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Transpiration-induced changes in the photosynthetic capacity of leaves   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Thomas D. Sharkey 《Planta》1984,160(2):143-150
High transpiration rates were found to affect the photosynthetic capacity of Xanthium strumarium L. leaves in a manner analagous to that of low soil water potential. The effect was also looked for and found in Gossypium hirsutum L., Agathis robusta (C. Moore ex Muell.) Bailey, Eucalyptus microcarpa Maiden, Larrea divaricata Cav., the wilty flacca tomato mutant (Lycopersicon esculentum (L.) Mill.) and Scrophularia desertorum (Munz) Shaw. Two methods were used to distinguish between effects on stomatal conductance, which can lower assimilation by reducing CO2 availability, and effects on the photosynthetic capacity of the mesophyll. First, the response of assimilation to intercellular CO2 pressure (C i) was compared under conditions of high and low transpiration. Second, in addition to estimating C i using the usual Ohm's law analogy, C i was measured directly using the closed-loop technique of T.D. Sharkey, K. Imai, G.D. Farquhar and I.R. Cowan (1982, Plant Physiol, 60, 657–659). Transpiration stress responses of Xanthium strumarium were compared with soil drought effects. Both stresses reduced photosynthesis at high C i but not at low C i; transpiration stress increased the quantum requirement of photosynthesis. Transpiration stress could be induced in small sections of leaves. Total transpiration from the plant did not influence the photosynthetic capacity of a leaf kept under constant conditions, indicating that water deficits develop over small areas within the leaf. The effect of high transpiration on photosynthesis was reversed approximately half-way by returning the plants to low-transpiration conditions. This reversal occurred as fast as measurements could be made (5 min), but little further recovery was observed in subsequent hours.Abbreviations and symbols A photosynthetic CO2 assimilation rate - C a ambient CO2 partial pressure - C i partial pressure of CO2 inside the leaf - VPD leaf-to-air water-vapor pressure difference This research was begun while the author was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Australian National University, Canberra  相似文献   
In addition to their degradative role in protein turnover, proteases play a key role as positive or negative regulators of signal transduction pathways and therefore their dysregulation contributes to many disease states. Regulatory roles of proteases include their hormone-like role in triggering G protein-coupled signaling (Protease-Activated-Receptors); their role in shedding of ligands such as EGF, Notch and Fas; and their role in signaling events that lead to apoptotic cell death. Dysregulated activation of apoptosis by the caspase family of proteases has been linked to diseases such as cancer, autoimmunity and inflammation. In an effort to better understand the role of proteases in health and disease, a luciferase biosensor is described which can quantitatively report proteolytic activity in live cells and mouse models. The biosensor, hereafter referred to as GloSensor Caspase 3/7 has a robust signal to noise (50–100 fold) and dynamic range such that it can be used to screen for pharmacologically active compounds in high throughput campaigns as well as to study cell signaling in rare cell populations such as isolated cancer stem cells. The biosensor can also be used in the context of genetically engineered mouse models of human disease wherein conditional expression using the Cre/loxP technology can be implemented to investigate the role of a specific protease in living subjects. While the regulation of apoptosis by caspase''s was used as an example in these studies, biosensors to study additional proteases involved in the regulation of normal and pathological cellular processes can be designed using the concepts presented herein.  相似文献   
Isoprene emission has been documented and characterized from species in all major groups of vascular plants. We report in our survey that isoprene emission is much more common in mosses and ferns than later divergent land plants but is absent in liverworts and hornworts. The light and temperature responses of isoprene emission from Sphagnum capillifolium (Ehrh.) Hedw. are similar to those of other land plants. Isoprene increases thermotolerance of S. capillifolium to the same extent seen in higher plants as measured by chlorophyll fluorescence. Sphagnum species in a northern Wisconsin bog experienced large temperature fluctuations similar to those reported in tree canopies. Since isoprene has been shown to help plants cope with large, rapid temperature fluctuations, we hypothesize the thermal and correlated dessication stress experienced by early land plants provided the selective pressure for the evolution of light-dependent isoprene emission in the ancestors of modern mosses. As plants radiated into different habitats, this capacity was lost multiple times in favor of other thermal protective mechanisms.  相似文献   
Effects of varying light intensity and nitrogen nutrition on photosynthetic physiology and biochemistry were examined in the sun plant Phaseolus vulgaris (common bean) and in the shade plant Alocasia macrorrhiza (Australian rainforest floor species). In both Phaseolus and Alocasia, the differing growth regimes produced large changes in photosynthetic capacity and composition of the photosynthetic apparatus. CO2-saturated rates of photosynthesis were linearly related to leaf nitrogen (N) content in both species but photosynthesis per unit leaf N was markedly higher for Phaseolus than for Alocasia. Photosynthetic capacity was also higher in Phaseolus per unit ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylase (RuBPCase) protein. The leaf content of RuBPCase was linearly dependent on leaf N content in the two species. However, the proportion of leaf N which was RuBPCase was greater in Phaseolus than in Alocasia and was more sensitive to growth conditions, ranging from 6% of leaf N at low light to 20% at high light. In Alocasia, this range was much less, 6 to 11%. However, chlorophyll content was much more sensitive to light intensity in Alocasia. Thus, the RuBPCase/chlorophyll ratio was quite responsive to N availability and light intensity in both species (but for different reasons), ranging from 6 grams per gram for Phaseolus and 2 grams per gram for Alocasia at high leaf N and 1.5 gram per gram for Phaseolus and 0.5 gram per gram for Alocasia at low leaf N. These large changes in the proportions of components of the photosynthetic apparatus had marked effects on the sensitivity of these species to photoinhibition. These environmental effects also caused changes in the absolute levels of metabolites of the photosynthetic carbon reduction cycle. Concentrations of RuBP and P-glycerate were approximately 2-fold higher in high light-grown than low light-grown Phaseolus and Alocasia when expressed on a leaf area basis. However, if metabolite pool sizes are expressed on the basis of the RuBPCase catalytic site concentration, then they were little affected by the marked changes in leaf makeup. There appears to be fundamental differences between these species in the mechanism of sun-shade adaptation and N partitioning in the photosynthetic apparatus that result in significant differences in the N-use efficiency of photosynthesis between Phaseolus and Alocasia but similar RuBPCase:substrate:product ratios despite these differences.  相似文献   
Sucrose synthesis is a major element of the interactions between photosynthesis and plant growth and development. Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. UC82B) plants transformed with maize sucrose-phosphate synthase (SPS; EC expressed from either a ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase (Rubisco) small subunit promoter (SSU) or the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter (35S) were used to study effects of increased sucrose synthesis rates on plant growth. The plants were grown in growth chambers, field plots, and open-top chambers. The 35S plants had a 2 to 3-fold increase in young-leaf SPS activity, a 10 to 20-fold increase in young-root SPS activity and no increase in young-fruit SPS activity. The leaf SPS activity in one of the 35S lines fell to control levels by two months of age. The SSU plants had a 4 to 5-fold increase in leaf SPS activity and no significant increase in root or young-fruit SPS activity. One 35S line, which maintained high leaf SPS activity throughout development, yielded 70–80% more than controls at both normal and elevated CO2 in open-top chambers in the field and 20–30% more than controls in two additional field trials. The other 35S line and the two SSU lines either yielded less or did not differ from controls under several growth conditions. Since only one of four transformed lines showed an increase in yield, we can not yet conclude that increased leaf SPS activity leads to increased yield. However, increased leaf SPS activity appears to result in increased fruit sugar content since all three lines with increased leaf SPS usually also had increased fruit sugars. Received: 18 November 1996 / Accepted: 22 January 1997  相似文献   
The present study of the Orchidaceae family was carried out in Guamuahaya’s mountain range, from 2000 to March 2013. Fifteen districts were explored after 33 expeditions in the Province of Cienfuegos. Ninety two plant species were identified in the studied area, taking into account the ecological parameters of the mountainous areas of Cienfuegos and Cumanayagua municipalities.  相似文献   
Stoats are significant predators of native fauna in New Zealand. They occur in many habitat types and consume a wide range of prey. The diet of stoats in the Tasman River, South Canterbury, was studied by analysis of scats and den contents. Analysis of 206 scats showed that stoats ate mainly lagomorphs, birds and invertebrates. Minor components included mice, lizards, fish and hedgehogs. Stoats ate more birds in spring than in autumn, and female stoats ate more invertebrates than did males. The contents of 219 dens collected in the same area at the same time provided further information. Birds and lagomorphs occurred at high frequency in dens, and other components were minor. Remains in dens were larger than in scats and allowed identification of many more prey items to species level. Den contents revealed a potentially substantial impact of stoats on threatened shorebirds locally; this impact was not detected by analysis of scats.  相似文献   
High temperature inhibits photosynthesis by several mechanisms including deactivation of Rubisco. The inhibition of photosynthesis by high temperature and its relationship to Rubisco deactivation was studied using tobacco (Nicotiana tabaccum L. cv W38) transformed with a Rubisco activase gene inserted in the antisense orientation and untransformed controls. High temperature (42 °C) reduced photosynthesis in both lines of plants. However, photosynthesis recovered nearly completely in wild-type plants and very little in plants lacking Rubisco activase. The F0 level of chlorophyll fluorescence decreased and qN increased in the control plants during heating. In the antisense plants, qN was always high and F0 increased slightly during heat stress. NADP-malate dehydrogenase activation was unaffected by heat stress in control plants but was increased in the transgenic plants, consistent with a high redox status in the chloroplast. In wild-type plants, the inhibition of photosynthesis could be explained by a reversible decarbamylation of Rubisco and an acceptor-side limitation imposed on photosynthetic electron transport. However, in the anti-activase plants, carbamylation was low and constant and could not explain how photosynthesis was reduced at high temperature. Because ribulose bisphosphate was saturating at high temperature, the reduction in photosynthesis must have been caused by some impairment of Rubisco function not reflected in measurements of activation state or carbamylation status. This in vivo Rubisco impairment was not relieved upon return to lower temperature. We speculate that the reversible decarbamylation of Rubisco at moderately high temperature may be a protective mechanism by which the plant avoids more serious effects on Rubisco and the rest of the photosynthetic apparatus.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   


The photorespiratory nitrogen cycle in C3 plants involves an extensive diversion of carbon and nitrogen away from the direct pathways of assimilation. The liberated ammonia is re-assimilated, but up to 25% of the carbon may be released into the atmosphere as CO2. Because of the loss of CO2 and high energy costs, there has been considerable interest in attempts to decrease the flux through the cycle in C3 plants. Transgenic tobacco plants were generated that contained the genes gcl and hyi from E. coli encoding glyoxylate carboligase (EC and hydroxypyruvate isomerase (EC respectively, targeted to the peroxisomes. It was presumed that the two enzymes could work together and compete with the aminotransferases that convert glyoxylate to glycine, thus avoiding ammonia production in the photorespiratory nitrogen cycle.


When grown in ambient air, but not in elevated CO2, the transgenic tobacco lines had a distinctive phenotype of necrotic lesions on the leaves. Three of the six lines chosen for a detailed study contained single copies of the gcl gene, two contained single copies of both the gcl and hyi genes and one line contained multiple copies of both gcl and hyi genes. The gcl protein was detected in the five transgenic lines containing single copies of the gcl gene but hyi protein was not detected in any of the transgenic lines. The content of soluble amino acids including glycine and serine, was generally increased in the transgenic lines growing in air, when compared to the wild type. The content of soluble sugars, glucose, fructose and sucrose in the shoot was decreased in transgenic lines growing in air, consistent with decreased carbon assimilation.


Tobacco plants have been generated that produce bacterial glyoxylate carboligase but not hydroxypyruvate isomerase. The transgenic plants exhibit a stress response when exposed to air, suggesting that some glyoxylate is diverted away from conversion to glycine in a deleterious short-circuit of the photorespiratory nitrogen cycle. This diversion in metabolism gave rise to increased concentrations of amino acids, in particular glutamine and asparagine in the leaves and a decrease of soluble sugars.  相似文献   
The suitability of using macroinvertebrates as bioindicators of stream water quality was tested in the Mkondoa River in an agricultural area at Kilosa, using the rapid bioassessment protocol. The family biotic index (FBI) showed marked variation in water quality along the stream from values ranging from 4.1 to 5.0 in the upstream reaches, indicating good water quality, 5.3 to 5.5 in the mid-reaches and 6.0 to 6.5 in the lower reaches. The water quality index (WQI) indicated that water quality was fair (77 ± 0.98) in the upstream reach of the Mkondoa, marginal (55 ± 0.86) in the midstream reach and poor (33 ± 0.45) in the downstream reach. There were significant relationships between biological oxygen demand and dissolved oxygen and the occurrence of specific taxa, mainly Chironomus and Caenis. Significant changes in macroinvertebrate abundance were mostly related to changes in water quality. As in other parts of the world, macroinvertebrate communities proved to be good biological indicators of water quality and they should be used as bioindicators in long-term monitoring of this river.  相似文献   
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