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The functional importance of threonine 5 (T5) in modulating the activity of sarcolipin (SLN), a key regulator of sarco/endoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ ATPase (SERCA) pump was studied using a transgenic mouse model with cardiac specific expression of threonine 5 to alanine mutant SLN (SLNT5A). In these transgenic mice, the SLNT5A protein replaces the endogenous SLN in atria, while maintaining the total SLN content. The cardiac specific expression of SLNT5A results in severe cardiac structural remodeling accompanied by bi-atrial enlargement. Biochemical analyses reveal a selective downregulation of SR Ca2+ handling proteins and a reduced SR Ca2+ uptake both in atria and in the ventricles. Optical mapping analysis shows slower action potential propagation in the transgenic mice atria. Doppler echocardiography and hemodynamic measurements demonstrate a reduced atrial contractility and an impaired diastolic function. Together, these findings suggest that threonine 5 plays an important role in modulating SLN function in the heart. Furthermore, our studies suggest that alteration in SLN function can cause abnormal Ca2+ handling and subsequent cardiac remodeling and dysfunction.  相似文献   
Four different bacterial isolates obtained from a stable bacterial consortium were capable of utilizing pentachlorophenol (PCP) as sole carbon and energy source. The consortium was developed by continuous enrichment in the chemostat. The degradation of PCP by bacterial strain was preceded through an oxidative route as indicated by accumulation of tetrachloro-ρ-hydroquinone and dichlorohydroquinone as determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Among the four isolates, Pseudomonas fluorescens exhibited maximum degradation capability and enzyme production. PCP-monooxygenase enzyme was extracted from culture extract and fractionated by DEAE-cellulose ion exchange chromatography. The molecular weight of the enzyme, purified from Pseudomonas fluorescens, determined by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and gel filtration chromatography was found to be 24,000 Da. Received: 22 July 2002 / Accepted: 23 September 2002  相似文献   
Crosslink repair depends on the Fanconi anemia pathway and translesion synthesis polymerases that replicate over unhooked crosslinks. Translesion synthesis is regulated via ubiquitination of PCNA, and independently via translesion synthesis polymerase REV1. The division of labor between PCNA-ubiquitination and REV1 in interstrand crosslink repair is unclear. Inhibition of either of these pathways has been proposed as a strategy to increase cytotoxicity of platinating agents in cancer treatment. Here, we defined the importance of PCNA-ubiquitination and REV1 for DNA in mammalian ICL repair. In mice, loss of PCNA-ubiquitination, but not REV1, resulted in germ cell defects and hypersensitivity to cisplatin. Loss of PCNA-ubiquitination, but not REV1 sensitized mammalian cancer cell lines to cisplatin. We identify polymerase Kappa as essential in tolerating DNA damage-induced lesions, in particular cisplatin lesions. Polk-deficient tumors were controlled by cisplatin treatment and it significantly delayed tumor outgrowth and increased overall survival of tumor bearing mice. Our results indicate that PCNA-ubiquitination and REV1 play distinct roles in DNA damage tolerance. Moreover, our results highlight POLK as a critical TLS polymerase in tolerating multiple genotoxic lesions, including cisplatin lesions. The relative frequent loss of Polk in cancers indicates an exploitable vulnerability for precision cancer medicine.  相似文献   
BackgroundIntra-articular injections are a standard therapy and diagnostic tool for a variety of wrist conditions. Accurate needle placement is crucial for proper therapeutic benefit and prevention of complications. While some studies claim accurate needle placement requires imaging, others conclude that anatomical guidance is sufficient. This study aimed to evaluate the accuracy of intra-articular wrist needle placement with the ulnocarpal approach across differing levels of training using clinical anatomy alone.MethodsFourteen fresh-frozen, above-elbow cadaveric specimens were used. Intra-articular needle placement into the wrist via an ulnocarpal approach was attempted by nine study participants: two interns, two junior-level residents, two senior-level residents, two hand fellows, and one attending hand surgeon. Each injection was performed based on clinical examination and landmarks alone. The number of attempts and total time taken for each injection was recorded.ResultsOverall success rate was 71%, (89 of 126 attempts) and did not vary significantly across levels of training. Average time for needle placement among all participants was 10.9 ± 6.5 seconds. Timing of successful intra-articular needle placement (10.4 ± 5.2 seconds) significantly differed between levels. However, timing did not trend in any direction with more or less training. No significant difference was noted in total attempts or attempts with successful outcomes when comparing level of training.ConclusionThe ulnocarpal approach is a viable option for injection or aspiration of the wrist without image guidance. We were unable to show any relevant trends with timing or number of attempts in comparison to level of training. Level of Evidence: V  相似文献   
Infection of host tissues by Staphylococcus aureus and S. epidermidis requires an unusual family of staphylococcal adhesive proteins that contain long stretches of serine-aspartate dipeptide-repeats (SDR). The prototype member of this family is clumping factor A (ClfA), a key virulence factor that mediates adhesion to host tissues by binding to extracellular matrix proteins such as fibrinogen. However, the biological siginificance of the SDR-domain and its implication for pathogenesis remain poorly understood. Here, we identified two novel bacterial glycosyltransferases, SdgA and SdgB, which modify all SDR-proteins in these two bacterial species. Genetic and biochemical data demonstrated that these two glycosyltransferases directly bind and covalently link N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) moieties to the SDR-domain in a step-wise manner, with SdgB appending the sugar residues proximal to the target Ser-Asp repeats, followed by additional modification by SdgA. GlcNAc-modification of SDR-proteins by SdgB creates an immunodominant epitope for highly opsonic human antibodies, which represent up to 1% of total human IgG. Deletion of these glycosyltransferases renders SDR-proteins vulnerable to proteolysis by human neutrophil-derived cathepsin G. Thus, SdgA and SdgB glycosylate staphylococcal SDR-proteins, which protects them against host proteolytic activity, and yet generates major eptopes for the human anti-staphylococcal antibody response, which may represent an ongoing competition between host and pathogen.  相似文献   
Peanut, the only cash crop of rainfed areas of Pakistan, is facing immense challenges due to global warming. Climatic factors particularly the temperature fluctuations and rain pattern shift significantly impact the production and yield of peanut and unavailability of resilient varieties exacerbate this impact. To deal with the cropping pattern change and yield losses, due to climate vagaries, a study was conducted to develop early maturing hybrids using line into tester mating design. The F1 hybrids from the parental lines were produced in the year 2018 using Line × Tester mating design and then grown in the field in the year 2019 for further evaluation. The hybrids were evaluated based on the early maturity and yield-related attributes in comparison with the parental lines. Based on the general combining ability estimate, line V-3 (Golden), was found as best parent with highly significant values for plant height, days to peg formation, days to maturity, number of pegs per plant, number of pods per plants, number of seeds per plant, 100 pod weight 100 seed weight. Similarly, tester V-7 (PI 635006 01 SD) showed highly significant results of GCA for days to germination, day to 50% flowering, plant height, days to peg formation, days to maturity, number of pegs per plant, number of pods per plants, number of seeds per plant, 100 kernel weight, shelling percentage. All the combinations were evaluated for specific combining ability and significant results were observed for V-3 × V-4 (Golden × PI 619175 01 SD) and V-1 × V-6 (BARI-2000 × PI 564846 01 SD) by developing or maturity and yield-related attributes. The hybrid combinations V-3 × V-5 (Golden × PI 635006 01 SD) followed by V-3 × V-6 showed highly significant results for mid parent heterosis and better parent heterosis for days to 50% flowering, plant height, days to peg formation, number of pegs, days to maturity, number of mature seeds per plant, shelling ratio, 100 pod weight and 100 kernel weight. These parents and hybrid combinations with early maturity genes and high yield attributes can further be used for the development of short duration variety.  相似文献   
Previously we reported that, lactic acid bacteria (LAB) can induce human dermal fibroblast (HDF) cells to form multipotent cell clusters which are able to transdifferentiate into three germ layer derived cell lineages. Later on, we confirmed that ribosome is responsible for the LAB-induced transdifferentiation and ribosomes from diverse organisms can mimic the LAB effect on HDF cells. In our present study we have shown that, upon incorporation of ribosomes, non-small cell lung cancer cell line A549 and gastric tubular adenocarcinoma cell line H-111-TC are transformed into spheroid like morphology those can be transdifferentiated into adipocytes and osteoblast. Our qPCR analysis has revealed that, during the formation of ribosome induced cancer cell spheroids, the expression of the cancer cell associated markers and cell cycle/proliferation markers were altered at different time point. Through our investigation, here we report a novel and a non-invasive approach for cancer cell reprogramming by incorporating ribosomes.  相似文献   
白明华  马一楠  王宝峰  黄珊  贾辉 《生物磁学》2013,(25):4851-4853
目的:胰腺癌恶性程度高、进展快、预后差,姜黄素对于抑制恶性肿瘤的发生和进程具有广泛的生物学效应。但姜黄素能否诱导人胰腺癌细胞凋亡,其具体作用机制如何?目前仍无报道。本研究拟观察姜黄素对人胰腺癌PANC.1细胞凋亡的影响,探讨姜黄素诱导PANC.1细胞凋亡的机制。方法:不同浓度姜黄素处理人胰腺癌PANC-1细胞,流式细胞仪检测PANC-1细胞凋亡率,并分析Caspase-9和Caspase-3活性的变化,同时通过RT—PCR和Westemblot分析PANC-1细胞中P53表达的变化。结果:PANC-1细胞经不同浓度的姜黄素处理后,可以显著诱导细胞凋亡,并呈现一定的剂量依赖性,提示姜黄素具有一定抗肿瘤活性。姜黄素能够同时增加Caspase-9和Caspase-3的活性,并呈现一定的剂量依赖性,提示姜黄素可能通过Caspase-9和Caspase-3途径来诱导PANC.1细胞凋亡的发生。RT—PCR和westernblot结果显示,姜黄素可以显著增加PANC-1细胞中P53蛋白表达水平。结论:姜黄素可以显著诱导PANC-1细胞凋亡的发生,提高Caspase-9和Caspase-3的活性,同时增加的P53表达,并呈现一定的剂量依赖性,提示姜黄素诱导PANC-1细胞凋亡的过程可能与增加细胞中Caspase-9,Caspase-3以及P53的表达有关。本研究探讨了姜黄素诱导PANC-1细胞凋亡的分子机制,为姜黄素的进一步应用提供了新的思路和理论支持,在人胰腺癌的临床治疗中具有一定的潜在应用价值。  相似文献   
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