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ABSTRACT Folivory, or eating leaves, is unusual for small passerines. Puerto Rican Spindalises (Spindalis portoricensis, Thraupidae), tanagers endemic to the island of Puerto Rico, are known to feed on leaves, but little is known about the possible importance of leaves in their diet. Our objectives were to determine the different species of leaves eaten, the percentage of their diet consisting of leaves, and the relationship between leaf consumption and fruit abundance. We used data from previous studies where the foraging activity of Puerto Rican Spindalises was systematically sampled, and from additional observations made throughout the island. We documented 160 records of folivory, with spindalises feeding on 44 plant species in 25 plant families, including monocots, dicots, gymnosperms, and pteridophytes. Spindalises fed on young leaves of 26 plant species, and mature leaves of 19 plant species. Spindalises were primarly frugivorous (83.9% of diet), but leaves were the second most frequent food item in their diets (8.9% of diet). We also found that leaf consumption was negatively correlated with the abundance of ripe fruit, suggesting that leaves were particularly important food items when less fruit was available. The frequency of folivory by spindalises in our study was less than reported for other folivorous passerines such as plantcutters (Phytotoma spp.) and saltators (Saltator spp.). Nonetheless, folivory may help spindalises cope with human‐dominated landscapes and other environmental changes on small islands.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Most parakeets, parrots, and cockatoos are difficult to mark because of their strong beaks and ability to manipulate items with their feet. We developed a marking method that consists of a numbered tag hung on a neck collar. We used this method to successfully monitor Monk Parakeets (Myiopsitta monachus) and Ring‐necked Parakeets (Psittacula krameri) in Barcelona, Spain, from 2003 to 2009. We marked 881 Monk Parakeets and 88 Ring‐necked Parakeets with collars. Fifteen tags placed on adult Monk Parakeets in 2003 (N= 57) lasted until 2008 and nine until 2009. Three of 12 Ring‐necked Parakeets marked in 2003 were resighted in 2008. We estimated that 4.5% of Monk Parakeets and 5.8% of Ring‐necked Parakeets lost their tags, with median intervals between attachment and tag loss of 347 and 370 d, respectively. Behavioral observations revealed no differences in the time budgets of marked and unmarked Monk Parakeets. In addition, the mass of marked Monk Parakeets did not change between successive recaptures. These results suggest that neck collars had no adverse effects on the birds. Neck collars may also be a suitable marking method for other psittacines, with stronger, more durable components likely needed for larger species.  相似文献   
Aim Our aim was to investigate the historical biogeography of the three genera of the Leucocroton alliance (i.e. Garciadelia Jestrow & Jiménez Rodr., Lasiocroton Griseb., and Leucocroton Griseb., Euphorbiaceae). Location  The alliance is restricted to the Bahamas, Cuba, Hispaniola and Jamaica. Methods Members of the Leucocroton alliance, along with representatives from tribe Adelieae (Adelia L. and Philyra Klotzsch.), were included in a molecular phylogenetic analysis based upon nucleotide sequences of the internal transcribed spacer region of the nuclear ribosomal DNA and the non‐coding chloroplast regions psbM–trnD and ycf6–pcbM. The program s‐diva was used to calculate ancestral areas based on the phylogenetic trees and present species distributions. Results Phylogenetic analyses support the monophyly of the three genera. The ancestral area of the Leucocroton alliance is eastern Cuba and Hispaniola. Ancestral forms of Leucocroton arose on eastern Cuba and underwent two migrations across the island. The ancestor of Lasiocroton also originated on eastern Cuba followed by later dispersal to and speciation events on the other islands. Our study also suggests that ancestral forms of the Leucocroton alliance probably occurred on limestone soils. Main conclusions Our study concurs with previous hypotheses suggesting that the flora of serpentinite regions of the Caribbean derives from other types of soils. The serpentine endemics of the Leucocroton alliance have a single origin and represent one of the most extraordinary examples of speciation in this unique environment of the New World. The high colonization success achieved by the members of Leucocroton on serpentine soils was not attained by the other genera of the alliance, which occur on limestone areas.  相似文献   
Aim Parasites with global distributions and wide host spectra provide excellent models for exploring the factors that drive parasite diversification. Here, we tested the relative force of host and geography in shaping population structure of a widely distributed and common ectoparasite of colonial seabirds, the tick Ixodes uriae. Location Two natural geographic replicates of the system: numerous seabird colonies of the North Pacific and North Atlantic Ocean basins. Methods Using eight microsatellite markers and tick samples from a suite of multi‐specific seabird colonies, we examined tick population structure in the North Pacific and compare patterns of diversity and structure to those in the Atlantic basin. Analyses included population genetic estimations of diversity and population differentiation, exploratory multivariate analyses, and Bayesian clustering approaches. These different analyses explicitly took into account both the geographic distance among colonies and host use by the tick. Results Overall, little geographic structure was observed among Pacific tick populations. However, host‐related genetic differentiation was evident, but was variable among host types and lower than in the North Atlantic. Main conclusions Tick population structure is concordant with the genetic structure observed in seabird host species within each ocean basin, where seabird populations tend to be less structured in the North Pacific than in the North Atlantic. Reduced tick genetic structure in the North Pacific suggests that host movement among colonies, and thus tick dispersal, is higher in this region. In addition to information on parasite diversity and gene flow, our findings raise interesting questions about the subtle ways that host behaviour, distribution and phylogeographic history shape the genetics of associated parasites across geographic landscapes.  相似文献   
1. Ants using trails to forage have to select between two alternative routes at bifurcations, using two, potentially conflicting, sources of information to make their decision: individual experience to return to a previous successful foraging site (i.e. fidelity) and ant traffic. In the field, we investigated which of these two types of information individuals of the leaf‐cutting ant Acromyrmex lobicornis Emery use to decide which foraging route to take. 2. We measured the proportion of foraging ants returning to each trail of bifurcations the following day, and for 4–7 consecutive days. We then experimentally increased ant traffic on one trail of the bifurcation by adding additional food sources to examine the effect of increased ant traffic on the decision that ants make. 3. Binomial tests showed that for 62% of the trails, ant fidelity was relatively more important than ant traffic in deciding which bifurcation to follow, suggesting the importance of previous experience. 4. When information conflict was generated by experimentally increasing ant traffic along the trail with less foraging activity, most ants relied on ant traffic to decide. However, in 33% of these bifurcations, ants were still faithful to their trail. Thus, there is some degree of flexibility in the decisions that A. lobicornis make to access food resources. 5. This flexible fidelity results in individual variation in the response of workers to different levels of ant traffic, and allows the colony to simultaneously exploit both established and recently discovered food patches, aiding efficient food gathering.  相似文献   
This paper is motivated from the analysis of neuroscience data in a study of neural and muscular mechanisms of muscle fatigue. Multidimensional outcomes of different natures were obtained simultaneously from multiple modalities, including handgrip force, electromyography (EMG), and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). We first study individual modeling of the univariate response depending on its nature. A mixed‐effects beta model and a mixed‐effects simplex model are compared for modeling the force/EMG percentages. A mixed‐effects negative‐binomial model is proposed for modeling the fMRI counts. Then, I present a joint modeling approach to model the multidimensional outcomes together, which allows us to not only estimate the covariate effects but also to evaluate the strength of association among the multiple responses from different modalities. A simulation study is conducted to quantify the possible benefits by the new approaches in finite sample situations. Finally, the analysis of the fatigue data is illustrated with the use of the proposed methods.  相似文献   
Captive breeding followed by reintroduction to the wild is a common component of conservation management plans for various taxa. Although it is commonly used, captive breeding can result in morphological changes, including brain size decrease. Brain size reduction has been associated with behavioral changes in domestic animals, and such changes may negatively influence reintroduction success of captive‐bred animals. Many marsupials are currently bred in captivity for reintroduction, yet the impacts of captive breeding on brain size have never been studied in this taxa. We investigated the impacts of a few generations (2–7) of captive breeding on brain volume in the stripe‐faced dunnart (Sminthopsis macroura), and found that captive breeding in a relatively enriched environment did not cause any changes in brain volume. Nonetheless, we advocate that great care be taken to provide suitable husbandry conditions and to minimize the number of captive generations if marsupial reintroduction programs are to be successful. Zoo Biol 31:82;–86, 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
This study represents the first attempt to study the population dynamics of Guiana dolphins (Sotalia guianensis), by evaluating a set of demographic parameters. The population of the Caravelas River estuary, eastern Brazil, was systematically monitored through a long‐term mark‐recapture experiment (2002–2009). Abundance estimates revealed a small population (57–124 dolphins), comprised of resident dolphins and individuals that temporarily leave or pass through the study area. Temporary emigration from the estuary to adjacencies (γ″= 0.33 ± 0.07 SE) and return rate (1 ?γ′= 0 .67) were moderate and constant, indicating that some dolphins use larger areas. Survival rate (?= 0.88 ± 0.07 SE) and abundance were constant throughout the study period. Power analysis showed that the current monitoring effort has high probability of detecting abrupt population declines (1 ?β= 0.9). Although the monitoring is not yet sensitive to subtle population trends, sufficient time to identify them is feasible (additional 3 yr). Despite such apparent stability, this population, as many others, inhabits waters exposed to multiple human‐related threats. Open and closed population modeling applied to photo‐identification data provide a robust baseline for estimating several demographic parameters and can be applied to other populations to allow further comparisons. Such synergistic efforts will allow a reliable definition of conservation status of this species.  相似文献   
Hyphae of higher fungi are compartmentalized by septa. These septa contain a central pore that allows for inter‐compartmental and inter‐hyphal cytoplasmic streaming. The cytoplasm within the mycelium is therefore considered to be a continuous system. In this study, however, we demonstrate by laser dissection that 40% of the apical septa of exploring hyphae of Aspergillus oryzae are closed. Closure of septa correlated with the presence of a peroxisome‐derived organelle, known as Woronin body, near the septal pore. The location of Woronin bodies in the hyphae was dynamic and, as a result, plugging of the septal pore was reversible. Septal plugging was abolished in a ΔAohex1 strain that cannot form Woronin bodies. Notably, hyphal heterogeneity was also affected in the ΔAohex1 strain. Wild‐type strains of A. oryzae showed heterogeneous distribution of GFP between neighbouring hyphae at the outer part of the colony when the reporter was expressed from the promoter of the glucoamylase gene glaA or the α‐glucuronidase gene aguA. In contrast, GFP fluorescence showed a normal distribution in the case of the ΔAohex1 strain. Taken together, it is concluded that Woronin bodies maintain hyphal heterogeneity in a fungal mycelium by impeding cytoplasmic continuity.  相似文献   
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