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Flavobacterium columnare is an important bacterial pathogen of fish with a wide genetic variability within the species. This intra-species diversity has been termed as genomovars and genomovar groups on the basis of Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms of 16S rDNA and 16S–23S rDNA intergenic spacer region (ISR), respectively. In this study, we demonstrate the source of genetic heterogeneity in the F. columnare by sequence analysis of ISR. The length of ISR sequences of different genomovars varied from 553 to 592 nucleotides, while the similarity among sequences ranged from 76.1 to 92.6%. A common ISR structure with tRNAAla and tRNAIle embedded within the sequence was identified in all the genomovars of F. columnare. The results show that strains of F. columnare can be categorized into five genomovar groups based on the heterogeneity of the ISR sequences. Of these, strains belonging to Genomovar I and II can be sub-divided into two groups each; while strains of Genomovar III belong to one group. Sequence similarity between genomovar groups was lower for ISR (76.1–92.6%) as compared to 16S rDNA (96.1–99.4%) indicating its ability to resolve closely related groups within the genomovars of F. columnare. The main source of variation between the genomovar groups is the presence of three hyper variable regions (V1, V2, and V3) in the ISR. Of the three, V3 was found to be the most heterogeneous region and was found to be useful in assigning a genomovar group to an individual strain of F. columnare.  相似文献   
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tb), an intracellular pathogen, has the ability to infect alveolar epithelial cells (AEC) also in addition to alveolar macrophages. The virulence of M. tb is attributed to proteins encoded by genomic regions of deletion (RD) and till date 16 such regions (RD1-RD16) have been identified. Culture filtrate protein 21 (CFP21), a RD2 secretory protein, is a cutinase-like enzyme that possesses esterase and lipolytic activity. It is hypothesized that CFP21 could be playing a role in M. tb virulence by disrupting the host cell integrity. In this study, recombinant CFP21 was expressed and purified. The in vitro exposure of type I (WI26) and type II (A549) AEC to CFP21 resulted in a significant decline in their cellular viability by inducing cell apoptosis. However, the cytotoxic effects were more pronounced in WI26 cells than in A549 cells. The analysis of immune responses in CFP21-treated AEC exhibited significant production of reactive oxygen species and anti-inflammatory cytokine TGF-β which indicated oxidative stress-mediated cell death. These results show that CFP21 could play an important role in M. tb pathogenesis by disrupting the host alveolar barrier and thereby facilitating mycobacterial dissemination.  相似文献   
Rab3A is expressed predominantly in brain and synaptic vesicles. Rab3A is involved specifically in tethering and docking of synaptic vesicles prior to fusion which is a critical step in regulated release of neurotransmitters. The precise function of Rab3A is still not known. However, up-regulation of Rab3A has been reported in malignant neuroendocrine and breast cancer cells. In the present study, the structure of Rab3A protein was generated using MODELLER 9v8 software. The modeled protein structure was validated and subjected to molecular docking analyses. Docking with GTP was carried out on the binding site of Rab3A using GOLD software. The Rab3A-GTP complex has best GOLD fitness value of 77.73. Ligplot shows hydrogen bondings (S16, S17, V18, G19, K20, T21, S22, S31, T33, A35, S38, T39 and G65) and hydrophobic interacting residues (F25, F32, P34, F36, V37, D62 and A64) with the GTP ligands in the binding site of Rab3A protein. Here, the ligand molecules of NCI diversity set II from the ZINC database against the active site of the Rab3A protein were screened. For this purpose, the incremental construction algorithm of GLIDE and the genetic algorithm of GOLD were used. Docking results were analyzed for top ranking compounds using a consensus scoring function of X-Score to calculate the binding affinity and Ligplot was used to measure protein–ligand interactions. Five compounds which possess good inhibitory activity and may act as potential high affinity inhibitors against Rab3A active site were identified. The top ranking molecule (ZINC13152284) has a Glide score of ?6.65 kcal/mol, X-Score of ?3.02 kcal/mol and GOLD score of 64.54 with 03 hydrogen bonds and 09 hydrophobic contacts. This compound is thus a good starting point for further development of strong inhibitors.  相似文献   
The efficiency of embryonic stem cell (ESC) derivation from all species except for rodents and primates is very low. There are however, multiple interests in obtaining pluripotent cells from these animals with main expectations in the fields of transgenesis, cloning, regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. Researches are being carried out in laboratories throughout the world to increase the efficiency of ESC isolation for their downstream applications. Thus, the present study was undertaken to study the effect of different isolation methods based on the morphology of blastocyst for efficient derivation of buffalo ESCs. Embryos were produced in vitro through the procedures of maturation, fertilization and culture. Hatched blastocysts or isolated inner cell masses (ICMs) were seeded on mitomycin-C inactivated buffalo fetal fibroblast monolayer for the development of ESC colonies. The ESCs were analyzed for alkaline phosphatase activity, expression of pluripotency markers and karyotypic stability. Primary ESC colonies were obtained after 2–5 days of seeding hatched blastocysts or isolated ICMs on mitomycin-C inactivated feeder layer. Mechanically isolated ICMs attached and formed primary cell colonies more efficiently than ICMs isolated enzymatically. For derivation of ESCs from poorly defined ICMs intact hatched blastocyst culture was the most successful method. Results of this study implied that although ESCs can be obtained using all three methods used in this study, efficiency varies depending upon the morphology of blastocyst and isolation method used. So, appropriate isolation method must be selected depending on the quality of blastocyst for efficient derivation of ESCs.  相似文献   
Periodontitis is characterized by systemic inflammatory host responses that may contribute to a higher risk for cardiovascular disease. We hypothesized that periodontitis may be associated with altered C-reactive protein levels, serum levels of lipids and peripheral blood counts, and that these characteristics may serve as markers for a link between periodontitis and cardiovascular disease. Sixty subjects, 25–60 years old, were divided into three groups of 20 subjects each. Group 1, age and sex matched healthy controls; group 2, patients diagnosed with chronic periodontitis; group 3, patients diagnosed with acute periodontal lesions including periodontal abscess and pericoronal abscesses. Serum C-reactive protein levels, lipid levels and peripheral blood counts were obtained for all three groups. Significant increases in C-reactive protein and serum lipid levels, and altered peripheral blood counts were observed between the experimental groups; these factors were correlated with chronic periodontitis and cardiovascular disease. These simple, economical clinical measurements can be used to assess periodontal tissue damage and may be useful for predicting risk of cardiovascular disease in these subjects.  相似文献   


Sphingobium spp. are efficient degraders of a wide range of chlorinated and aromatic hydrocarbons. In particular, strains which harbour the lin pathway genes mediating the degradation of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) isomers are of interest due to the widespread persistence of this contaminant. Here, we examined the evolution and diversification of the lin pathway under the selective pressure of HCH, by comparing the draft genomes of six newly-sequenced Sphingobium spp. (strains LL03, DS20, IP26, HDIPO4, P25 and RL3) isolated from HCH dumpsites, with three existing genomes (S. indicum B90A, S. japonicum UT26S and Sphingobium sp. SYK6).


Efficient HCH degraders phylogenetically clustered in a closely related group comprising of UT26S, B90A, HDIPO4 and IP26, where HDIPO4 and IP26 were classified as subspecies with ANI value >98%. Less than 10% of the total gene content was shared among all nine strains, but among the eight HCH-associated strains, that is all except SYK6, the shared gene content jumped to nearly 25%. Genes associated with nitrogen stress response and two-component systems were found to be enriched. The strains also housed many xenobiotic degradation pathways other than HCH, despite the absence of these xenobiotics from isolation sources. Additionally, these strains, although non-motile, but posses flagellar assembly genes. While strains HDIPO4 and IP26 contained the complete set of lin genes, DS20 was entirely devoid of lin genes (except linKLMN) whereas, LL03, P25 and RL3 were identified as lin deficient strains, as they housed incomplete lin pathways. Further, in HDIPO4, linA was found as a hybrid of two natural variants i.e., linA1 and linA2 known for their different enantioselectivity.


The bacteria isolated from HCH dumpsites provide a natural testing ground to study variations in the lin system and their effects on degradation efficacy. Further, the diversity in the lin gene sequences and copy number, their arrangement with respect to IS6100 and evidence for potential plasmid content elucidate possible evolutionary acquisition mechanisms for this pathway. This study further opens the horizon for selection of bacterial strains for inclusion in an HCH bioremediation consortium and suggests that HDIPO4, IP26 and B90A would be appropriate candidates for inclusion.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-1014) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
The β-thalassemias and sickle cell disorders are a major health burden in India. Diagnosis and management of these disorders both in adults and in newborns using appropriate approaches and uniform technology are important in different regions of a vast and diverse country as India. In view of a National Thalassemia Control Program to be launched soon, a need was felt for guidelines on whom to screen, cost-effective technologies that are to be used as well as for establishing prenatal diagnosis programs in regional centers. Newborn screening for sickle cell disorders is in its infancy in India and uniform approaches need to be followed. Also, included are guidelines for monitoring and managing patients who are now growing older and need comprehensive care as well as management of complications of the disease.  相似文献   


Migraine is a chronic, neurovascular polygenic disease where genetic and environmental factors are involved in its etiology. Dysfunction of neuronal ion transportation can provide a model for predisposition for common forms of migraine. Mutations in genes encoding ion channels disturb the rhythmic function of exposed tissue that may also explain the episodic nature of migraine. Our aim was to study the single nucleotide polymorphisms of CACNA1A gene in migraine patients.


The subjects were the patients of migraine, in the age range of 18-80 years, diagnosed by a Neurologist, as per the diagnostic criteria of International Headache Society (IHS) Classification 2004 after excluding other causes of headache by clinical examination and relevant investigations.The controls were the age and sex matched healthy persons from the same population excluding the relatives of patients. Only those patients and the controls, who voluntarily participated in the study, were taken and their blood samples were taken for the study. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) extraction was performed according to the manufacturer''s protocol for Qiagen DNA extraction kits (Qiagen, Hilden, NRW, Germany). DNA content was quantified by spectrophotometric absorption (Nanodrop Spectrophotometer, BioLab, Scoresby, VIC, Australia). Polymerase chain reaction was performed using an iCycler Thermal Cycler (Bio.Rad, Hercules, CA, USA). The polymorphic analysis of CACNA1A gene was carried out by two methods: Restriction fragment length polymorphism and sequencing.


The study included a total of 25 patients of migraine, diagnosed on out-patient department basis as per IHS Classification 2004 and compared with age and sex matched 25 healthy controls. Most of the patients 23 (92%) were below the age of 50 years. 20 of the patients (80%) were females and 5 (20%) were males. The polymorphic analysis of CACNA1A gene revealed the presence of only the wild form of the gene for the codon E993V in both case and control groups.


In our study, we could not find any polymorphism of CACNA1A gene in the selected patients. Instead the wild type of genotype was found in both patients and controls. This negative result presented here, implies that if the CACNA1A gene is involved in typical migraine (with and without aura), its contribution is very modest and therefore difficult to discern. Nevertheless, there are other genes that could be considered potential candidates for typical migraine susceptibility for which further research is needed.  相似文献   
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