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Current bacterial DNA-typing methods are typically based on gel-based fingerprinting methods. As such, they access a limited complement of genetic information and many independent restriction enzymes or probes are required to achieve statistical rigor and confidence in the resulting pattern of DNA fragments. Furthermore, statistical comparison of gel-based fingerprints is complex and nonstandardized. To overcome these limitations of gel-based microbial DNA fingerprinting, we developed a prototype, 47-probe microarray consisting of randomly selected nonamer oligonucleotides. Custom image analysis algorithms and statistical tools were developed to automatically extract fingerprint profiles from microarray images. The prototype array and new image analysis algorithms were used to analyze 14 closely related Xanthomonas pathovars. Of the 47 probes on the prototype array, 10 had diagnostic value (based on a chi-squared test) and were used to construct statistically robust microarray fingerprints. Analysis of the microarray fingerprints showed clear differences between the 14 test organisms, including the separation of X. oryzae strains 43836 and 49072, which could not be resolved by traditional gel electrophoresis of REP-PCR amplification products. The proof-of-application study described here represents an important first step to high-resolution bacterial DNA fingerprinting with microarrays. The universal nature of the nonamer fingerprinting microarray and data analysis methods developed here also forms a basis for method standardization and application to the forensic identification of other closely related bacteria.  相似文献   
The sensitivity and specificity of the microscopic agglutination test (MAT) as a method for detection of exposure to Leptospira spp. in California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) were determined. Sera came from individuals that demonstrated clinical signs of renal disease, had lesions suggestive of leptospirosis at necropsy, and had visible leptospires in silver stained kidney sections as positive controls. Sera from unexposed captive individuals were used as negative controls. The test was 100% sensitive at 1:3,200 for confirming renal infection and 100% specific at negative < 1:100 for detection of Leptospira interrogans scrovar pomona antibodies by MAT in California sea lions. Leptospira interrogans serovar pomona was used as a screening serovar because it has been isolated previously from the kidneys and placentas of California sea lions, and there appears to be cross-reactivity between serovar pomona and other serovars. Sera from 225 free-ranging California sea lions presented to one of three participating California (USA) coastal marine mammal rehabilitation centers in 1996 were then evaluated for antibodies to serovar pomona using the MAT. The overall seroprevalence was 38.2% (86/225), although the prevalence varied among locations from 100% (38/38) in animals at the Marine Mammal Care Center (Fort MacArthur, California, USA) to 0% (0/14) at SeaWorld California (San Diego, California). At The Marine Mammal Center (Sausalito, California) [prevalence 27.8% (48/173)], the majority of seropositive animals were subadults and adults, and males were 4.7 times more likely to be seropositive to serovar pomona than females. When combining results from all three centers, subadult and adult animals were more likely to be seropositive than pups and juvenile sea lions, and the highest proportion of seropositive animals presented during the autumn months. Serum elevations of blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, phosphorus, and/or calcium were associated with seropositivity to serovar pomona. We found no association between potassium or sodium levels and seropositivity.  相似文献   
The population health of endangered Key deer (Odocoileus virginianus clavium) was monitored from 10 February 1986 to 28 September 2000 by necropsy of animals that were killed by vehicles, euthanized because of terminal injuries or disease conditions, or found dead. The predominant mortality factor during the period was collision with motor vehicles; however, several infectious diseases were diagnosed, including infections with Arcanobacterium pyogenes, Haemonchus contortus, Salmonella spp., and Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis. During the period monitored, the only infectious disease that was thought to have affected population dynamics was haemonchosis. Nevertheless, several of the observed diseases have potential to impact viability of the Key deer population under appropriate environmental conditions.  相似文献   
The islet amyloid polypeptide (hIAPP) is a 37 amino acid residue polypeptide that was found to accumulate as amyloid fibrils in the pancreas of individuals with type II diabetes. Previous studies identified various fragments of hIAPP that can form amyloid fibrils in vitro (e.g. hIAPP(8-20), hIAPP(23-27), and hIAPP(30-37)). However, no comparative and systematic information was available on the role of these structural domains (or others) in the process of molecular recognition that mediates fibrillization, in the context of the full-length polypeptide. To systematically map and compare potential recognition domains, we studied the ability of hIAPP to interact with an array of 28 membrane-spotted overlapping peptides that span the entire sequence of hIAPP (i.e. hIAPP(1-10), hIAPP(2-11...), hIAPP(28-37)). Our study clearly identified a major domain of molecular recognition within hIAPP, as the polypeptide was found to bind with high affinity to a defined linear group of peptides ranging from hIAPP(7-16) to hIAPP(12-21). The maximal binding of the full-length polypeptide was to the hIAPP(11-20) peptide fragment (with the sequence RLANFLVHSS). In order to define the minimal fragment, within this apparent recognition motif, that is capable of self-association and thus may serve as the core molecular recognition motif, we examined the ability of truncated analogs of the recognition sequence to self-assemble into amyloid fibrils. The shortest active fragments capable of self-assembly were found to be the pentapeptides FLVHS and NFLVH. The apparent role of this motif in the process of hIAPP self-assembly is consistent with the profile of the hIAAP-binding distribution to the peptide array. The identification of such short recognition motifs is extremely useful in the attempts to develop means to block amyloid fibril formation by hIAPP. It is worth mentioning that this is only the second time in which peptides as short as a pentapeptide were shown to form amyloid fibrils (the other pentapeptide is FGAIL).  相似文献   
Secondary xylem development in Arabidopsis: a model for wood formation   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Our understanding of the molecular controls regulating the identity of the vascular cambium and the development of secondary xylem and phloem have not yet benefited much from the use of Arabidopsis as a genetic system. Under appropriate growth conditions Arabidopsis undergoes extensive secondary growth in the hypocotyl, with the development of both a vascular and a cork cambium. The secondary xylem of the hypocotyl develops in two phases, an early phase in which only vessel elements mature and a later stage in which both vessel elements and fibres are found. During this second phase the secondary xylem of Arabidopsis closely resembles the anatomy of the wood of an angiosperm tree, and can be used to address basic questions about wood formation. The development of the vascular cambium and secondary growth in Arabidopsis hypocotyl is described and its utility as a model for wood formation in trees is considered.  相似文献   
Secretory diarrhea is the leading cause of infectious diarrhea in humans. Secretory diarrhea may be caused by binding of heat-stable enterotoxins to the intestinal receptor guanylyl cyclase C (GCC). Activation of GCC catalyzes the formation of cGMP, initiating a signaling cascade that opens the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator chloride channel at the apical cell surface. To identify proteins that regulate the trafficking or function of GCC, we used the unique COOH terminus of GCC as the "bait" to screen a human intestinal yeast two-hybrid library. We identified a novel protein, IKEPP (intestinal and kidney-enriched PDZ protein) that associates with the COOH terminus of GCC in biochemical assays and by co-immunoprecipitation. IKEPP is expressed in the intestinal epithelium, where it is preferentially accumulated at the apical surface. The GCC-IKEPP interaction is not required for the efficient targeting of GCC to the apical cell surface. Rather, the association with IKEPP significantly inhibits heat-stable enterotoxin-mediated activation of GCC. Our findings are the first to identify a regulatory protein that associates with GCC to modulate the catalytic activity of the enzyme and provides new insights in mechanisms that regulate GCC activity in response to bacterial toxin.  相似文献   
Post-translational modification of histones is a central aspect of gene regulation. Emerging data indicate that modification at one site can influence modification of a second site. As one example, histone H3 phosphorylation at serine 10 (Ser(10)) facilitates acetylation of lysine 14 (Lys(14)) by Gcn5 in vitro (, ). In vivo, phosphorylation of H3 precedes acetylation at certain promoters. Whether H3 phosphorylation globally affects acetylation, or whether it affects all acetylation sites in H3 equally, is not known. We have taken a genetic approach to this question by mutating Ser(10) in H3 to fix either a negative or a neutral charge at this position, followed by analysis of the acetylation states of the mutant histones using site-specific antibodies. Surprisingly, we find that conversion of Ser(10) to glutamate (S10E) or aspartate (S10D) causes almost complete loss of H3 acetylation at lysine 9 (Lys(9)) in vivo. Acetylation of Lys(9) is also significantly reduced in cells bearing mutations in the Glc7 phosphatase that increase H3 phosphorylation levels. Mutation of Ser(10) in H3 and the concomitant loss of Lys(9) acetylation has minimal effects on expression of a Gcn5-dependent reporter gene. However, synergistic growth defects are observed upon loss of GCN5 in cells bearing H3 Ser(10) mutations that are reminiscent of delays in G(2)/M progression caused by combined loss of GCN5 and acetylation site mutations. Together these results demonstrate that H3 phosphorylation directly causes site-specific and opposite changes in acetylation levels of two residues within this histone, Lys(9) and Lys(14), and they highlight the importance of these histone modifications to normal cell functions.  相似文献   
Dbl-related oncoproteins are guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) specific for Rho guanosine triphosphatases (GTPases) and invariably possess tandem Dbl (DH) and pleckstrin homology (PH) domains. While it is known that the DH domain is the principal catalytic subunit, recent biochemical data indicate that for some Dbl-family proteins, such as Dbs and Trio, PH domains may cooperate with their associated DH domains in promoting guanine nucleotide exchange of Rho GTPases. In order to gain an understanding of the involvement of these PH domains in guanine nucleotide exchange, we have determined the crystal structure of a DH/PH fragment from Dbs in complex with Cdc42. The complex features the PH domain in a unique conformation distinct from the PH domains in the related structures of Sos1 and Tiam1.Rac1. Consequently, the Dbs PH domain participates with the DH domain in binding Cdc42, primarily through a set of interactions involving switch 2 of the GTPase. Comparative sequence analysis suggests that a subset of Dbl-family proteins will utilize their PH domains similarly to Dbs.  相似文献   
The CDKN2A tumour suppressor locus encodes two distinct proteins, p16(INK4a) and p14(ARF), both of which have been implicated in replicative senescence, the state of permanent growth arrest provoked in somatic cells by aberrant proliferative signals or by cumulative population doublings in culture. Here we describe primary fibroblasts from a member of a melanoma-prone family who is homozygous for an intragenic deletion in CDKN2A. Analyses of the resultant gene products imply that the cells are p16(INK4a) deficient but express physiologically relevant levels of a frameshift protein that retains the known functions of p14(ARF). Although they have a finite lifespan, the cells are resistant to arrest by oncogenic RAS. Indeed, ectopic expression of RAS and telomerase (hTERT) results in outgrowth of anchorage-independent colonies that have essentially diploid karyotypes and functional p53. We find that in human fibroblasts, ARF is not induced demonstrably by RAS, pointing to significant differences between the proliferative barriers implemented by the CDKN2A locus in different cell types or species.  相似文献   
The Rhizobium-legume symbiosis involves the formation of a novel plant organ, the nodule, in which intracellular bacteria reduce molecular dinitrogen in exchange for plant photosynthates. Nodule development requires a bacterial signal referred to as Nod factor, which in Sinorhizobium meliloti is a beta-(1,4)-linked tetramer of N-acetylglucosamine containing N-acyl and O-acetyl modifications at the nonreducing end and a critical 6-O-sulfate at the reducing end. This sulfate modification requires the action of three gene products: nodH, which catalyzes the sulfonyl transfer, and nodPQ, which produce the activated form of sulfate, 3'-phosphoadenosine-5'-phosphosulfate. It was previously reported that S. meliloti cell surface polysaccharides are also covalently modified by sulfate in a reaction dependent on NodPQ. We have further characterized this unique form of bacterial carbohydrate modification. Our studies have determined that one of the nodPQ mutant strains used in the initial study of sulfation of cell surface harbored a second unlinked mutation. We cloned the gene affected by this mutation (referred to as lps-212) and found it to be an allele of lpsL, a gene previously predicted to encode a UDP-glucuronic acid epimerase. We demonstrated that lpsL encoded a UDP-glucuronic acid epimerase activity that was reduced in the lps-212 mutant. The lps-212 mutation resulted in an altered lipopolysaccharide structure that was reduced in sulfate modification in vitro and in vivo. Finally, we determined that the lps-212 mutation resulted in a reduced ability to elicit the formation of plant nodules and by altered infection thread structures that aborted prematurely.  相似文献   
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