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The pygmy right whale, Caperea marginata , is the least understood extant baleen whale (Cetacea, Mysticeti). Knowledge on its basic anatomy, ecology, and fossil record is limited, even though its singular position outside both balaenids (right whales) and balaenopteroids (rorquals + grey whales) gives Caperea a pivotal role in mysticete evolution. Recent investigations of the cetacean cochlea have provided new insights into sensory capabilities and phylogeny. Here, we extend this advance to Caperea by describing, for the first time, the inner ear of this enigmatic species. The cochlea is large and appears to be sensitive to low‐frequency sounds, but its hearing limit is relatively high. The presence of a well‐developed tympanal recess links Caperea with cetotheriids and balaenopteroids, rather than balaenids, contrary to the traditional morphological view of a close Caperea‐balaenid relationship. Nevertheless, a broader sample of the cetotheriid Herpetocetus demonstrates that the presence of a tympanal recess can be variable at the specific and possibly even the intraspecific level.  相似文献   
We compared how abiotic factors affect the regional distributions of four insect groups (Dermaptera, Formicidae, Orthoptera and Diptera). Insects were collected using a pitfall trap from 36 agricultural field sites, and 31 933 individuals encompassing 139 species were observed. The distribution pattern of dominant species was not obviously different among the four groups. Species richness (H′) of Orthoptera showed a negative and positive correlation with precipitation and sunlight duration, respectively. Longitudinal zonation was the main distribution pattern of many dominant species. Overall, canonical correspondence analysis showed that temperature and precipitation were closely associated with the distribution of Orthoptera, but not that of Formicidae, implying that Formicidae may be affected less by abiotic factors compared to other taxonomic groups. Some orthopteran species such as Dianemobius nigrofasciatus and Polionemobius mikado showed a negative correlation with temperature. We suggest that these species can be categorized as susceptible to climate change. Our results also implied that the association between climate variables and distribution of insects should be evaluated at a species level.  相似文献   
Genetically encoded photoelectric silk that can convert photons to electrons (light to electricity) over a wide visible range in a self‐power mode is reported. As silk is a versatile host material with electrical conductivity, biocompatibility, and processability, a photoelectric protein is genetically fused with silk by silkworm transgenesis. Specifically, mKate2, which is conventionally known as a far‐red fluorescent protein, is used as a photoelectric protein. Characterization of the electrochemical and optical properties of mKate2 silk allows designing a photoelectric measurement system. A series of in situ photocurrent experiments support the sensitive and stable performance of photoelectric conversion. In addition, as a plasmonic nanomaterial with a broad spectral resonance, titanium nitride (TiN) nanoparticles are biologically hybridized into the silk glands, taking full advantage of the silkworms’ open circulatory system as well as the absorption band of mKate2 silk. This biological hybridization via direct feeding of TiN nanoparticles further enhances the overall photoelectric conversion ability of mKate2 silk. It is envisioned that the biologically derived photoelectric protein, its ecofriendly scalable production by transgenic silkworms, and the bioassisted plasmonic hybridization can potentially broaden the biomaterial choices for developing next‐generation biosensing, retina prosthesis, and neurostimulation applications.  相似文献   
Cancers are a complex conglomerate of heterogeneous cell populations with varying genotypes and phenotypes. The intercellular heterogeneity within the same tumor and intratumor heterogeneity within various tumors are the leading causes of resistance to cancer therapies and varied outcomes in different patients. Therefore, performing single-cell analysis is essential to identify and classify cancer cell types and study cellular heterogeneity. Here, the development of a machine learning-assisted nanoparticle-printed biochip for single-cell analysis is reported. The biochip is integrated by combining powerful machine learning techniques with easily accessible inkjet printing and microfluidics technology. The biochip is easily prototype-able, miniaturized, and cost-effective, potentially capable of differentiating a variety of cell types in a label-free manner. n-feature classifiers are established and their performance metrics are evaluated. The biochip's utility to discriminate noncancerous cells from cancerous cells at the single-cell level is demonstrated. The biochip's utility in classifying cancer sub-type cells is also demonstrated. It is envisioned that such a chip has potential applications in single-cell studies, tumor heterogeneity studies, and perhaps in point-of-care cancer diagnostics—especially in developing countries where the cost, limited infrastructures, and limited access to medical technologies are of the utmost importance.  相似文献   
To survive in a continuously changing environment, bacteria sense concentration gradients of attractants or repellents, and purposefully migrate until a more favourable habitat is encountered. While glucose is known as the most effective attractant, the flagellar biosynthesis and hence chemotactic motility has been known to be repressed by glucose in some bacteria. To date, the only known regulatory mechanism of the repression of flagellar synthesis by glucose is via downregulation of the cAMP level, as shown in a few members of the family Enterobacteriaceae. Here we show that, in Vibrio vulnificus, the glucose‐mediated inhibition of flagellar motility operates by a completely different mechanism. In the presence of glucose, EIIAGlc is dephosphorylated and inhibits the polar localization of FapA (flagellar assembly protein A) by sequestering it from the flagellated pole. A loss or delocalization of FapA results in a complete failure of the flagellar biosynthesis and motility. However, when glucose is depleted, EIIAGlc is phosphorylated and releases FapA such that free FapA can be localized back to the pole and trigger flagellation. Together, these data provide new insight into a bacterial strategy to reach and stay in the glucose‐rich area.  相似文献   
Fluorescent-antibody targeting of metastatic cancer has been demonstrated by our laboratory to enable tumor visualization and effective fluorescence-guided surgery. The goal of the present study was to determine whether insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor (IGF-1R) antibodies, conjugated with bright fluorophores, could enable visualization of metastatic colon cancer in orthotopic nude mouse models. IGF-1R antibody (clone 24–31) was conjugated with 550 nm, 650 nm or PEGylated 650 nm fluorophores. Subcutaneous, orthotopic, and liver metastasis models of colon cancer in nude mice were targeted with the fluorescent IGF-1R antibodies. Western blotting confirmed the expression of IGF-1R in HT-29 and HCT 116 human colon cancer cell lines, both expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP). Labeling with fluorophore-conjugated IGF-1R antibody demonstrated fluorescent foci on the membrane of colon cancer cells. Subcutaneously- and orthotopically-transplanted HT-29-GFP and HCT 116-GFP tumors brightly fluoresced at the longer wavelengths after intravenous administration of fluorescent IGF-1R antibodies. Orthotopically-transplanted HCT 116-GFP tumors were brightly labeled by fluorescent IGF-1R antibodies such that they could be imaged non-invasively at the longer wavelengths. In an experimental liver metastasis model, IGF-1R antibodies conjugated with PEGylated 650 nm fluorophores selectively highlighted the liver metastases, which could then be non-invasively imaged. The IGF-1R fluorescent-antibody labeled liver metastases were very bright compared to the normal liver and the fluorescent-antibody label co-located with green fluorescent protein (GFP) expression of the colon cancer cells. The present study thus demonstrates that fluorophore-conjugated IGF-1R antibodies selectively visualize metastatic colon cancer and have clinical potential for improved diagnosis and fluorescence-guided surgery.  相似文献   
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