish the 12D dose for these foods. Each can was inoculated with a mixture of 10(6) spores of each of 10 strains of Clostridium botulinum (five type A and five type B), or a total of 10(7) spores. The cans received a series of increasing doses of gamma rays (60Co) at -30 +/- 10 degrees C; they were incubated for 6 months at 30 +/- 2 degrees C and examined for swelling, toxicity, and recoverable botulinal cells. The highest rate of swelling for both foods occurred within the first week of incubation, and maximum swelling was observed within 4 to 5 weeks. The minimal experimental sterilizing dose (ESD) based on flat, nontoxic sterile cans was 3.0 less than ESD less than or equal to 3.2 Mrad for pork and 4.0 less than ESD less than or equal to 4.2 Mrad for chicken. An analysis of the partial spoilage data by extreme-value statistics indicated with 90% confidence that the rate of spore death in the two foods was not a normal distribution, but appeared to favor a shifted exponential function. Based on the latter distribution, and assuming one most resistant strain in the mixture of 10 used, the 12D dose computed to 4.37 Mrad, with a shoulder of 0.11 Mrad, for pork and to 4.27 Mrad, with a shoulder of 0.51 Mrad, for chicken. An assumption that there were two or more most resistant strains in the inoculum progressively lowered the 12D dose. There was an apparent antagonism between the irradiated type A and B viable strains in the two foods. Cans with type B cells and toxin predominated over cans with type A cells and toxin, but cans with a mixture of type A and B toxins predominated over cans with a mixture of Type A and B cells. At the highest sublethal doses, only type A cells survived in pork, but in chicken there was a least one type B strain that was at least as resistant as type A strains.  相似文献   
An inoculated, irradiated beef pack (1,240 cans) study was conducted for the determination of microbiological safety for unrestricted human consumption. Each can contained a mixture of 106 spores of each of 10 strains of Clostridium botulinum (5 type A and 5 type B), or a total of 107 spores/can. The cans were irradiated to various doses (100 cans/dose) with 60Co gamma rays at -30 ± 10 C, incubated at 30 ± 2 C for 6 months, and examined for swelling, toxicity, and recoverable botulinal cells. The minimal experimental sterilizing dose based on nonswollen, nontoxic sterile cans was 2.2 < experimental sterilizing dose ≤ 2.6 Mrad. Using recoverable cells as the most stringent criterion of spoilage, and assuming the conventional simple exponential (without an initial shoulder) rate of spore kill, the “12D” dose was 3.7 Mrad when estimated on the basis of a mixture of 10 strains totaling 107 spores/can, and 4.3 Mrad if it is assumed that each can of beef contained 106 spores of a single most resistant strain and all of these spores were of identical resistances. However, an analysis of the data by extreme value statistics indicated with 90% confidence that the spore death rate was not a simple exponential but might be a shifted exponential (with an initial shoulder), Weibull, lognormal, or normal, with a “12D” equivalent of about 3.0 Mrad regardless of the initial spore density per can. There was an apparent antagonism between the irradiated type A and B strains in the cans. Some of the cans contained type B toxin but did not include type B viable cells. Other cans had a mixture of type A and B toxins, but a large number of these cans did not yield recoverable type B cells. However, type A viable cells could always be demonstrated in those cans containing type A toxin.  相似文献   
The thermal inactivation and injury (sensitivity to 0.8% NaCl) of a radiation-resistant culture of Moraxella-Acinetobacter mixed in minced beef were determined. Survival curves for Moraxella-Acinetobacter cells in beef had an initial shoulder preceding a logarithmic decline when the cells were heated at 65, 70, and 75 degrees C, but not at 80 degrees C. In all cases, the experimental points not included in the shoulder were linearized by means of a least-squares straight line, and the latter was used to determine D values. Shoulder values of 12.2, 4.1, and 0.6 min at temperatures of 65, 70, and 75 degrees C were added to the respective D values of 35.4, 6.6, and 1.4 min to determine the time required to destroy one log cycle. The Z value was 7.3 degrees C. Moraxella-Acinetobacter cells in meat were more rapidly injured than inactivated, on initial exposure to heat. The number of cells injured by this initial exposure increased as the temperature was increased. At 65 degrees C the percentage of injured cells increased more rapidly with exposure time than did the inactivated cells. As the temperature was increased, the rates of inactivation and injury became more and more similar.  相似文献   
The impact of gender and/or hormone variations on a wide variety of neural functions makes the choice between studying males or females (or both) of a given species difficult. Although female rats are widely used experimentally, few studies control for the stage of estrus. More detailed information about how to distinguish the various stages of the estrous cycle is needed. For the present study, vaginal smears were obtained once a day and stained using an adaptation of the Papanicolaou (PAP) procedure. Images are provided of unstained “wet” samples and the corresponding PAP stained smears illustrating the cellular profile for each stage of the cycle as well as post-ovariectomy. The different cell populations across the cycle were quantified and ratios determined to show trends between the predominant and other cell types in each stage of the estrous cycle. Both stained and unstained images and cell quantification data provide valuable guidelines for distinguishing the stages of the estrous cycle.  相似文献   


In humans, mutation of ELAC2 is associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer. ELAC2 has been shown to have tRNase Z activity and is associated with the γ-tubulin complex.  相似文献   
Although the predisposition to morbid obesity is heritable, the identities of the disease-causing genes are largely unknown. Therefore, we have conducted a genomewide search with 628 markers, using multigenerational Utah pedigrees to identify genes involved in predisposition to obesity. In the genomewide search, we identified a highly significant linkage to high body-mass index in female patients, at D4S2632, with a multipoint heterogeneity LOD (HLOD) score of 6.1 and a nonparametric linkage (NPL) score of 5.3. To further delineate the linkage, we increased both the marker density around D4S2632 and the size of our pedigree data set. As a result, the linkage evidence increased to a multipoint HLOD score of 9.2 (at D4S3350) and an NPL score of 11.3. Evidence from almost half of the families in this analysis support this linkage, and therefore the gene in this region might account for a significant percentage of the genetic predisposition to severe obesity in females. However, further studies are necessary to clarify the effect that this gene has in males and in the general population.  相似文献   
Studies in genetics and ecology often require estimates of relatedness coefficients based on genetic marker data. Many diploid estimators have been developed using either method‐of‐moments or maximum‐likelihood estimates. However, there are no relatedness estimators for polyploids. The development of a moment estimator for polyploids with polysomic inheritance, which simultaneously incorporates the two‐gene relatedness coefficient and various ‘higher‐order’ coefficients, is described here. The performance of the estimator is compared to other estimators under a variety of conditions. When using a small number of loci, the estimator is biased because of an increase in ill‐conditioned matrices. However, the estimator becomes asymptotically unbiased with large numbers of loci. The ambiguity of polyploid heterozygotes (when balanced heterozygotes cannot be distinguished from unbalanced heterozygotes) is also considered; as with low numbers of loci, genotype ambiguity leads to bias. A software, PolyRelatedness , implementing this method and supporting a maximum ploidy of 8 is provided.  相似文献   
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