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Nabil  Samira  Cosson  Joël 《Hydrobiologia》1996,326(1):511-514
On Normandy coasts, the red alga Delesseria sanguinea perennates by its stipe; fronds grow in January and disappear in June. Seasonal variations in sterol composition in relation to the biology of D. sanguinea are reported. Sterols in cellular membranes are free or conjugated by esterification with fatty acids, heterosides or lipid complexes like phospholipids. Both kinds of sterols were analyzed by GC-MS. The major sterol (80%) found in fronds was cholesterol whereas in stipes, cholesterol was also the major sterol in spring, but in September, an important reduction in cholesterol yield was noted with proportional increase in sitosterol content. It appears that cholesterol is synthesized in fronds in spring, then transferred to the stipe, which loses an important amount of cholesterol with loss of the blades.  相似文献   
Treatment of the A-ring aromatic steroids estrone 3-methyl ether and β-estradiol 3, 17-dimethyl ether with Mn(CO)5+BF4 in CH2Cl2 yields the corresponding [(steroid)Mn(CO)3]BF4 salts 1 and 2 as mixtures of and β isomers. The X-ray structure of [(estrone 3-methyl ether)Mn(CO)3]BF4 · CH2Cl2 (1) having the Mn(CO)3 moiety on the side of the steroid is reported: space group P21 with a=10.3958(9), b=10.9020(6), c=12.6848(9) Å, β=111.857(6)°, Z=2, V=1334.3(2) Å3, calc=.481 cm−3, R=0.0508, and wR=0.0635. The molecule has the traditional ‘piano stool’ structure with a planar arene ring and linear Mn---C---O linkages. The nucleophiles NaBH4 and LiCH2C(O)CMe3 add to [(β-estradiol 3,17-dimethyl ether)Mn(CO)3]BF4 (2) in high yield to give the corresponding - and β-cyclohexadienyl manganese tricarbonyl complexes (3). The nucleophiles add meta to the arene -OMe substituent and exo to the metal. The and β isomers of 3 were separated by fractional crystallization and the X-ray structure of the β isomer with an exo-CH2C(O)CMe3 substituent is reported (complex 4): space group P212121 with a=7.5154(8), b=15.160(2), c=25.230(3) Å, Z=4, V=2874.4(5) Å3, calc=1.244 g cm−3, R=0.0529 and wR2=0.1176. The molecule 4 has a planar set of dienyl carbon atoms with the saturated C(1) carbon being 0.592 Å out of the plane away from the metal. The results suggest that the manganese-mediated functionalization of aromatic steroids is a viable synthetic procedure with a range of nucleophiles of varying strengths.  相似文献   
Parasites of all kinds affect the behaviour of their hosts, often making them more susceptible to predators. The associated loss in expected future reproductive success of infected hosts will vary among individuals, with younger ones having more lose than older ones. For this reason, young hosts would benefit more by opposing the effects of parasites than old ones. In a laboratory study, the effects of the trematode Telogaster opisthorchis on the anti-predator responses of the upland bully (Gobiomorphus breviceps) and of the common river galaxias (Galaxias vulgaris) were examined in relation to fish age. In a bully population where parasites were very abundant, the magnitude of the fish's anti-predator responses decreased as the number of parasites per fish increased, and this effect was significantly more pronounced in age 2 + and, to a lesser extent, age 3 + fish than in age 1 + fish. In another bully population where parasites were 10 times less abundant, similar effects were noticeable but not significant, whereas no effects of parasites on the responses of galaxiids to predators were apparent. Differences in the abundance of parasites and in their sites of infection in fish may explain the variability among host populations or species. However, in the bully population with high parasite abundance, parasitism has age-dependent effects on responses to predators, providing some support for the prediction that young fish with high expected future reproductive success invest more energy into opposing the effects of parasites than do older fish.  相似文献   
Summary During a search for novel coding sequences within the human MHC class I region (chromosome 6p21.3), we found an exon (named B30-2) coding for a 166-amino-acid peptide which is very similar to the C-terminal domain of several coding sequences: human 52-kD Sjögren's syndrome nuclear antigen A/Ro (SS-A/Ro) and ret finger protein (RFP), Xenopus nuclear factor 7 (XNF7), and bovine butyrophilin. The first three of these proteins share similarities over the whole length of the molecule whereas butyrophilin is similar in the C-terminal domain. The N-terminal domain of butyrophilin is similar to rat myelin/oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) and chicken B blood group system (B-G) protein. These domains are components of a new subfamily of the immunoglobulin superfamily (IgSF). Butyrophilin is thus a mosaic protein composed of the MOG/B-G Ig-like domain and the C-terminal domain of 52-kD SS-A/Ro, RFP, and XNF7 (1330-2-like domain). Moreover, in situ hybridization shows that RFP, butyrophilin, and MOG map to the human chromosome 6p2l.3-6p22 region and are thus close to the MHC class I genes. It is therefore possible that the butyrophilin gene is the product of an exon shuffling event which occurred between ancestors of the RFP and MOG genes. To our knowledge, this is the first example of the colocalization of a chimeric gene and its putative progenitors. Finally, regulatory protein T-lymphocyte 1 (Rpt-1) shares similarities with the N-terminal halves of RFP, 52-kD SS-A/Ro, and XNF7, but not with the B30-2-like domain. We show that the ancestral Rpt-l gene evolved by overprinting. Correspondence to: P. Pontarotti  相似文献   
The signal transduction initiated by the human cytokine interleukin-8 (IL-8), the main chemotactic cytokine for neutrophils, was investigated and found to encompass the stimulation of protein kinases. More specifically, IL-8 caused a transient, dose and time dependent activation of a Ser/Thr kinase activity towards myelin basic protein (MBP) and the MBP-derived peptide APRTPGGRR patterned after the specific concensus sequence in MBP for ERK enzymes. The activated MBP kinase was furthermore identified as an extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK1) based on several criteria such as substrate specificity, molecular weight, activation-dependent mobility shift, and recognition by anti-ERK antibodies. For comparison, the chemotactic response of neutrophils to a stimulus of bacterial origin (fMet-Leu-Phe or fMLP) was also examined and found to involve the activation of a similar ERK enzyme. The present data clearly indicate that in terminally differentiated, non-proliferating human cells, the MBP kinase/ERK activity can serve other purposes than mitogenic signaling, and that processes such as chemotaxis, induced by bacterial peptides as well as by human cytokines like IL-8, involve the regulation of ERK enzyme.Abbreviations IL-8 interleukin-8 - fMLP fMet-Leu-Phe - MBP myelin basic protein - ERK extracellular signal regulated kinase - MAP2 microtubule-associated protein 2 - PK-A cAMP dependent protein kinase - PKI protein kinase inhibitor - PMSF phenyl-methanesulfonyl fluoride - PVDF poly-vinylidene difluoride - HBSF Hank's buffered salt solution - DAB 3,3-diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride - PNPP p-nitrophenyl-phosphate - HSA human serum albumin - EGTA [ethylenebis (oxyethylenenitrilo)]tetraacetic acid - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   
This experiment investigated the effects of intensity of exercise on excess postexercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) in eight trained men and eight women. Three exercise intensities were employed 40%, 50%, and 70% of the predetermined maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max). All ventilation measured was undertaken with a standard, calibrated, open circuit spirometry system. No differences in the 40%, 50% and 70% VO2max trials were observed among resting levels of oxygen consumption (V02) for either the men or the women. The men had significantly higher resting VO2 values being 0.31 (SEM 0.01) 1·min–1 than did the women, 0.26 (SEM 0.01) 1·min–1 (P < 0.05). The results indicated that there were highly significant EPOC for both the men and the women during the 3-h postexercise period when compared with resting levels and that these were dependent upon the exercise intensity employed. The duration of EPOC differed between the men and the women but increased with exercise intensity: for the men 40% – 31.2 min; 50% – 42.1 min; and 70% – 47.6 min and for the women, 40% – 26.9 min; 50% – 35.6 min; and 70% – 39.1 min. The highest EPOC, in terms of both time and energy utilised was at 70% VO2max. The regression equation for the men, where y=O2 in litres, and x=exercise intensity as a percentage of maximum was y=0.380x + 1.9 (r 2=0.968) and for the women is y=0.374x–0.857 (r 2=0.825). These findings would indicate that the men and the women had to exercise at the same percentage of their VO2max to achieve the maximal benefits in terms of energy expenditure and hence body mass loss. However, it was shown that a significant EPOC can be achieved at moderate to low exercise intensities but without the same body mass loss and energy expenditure.  相似文献   
We have recently cloned three DNA fragments (In-2.6, In-1.0, and In-0.6) of the noncultured, bacterial-like organism (BLO) associated with citrus greening disease. Nucleotide sequence determination has shown that fragment In-2.6 is part of therplKAJL-rpoBC gene cluster, a well-known operon in eubacteria. The DNA fragment upstream of and partially overlapping with In-2.6 could be isolated and was shown to be thenusG gene. InEscherichia coli, nusG is also immediately upstream ofrplKAJL-rpoBC. Fragment In-1.0 carries the gene for a bacteriophage type DNA polymerase. Fragment In-0.6 could not be identified.When In-2.6 was used, at high stringency, as a probe to detect greening BLO strains in infected plants, hybridization was obtained with all Asian strains tested, but not with the African strain examined. At lower stringencies, In-2.6 was able to detect also the African strain. The implications of these reults in the taxonomical position of the greening BLO are discussed.  相似文献   
To clarify whether cigarette smoking during pregnancy causes an organic alteration in placental estrogen producing ability, we determined the catalytic activity of aromatase by the tritiated water assay, and tissue level of aromatase cytochrome P-450 (P-450arom) by the specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, in placental samples from nonsmokers and smokers. As pregnancy progressed, both aromatase activity and P-450arom concentration increased in placentas from nonsmokers and smokers. However, the gradient of the increase was significantly less in heavy smokers (20 cigarettes a day) than in normal and moderate smokers (<20 cigarettes a day). At term, the mean aromatase activity and P-450arom concentration in placentas from heavy smokers were significantly lower than in nonsmokers and moderate smokers, while aromatase activity per P-450arom (turnover rate) and the mean placental weight were comparable among the three groups. In contrast, the ratio of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity to aromatase activity was higher in placentas from heavy smokers. Immunohistochemical studies showed that P-450arom was localized in the cytoplasm of syncytiotrophoblasts of chorionic villi in placentas from both nonsmokers and smokers. These results suggest that the induction of placental P-450arom during gestation is suppressed by maternal smoking, resulting in a reduction in estrogen producing ability, while placental xenobiotic P-450 is induced.  相似文献   
Summary Explants of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill cv. Ailsa Craig) were co-cultivated with Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58C1Rifr::pGSFR1161 in the presence of 20 (M acetosyringone). Transformed root clones were selected on kanamycin medium and the presence of the nptII gene in the plant DNA confirmed by the polymerase chain reaction. Root clones derived from acetosyringone treatment grew more vigorously in the presence of kanamycin and synthesized a greater amount of NPT-II enzyme. The conclusion is that acetosyringone treatment enhances the transformation process, possibly by stimulating multiple insertions of the T-DNA into the host genome.Abbreviations AS acetosyringone - CTAB hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay - MS Murashige and Skoog (1962) medium - PCR polymerase chain reaction  相似文献   
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