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Poliovirus aggregates and their survival in water.   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Inactivation of aggregated poliovirus by bromine is characterized by a continuously decreasing reaction rate. Poliovirus released from infected cells in these experiments by alternate freezing and thawing in water without electrolytes has always been aggregated. The aggregates persist even on 7,000-fold dilution in ion-free water. Virus similarly released into phosphate-buffered saline solution may be well dispersed, but it aggregates when sedimented into a salt-free sucrose gradient or when it is diluted as little as 10-fold in water. Large one-step dilutions of dispersed virus in water remain dispersed. Aggregated virus was not dispersed by one-step dilution (7,000-fold) in distilled or untreated lake water but was dispersed if phosphate-buffered saline or clarified secondary sewage plant effluent was used as diluent. Dispersed virus aggregates at all dilutions in alum-treated, finished water from the city filter plant. This may be the result of complex formation with insoluble material rather than virion-virion aggregation. A simple procedure is described for rendering a very dilute suspension of mixed virion aggregates into a three-part spectrum of sizes.  相似文献   
The functional integrity of the components of the hypothalamo-pituitary-ovarian axis was examined in young and old laying hens. Ovarian function was tested by measuring the amount of progesterone released in response to an injection of LH, and pituitary function was investigated by measuring the increase in the plasma LH level after an injection of LH-RH. There were no differences between young and old birds in the response of the pituitary gland or the ovary to these stimuli. Hypothalamic function was investigated by studying the positive feedback action of a standard dose of progesterone on LH release; the positive feedback response was smaller (P less than 0.05) in old hens. It is suggested that the fall in the rate of lay in hens towards the end of their laying year is caused partly by a decrease in the response of the LH-positive feedback mechanism to progesterone.  相似文献   
Egg-laying in hens exposed for more than 11 months to photostimulatory daylengths was intermittent and associated with a reduction in numbers of yellow-yolky ovarian follicles. Old laying hens (105 weeks) had lower concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the pituitary gland and plasma and reduced pituitary gland responsiveness to chicken LH-releasing-hormones (LHRH-I and II) in vivo when compared with young laying hens (28 weeks). Four weeks after transfer from 14 to 8 h light/day, egg production almost stopped in old, but not in young hens, although plasma LH concentrations decreased in all birds. After transfer from 14 to 20 h light/day, plasma LH increased in young, but not in old, hens, without a change in the rate of egg production. Reproductive function was enhanced in old hens returned to long days after induction of a moult and ovarian regression by reducing daylength and dietary restriction. Moulted hens had a greater rate of egg production, higher concentrations of plasma LH and a greater pituitary-gland responsiveness to LHRH-II in vivo than unmoulted control hens. After transfer from 14 to 8 h light/day, egg-laying decreased more rapidly in unmoulted than in moulted hens; transfer to 17 h light/day increased egg production in moulted, but not in unmoulted, birds. Induction of ovarian regression in old hens by dietary restriction alone also enhanced reproductive function after the dietary restriction was relaxed. Egg-laying was more persistent in hens brought into lay for a second year by transferring them from 3 to 11 h light/day than in hens transferred from 3 to 20 h light/day. Egg production was stimulated in hens maintained on 3 or 11 h light/day for 42 weeks, after transfer to 20 h light/day. Egg production ceased in hens maintained on 20 h light/day for 46 weeks, after transfer to 3 h light/day. These observations are consistent with the view that poor persistence of laying in hens less than 2 years old and exposed continuously to long days is caused, in part, by a reduction in hypothalamic-gonadotroph function. This reduction in neuroendocrine function may be due, in part, to the development of relative photorefractoriness.  相似文献   
Summary We used fluorescence microscopy of Madin-Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) cells grown on polycarbonate filters to study a possible link between plasma membrane electrical potential (pm) and infectivity of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV). Complete substitution of K+ for extracellular Na+blocks VSV infection of MDCK cells as well as baby hamster kidney (BHK) cells. When we independently perfused the apical and basal-lateral surfaces of high resistance monolayers, high K+ inhibited VSV infection of MDCK cells only when applied to the basal-lateral side; high K+ applied apically had no effect on VSV infection. This morphological specificity correlates with a large decrease in pm of MDCK cells when high K+ buffer is perfused across the basal-lateral surface. Depolarization of the plasma membrane by 130 mm basal K+ causes a sustained increase of cytosol pH in MDCK cells from 7.3 to 7.5 as reported by the fluorescent dye BCECF. Depolarization also causes a transient increase of cytosol Ca2+ from 70 to 300 nm as reported by the dye Fura-2. Neither increase could explain the block of VSV infectivity by plasma membrane depolarization. One alternative hypothesis is that pm facilitates membrane translocation of viral macromolecules as previously described for colicins, mitochondrial import proteins, and proteins secreted by Escherichia coli.We thank Kenneth Spring for many helpful discussions concerning fluorescence digitized imaging systems, James Russell for his collaboration in the design of our imaging system, Herbert Chase for suggestions on dye loading into MDCK cells, and Manfred Schubert and George Harmison for providing expertise on VSV.  相似文献   
Previous studies of the genetic and biologic characteristics of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) have by necessity used tissue culture-derived virus. We recently reported the molecular cloning of four full-length HIV-1 genomes directly from uncultured human brain tissue (Y. Li, J. C. Kappes, J. A. Conway, R. W. Price, G. M. Shaw, and B. H. Hahn, J. Virol. 65:3973-3985, 1991). In this report, we describe the biologic properties of these four clones and the complete nucleotide sequences and genome organization of two of them. Clones HIV-1YU-2 and HIV-1YU-10 were 9,174 and 9,176 nucleotides in length, differed by 0.26% in nucleotide sequence, and except for a frameshift mutation in the pol gene in HIV-1YU-10, contained open reading frames corresponding to 5'-gag-pol-vif-vpr-tat-rev-vpu-env-nef-3' flanked by long terminal repeats. HIV-1YU-2 was fully replication competent, while HIV-1YU-10 and two other clones, HIV-1YU-21 and HIV-1YU-32, were defective. All three defective clones, however, when transfected into Cos-1 cells in any pairwise combination, yielded virions that were replication competent and transmissible by cell-free passage. The cellular host range of HIV-1YU-2 was strictly limited to primary T lymphocytes and monocyte-macrophages, a property conferred by its external envelope glycoprotein. Phylogenetic analyses of HIV-1YU-2 gene sequences revealed this virus to be a member of the North American/European HIV-1 subgroup, with specific similarity to other monocyte-tropic viruses in its V3 envelope amino acid sequence. These results indicate that HIV-1 infection of brain is characterized by the persistence of mixtures of fully competent, minimally defective, and more substantially altered viral forms and that complementation among them is readily attainable. In addition, the limited degree of genotypic heterogeneity observed among HIV-1YU and other brain-derived viruses and their preferential tropism for monocyte-macrophages suggest that viral replication within the central nervous system may differ from that within the peripheral lymphoid compartment in significant and clinically important ways. The availability of genetically and biologically well characterized HIV-1 clones from uncultured human tissue should facilitate future studies of virus-cell interactions relevant to viral pathogenesis and drug and vaccine development.  相似文献   
Cessation of cell expansion has been associated with cell wall cross-linking reactions catalyzed by peroxidase. This study utilized two genotypes of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) that differ in length of the leaf elongation zone to investigate the relationship between ionically bound peroxidase activity and the spatial distribution of leaf elongation. Peroxidase activity was also localized histochemically in transverse sections of the leaf blade using 3,3′ -diaminobenzidine. Soluble or soluble plus ionically bound peroxidase activities were extracted from homogenized segments of the elongating leaf blade and assayed spectrophotometrically. Activity of the ionically bound fraction, expressed per milligram fresh weight or per microgram protein, increased as cells were displaced through the distal half of the elongation zone, corresponding to the region in which the elongation rate declined. In both genotypes, the initial increase in activity preceded the onset of growth deceleration by about 10 hours. In the basal region where elongation began, histochemical localization showed that peroxidase activity was found only in vascular tissues. As cells were displaced farther through the elongation zone, peroxidase activity appeared in walls of other longitudinally continuous tissues such as the epidermis and bundle sheaths. Increase in ionically bound peroxidase activity and changes in localization of peroxidase activity occurred at comparable developmental stages in the two genotypes. The results indicate that cessation of elongation followed an increase in cell wall peroxidase activity.  相似文献   
The highly conserved, buried, Asp 26 in Escherichia coli thioredoxin has a pKa = 7.5, and its titration is associated with a sizable destabilization of the protein [Langsetmo, K., Fuchs, J., & Woodward, C. (1991) Biochemistry (preceding paper in this issue)]. A fit of the experimental pH dependence of thioredoxin stability to a theoretical expression for the pH/stability relation in proteins agrees closely with a pKa value of 7.5 for Asp 26. The agreement between the experimental and theoretical changes in protein stability due to substitution of Asp 26 by alanine is also good. The local structure in the vicinity of Asp 26 in the low-pH crystal structure (with uncharged Asp 26) is hydrophobic, indicating that the aspartate would be highly destabilized. In theoretical calculations, the desolvation penalty for deprotonating Asp 26 in this environment is similar to the total protein folding energy. As a consequence, the Asp 26 pKa would be much greater than 7.5, and/or the protein might not fold. This suggests that a compensating process partially stabilizes the Asp 26 carboxyl group when it is charged. A simple model for this proposed, whereby the Lys 57 side chain rotates to form a salt bridge with Asp 26 when it is deprotonated.  相似文献   
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