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Murine monoclonal antibodies were produced against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) using standard hybridoma procedures. By a whole cell enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), one monoclonal antibody (mAb), HB28, demonstrated high level specific reactivity to Mtb. Western blot analysis demonstrated reactivity to a single 65 kDa Mtb protein in the cell wall extract and culture filtrate. HB28 mAb appears to be recognizing a 65 kDa Mtb protein that is over-expressed by Mtb but not other species under certain culture conditions. Differential expression and detection of this protein by HB28 mAb may have potential for diagnostic applications.  相似文献   
Covalent attachment of ubiquitin to other intracellular proteins is essential for many physiological processes in eukaryotes, including selective protein degradation. Selection of proteins for ubiquitin conjugation is accomplished, in part, by a group of enzymes designated E2s or ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes (UBCs). At least six types of E2s have been identified in the plantArabidopsis thaliana; each type is encoded by a small gene family. Previously, we described the isolation and characterization of two three-member gene families, designatedAtUBC1-3 andAtUBC4-6, encoding two of these E2 types. Here, we investigated the expression patterns, of theAtUBC1-3 andAtUBC4-6 genes by the histochemical analysis of transgenicArabidopsis containing the corresponding promoters fused to the -glucuronidase-coding region. Staining patterns showed that these genes are active in many stages of development and some aspects of cell death, but are not induced by heat stress. Within the two gene families, individual members exhibited both overlapping and complementary expression patterns, indicating that at least one member of each gene family is expressed in most cell types and at most developmental stages. Different composite patterns of expression were observed between theAtUBC1-3 andAtUBC4-6 families, suggesting distinct biochemical and/or physiological functions for the encoded E2s inArabidopsis.  相似文献   
Using theArabidopsis ethylene receptorETR1 as a probe, we have isolated a tomato homologue (tETR) from a ripening cDNA library. The predicted amino acid sequence is 70% identical toETR1 and homologous to a variety of bacterial two component response regulators over the histidine kinase domain. Sequencing of four separate cDNAs indicates that tETR lacks the carboxyl terminal response domain and is identical to that encoded by the tomatoNever ripe gene. Ribonuclease protection showed tETR mRNA was undetectable in unripe fruit or pre-senescent flowers, increased in abundance during the early stages of ripening, flower senescence, and in abscission zones, and was greatly reduced in fruit of ripening mutants deficient in ethylene synthesis or response. These results suggest that changes in ethylene sensitivity are mediated by modulation of receptor levels during development.  相似文献   
Two questions of relevance to the establishment of marine biofouling communities were addressed, viz (1) what is the frequency with which bacterial strains isolated from living and inanimate surfaces in the marine environment show inhibitory activity against the settlement of common fouling organisms, and (2) is the antifouling bacterium, D2, an inhabitant of different marine waters, and how unique is this bacterium, in its mode of action against different target organisms? With respect to the first question, ninety three marine bacteria isolated from various rock surfaces from the marine environment were tested against larvae of Balanus amphitrite and spores of Ulva lactuca. Settlement assays against the diatom Amphora sp. were also performed on 10 of these strains. Nine bacterial isolates were shown to be inhibitory against larval settlement and eight of these strains were also inhibitory against algal spores. Altogether 16 strains were inhibitory against the settlement of algal spores while none of the bacterial strains inhibited diatom settlement. With respect to the second question, D2, a dark green pigmented bacterium, isolated from an adult tunicate off the Swedish west coast, has been found to be a very effective inhibitor against common fouling organisms. In order to see if this bacterium can be found in other marine waters, bacteria from living surfaces of marine plants and animals from waters around Sydney, Australia, were isolated and screened for inhibitory activity against barnacle larvae. Seventy four percent of the 23 plant isolates were shown to be inhibitory against larval settlement while only 30% of the 23 isolates from marine animals reduced settlement. Twenty two of the isolates from different seaweeds were dark pigmented and 20 of these strains inhibited settlement of barnacle larvae and algal spores. Three of the strains showed the same phenotypic expression as D2, and the results indicate that these strains may be D2 or closely related strains, suggesting that D2 may be a common inhabitant in the marine environment.  相似文献   
Cuticle tissue homogenates (CTHs) fromCallinectes sapidus premolt cuticle bound approximately 367% more Ca2+ ions than did those from the postmolt cuticle. ThepH-stat assay which was used to comparein vitro CaCO3 nucleation times confirmed that the premolt CTHs had greater inhibitory activity than did the postmolt CTHs. This inhibitory activity was indicated by CaCO3 nucleation times in excess of control values. Premolt nucleation times exceeded those of postmolt samples by approximately 340%. A positive correlation was observed between Ca2+ binding and calcification inhibitory activity for both premolt and postmolt CTHs. Heat pretreatment of CTHs at 70°C for a 24-hr period had no significant effect on their Ca2+ binding. However, this heat pretreatment decreased their calcification inhibitory activity. Pretreatment of CTHs with Ca2+ diminished their calcification inhibitory activity. These results are consistent with a mechanism for inhibition of biocalcification by these proteins which involves their initial reversible binding to nascent calcite nuclei growth steps and kinks, rather than theirin vivo interaction with free Ca2+ ions in solution.  相似文献   
Transmission of extra cellular signals across biological membranes results in the generation of lipid metabolites which in turn influence specific cellular events such as cell growth or differentiation. Many of these lipid messengers can activate protein kinase C (PKC) isozymes of which one function is to perpetuate the extracellular signals to the nucleus by phosphorylating other targets proteins. We have engineered mammalian cell lines to identify and evaluate activators and inhibitors of PKC-dependent and independent signal transduction pathways. The A31 mouse fibroblast cell line, has been stably transfected with a construct containing a triplet repeat of the TPA response element (TRE) upstream of a thymidine kinase promoter fused to the human growth hormone (hGH) gene. A31 cells containing this reporter construct exhibit significant increases in hGH secretion following stimulation by phorbol esters or other mitogens. The levels of hGH secretion are modulated in this system using different pharmacological agents. We demonstrate that this assay can be used to identify specific and general inhibitors as well as activators of the signal transduction pathway mediated by PKC isozymes. (Mol Cell Biochem141: 129–134, 1994)  相似文献   
We study the behavior of traveling waves in - systems on both homogeneous and inhomogeneous rings. The stability regions in parameter space of - waves were previously known [15, 19]; the results are extended here. We show the existence of Hopf bifurcations of traveling waves and the stability of the limit cycles born at the Hopf bifurcation for some parameter ranges. Using a Lindstedt-type perturbation scheme, we formally construct periodic solutions of the - system near a Hopf bifurcation and show that the periodic solutions superimposed on the original traveling wave have the effect of altering its overall frequency and amplitude. We also study the - system on an annulus ofvariable width, which does not possess reflection symmetry about any axis. We formally construct traveling waves on this variable-width annulus by a perturbation scheme, and find that perturbing the width of the annulus alters the amplitude and frequency of traveling waves on the domain by a small (order 2) amount. For typical parameter values, we find that the speed, frequency, and stability are unaffected by the direction of travel of the wave on the annulus, despite the rotationally asymmetric inhomogeneity. This indicates that the - system on a variable-width domain cannot account for directional preferences of traveling waves in biological systems.  相似文献   
Twining plants exhibit a striking oscillation of their stems in their quest for a support. The oscillations, called circumnutation, have periods generally of 1–5 hr, and virtually all species have a preferred direction of twining. I seek to explain these chiral asymmetries in plant behavior by hypothesizing a chiral asymmetry in plant anatomy. Such asymmetries already exist, for example, in phyllotaxis. I explore wave phenomena on asymmetric but isotropic rings, and seek systems which will only support (stable) waves in one direction around the ring, and not in the other. Simulations indicate that (1) oscillatory reaction-diffusion systems do not support unidirectional waves on rings; (2) excitable reaction-diffusion systems do support unidirectional waves on rings; and (3) unidirectional phase-locking (discrete unidirectional waves) occurs in rings of coupled oscillators. Thus, chiral asymmetries of circumnutating plants cannot be explained by continuum oscillator phenomena, but can be explained by general discrete oscillators, or excitable phenomena on the continuum.  相似文献   
Upright and recumbent rest of 15 Welsh pony foals and their mothers was studied over a 2 year period. During their first week of life, the foals spent 32% of the time in recumbent rest. Subsequently, the percentage of time spent in recumbent rest decreased, but was still greater than for the foal's mother by Week 21, when the foals spent 6.5% of their time in recumbent rest. Adults spent little time in recumbent rest. Foals rested upright only 3.5% of the time during their first week of life. Mares rested upright more than foals did to Week 13, at which time peak values for time spent in upright rest occurred for both mares (32.5%) and foals (23%). Subsequently, mares and foals spent equal, but decreasing, amounts of time resting upright. The total time spent resting by the foals decreased gradually, and was characterized by a transition from recumbent rest to upright rest. Foals were more likely to be resting, either recumbent or upright, if their mother was resting upright. During the late spring, summer, and early autumn, mares and foals were most likely to be resting upright between 09:00 and 17:00 h.  相似文献   
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