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One hundred and forty two cotton germplasm lines were screened for cotton leaf curl virus symptoms in field evaluations during 2003, 2004, and 2005. Fifty cross combinations involving 30 of these lines classified resistant or susceptible were used for inheritance study of the disease. All the F(1) plants of crosses involving resistant x resistant, resistant x susceptible, and susceptible x resistant parents were resistant, indicating dominant expression of the disease resistance and there were no maternal or cytoplasmic effects detected from reciprocal hybridization. In 22 crosses, 4 types of segregation patterns were obtained in the F(2) generations. A good fit for 15 (resistant):1 (susceptible), 13 (resistant):3 (susceptible), 9 (resistant):7 (susceptible) ratios indicated digenic control of the trait with duplicate dominant, dominant inhibitory, and duplicate recessive epistasis, respectively. Three-gene control with triplicate dominant epistasis was obtained in one of the crosses. This segregation pattern, however, needs further confirmation due to smaller population size. The absence of complementary gene action was obtained in 1 susceptible x susceptible and 27 resistant x resistant crosses as their F(1)s were susceptible and resistant, respectively, and F(2) generation lacked segregation.  相似文献   


Toxoplasma encephalitis is caused by the opportunistic protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Primary infection with T. gondii in immunocompetent individuals remains largely asymptomatic. In contrast, in immunocompromised individuals, reactivation of the parasite results in severe complications and mortality. Molecular changes at the protein level in the host central nervous system and proteins associated with pathogenesis of toxoplasma encephalitis are largely unexplored. We used a global quantitative proteomic strategy to identify differentially regulated proteins and affected molecular networks in the human host during T. gondii infection with HIV co-infection.


We identified 3,496 proteins out of which 607 proteins were differentially expressed (≥1.5-fold) when frontal lobe of the brain from patients diagnosed with toxoplasma encephalitis was compared to control brain tissues. We validated differential expression of 3 proteins through immunohistochemistry, which was confirmed to be consistent with mass spectrometry analysis. Pathway analysis of differentially expressed proteins indicated deregulation of several pathways involved in antigen processing, immune response, neuronal growth, neurotransmitter transport and energy metabolism.


Global quantitative proteomic approach adopted in this study generated a comparative proteome profile of brain tissues from toxoplasma encephalitis patients co-infected with HIV. Differentially expressed proteins include previously reported and several new proteins in the context of T. gondii and HIV infection, which can be further investigated. Molecular pathways identified to be associated with the disease should enhance our understanding of pathogenesis in toxoplasma encephalitis.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1559-0275-11-39) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Geometry of tapered fiber sensors critically affects the response of an evanescent field sensor to cell suspensions. Single-mode fibers (nominally at 1300 nm) were tapered to symmetric or asymmetric tapers with diameters in the range of 3–20 μm, and overall lengths of 1–7 mm. Their transmission characteristics in air, water and in the presence of Escherichia coli (JM101 strain) at concentrations of 100, 1000, 7000 and 7 million cells/mL were measured in the 400–800 nm range and gave rich spectral data that lead to the following conclusions. (1) No change in transmission was observed due to E. coli with tapers that showed no relative change in transmission in water compared to air. (2) Tapers that exhibited a significant difference in transmission in water compared to air gave weak response to the presence of the E. coli. Of these, tapers with low waist diameters (6 μm) showed sensitivity to E. coli at 7000 cells/mL and higher concentration. (3) Tapers that showed modest difference in water transmission compared to air, and those that had small waist diameters gave excellent response to E. coli at 100–7000 cells/mL. In addition, mathematical modeling showed that: (1) at low wavelength (470 nm) and small waist diameter (6 μm), transmission with water in the waist region is higher than in air. (2) Small changes in waist diameter (0.05 μm) can cause larger changes in transmission at 470 nm than at 550 nm at waist diameter of 6 μm. (3) For the same overall geometry, a 5.5 μm diameter taper showed larger refractive index sensitivity compared to a 6.25 μm taper at 470 nm.  相似文献   
We have used a bioinformatics approach for the identification and reconstruction of metabolic pathways associated with amino acid metabolism in human mitochon- dria. Human mitochondrial proteins determined by experimental and computa- tional methods have been superposed on the reference pathways from the KEGG database to identify mitochondrial pathways. Enzymes at the entry and exit points for each reconstructed pathway were identified, and mitochondrial solute carrier proteins were determined where applicable. Intermediate enzymes in the mito- chondrial pathways were identified based on the annotations available from public databases, evidence in current literature, or our MITOPRED program, which pre- dicts the mitochondrial localization of proteins. Through integration of the data derived from experimental, bibliographical, and computational sources, we recon- structed the amino acid metabolic pathways in human mitochondria, which could help better understand the mitochondrial metabolism and its role in human health.  相似文献   
Synthetic biology concerns applying engineering principles to biological systems. Engineering properties such as fine tuning, novel specificity, and modularity could be components of a synthetic toolkit that can be exploited to explore various issues in cancer research such as elucidation of mechanisms and pathways, creating new diagnostic tools and novel therapeutic approaches. A repertoire of synthetic biology toolkits involving DNA, RNA and protein bio-parts, have been applied to address the issues of drug target identification, drug discovery and therapeutic treatment in cancer research, thereby projecting a new dimension in oncology research.  相似文献   
Several 1-aryloxy-2-substituted aminomethyltetrahydronaphthalenes (7-21) as conformationally rigid analogues of fluoxetine were synthesized and evaluated for their anorexigenic and antidepressant activities. For SAR studies the related acyclic analogues (22-27) were also prepared. Out of the 21 synthesized compounds, 10 compounds (9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 18, 21, 22, 23 and 27) exhibited significant anorexigenic activity (at 75 micromol/kg). Interestingly, all the compounds (7-20, 22-26) were devoid of antidepressant effect, except for compounds 21 and 27 in which the antidepressant activity was retained. Compound 16 emerged as the most active compound of the series with better anorexigenic activity (97.92%) compared to fluoxetine (76.25%) and even with a clinically used drug sibutramine, thus providing a new structural lead for appetite suppressants.  相似文献   
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