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Jojoba plants of the selection ‘Vista’ were grown for two years in the greenhouse at four levels of soil salinity. All plants reached anthesis with no symptom of major injury because of the treatments. The following changes were noted on treated plants: Leaves were thicker, with larger secretory and palisade cells. They had fewer stomata per unit area, smaller vascular cylinder and vascular cells, and discontinuous layers of secretory cells. Stems were thinner, with smaller pith diameter, smaller pith cells, and smaller vessel elements. Both leaves and stems had a higher moisture content. A higher accumulation of Cl and Na ions was observed in both leaves and stems. Mg ions decreased in leaves but increased in stems. Ca ions increased in leaves only.  相似文献   
1. The separation of the alpha-components of codfish-skin and calf-skin collagen from the higher-molecular-weight components was accomplished by gel filtration with Bio-Gel P-300 resin in 5m-lithium chloride and at pH7.4. 2. From this fraction three distinct alpha-components, corresponding to the alpha1-, alpha2- and alpha3- chains of collagen, were isolated by free-flow electrophoresis in 6m-urea at 4 degrees . At the temperatures and pH values used there was no detectable degradation of the alpha-chains.  相似文献   
The present study depicts the presence of a gradient in the morphological characters ofThymelaea hirsuta (L.)Endl. leaves which correlated with the environmental gradient prevailing in the Western Mediterranean region of Egypt. The less arid and more calcareous habitats harbour individuals with obtuse and gentle curved leaf apices and gentle involute leaf margins. With the increase of aridity and decrease of CaCO3, the leaf apices become acute and strongly curved, and the leaf margins become strongly involuted. Significant variations in seed weight, seedling emergence and viability of seed embryos inT. hirsuta, in relation to habitat types, are also shown and discussed.  相似文献   
Soluble glutamine synthetase activity (L-glutamate:ammonia ligase, ADP forming, EC was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity from the filamentous non-N2-fixing cyanobacterium Phormidium laminosum (OH-1-p.Cl1) by using conventional purification procedures in the absence of stabilizing ligands. The pure enzyme showed a specific activity of 152 mumol of gamma-glutamylhydroxamate formed.min-1 (transferase activity), which corresponded to 4.4 mumol of Pi released.min-1 (biosynthetic activity). The relative molecular mass of the native enzyme was 602 kilodaltons and was composed of 12 identically sized subunits of 52 kilodaltons. Biosynthetic activity required the presence of Mg2+ as an essential activator, although Co2+ and Zn2+ were partially effective. The kinetics of activation by Mg2+, Co2+, and Zn2+ were sigmoidal, and concentrations required for half-maximal activity were 18 mM (h = 2.2), 6.3 mM (h = 5.6), and 6.3 mM (h = 2.45), respectively. However, transferase activity required Mn2+ (Ka = 3.5 microM), Cu2+, Co2+, or Mg2+ being less effective. The substrate affinities calculated for L-Glu, ammonium, ATP, L-Gln, and hydroxylamine were 15, 0.4, 1.9 (h = 0.75), 14, and 4.1 mM, respectively. Optimal pH and temperature were 7.2 and 55 degrees C for biosynthetic activity and 7.5 and 45 degrees C for transferase activity. The biosynthetic reaction mechanism proceeded according to an ordered three-reactant system, the binding order being ammonium, L-Glu, and ATP. The presence of Mn2+ or Mg2+ drastically affected the thermostability of transferase and biosynthetic activities. Heat inactivation of biosynthetic activity in the presence of Mn2+ obeyed first-order kinetics, with an Ea of 76.8 kcal (ca. 321 kJ) mol-1. Gly, L-Asp, L-Ala, L-Ser and, with lower efficiency, L-Lys and L-Met, L-Lys, and L-Glu inhibited only transferase activity. No cumulative inhibition was observed when mixtures of amino acids were used. Biosynthetic activity was inhibited by AMP (Ki= 7 mM), ADP (Ki= 2.3 mM), p-hydroxymercuribenzoate (Ki= 25 microM), and L-methionine-D, L-sulfoximine (Ki= 2 microM). The enzyme was not activated in vitro by chemically reduced Anabaena thioredoxin. This is the first report of glutamine synthetase activity purified from a filamentous non-N2-fixing cyanobacterium.  相似文献   
Escherichia coli hemolysin is known to cause hemolysis of red blood cells by forming hydrophilic pores in their cell membrane. Hemolysin-induced pores have been directly visualized in model systems such as planar lipid membranes and unilamellar vesicles. However this hemolysin, like all the members of a related family of toxins called Repeat Toxins, is a potent leukotoxin. To investigate whether the formation of channels is involved also in its leukotoxic activity, we used patch-clamped human macrophages as targets. Indeed, when exposed to the hemolysin, these cells developed additional pores into their membrane. Such exogenous pores had properties very different from the endogenous channels already present in the cell membrane (primarily K+ channels), but very similar to the pores formed by the toxin in purely lipidic model membranes. Observed properties were: large single channel conductance, cation over anion selectivity but weak discrimination among different cations, quasilinear current-voltage characteristic and the existence of a flickering pre-open state of small conductance. The selectivity properties of the toxin channels appearing in phospholipid vesicles were also investigated, using a specially adapted polarization/depolarization assay, and were found to be completely consistent with that of the current fluctuations observed in excised macrophage patches. Received: 14 August 1995/Revised: 2 October 1995  相似文献   
An analysis of the effects of inbreeding on the genetic structure of a colonizing population of Drosophila subobscura has been carried out. Species of Drosophila, particularly D. subobscura, may have lethal alleles associated with chromosomal inversions and our aim was to assess the extent to which the genome is balanced in this way. The frequencies of chromosomal inversions were compared between a large population and a set of 72 lines that were maintained by brother-sister mating for 10 generations. Fisher's matrix method was used to calculate the expected homozygosity in these inbred lines for 5 allozyme loci (Aph, Hk-1, Lap, Odh, and Pept-1) used as markers of large chromosomal segments. Furthermore, the expected rates of fixation corresponding to these allozyme loci were also calculated. The results show that the amount of homozygosis observed did not differ significantly from expectations (with the corresponding loss of lines as a consequence of the reduction in viability). However, two deviations from strict neutrality were observed: there was a heterozygote excess at the Lap locus, and the frequency of the O 5 inversion (always associated with a lethal gene in colonizing populations) was higher than expected.  相似文献   
Abstract: The effects of GABA on the kinetics of tert -[35S]butylbicyclophosphorothionate ([35S]TBPS) binding to the convulsant site of GABAA receptors were studied in membrane suspensions from the cerebral cortex of newborn (1-day-old) and adult (90-day-old) rats. TBPS dissociation was biphasic in neonates and adults, indicating that more than one interconvertible state of [35S]TBPS binding sites may be present in the cerebral cortex. In the absence of GABA, the fast ( t 1/2, 11 min) and slow ( t 1/2, 77 min) components of TBPS dissociation in newborn rats were approximately fourfold slower than in adults. The acceleration of the dissociation rates caused by 2 µ M GABA, however, was more robust in neonates than in adults (six- to ninefold vs. twofold increase, respectively). Moreover, the dissociation rates of TBPS in membranes preincubated with 2 µ M GABA (dissociation started by adding 40 µ M picrotoxin) were two- to fourfold slower than in membranes preincubated without GABA (dissociation started by adding 40 µ M picrotoxin plus 2 µ M GABA). Taken together, these results suggest that (1) the closed state of GABAA receptors is associated with a more effective steric barrier for the binding of TBPS in neonates compared with adults, (2) GABA produces a larger acceleration of the binding kinetics of TBPS in neonates than in adults, and (3) long incubations with GABA may cause receptor desensitization, which in turn slows down the dissociation rates of TBPS.  相似文献   
Gilthead were fed three diets. Diet A was the control diet, whereas diets B and C were supplemented with 300 and 900 mg Zn/kg, respectively. Fish fed with diet C, at the end of the experiment, showed the lowest weight. Zinc concentrations presented the higher values in gills, liver, and kidney. Muscle and brain had the lower mean values and showed a tight control of zinc levels. These results reinforce the hypothesis that zinc in the CNS should be strictly controlled in order to maintain the functional role of the metal. Significant differences in tissue zinc concentrations were obtained between fish fed different amounts of zinc, the metal concentrations being higher in tissues of fish fed diet C. The tissue decrease of zinc, found at the end of the experiment, may depend on a lower feed consumption or on different zinc requirements during the cold season. These changes, even if not univocal among the three diets, may be associated with the life cycle of fish. Furthermore, copper concentrations were little affected by the different concentrations of zinc in the three diets; liver and kidney presented the highest concentrations; liver showed a significant decrease in copper content at the end of the experiment. We conclude that: zinc concentrations of the diet may affect the gilthead weights and the tissual metal content; and zinc concentrations in the diets, depending on the growth rate, may be varied depending on the season.  相似文献   
Growth and branching of the taproot of young oak trees--a dynamic study   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The growth and branching of the taproot of young oak trees werestudied on seedlings grown in root observation boxes over aperiod of 30–45 d. The development of shoots and rootswere recorded daily on a set of eight plants, and additionalobservations on the initiation of primordia were made on anotherset of 18 plants. Taproot growth was typically indeterminateand linear, with growth rates in the range of 1.5–2.5cm d–1. In some cases, however, growth slowed down orstopped, and resumed a few days later. The growth of shootsand roots were not synchronized. Taproots branched in two ways:acropetal branches emerged from 4–8-d-old taproot tissues,and late branches emerged from older tissues (up to 30 d inour experiment). The latter appeared especially when taprootgrowth slowed down or stopped. New primordia were initiatedon tissues older than 1.4 d, and lateral roots emerged aftera minimal development duration of 2.3 d. These time-relatedparameters described the emergence of branching very effectivety,since they were quite stable over a wide range of taproot growthrates. However, emergence duration decreased slightly in fastgrowing taproots. Branching density tended to increase withthe taproot growth rate. Physiological significance and consequences for modelling rootsystem development are discussed. Key words: Quercus robur, root system, growth, branching, primordium initiation  相似文献   
Pepper plants were grown under different water and nitrogen availabilities that produced severe nitrogen limitations and mild water stress. Nitrogen limitation produced lower leaf N content, higher C:N, and higher leaf content of phenolic compounds, in consonance with the carbon/nutrient balance hypothesis. Nitrogen limitation also produced lower nutritional quality of leaves, with lower relative growth rates and lower efficiency of conversion of ingested biomass on the polyphagous herbivoreHelicoverpa armigera. The biomass gained per gram nitrogen ingested also tended to be lower in those insects feeding on nitrogen-limited plants, in parallel with their higher phenolic content. However, larvae fed on nitrogen-limited plants did not increase the ingestion of food to compensate for the N deficiency of leaves. The mild water stress, which only slightly tended to increase the phenolic content of pepper leaves, had no significant effect on nutritional indices.  相似文献   
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