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The phenotypes of four mutant Escherichia coli Trp repressor proteins with increased activities have been examined in vivo using the challenge-phage assay, an assay based on a positive genetic selection for DNA binding. These proteins, which differ by single amino acid changes from the wild type (Glu13-->Lys, Glu18-->Lys, Glu49-->Lys and Ala77-->Val), require less L-tryptophan than wild-type repressor for activation in vivo, and are super-aporepressors. However, none of the four mutant repressors binds DNA in a corepressor-independent manner. Three of the four mutant repressors (with Glu-->Lys changes) are more active when complexed with tryptophan, and are superholorepressors. Challenge-phage assays with excess tryptophan rank the mutant holorepressors in the same order as determined by binding studies in vitro. Challenge-phage assays with limiting tryptophan reveal additional phenotypic differences among the mutant proteins. These results show that the challenge-phage assay is a robust assay for measuring the relative affinities of specific protein-DNA interactions in vivo.  相似文献   
Human aminopeptidase N is encoded by 20 exons   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mating tactics in external fertilizers when sperm is limited   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Among externally fertilizing animals in aquatic habitats, theproportion of a female's egg clutch that is successfully fertilizedoften falls below 100%. In many such species, particularly incoral reef fishes, males spawn daily at high frequencies, oftenwith little or no sperm competition. A major evolutionary problemfor such males is how best to allocate sperm over successivespawns. Females face the problem of ensuring complete fertilizationof their egg clutch. Here we model male and female mating tacticswhen daily sperm production is limited and with various assumptionsconcerning how differences in the number of sperm released duringa mating influence the number of eggs fertilized. The modelsreveal conditions under which males can maximize daily reproductivesuccess, either by releasing a fixed number of sperm duringall successive spawns or by matching sperm numbers to the clutchsize of their mates. These patterns of sperm allocation exertdifferent pressures on females, which may respond evolutionarilyby developing various mating tactics of their own.  相似文献   
A standard technique for static optical rotatory dispersion (ORD) measurements is adapted to the measurement of ORD changes on a nanosecond (ns) time scale, giving approximately a million-fold improvement in time-resolution over conventional instrumentation. The technique described here is similar in principle to a technique recently developed for ns time-resolved circular dichroism (TRCD) spectroscopy, although the time-resolved optical rotatory dispersion (TRORD) technique requires fewer optical components. As with static ORD, TRORD measurements may be interpreted by empirical comparisons or may be transformed, via the Kramers-Kronig relations, to more easily interpreted TRCD spectra. TRORD can offer experimental advantages over TRCD in studying kinetic processes effecting changes in the chiral structures of biological molecules. In particular, the wider dispersion of ORD bands compared with the corresponding CD bands means that ORD information may often be obtained outside of absorption bands, a signal-to-noise advantage for multichannel measurements. Demonstration of the technique by its application to ns TRORD and the transform-calculated TRCD of carboxy-hemoglobin (Hb-CO) after laser photolysis is presented.  相似文献   
The E2A-HLF fusion gene, formed by the t(17;19)(q22;p13) translocation in childhood acute pro-B-cell leukemia, encodes a hybrid protein that contains the paired trans-activation domains of E2A (E12/E47) linked to the basic region/leucine zipper DNA-binding and dimerization domain of hepatic leukemia factor (HLF). To assess the transforming potential of this novel gene, we introduced it into NIH 3T3 murine fibroblasts by using an expression vector that also contained the neomycin resistance gene. Cells selected for resistance to the neomycin analog G418 formed aberrant colonies in monolayer cultures, marked by increased cell density and altered morphology. Transfected cells also grew readily in soft agar, producing colonies whose sizes correlated with E2A-HLF expression levels. Subclones expanded from colonies with high levels of the protein reproducibly formed tumors in nude mice and grew to higher plateau-phase cell densities in reduced-serum conditions than did parental NIH 3T3 cells. By contrast, NIH 3T3 cells expressing mutant E2A-HLF proteins that lacked either of the bipartite E2A trans-activation domains or the HLF leucine zipper domain failed to show oncogenic properties, including anchorage-independent cell growth. Thus, both of the E2A trans-activation motifs and the HLF leucine zipper dimerization domain are essential for the transforming potential of the chimeric E2A-HLF protein, suggesting a model in which aberrant regulation of the expression pattern of downstream target genes contributes to leukemogenesis.  相似文献   
Area postrema and adjacent solitary nucleus in water and energy balance   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Lesions of the area postrema (AP) and immediately adjacent nucleus tractus solitarii cause a syndrome of permanent weight loss with little disruption to behavioral controls of body weight regulation. There is also a permanent polydipsia and elevated salt appetite, which appear to be secondary to deficits in renal conservation of water and sodium. Neuroanatomical studies indicate that the immediately adjacent solitary nucleus and AP are sites of termination of visceral afferents from abdominal organs and the destination and origin of distant central afferent and efferent connections.  相似文献   
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