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To consider possible interaction of the phospholipid membrane with calcium ions, crystal structures of calcium dl-alpha- and beta-glycerophosphates (alpha- and beta-CaGs, respectively) were investigated by X-ray diffraction methods. After many attempts, relatively large single crystals of beta-CaG were prepared from the aqueous solution containing HCl, while crystals of CaHPO4.2H2O were obtained from alpha-CaG solution under the same crystallization conditions. The crystal structure of beta-CaG is orthorhombic with space group Pna2(1) and cell dimensions of a = 8.251(1), b = 13.038(3), c = 25.483 (10) A, V = 2741.5 (13) A3 and Z = 16 [four molecules (A to D) in an asymmetric unit]. Molecules of A to D took, as a whole, similar extended conformations, although A and B were different from C and D in the orientation about a glycerol C-C bond. Four independent beta-glycerophosphates commonly act as two types of bidentate ligands, where one is the coordination to the calcium ion by the glycerol O(1) and phosphate O(22) atoms, and the other by the phosphate O(22) and O(23) atoms, thus forming the calcium coordination of a distorted square plane, respectively. Each of four independent calcium ions forms the same coordination geometry of a distorted pentagonal bipyramid. Infinite double layers consisting of alternate A/B molecules and of alternative C/D ones and sandwiching calcium ions were arranged face-to-face along the b-direction and were piled up in the a-direction, thus forming the stacked bilayer unit with the thickness of d002 = 12.75 A. The elaborate networks of calcium coordinations and hydrogen bondings were formed among the layers and stabilized the crystal structure. Based on the structural parameters of the present beta-CaG crystal, a possible interaction model of phospholipid with calcium ions was proposed.  相似文献   
Molecular karyotyping was applied to Pneumocystis carinii(Pc) from two strains of experimental rats, Sprague Dawley(SD) and Fisher(F), in Korea. Field inversion gel electrophoresis and contour clamped homogeneous electric field electrophoresis resolved 15 chromosomal bands from the Pc. The size of the bands was estimated 270kb to 684kb from SD rats, and 273kb to 713 kb from F rats. The bands of 283 kb from SD rats and of 273 kb from F rats stained more brightly suggesting duplicated bands. Total number of chromosomes was at least 16, and total genomic size was estimated 7 x 10(6) bp. All of the bands from F rats hybridized to the probe of repeated DNA sequences of Pc and the band of 448 kb size was proved to contain rDNA sequences, but Pc. chromosome bands from SD rats showed no reactions to the probes. The 2 different karyotypes of P. carinii from 2 strains of rats were maintained consistently for 2 years.  相似文献   
In order to elucidate the substrate specificity of alanyl-tRNA synthetase, 5'-O-[N-(L-alanyl)sulfamoyl]adenosine (Ala-SA), an analogue of alanyl-AMP, was chemically synthesized. Its binding ability is similar to that of the substrate based on the inhibitory activity for the aminoacylation of alanyl-tRNA synthetase. Taking advantage of the stable sulfamoyl bond of Ala-Sa, compared with the highly labile aminoacyl bond of alanyl-AMP, the molecular conformation of the former inhibitor was studied by X-ray single crystal analysis. Crystal data are as follows: C13H19N7O7S.2H2O, space group C2, a = 39.620(6), b = 5.757(1), c = 20.040(3) A, beta = 117.2(1) degrees, V = 4065(9) A3, Z = 8, and final R = 0.065 for 2785 independent reflections of F(2)0 greater than or equal to 2 sigma (F0)2. In the crystal, the molecule is in a zwitterionic state with the terminal amino group protonated and sulfamoyl group deprotonated, and takes an open conformation, where the L-alanine moiety is located far from the adenosine moiety with gauche/trans and trans orientations about the exocyclic C(4')-C(5') and C(5')-O(5') bonds, respectively. The conformation of the adenosine moiety is anti for the glycosyl bond and C(3')-endo for the ribose puckering, and alanine is in the usually observed trans region for the psi torsion angle. The molecular dimensions of the sulfamoyl group are nearly the same as those of the phosphate group. The biological significance of the observed Ala-SA conformation is discussed in relation with the molecular conformation of tyrosyl-AMP complexed with tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase.  相似文献   
中国野生牡丹研究(一)芍药属牡丹组新分类群   总被引:44,自引:0,他引:44  
洪涛  张家勋 《植物研究》1992,12(3):223-234
牡丹为我国特产珍贵花树和药用树种,已有1500余年栽培历史,建国以来,各地栽培品种已达500余个。 有关牡丹分类的主要研究成果多为西方科学家根据18—19世纪从我国引种到英、美、法等国的栽培牡丹和腊叶标本加以描述和定名。 作者近几年来在安徽、河南、湖南、山西、陕西、甘肃、四川、云南等地对我国野生牡丹进行了较广泛的调查和研究。 本文发表3个新种和1个新等级,这对研究我国栽培牡丹的起源和栽培品种的自然分类,发掘、保护、利用我国珍稀野生牡丹基因资源,培育新品种,扩大牡丹栽培地区等方面提供了科学理论依据。  相似文献   
Endocytosis and intracellular fate of liposomes using pyranine as a probe   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Lipid vesicles (liposomes) containing pH-sensitive fluorophores were used as probes for the study of liposome entry and intracellular fate. Pyranine [8-hydroxy-1,3,6-pyrenetrisulfonate (HPTS)] was entrapped in the liposome aqueous core during preparation to provide a means of detecting internalization into living cells. HPTS is highly water soluble and shows a strong pH-dependent shift in its fluorescence excitation spectrum. Fluorescence emission (FEM) is slightly pH dependent with excitation (lambda EX) at 350-415 nm but highly pH dependent with lambda EX at 450 nm. Liposomes bearing a net negative charge bound rapidly to CV-1 cells and underwent endocytosis. One hour after liposome addition, high FEM with lambda EX at 413 nm and low FEM with lambda EX at 450 nm suggest that most cell-associated liposomes had been internalized and resided at a mean pH of approximately 6.6. Collapse of cellular H+ gradients with NH4Cl or monensin treatment rapidly and reversibly increased FEM with lambda EX at 450 nm. Direct examination by fluorescence microscopy corroborates the fluorometric data on internalization; over time, FEM remained high with lambda EX at 350-405 nm but decreased with lambda EX at 450-490 nm, showing that all lipid vesicles were internalized within 40 min at 37 degrees C. Acidification of intracellular liposomes increased over 3 h, reaching a minimum value of approximately pH 5.5. HPTS persisted within acidic cellular vesicles for 2-3 days, and cytoplasmic dye was observed infrequently, suggesting that liposome fusion with cellular membranes seldom occurs. Material delivered to the endocytic pathway via lipid vesicles labeled an assortment of intracellular organelles of varying motility and morphology, including dynamic tubular structures whose lumen is acidic.  相似文献   
Summary The effects of various agents on active sodium transport were studied in the toad bladder in terms of the equivalent circuit comprising an active conductanceK a, an electromotive forceE Na, and a parallel passive conductanceK p. For agents which affectK a, but notE Na orK p, the inverse slope of the plot of total conductance against short-circuit currentI 0 evaluatesE Na, and the intercept representsK p. Studies employing 5×10–7 m amiloride to depressK a indicate a changingE Na, invalidating the use of the slope technique with this agent. An alternative suitable technique employs 10–5 m amiloride, which reducesI 0 reversibly to near zero without effect onK p. Despite curvilinearity of the -I0 plot under these conditions,K p may therefore be estimated fairly precisely from the residual conductance. It then becomes possible to follow the dynamic behavior ofK a andE Na (in the absence of 10–5 m amiloride) by frequent measurements of andI 0, utilizing the relationshipsK a=K-K p, andK Na=I O/(K-K p). 2-deoxy-d-glucose (7.5×10–3 m) depressedK a without affectingE Na. Amiloride (5×10–7 m) depressedK a and enhancedE Na. Vasopressin (100 mU/ml) enhancedK a markedly and depressedE Na slightly. Ouabain (10–4 m) depressed bothK a andE Na. All of the above effects were noted promptly;K p was unaffected. The electromotive force of Na transportE Na appears not to be a pure energetic parameter, but to reflect kinetic factors as well, in accordance with thermodynamic considerations.  相似文献   
The response of peripheral blood lymphocytes to stimulation with optimal and suboptimal doses of PHA was measured in patients with active SLE before initiation of therapy. The [3H]thymidine uptake of SLE patient's lymphocytes was significantly lower than that of their matched controls when cells were stimulated with suboptimal PHA doses in the presence of autologous plasma. A moderate improvement in the PHA response was observed by culturing washed patient's lymphocytes in medium supplemented with pooled normal human plasma, but only in one case the response reverted to normal values. A significant inhibitory effect of SLE plasma on the response of normal donor's lymphocytes to stimulation with low PHA doses, which was independent from the presence of lymphocytotoxic antibodies and persisted after complement inactivation was observed in further experiments.The results indicate that depression of lymphocyte transformation could be demonstrated in patients with active SLE using suboptimal doses of PHA and suggest that this depression may be caused by both a defect in the responding lymphocyte populalation and the presence of inhibitory factor(s) in SLE plasma.  相似文献   
Viable human polymorphonuclear leukocytes isolated from peripheral blood were incubated for 1 h at 37 degrees C with variable concentrations of insulin in a saline medium buffered at pH 7.4. The hormone increased glucose consumption by about 40% without influencing the permeability of the membranes to glucose, whose uptake followed a passive diffusion process. The measurement of intermediates localized activation of glycolysis by insulin, down to 0.36 nM, at the phosphofructokinase step. However, the spectrophotometric measurement showed no activation of phosphofructokinase after preincubation with insulin of either intact granulocytes or crude or ultracentrifuged homogenates. The level of cyclic AMP, which is known to activate phosphofructokinase, was not modified by insulin; cyclic GMP did not activate the enzyme in the granulocyte extracts: neither of the two nucleotides can therefore be considered as a direct messenger of the action of insulin on phosphofructokinase. An important fraction of the extra glucose consumed under the influence of insulin was recovered as neither glycogen nor lactate, nor was it oxidized in the Krebs cycle. It might be assumed to have been converted into glycerolipids. However, insulin produced no detectable accumulation of triglycerides and activated neither the pentose phosphate pathway nor oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate. The fate of the extra glucose consumed under the influence of insulin therefore remains questionable.  相似文献   
Malocclusions of the premolar and molar teeth of inbred Strain 2/N and Strain 13/N and outbred Dunkin-Harley guinea pigs were examined. A higher incidence of malocclusion observed in the inbred strains suggested a genetic basis for the disorder.  相似文献   
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