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The facultative anaerobe Shewanella oneidensis can reduce a number of insoluble extracellular metals. Direct adsorption of cells to the metal surface is not necessary, and it has been shown that S. oneidensis releases low concentrations flavins, including riboflavin and flavin mononucleotide (FMN), into the surrounding medium to act as extracellular electron shuttles. However, the mechanism of flavin release by Shewanella remains unknown. We have conducted a transposon mutagenesis screen to identify mutants deficient in extracellular flavin accumulation. Mutations in ushA, encoding a predicted 5′‐nucleotidase, resulted in accumulation of flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) in culture supernatants, with a corresponding decrease in FMN and riboflavin. Cellular extracts of S. oneidensis convert FAD to FMN, whereas extracts of ushA mutants do not, and fractionation experiments show that UshA activity is periplasmic. We hypothesize that S. oneidensis secretes FAD into the periplasmic space, where it is hydrolysed by UshA to FMN and adenosine monophosphate (AMP). FMN diffuses through outer membrane porins where it accelerates extracellular electron transfer, and AMP is dephosphorylated by UshA and reassimilated by the cell. We predict that transport of FAD into the periplasm also satisfies the cofactor requirement of the unusual periplasmic fumarate reductase found in Shewanella.  相似文献   
Essentially any behavior in simple and complex animals depends on neuronal network function. Currently, the best-defined system to study neuronal circuits is the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, as the connectivity of its 302 neurons is exactly known. Individual neurons can be activated by photostimulation of Channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) using blue light, allowing to directly probe the importance of a particular neuron for the respective behavioral output of the network under study. In analogy, other excitable cells can be inhibited by expressing Halorhodopsin from Natronomonas pharaonis (NpHR) and subsequent illumination with yellow light. However, inhibiting C. elegans neurons using NpHR is difficult. Recently, proton pumps from various sources were established as valuable alternative hyperpolarizers. Here we show that archaerhodopsin-3 (Arch) from Halorubrum sodomense and a proton pump from the fungus Leptosphaeria maculans (Mac) can be utilized to effectively inhibit excitable cells in C. elegans. Arch is the most powerful hyperpolarizer when illuminated with yellow or green light while the action spectrum of Mac is more blue-shifted, as analyzed by light-evoked behaviors and electrophysiology. This allows these tools to be combined in various ways with ChR2 to analyze different subsets of neurons within a circuit. We exemplify this by means of the polymodal aversive sensory ASH neurons, and the downstream command interneurons to which ASH neurons signal to trigger a reversal followed by a directional turn. Photostimulating ASH and subsequently inhibiting command interneurons using two-color illumination of different body segments, allows investigating temporal aspects of signaling downstream of ASH.  相似文献   
X-ray diffraction patterns have been obtained for the lyotropic phases of n-octyl 1-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside and the related n-heptyl, n-nonyl and n-decyl compounds with water. The octyl compound exhibits all three liquid crystal phases and forms a micellar solution with increasing solvation, when the crystal come into contact with water at room temperature. The X-ray diffraction patterns show a one-dimensional lamellar phase with [dx] = 28.4 A, a three-dimensional face-centered cubic phase with [a] = 51.2 A, and a two-dimensional hexagonal phase with [a] = [b] = 36.7 A. The micellar solution has a distribution pattern with a maximum at [dx] = 33.8 A. Crystals of the heptyl, nonyl and decyl derivatives form only the lamellar phases and the micellar solution on contact with water at room temperature.  相似文献   
The use of potency control testing is a valuable tool for testing the actual relative strength of manufactured assembly lots of vaccine. Biological-based manufacturing methods are inherently variable and potency testing is a tool to ensure lot-to-lot consistency of commercial vaccines. A strong historical link to clinical efficacy has been established where correlation to efficacy and adequate test validation have been achieved. The link to immunogenicity and efficacy has traditionally been strongest with attenuated vaccines and toxoids. Control potency test failure does predict that a serial or batch of vaccine would most likely provide insufficient immunogenicity in typical field applications. Because of the complexity of pathogenic processes and associated immune responses, potency tests may not always directly predict the effectiveness of a vaccine. Thus, vaccines that pass control potency testing may not always provide adequate efficacy. This is particularly true of adjuvanted, inactivated vaccines. In the development of vaccine formulations and control tests for vaccines, the nature of the desired protective immune responses to the targeted pathogen (when known) should be considered. These considerations could provide better alternatives in the assays chosen as correlates of immunity and may more accurately predict efficacy and assure batch-to-batch consistency. Also, the effects of the dose and duration of antigen exposure as well as the nature of antigen presentation and generation of extrinsic cytokines could be characterised and correlated to vaccine potency as additional indicators of vaccine efficacy.  相似文献   
Schlosser K  Gu J  Lam JC  Li Y 《Nucleic acids research》2008,36(14):4768-4777
Herein, we sought new or improved endoribonucleases based on catalytic DNA molecules known as deoxyribozymes. The current repertoire of RNA-cleaving deoxyribozymes can cleave nearly all of the 16 possible dinucleotide junctions with rates of at least 0.1/min, with the exception of pyrimidine–pyrimidine (pyr–pyr) junctions, which are cleaved 1–3 orders of magnitude slower. We conducted four separate in vitro selection experiments to target each pyr–pyr dinucleotide combination (i.e. CC, UC, CT and UT) within a chimeric RNA/DNA substrate. We used a library of DNA molecules containing only 20 random-sequence nucleotides, so that all possible sequence permutations could be sampled in each experiment. From a total of 245 clones, we identified 22 different sequence families, of which 21 represented novel deoxyribozyme motifs. The fastest deoxyribozymes exhibited kobs values (single-turnover, intermolecular format) of 0.12/min, 0.04/min, 0.13/min and 0.15/min against CC, UC, CT and UT junctions, respectively. These values represent a 6- to 8-fold improvement for CC and UC junctions, and a 1000- to 1600-fold improvement for CT and UT junctions, compared to the best rates reported previously under identical reaction conditions. The same deoxyribozymes exhibited ~1000-fold lower activity against all RNA substrates, but could potentially be improved through further in vitro evolution and engineering.  相似文献   
High-throughput analyses that are central to microbial systems biology and ecophysiology research benefit from highly homogeneous and physiologically well-defined cell cultures. While attention has focused on the technical variation associated with high-throughput technologies, biological variation introduced as a function of cell cultivation methods has been largely overlooked. This study evaluated the impact of cultivation methods, controlled batch or continuous culture in bioreactors versus shake flasks, on the reproducibility of global proteome measurements in Shewanella oneidensis MR-1. Variability in dissolved oxygen concentration and consumption rate, metabolite profiles, and proteome was greater in shake flask than controlled batch or chemostat cultures. Proteins indicative of suboxic and anaerobic growth (e.g., fumarate reductase and decaheme c-type cytochromes) were more abundant in cells from shake flasks compared to bioreactor cultures, a finding consistent with data demonstrating that “aerobic” flask cultures were O2 deficient due to poor mass transfer kinetics. The work described herein establishes the necessity of controlled cultivation for ensuring highly reproducible and homogenous microbial cultures. By decreasing cell to cell variability, higher quality samples will allow for the interpretive accuracy necessary for drawing conclusions relevant to microbial systems biology research.  相似文献   
Summary We show here that plant cells are sensitive to the antibiotic hygromycin-B4. We also show that a chimaeric gene consisting of the nopaline synthase (nos) gene regulatory elements and the E. coli derived hygromycin phosphotransferase (hpt) gene, when transferred to plants' cells, confers resistance to hygromycin B. The chimaeric nos-hpt gene enables efficient selection of DNA transfer to plant cells when used in conjunction with Ti plasmid-derived binary vectors in cocultivation experiments.  相似文献   
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