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The pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Den. & Schiff.) is one of the most harmful pests to pine species in Mediterranean countries including Turkey. Caterpillars of T. pityocampa are not only significantly harmful to forest trees but also responsible for various allergic reactions in humans and animals. In this study, in order to find a more effective and safe biological control agent against T. pityocampa, we investigated fungal pathogens of T. pityocampa in the Black Sea Region of Turkey and tested their pathogenicity on it. Five different fungi were isolated and identified based on their morphological and molecular characteristics including ITS and partial sequence of EF1-[alpha]. Based on these characteristics, four isolates were identified as Beauveria bassiana cf. Clade C (Rehner and Buckley in Mycologia 97:84–98, 2005) and one isolate was identified as Beauveria bassiana. Among these isolates, B. bassiana KTU-24, B. bassiana cf. Clade C KTU-66 and KTU-67 showed the highest virulence with 100% mortality within 10 days after application. B. bassiana isolate KTU-24 produced the highest mycosis value with %100. Consequently, B. bassiana KTU-24 seems to be good candidate for further investigation as a possible biological control agent against this pest.  相似文献   


We aimed to asses possible clinically significant differences between C. parapsilosis and other candida species candidemia receiving care in the intensive care unit (ICU) setting.


The study included 118 adult patients diagnosed as candidemia after admission to the ICU of a university hospital between January 2004 and December 2009. Data about demographic characteristics, underlying diseases, and risk factors for ICU-related candidemia were collected.


During the study period, 118 patients with candidemia were identified among 2,853 patients admitted into the ICU. Candidemia was seen in 41.4 cases per 1,000 ICU admissions. The overall incidence of candidemia in ICU patients during the study period was 2.09 per 1,000 hospital admissions. Of the isolates, 18.6% were C. albicans and 81.4% were C. non-albicans. The species most frequently isolated was C. parapsilosis (66.1%, 78/118). The distribution of other Candida spp. was as follows: 15 had C. tropicalis (12.7%) and 3 had C. glabrata (2.5%). By Statistical analysis, when patients with candidemia who had C. parapsilosis were compared with other Candida spp., the following factors were found to be significantly associated with C. parapsilosis fungemia; intravascular catheters (p = 0.008), malignity (p = 0.049) and age (p = 0.039). Relationship was found between C. tropicalis and hematologic malignancies (p = 0.001).


When infections with a high mortality such as candidemia is suspected in critically ill patients, it is important to know local risk factors and epidemiological distributions of causative agents in selection of empirical and effective antifungal treatment.  相似文献   
The European spruce bark beetle, Dendroctonus micans Kugelann (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), is one of the most serious destructive pests of oriental spruce (Picea orientalis L.). In order to find an effective biocontrol agent against this pest, we determined the effectiveness of entomopathogenic fungi against D. micans. Virulence of nine highly pathogenic strains including Beauveria bassiana (2), Beauveria cf. bassiana (2), Metarhizium anisopliae (2), Metarhizium sp. (1), Isaria fumosorosea (1) and Evlachovaea sp. (1) was evaluated on D. micans larvae and adults under laboratory conditions. Mortality values for both larvae and adults ranged from 83 to 100% and from 23 to 100%, respectively. Larvae were more susceptible to fungi than adults (P<0.05). Based on screening tests, B. cf. bassiana isolate KTU-53 was found the most effective isolate. LC50 values were calculated as 1.77×104 and 2.65×104 conidia mL?1 for isolate KTU-53 against larvae and adults, respectively. Consequently, B. cf. bassiana isolate KTU-53 appears to be the most promising microbial control agent for biocontrol of D. micans.  相似文献   
To address many challenges in RNA structure/function prediction, the characterization of RNA''s modular architectural units is required. Using the RNA-As-Graphs (RAG) database, we have previously explored the existence of secondary structure (2D) submotifs within larger RNA structures. Here we present RAG-3D—a dataset of RNA tertiary (3D) structures and substructures plus a web-based search tool—designed to exploit graph representations of RNAs for the goal of searching for similar 3D structural fragments. The objects in RAG-3D consist of 3D structures translated into 3D graphs, cataloged based on the connectivity between their secondary structure elements. Each graph is additionally described in terms of its subgraph building blocks. The RAG-3D search tool then compares a query RNA 3D structure to those in the database to obtain structurally similar structures and substructures. This comparison reveals conserved 3D RNA features and thus may suggest functional connections. Though RNA search programs based on similarity in sequence, 2D, and/or 3D structural elements are available, our graph-based search tool may be advantageous for illuminating similarities that are not obvious; using motifs rather than sequence space also reduces search times considerably. Ultimately, such substructuring could be useful for RNA 3D structure prediction, structure/function inference and inverse folding.  相似文献   
The Abeta (amyloid‐beta) peptide is derived from the sequential cleavage of AbetaPP (amyloid‐beta precursor protein) by two enzymes, the β‐ and γ‐secretases. The major β‐secretase, identified as the novel transmembrane aspartic protease BACE1 (beta site APP‐cleaving enzyme 1), mediates the primary amyloidogenic cleavage of AbetaPP and initiates the production of Abeta. It has been implicated in the proteolytic processing of another substrate, namely ST6Gal1 (β galactoside α2,6‐sialyltransferase 1), which is the major α2,6‐sialyltransferase responsible for the broad synthesis of glycoproteins and glycolipids. The present study investigated the effect of overexpression of AbetaPP on expression and secretion of ST6Gal1 in skeletal muscle cells by inducing overexpression of wild‐type full‐length 751‐AbetaPP in the mouse myogenic cell line C2C12. Expression and secretion of the ST6Gal1 enzyme were analysed by Western blot and/or immunofluorescence staining. The results of our study demonstrated that AbetaPP overexpression in C2C12 cells increased the expression and the secretion of ST6Gal1 enzyme in vitro.  相似文献   
The differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) into neural cells in vitro provides a potential tool to be utilized for cell therapy of neurodegenerative disorders. Although previous studies repeated different protocols for the induction of neural cells from hMSCs in vitro, the results were not in complete agreement. In this study, we have attempted to compare three of these neural induction methods; retinoic acid (RA) treatment, RA treatment in serum reduced conditions, and treatment using other chemical compounds (dimethyl sulfoxide and potassium chloride) along with RA by real-time cell analysis and immunofluorescent staining of neural markers. RA treatment led to a slow progression of cells into neural-like morphology with the expression of neural protein neurofilament whereas reducing serum during RA treatment caused a much more extended differentiation process. Additionally, neural-like morphology was persistent in the later periods of differentiation in RA treatment. On the other hand, chemical induction caused cell shrinkages mimicking neural-like morphology in a short time and loss of this morphology along with increased cell death in later periods. Among the three methods compared, RA treatment was the most reliable one in terms of stability of differentiation and neural protein expressions.  相似文献   
Iodine deficiency (ID) and related disorders are still major, yet unresolved health concerns. Recently, in a systematic survey of schoolage children (SAC), we reported severe to moderate ID, in Ankara and three cities from Black Sea region of Turkey. The current study attempted to evaluate selenium (Se) status, thiocyanate (SCN) overload, and their possible contribution to the goiter endemics and thyroid hormone profile observed in these cities. Thyroid ultrasonography was performed and serum Se, SCN, thyroid hormones, sensitive TSH (sTSH) levels, and urinary iodine concentrations (UICs) were determined from 251 SAC (9–11 yr old). Thyroid volumes (TVs) exceeding recommended upper normal limits and median UIC indicated goitre endemics and moderate to severe ID in the areas studied. Mean serum SCN concentrations were found to be greater than the controls from the literature. The UIC/SCN ratio was found to be lowest in Bayburt and Trabzon denoting that SCN overload may contribute to the goiter endemics. Serum Se concentrations represent a marginal deficiency in the four areas studied. No significant correlations between serum Se concentrations and the other parameters studied (i.e., TV, SCN, thyroid hormones, sTSH, UIC) was detected. In conclusion, this study showed that selenium is also marginally deficient in the iodine-deficient endemic areas studied, but this has little or no impact on the thyroid hormone profile and the goiter endemics. SCN overload may contribute to the endemics, especially for the areas where iodine is severely deficient. An effective iodine supplementation program will not only resolve the goiter endemics but also the consequence of SCN overload as well in the endemic goiter areas studied.  相似文献   
All azo colorants whose metabolism can liberate a carcinogenic arylamine, are suspected of having carcinogenic potential. Therefore, a new azo compound 4-phenethyl-5-[4-(1-(2-hydroxyethyl)-3,5-dimethyl-4-pyrazolylazo)phenyl]-2,4-dihydro-3H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione (substrate) was prepared to investigate its in vitro and in vivo biotransformation in rats by HPLC. Chromatographic separation of substrate and its metabolites was performed using a Chromasil C(18) column. The mobile phase consisted of acetonitrile and water in a linear gradient system. From the biotransformation of this compound, the reduction metabolite 4-(2-phenethyl)-5-(4-aminophenyl)-2,4-dihydro-3H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione was identified by comparing it to reference standard by HPLC-DAD. In the in vivo study, identification of the unknown peak which was the N-acetylation metabolite was confirmed by LC-MS spectrometry. Besides this, the azo compound was reduced to its corresponding amine in intestinal and cytosolic parts. In addition, oxidation of the methyl group and the phenyl ring, and reduction of azo group to hydrazo were identified in the cytosolic part using LC-MS.  相似文献   
Robustness to mutations and noise has been shown to evolve through stabilizing selection for optimal phenotypes in model gene regulatory networks. The ability to evolve robust mutants is known to depend on the network architecture. How do the dynamical properties and state-space structures of networks with high and low robustness differ? Does selection operate on the global dynamical behavior of the networks? What kind of state-space structures are favored by selection? We provide damage propagation analysis and an extensive statistical analysis of state spaces of these model networks to show that the change in their dynamical properties due to stabilizing selection for optimal phenotypes is minor. Most notably, the networks that are most robust to both mutations and noise are highly chaotic. Certain properties of chaotic networks, such as being able to produce large attractor basins, can be useful for maintaining a stable gene-expression pattern. Our findings indicate that conventional measures of stability, such as damage propagation, do not provide much information about robustness to mutations or noise in model gene regulatory networks.  相似文献   
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