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Biphasic transport of water and dimethyl sulfoxide (Me(2)SO), a common cryoprotective agent (CPA), in algal cells was induced and measured on a cryoperfusion stage. A two-step experimental protocol provided data for the volumetric response of Chlorococcum (C.) texanum to impermeable and permeable solutes. First, the cells were exposed to a 500-mOsm sucrose solution, causing immediate shrinkage of the cell to a minimum equilibrium volume. Then an isoosmotic 200-mOsm/300-mOsm CPA/sucrose solution was introduced to the cells, resulting in increased cell volume to a new equilibrium state. Experiments were conducted at temperatures between -3 and 23 degrees C. Cell volumes were measured off-line by computer analysis of video images. A network thermodynamic model was fit to the transient volume data to determine permeabilities of C. texanum to water and Me(2)SO over the full temperature range, and results were calculated with two numeric methods. Biphasic transport was found to be slower at colder temperatures, with water entering the cell faster than Me(2)SO. Experimental results were also compared with data from similar experiments using methanol (MeOH) as the CPA. MeOH influx was calculated to be a magnitude larger than that of water. Additionally, MeOH permeability was at least three orders of magnitude greater than Me(2)SO permeability, and the difference in these solute permeabilities increased as temperature decreased.  相似文献   
7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG) adducts are formed frequently by the attack of oxygen-free radicals on DNA. They are among the most mutagenic lesions in cells because of their dual coding potential, where, in addition to normal base-pairing of 8-oxoG(anti) with dCTP, 8-oxoG in the syn conformation can base pair with dATP, causing G to T transversions. We provide here for the first time a structural basis for the error-free replication of 8-oxoG lesions by yeast DNA polymerase η (Polη). We show that the open active site cleft of Polη can accommodate an 8-oxoG lesion in the anti conformation with only minimal changes to the polymerase and the bound DNA: at both the insertion and post-insertion steps of lesion bypass. Importantly, the active site geometry remains the same as in the undamaged complex and provides a basis for the ability of Polη to prevent the mutagenic replication of 8-oxoG lesions in cells.  相似文献   
Two nonoverlapping autosomal inversions defined unusual neo-sex chromosomes in the Hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor). Like other neo-sex chromosomes, these were normally heterozygous, present only in one sex, and suppressed recombination around a sex-determining master switch. Their unusual properties originated from the anomalous Hessian fly sex determination system in which postzygotic chromosome elimination is used to establish the sex-determining karyotypes. This system permitted the evolution of a master switch (Chromosome maintenance, Cm) that acts maternally. All of the offspring of females that carry Cm-associated neo-sex chromosomes attain a female-determining somatic karyotype and develop as females. Thus, the chromosomes act as maternal effect neo-W''s, or W-prime (W′) chromosomes, where ZW′ females mate with ZZ males to engender female-producing (ZW′) and male-producing (ZZ) females in equal numbers. Genetic mapping and physical mapping identified the inversions. Their distribution was determined in nine populations. Experimental matings established the association of the inversions with Cm and measured their recombination suppression. The inversions are the functional equivalent of the sciarid X-prime chromosomes. We speculate that W′ chromosomes exist in a variety of species that produce unisexual broods.SEX chromosomes are usually classified as X, Y, Z, or W on the basis of their pattern of segregation and the gender of the heterogametic sex (Ohno 1967). However, when chromosome-based sex determination occurs postzygotically, the same nomenclature confounds important distinctions and may hide interesting evolutionary phenomena. The Hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor), a gall midge (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) and an important insect pest of wheat, presents an excellent example (Stuart and Hatchett 1988, 1991). In this insect, all of the female gametes and all of the male gametes have the same number of X chromosomes (Figure 1A); no heterogametic sex exists. Nevertheless, Hessian fly sex determination is chromosome based; postzygotic chromosome elimination produces different X chromosome to autosome ratios in somatic cells (male A1A2X1X2/A1A2OO and female A1A2X1X2/A1A2X1X2, where A1 and A2 are the autosomes, X1 and X2 are the X chromosomes, and the paternally derived chromosomes follow the slash) (Stuart and Hatchett 1991; Marin and Baker 1998). Thus, Hessian fly “X” chromosomes are defined by their haploid condition in males, rather than by their segregation in the gametes.Open in a separate windowFigure 1.—Chromosome behavior and sex determination in the Hessian fly. (A) Syngamy (1) establishes the germ-line chromosome constitution: ∼32 maternally derived E chromosomes (represented as a single white chromosome) and both maternally derived (black) and paternally derived (gray) autosomes and X chromosomes. During embryogenesis, while the E chromosomes are eliminated, the paternally derived X chromosomes are either retained (2) or excluded (3) from the presumptive somatic cells. When the paternally derived X chromosomes are retained (2), a female-determining karyotype is established. When they are eliminated (3), a male-determining karyotype is established. Thelygenic mothers carry Cm (white arrow), which conditions all of their offspring to retain the X chromosomes. Recombination occurs during oogenesis (4). All ova contain a full complement of E chromosomes and a haploid complement of autosomes and X chromosomes. Chromosome elimination occurs during spermatogenesis (5). Sperm contain only the maternally derived autosomes and X chromosomes. (B) The segregation of Cm (white dot) on a Hessian fly autosome among monogenic families. Thelygenic females produce broods composed of equal numbers of thelygenic (Cm/−) and arrhenogenic (−/−) females (box 1). Arrhenogenic females produce males (box 2). (C) Matings between monogenic and amphigenic families. Cm (white dot) is dominant to the amphigenic-derived chromosomes (gray dot) and generates all-female offspring (box 3). Amphigenic-derived chromosomes are dominant to the arrhenogenic-derived chromosomes (no dot) and generate offspring of both sexes (box 4).An autosomal, dominant, genetic factor called Chromosome maintenance (Cm) complicates Hessian fly sex determination further (Stuart and Hatchett 1991). Cm has a maternal effect that acts upstream of X chromosome elimination during embryogenesis (Figure 1A). It prevents X chromosome elimination so that all of the offspring of Cm-bearing mothers obtain a female-determining karyotype. Cm-bearing females produce only female offspring and are therefore thelygenic. The absence of Cm usually has the opposite effect; all of the offspring of most Cm-lacking females obtain a male-determining karyotype. These Cm-lacking females produce only male offspring and are therefore arrhenogenic. Like a sex-determining master switch, Cm is usually heterozygous and present in only one sex (Figure 1B). Thus, thelygenic females (Cm/−) are “heterogametic,” as their Cm-containing gametes and Cm-lacking gametes produce thelygenic (Cm/−) and arrhenogenic (−/−) females in a 1:1 ratio. Collectively, thelygenic and arrhenogenic females are called monogenic because they produce unisexual families. However, some Hessian fly females produce broods of both sexes and are called amphigenic. No mating barrier between monogenic and amphigenic families exists (Figure 1C), but amphigenic females have always been found in lower abundance (Painter 1930; Gallun et al. 1961; Stuart and Hatchett 1991). In experimental matings, the inheritance of maternal phenotype was consistent with the segregation of three Cm alleles (Figure 1C): a dominant thelygenic allele, a hypomorphic amphigenic allele, and a null arrhenogenic allele (Stuart and Hatchett 1991).Here we report the genetic and physical mapping of Cm on Hessian fly autosome 1 (A1). Two nonoverlapping inversions were identified that segregated perfectly with Cm. The most distal inversion was present in all thelygenic females examined. The more proximal inversion extended recombination suppression. These observations suggested that successive inversions evolved to suppress recombination around Cm after it arose. The inversions therefore appear to have evolved in response to the forces that shaped vertebrate Y and W chromosomes (Charlesworth 1996; Graves and Shetty 2001; Rice and Chippindale 2001; Carvalho and Clark 2005). We therefore believe the inversion-bearing chromosomes may be classified as maternal effect neo-W''s.  相似文献   
Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) produces a host of health benefits related to modifiable cardiovascular risk factors. The purpose of the present investigation was to determine the influence of body weight, assessed through BMI, on acute and long-term improvements in aerobic capacity following completion of CR. Three thousand nine hundred and ninety seven subjects with coronary artery disease (CAD) participated in a 12-week multidisciplinary CR program. Subjects underwent an exercise test to determine peak estimated metabolic equivalents (eMETs) and BMI assessment at baseline, immediately following CR completion and at 1-year follow-up. Normal weight subjects at 1-year follow-up demonstrated the greatest improvement in aerobic fitness and best retention of those gains (gain in peak METs: 0.95 ± 1.1, P < 0.001). Although the improvement was significant (P < 0.001), subjects who were initially classified as obese had the lowest aerobic capacity and poorest retention in CR fitness gains at 1-year follow-up (gain in peak eMETs: 0.69 ± 1.2). Subjects initially classified as overweight by BMI had a peak eMET improvement that was also significantly better (P < 0.05) than obese subjects at 1-year follow-up (gain in peak eMETs: 0.82 ± 1.1). Significant fitness gains, one of the primary beneficial outcomes of CR, can be obtained by all subjects irrespective of BMI classification. However, obese patients have poorer baseline fitness and are more likely to "give back" fitness gains in the long term. Obese CAD patients may therefore benefit from additional interventions to enhance the positive adaptations facilitated by CR.  相似文献   
Several factors influencing micropropagation of a selected elite clone of Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm. were investigated. Amongst different cytokinins tested, 6-benzyleadenine proved to be the most effective cytokinin for shoot multiplication and elongation. The initial size of the shoot clump (inoculum) also influenced shoot multiplication and elongation. The number of shoots proliferated per culture vessel were significantly higher (342 shoots per culture vessel) when larger shoot clumps (15?C20 shoots) were inoculated, compared to smaller shoot clumps (4?C5 shoots), which resulted in a reduced shoot proliferation rates (245 shoots per culture vessel). However, the number of elongated shoots (65 per culture vessel) and shoot length (5.23?cm) were higher in cultures which were inoculated with smaller shoot clumps in comparison to those cultures which were inoculated with larger shoot clumps (54 shoots per culture vessel with shoot length of 4.17?cm). The maximum number of rooted shoots (80.7?%) was obtained on one fourth-strength MS medium supplemented with 5.0???M indolebutyric acid. The number of shoots proliferated, elongated, rooting frequency, and subsequent survival of plants after acclimatization were higher in cultures incubated under photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) compared to those incubated under cool fluorescent lights (CFL). Osmotic potential of the sap and chlorophyll content of cultures incubated under PAR were also higher than those incubated under CFL. Following transfer of plants to soil, inoculation with a suspension of Bacillus subtilis (plant growth-promoting bacterium) increased the survival rate of plants by 10?%, yielding successful transfer of 84?% of plants. Random amplified polymorphic DNA and inter simple sequence repeat analyses indicated a high level of clonal uniformity amongst regenerated plants and also with that of the mother plant.  相似文献   
The transforming growth factor (TGF-β) pathway is regulated by ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis at different levels. Two studies now identify deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) for the TGF-β type I receptor. Both ubiquitin-specific peptidase-4 (USP4) and -15 (USP15) extend the life of activated receptors against the negative pressure of receptor-ubiquitinating complexes, but through distinct modes of action.  相似文献   
Potato is planted after rice in several parts of Punjab in India and both crops are attacked by Rhizoctonia solani Kühn. Potato tubers showing black scurf and rice plants affected by sheath blight were collected from different regions of the state and the isolates of R. solani so obtained were studied to determine their variability and to ascertain their cross-infectivity and response to fungicides. Potato isolates of R. solani did not infect rice plants but some rice isolates were weakly pathogenic on potato, the sclerotia being less firmly attached on tuber surface, indicating a possible unsuccessful attempt of rice isolates to infect potato. Rice isolates (66.6%) grew faster (>20 mm colony growth per 24 h) than those of the potato isolates (15–20 mm growth rate per 24 h). Hyphal width of isolates from both hosts varied from 7.2 to 12.1 μm. Colony growth of most potato isolates (61.2%) was appressed, whereas that of most rice isolates (53.3%) was fluffy. Rice isolates (73.3%) formed larger sclerotia (1.5–2.0 mm in diameter) than those of the potato isolates (0.5–1.0 mm in diameter). Anastomosis studies indicated that potato isolates belonged to AG-3 and AG-5 groups while rice isolates belonged to the AG-1-1-A group. Representative R. solani isolates from the two hosts showed significant variation in response to fungicides (i.e. carbendazim, carboxin, pencycuron, propiconazole and validamycin) based on their ED50 and ED90 values.  相似文献   
We analyse optimal and heuristic place prioritization algorithms for biodiversity conservation area network design which can use probabilistic data on the distribution of surrogates for biodiversity. We show how an Expected Surrogate Set Covering Problem (ESSCP) and a Maximal Expected Surrogate Covering Problem (MESCP) can be linearized for computationally efficient solution. For the ESSCP, we study the performance of two optimization software packages (XPRESS and CPLEX) and five heuristic algorithms based on traditional measures of complementarity and rarity as well as the Shannon and Simpson indices of α‐diversity which are being used in this context for the first time. On small artificial data sets the optimal place prioritization algorithms often produced more economical solutions than the heuristic algorithms, though not always ones guaranteed to be optimal. However, with large data sets, the optimal algorithms often required long computation times and produced no better results than heuristic ones. Thus there is generally little reason to prefer optimal to heuristic algorithms with probabilistic data sets.  相似文献   
3′(2′),5′-Bisphosphate nucleotidase, (EC (BPntase) is a ubiquitous enzyme. Recently, these enzymes have drawn considerable attention as in vivo targets of salt toxicity as well as therapeutic targets of lithium that is used for the treatment of manic-depressive disorders. They belong to the Mg2+-dependent Li+-sensitive phosphomonoesterase super-family and are highly sensitive to lithium and sodium ions. However, the molecular mechanism of inhibition of this group of enzymes by monovalent cations has not been completely understood. Previously we have identified a BPntase (Dhal2p) from a highly halotolerant yeast Debaryomyces hansenii. Molecular characterization revealed a number of unique features in Dhal2p, indicating this is an extraordinary member of the family. In this study, we have carried out the structure-function analysis of Dhal2p through the combination of molecular modeling and in vitro mutagenesis approach. We have not only provided the explanation for the role played by the functionally important elements that are conserved among the members of this family but also identified important, novel structural elements in this enzyme. Our study for the first time unraveled the role of a flap as well as a loop region in the functioning of this enzyme. Most importantly, mutations in the loop region resulted in the creation of a BPntase that was insensitive to salt.  相似文献   
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