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Insomnia is of major public health importance. While cognitive behavioral therapy is beneficial, in-person treatment is often unavailable. We assessed the effectiveness of internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia.


The primary objectives were to determine whether online cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia could improve sleep efficiency and reduce the severity of insomnia in adults. Secondary outcomes included sleep quality, total sleep time, time in bed, sleep onset latency, wake time after sleep onset, and number of nocturnal awakenings.

Data Sources

We searched PubMed/MEDLINE, the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, PsycInfo, Cochrane Library, Embase, and the Web of Science for randomized trials.


Studies were eligible if they were randomized controlled trials in adults that reported application of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia via internet delivery. Mean differences in improvement in sleep measures were calculated using the Hartung-Knapp-Sidik-Jonkman method for random effects meta-analysis.


We found 15 trials, all utilizing a pretest-posttest randomized control group design. Sleep efficiency was 72% at baseline and improved by 7.2% (95% CI: 5.1%, 9.3%; p<0.001) with internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy versus control. Internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy resulted in a decrease in the insomnia severity index by 4.3 points (95% CI: -7.1, -1.5; p = 0.017) compared to control. Total sleep time averaged 5.7 hours at baseline and increased by 20 minutes with internet-delivered therapy versus control (95% CI: 9, 31; p = 0.004). The severity of depression decreased by 2.3 points (95% CI: -2.9, -1.7; p = 0.013) in individuals who received internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy compared to control. Improvements in sleep efficiency, the insomnia severity index and depression scores with internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy were maintained from 4 to 48 weeks after post-treatment assessment. There were no statistically significant differences between sleep efficiency, total sleep time, and insomnia severity index for internet-delivered versus in-person therapy with a trained therapist.


In conclusion, internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy is effective in improving sleep in adults with insomnia. Efforts should be made to educate the public and expand access to this therapy. Registration Number, Prospero: CRD42015017622  相似文献   
Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis is the etiologic agent of caseous lymphadenitis a chronic infectious disease affecting small ruminants. The 2D-DIGE technique was used to compare the exoproteomes of two C. pseudotuberculosis biovar ovis strains isolated from goat (strain 1002) and sheep (strain C231). Seventeen proteins differentially produced were identified here. Nine proteins appeared over-produced in the exoproteome of 1002 goat strain and 8 in that of C231 sheep strain. These proteins were related to various biological functions, such as the cell envelope, respiratory metabolism and proteolysis. This proteomic analysis revealed strain-specific exoproteins although each of the corresponding genes was found in both strain genomes. Such differential expression pattern may reflect inter-strain differences in adaptation to a specific host, in pathogenicity and or in antigenicity of this pathogenic bacterium.  相似文献   
Ohne ZusammenfassungFrau Prof. Dr.E. Schiemann zum 80. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   
Summary In a self-pollinated plant species, Matthiola incana R. Br., six groups of isogenic lines were developed which were ideally suited for investigating the properties of individual genes controlling a quantitative character. Each group consisted of four homozygous parents for two alleles at each of the two loci in a common genetic background. A complete 4 × 4 diallel cross was obtained in each group. Because of the identical genetic background each diallel set could be considered as a genetic system of two loci. The biochemical functions of the alleles at each locus modifying the structure of the anthocyanin molecule were known. The phenotypes of the nine possible genotypes were qualitatively distinguishable by their flower colour differences. A quantitative measure of the phenotypic value associated with a genotype is the concentration of anthocyanins in flower tissues. In these simplified genetic systems, the nine phenotypic values could be expressed in terms of nine biometrical quantities, eight of which are attributable to the genetic effects of the alleles at the two loci under consideration. An unique solution of the set of nine equations in nine unknowns provided direct estimates of the parameters specifying additive, dominance and epistatic effects. Thus the effects of individual genes in a well-defined genetic background could be estimated by the use of a simple additive genetic model. An extension of the model provided estimates of the genetic parameters in different years and genetic backgrounds.Dominance was found to be the most important type of gene action in the inheritance of anthocyanin content in the flower tissues of M. incana. There was considerable epistasis, but the effect was very unstable over years and genetic backgrounds. The relative magnitude of additive effect was most stable. Heterosis was observed and was found to be largely due to dominance and additive × dominance interactions.
Zusammenfassung In der selbstbefruchtenden Gartenpflanze Matthiola incana wurde eine Reihe weitgehend isogener Linien entwickelt, die sich in idealer Weise zur Untersuchung der Beiträge einzelner definierter Gene und Genkombinationen zu einem quantitativen Merkmal eignen. Das Material wurde in 6 Gruppen eingeteilt. Jede Gruppe besteht aus 4 homozygoten Eltern, die sich aus der Variation zweier Loci mit je zwei Allelen vor einem gemeinsamen genetischen Hintergrund ableiten und nach dialleler Kreuzung alle kombinatorisch möglichen Genotypen ergeben. Jeder diallele Satz stellt somit ein genetisches System mit zwei Loci dar, dessen qualitative Beiträge zur Modifikation der Anthocyanmoleküle bekannt sind und dessen quantitative Beiträge zur Gesamtkonzentration der Anthocyane gemessen werden. In diesen vereinfachten genetischen Systemen können die Phänotypenwerte der 9 Genotypen durch 9 biometrische Quantitäten beschrieben werden, von denen 8 den genetischen Effekten der variierten Loci und einer dem Beitrag des genetischen Hintergrundes zugeschrieben werden könen. Anhand eines einfachen linearen Modells werden Parameter für die additiven, Dominanz- und Epistasieeffekte der einzelnen Gene aus einem Satz von 9 Gleichungen mit 9 Unbekannten direkt geschätzt. Eine Erweiterung des Modells erlaubt die Schätzung der Parameter in verschiedenen Jahren und mit wechselndem genetischem Hintergrund. Für die Ausbildung des quantitativen Merkmals Anthocyangehalt der Blüten von Matthiola incana erwiesen sich die Dominanzkomponenten als der entscheidende Typ der Genwirkung. Ferner wurde ein erheblicher Epistasieanteil geschätzt, jedoch waren diese Beiträge nicht konstant, da sie über die Jahre variierten und eine starke Abhängigkeit von der Art des genetischen Hintergrundes zeigten. Der relative Anteil der additiven Komponenten erwies sich dagegen zwar als gering, jedoch sehr stabil. Beobachtete Heterosiseffekte müssen zum Teil den Dominanzkomponenten, zum Teil der Interaktion zwischen additiven und Dominanzkomponenten zugeschrieben werden.

This work was carried out while the senior author held a research fellowship awarded by the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung of Bad Godesberg, Germany, which is gratefully acknowledged.

Research supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   
Summary Six groups of genetic materials were developed in a cruciferous garden plant, Matthiola incana R. Br., to produce simplified genetic systems of a pair of loci in each group. There were only two alleles at each locus, which were directly involved in the modification of anthocyanins in the plant tissue. The parental lines and their F1's in each group constituted an ideal 4 × 4 diallel cross and satisfied all but one condition necessary for a valid diallel analysis. Nonallelic interaction was the only possible offending postulate.The diallel analysis of the data on anthocyanin content in the flower tissues and a comparison of the results with that of a relatively straightforward method of analysis indicated that in the presence of epistasis, the dominance ratio (H1/D) ceases to be a reliable measure of the average degree of dominance. In such situations additional genetic information obtained from the diallel analysis are not in agreement with the expectations on the basis of the already available genetic information on the materials. The estimator H2/4 H1, a measure of average value of the product of alleles with positive and negative effects, seemed to remain unaffected by epistasis. The Wr/Vr regression analysis does not always permit the detection of nonallelic gene interactions. The results suggest that duplicate interaction may escape detection by the regression analysis.
Zusammenfassung Anhand der Crucifere Matthiola incana wurde ein genetisches Material aufgebaut, das es erlaubt, in 6 verschiedenen Gruppen je 2 Loci in allen Kombinationen systematisch zu variieren. Je Locus liegen 2 Allele vor, die in die Modifikation der Anthocyane eingreifen.Die Elterlinien und ihre F1-Nachkommen bilden ein ideales 4 × 4-Diallel und erfüllen bis auf eine alle für eine gültige Diallelanalyse erforderlichen Bedingungen. Die einzige nicht erfüllte Voraussetzung ist die Abwesenheit nichtalleler Interaktionen.Die diallele Analyse der Daten über den Anthocyangehalt der Petalen und ein Vergleich der Resultate mit den aufgrund einer sehr direkten und detaillierten Untersuchungsmethode erhaltenen zeigten, daß das Dominanzverhältnis (H1/D) bei Vorliegen von Epistasie keine brauchbare Messung des durchschnittlichen Dominanzgrades mehr ist. In derartigen Situationen stimmen auch die zusätzlich aus der diallelen Analyse zu erhaltenden Informationen nicht mit den Erwartungen überein, die auf der bereits vorliegenden Kenntnis der Genetik des Materials beruhen.Der Schätzwert H2/4 H1 als Messung des Durchschnittswertes des Produktes der Allele mit positiven und negativen Effekten scheint dagegen durch Epistasie unbeeinflußt zu bleiben.Die W r /V r , Regressionsanalyse führt nicht in allen Fällen zum Nachweis nichtalleler Interaktionen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß eine duplicate gene action dem Nachweis durch die Regressionsanalyse entgeht.

This work was carried out while the senior author held a research fellowship awarded by the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, Bad Godesberg, Germany, which is gratefully acknowledged.Research supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   
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