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To thoroughly investigate the bacterial community diversity present in a single composite sample from an agricultural soil and to examine potential biases resulting from data acquisition and analytical approaches, we examined the effects of percent G+C DNA fractionation, sequence length, and degree of coverage of bacterial diversity on several commonly used ecological parameters (species estimation, diversity indices, and evenness). We also examined variation in phylogenetic placement based on multiple commonly used approaches (ARB alignments and multiple RDP tools). The results demonstrate that this soil bacterial community is highly diverse, with 1,714 operational taxonomic units demonstrated and 3,555 estimated (based on the Chao1 richness estimation) at 97% sequence similarity using the 16S rRNA gene. The results also demonstrate a fundamental lack of dominance (i.e., a high degree of evenness), with 82% of phylotypes being encountered three times or less. The data also indicate that generally accepted cutoff values for phylum-level taxonomic classification might not be as applicable or as general as previously assumed and that such values likely vary between prokaryotic phyla or groups.Efforts to describe bacterial species richness and diversity have long been hampered by the inability to cultivate the vast majority of bacteria from natural environments. New methods to study bacterial diversity have been developed in the last two decades (32), many of which rely on PCR-based procedures and phylogenetic comparison of 16S rRNA gene sequences. However, PCR using complex mixtures of templates (as in the case of total microbial community DNA) is presumed to preferentially amplify certain templates in the mixture (23) based on their primary sequence, percent G+C (hereafter GC) content, or other factors, resulting in so-called PCR bias. Moreover, the amplification of template sequences depends on their initial concentration and tends to skew detection toward the most abundant members of the community (23). To further complicate matters, subsequent random cloning steps on amplicon mixtures are destined to result in the detection of numerically dominant sequences, especially where relative abundance can vary over orders of magnitude. Indeed, any analysis based on random encounter is destined to primarily detect numerically dominant populations. This is especially of concern where limited sampling is performed on highly complex microbial communities exhibiting mostly even distribution of populations with only a few showing any degree of dominance, as typically perceived for soils (17). These artifacts and sampling limitations represent major hurdles in bacterial community diversity analysis, since the vast majority of bacterial diversity probably lies in “underrepresented minority” populations (24, 30). This is important because taxa that are present only in low abundance may still perform important ecosystem functions (e.g., ammonia-oxidizing bacteria). Of special concern is that biases in detection might invalidate hypothesis testing on complex communities where limited sampling is performed (5).Recently, there has been a concerted effort toward addressing problems impeding comprehensive bacterial diversity studies (7, 13, 24, 26, 28). In recent years, studies have increased sequencing efforts, with targeted 16S rRNA gene sequence libraries approaching 2,000 clones (11) and high-throughput DNA-sequencing efforts (e.g., via 454 pyrosequencing and newer-generation high-throughput approaches) of up to 149,000 templates from one or a few samples (25, 30). These technological advances have come as researchers recognize that massive sequencing efforts are required to accurately assess the diversity of populations that comprise complex microbial communities (29, 30). Alternatively, where fully aligned sequence comparisons need to be made, novel experimental strategies that allow more-comprehensive detection of underrepresented bacterial taxa can be applied. One such approach involves the application of prefractionation of total bacterial community genomic DNA based on its GC content (hereafter GC fractionation) prior to subsequent molecular manipulations of total community DNA (14). This strategy has been successfully applied in combination with denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (13) and 16S rRNA gene cloning (2, 21) to study microbial communities. This approach separates community genomic DNA, prior to any PCR, into fractions of similar percent GC content, effectively reducing the overall complexity of the total community DNA mixture by physical separation into multiple fractions. This facilitates PCR amplification, cloning, and detection of sequences in fractions with relatively low abundance in the community, thereby enhancing the detection of minority populations (13). Collectively, this strategy reduces the biases introduced by PCR amplification and random cloning of the extremely complex mixtures of templates of different GC content, primary sequence, and relative abundance present in total environmental genomic DNA.Any large molecular survey that relies on sequencing further requires the analysis of large amounts of data that must be catalogued into phylogenetically relevant groups. This is usually done using high-throughput methods like RDP Classifier or Sequence Match (6) or a tree-based method like Greengenes (8) or ARB (18). Two major pitfalls that are encountered using these former approaches are the presence of huge numbers of unclassified sequences in databases and the lack of representative sequences from all phyla. This leads to most surveys having large portions of their phylotypes designated as unclassified. The latter tree-based approaches, although better suited for classification schemes, are also dependent on having a comprehensive database with well-classified sequences for reproducible results. This reproducibility becomes especially important when trying to compare data across different studies, especially those that utilize different approaches and study systems.In the current study, we analyzed an extensive (∼5,000 clones) partial 16S rRNA gene library from a single soil sample that was generated using very general primers and GC-fractionated DNA. Total DNA was extracted from soil at a cultivated treatment plot at the National Science Foundation Long Term Ecological Research (NSF-LTER) site at the Kellogg Biological Station (KBS) in mid-Michigan (http://www.kbs.msu.edu/lter). To test the effect of GC fractionation on recovery of 16S rRNA gene sequences, we conducted a direct comparison with a nonfractionated library generated from the same soil sample. Using the GC-fractionated library, we also calculated several measures of bacterial diversity and examined the effects of sampling size and sequence length on Shannon-Weaver diversity index, Simpson''s reciprocal index (1/D, where D is the probability that two randomly selected individuals from a sample belong to the same species), evenness, and Chao1 richness estimation. The results show that GC fractionation is a powerful tool to help mitigate limitations of random PCR- and cloning-based analyses of total microbial community diversity, resulting in the recovery of underrepresented taxa and, in turn, reducing the sampling size needed for accurate estimations of bacterial richness. The results also provided evidence for the need to expand the typical scale of sequence-based survey efforts, particularly in environments where evenness abounds or where minority bacterial populations may have important effects on community function and processes. We suggest that there is a need for the establishment of standardized approaches for the analysis of sequence data from community diversity studies in order to maximize data comparisons across independent studies and show examples of software programs developed to facilitate comparative analysis of large sequence datasets.  相似文献   
Sepsis is a systemic inflammatory response resulting from local infection due, at least in part, to impaired neutrophil migration. IL-12 and IL-18 play an important role in neutrophil migration. We have investigated the mechanism and relative role of IL-12 and IL-18 in polymicrobial sepsis induced by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) in mice. Wild-type (WT) and IL-18(-/-) mice were resistant to sublethal CLP (SL-CLP) sepsis. In contrast, IL-12(-/-) mice were susceptible to SL-CLP sepsis with high bacteria load in peritoneal cavity and systemic inflammation (serum TNF-alpha and lung neutrophil infiltration). The magnitude of these events was similar to those observed in WT mice with lethal CLP sepsis. The inability of IL-12(-/-) mice to restrict the infection was not due to impairment of neutrophil migration, but correlated with decrease of phagocytosis, NO production, and microbicidal activities of their neutrophils, and with reduction of systemic IFN-gamma synthesis. Consistent with this observation, IFN-gamma(-/-) mice were as susceptible to SL-CLP as IL-12(-/-) mice. Moreover, addition of IFN-gamma to cultures of neutrophils from IL-12(-/-) mice restored their phagocytic, microbicidal activities and NO production. Mortality of IL-12(-/-) mice to SL-CLP was prevented by treatment with IFN-gamma. Thus we show that IL-12, but not IL-18, is critical to an efficient host defense in polymicrobial sepsis. IL-12 acts through induction of IFN-gamma and stimulation of phagocytic and microbicidal activities of neutrophils, rather than neutrophil migration per se. Our data therefore provide further insight into the defense mechanism against this critical area of infectious disease.  相似文献   
Psoriasis (PS) is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder characterized by keratinocyte hyperproliferation and altered differentiation. Atopic dermatitis (ATOD) is a chronic inflammatory, pruritic and eczematous disease frequently associated with respiratory atopy. These diseases are associated with distinct immunologic abnormalities and represent typical examples of complex diseases triggered by both genetic and environmental factors, as demonstrated by independent twin studies. Genome wide linkage studies have mapped susceptibility loci on several chromosomes (PSORS1-9; ATOD1-5). Four of them overlap on chromosomes 1q21, 3q21, 17q25 and 20p although ATOD is quite distinct from PS and these two diseases rarely occur together in the same patient. An association fine-mapping study has been performed to refine PSORS4 and ATOD2 susceptibility loci on chromosome 1q21 analyzing two independently collected cohorts of 128 PS and 120 ATOD trios. Genotype and haplotype analysis of PSORS4 and ATOD2 led us to detect significant p value for haplotypes defined by MIDDLE and ENDAL16 markers in both PS (p = 0.0000036) and ATOD (p = 0.0276), suggesting a strict co-localization within an interval of 42 kb. This genomic interval contains a single gene, LOR, encoding for loricrin. Polymorphic markers mapping in regulatory and coding regions did not show evidence of association in neither of the two diseases. However, expression profiles of LOR in skin biopsies have shown reduced levels in PS and increased levels in ATOD, suggesting the existence of a specific misregulation in LOR mRNA production.  相似文献   
Trophic interactions play a critical role in the structure and function of ecosystems. Given the widespread loss of biodiversity due to anthropogenic activities, understanding how trophic interactions respond to natural gradients (e.g., abiotic conditions, species richness) through large‐scale comparisons can provide a broader understanding of their importance in changing ecosystems and support informed conservation actions. We explored large‐scale variation in reef fish trophic interactions, encompassing tropical and subtropical reefs with different abiotic conditions and trophic structure of reef fish community. Reef fish feeding pressure on the benthos was determined combining bite rates on the substrate and the individual biomass per unit of time and area, using video recordings in three sites between latitudes 17°S and 27°S on the Brazilian Coast. Total feeding pressure decreased 10‐fold and the composition of functional groups and species shifted from the northern to the southernmost sites. Both patterns were driven by the decline in the feeding pressure of roving herbivores, particularly scrapers, while the feeding pressure of invertebrate feeders and omnivores remained similar. The differential contribution to the feeding pressure across trophic categories, with roving herbivores being more important in the northernmost and southeastern reefs, determined changes in the intensity and composition of fish feeding pressure on the benthos among sites. It also determined the distribution of trophic interactions across different trophic categories, altering the evenness of interactions. Feeding pressure was more evenly distributed at the southernmost than in the southeastern and northernmost sites, where it was dominated by few herbivores. Species and functional groups that performed higher feeding pressure than predicted by their biomass were identified as critical for their potential to remove benthic biomass. Fishing pressure unlikely drove the large‐scale pattern; however, it affected the contribution of some groups on a local scale (e.g., large‐bodied parrotfish) highlighting the need to incorporate critical functions into conservation strategies.  相似文献   
An enhanced formation of reactive oxygen species and peroxynitrite occurs in several clinical settings including diabetes, coronary artery disease, stroke, sepsis, and chronic inflammatory diseases. Peroxynitrite oxidizes methionine and tyrosine residues to methionine sulfoxide (MetSO) and 3-nitrotyrosine (NT), respectively. Notably, ADAMTS-13 cleaves von Willebrand factor (VWF) exclusively at the Tyr1605–Met1606 peptide bond in the A2 domain. We hypothesized that peroxynitrite could oxidize either or both of these amino acid residues, thus potentially affecting ADAMTS-13-mediated cleavage. We tested our hypothesis using synthetic peptide substrates based on: (1) VWF Asp1596–Ala1669 sequence (VWF74) and (2) VWF Asp1596–Ala1669 sequence containing nitrotyrosine (VWF74-NT) or methionine sulfoxide (VWF74-MetSO) at position 1605 or 1606, respectively. The peptides were treated with recombinant ADAMTS-13 and the cleavage products analyzed by RP-HPLC. VWF74 oxidized by peroxynitrite underwent a severe impairment of its hydrolysis. Likewise, VWF74-MetSO was minimally hydrolyzed, whereas VWF74-NT was hydrolyzed slightly more efficiently than VWF74. Oxidation by peroxynitrite of purified VWF multimers inhibited ADAMTS-13 hydrolysis, but did not alter their electrophoretic pattern nor their ability to induce platelet agglutination by ristocetin. Moreover, VWF purified from type 2 diabetic patients showed oxidative damage, as revealed by enhanced carbonyl, NT, and MetSO content and was partially resistant to ADAMTS-13 hydrolysis. In conclusion, peroxynitrite may contribute to prothrombotic effects, hindering the proteolytic processing by ADAMTS-13 of high-molecular-weight VWF multimers, which have the highest ability to bind and activate platelets in the microcirculation.  相似文献   


While microRNAs (miRNAs) play important roles in tissue differentiation and in maintaining basal physiology, little is known about the miRNA expression levels in stomach tissue. Alterations in the miRNA profile can lead to cell deregulation, which can induce neoplasia.

Methodology/Principal Findings

A small RNA library of stomach tissue was sequenced using high-throughput SOLiD sequencing technology. We obtained 261,274 quality reads with perfect matches to the human miRnome, and 42% of known miRNAs were identified. Digital Gene Expression profiling (DGE) was performed based on read abundance and showed that fifteen miRNAs were highly expressed in gastric tissue. Subsequently, the expression of these miRNAs was validated in 10 healthy individuals by RT-PCR showed a significant correlation of 83.97% (P<0.05). Six miRNAs showed a low variable pattern of expression (miR-29b, miR-29c, miR-19b, miR-31, miR-148a, miR-451) and could be considered part of the expression pattern of the healthy gastric tissue.


This study aimed to validate normal miRNA profiles of human gastric tissue to establish a reference profile for healthy individuals. Determining the regulatory processes acting in the stomach will be important in the fight against gastric cancer, which is the second-leading cause of cancer mortality worldwide.  相似文献   
Health surveys and hematologic and plasma biochemical analyses were conducted in 52 free-ranging and 51 captive Morelet's crocodiles (Crocodylus moreletii) in Campeche, Mexico, March-September 2007. Blood samples from 92 crocodiles (45 free-ranging and 47 captive) were collected for hematologic and plasma biochemical analyses. Average values of erythrocytes of free-ranging crocodiles were 1,046,166 cells/μl, and total white cells were 1.03 × 10(4) cells/μl. Captive crocodiles had erythrocyte and leukocyte values of 1,100,416 cells/μl and 8.51 × 10(3) cells/μl, respectively. There were no significant differences in values of erythrocytes or in hematocrit between free-ranging and captive crocodiles, or between sexes, or among size classes. Counts of leukocytes in free-ranging crocodiles were significantly higher than in captive individuals. The mean values of plasma analytes were 69.55 mg/l (glucose), 250.14 mg/l (cholesterol), 3.04 mg/l (uric acid), 2.70 mg/l (creatinine), and 20.20 IU/l (alanine aminotransferase). There were significant differences in cholesterol between free-ranging and captive crocodiles and between sexes.  相似文献   
Wong SE  Sellers BD  Jacobson MP 《Proteins》2011,79(3):821-829
Prior studies suggest that antibody affinity maturation is achieved, in part, via prearranging the CDRs for binding. The implication is that the entropy cost of binding is reduced and that this rigidification occurs as a consequence of somatic mutations during maturation. However, how these mutations modulate CDR flexibility is unclear. Here, molecular dynamics simulations captured CDR flexibility differences between four mature antibodies (7G12, AZ28, 28B4, and 48G7) and their germline predecessors. Analysis of their trajectories: (1) rationalized how mutations during affinity maturation restrict CDR motility, (2) captured the equilibrium between bound and unbound conformations for the H3 loop of unliganded 7G12, and (3) predicted a set of new mutations that, according to our simulations, should diminish binding by increasing flexibility.  相似文献   
The karyotype of individuals of the species Rhinolophus hipposideros from Spain present a chromosome number of 2n = 54 (NFa = 62). The described karyotype for these specimens is very similar to another previously described in individual from Bulgaria. However, the presence of one additional pair of autosomal acrocentric chromosomes in the Bulgarian karyotype and the differences in X chromosome morphology indicated that we have described a new karyotype variant in this species. In addition, we have analyzed several clones of 1.4 and 1 kb of a PstI repeated DNA sequence from the genome of R. hipposideros. The repeated sequence included a region with high identity with the 5S rDNA genes and flanking regions, with no homology with GenBank sequences. Search for polymerase III regulatory elements demonstrated the presence of type I promoter elements (A-box, Intermediate Element and C-box) in the 5S rDNA region. In addition, upstream regulatory elements, as a D-box and Sp1 binding sequences, were present in flanking regions. All data indicated that the cloned repeated sequences are the functional rDNA genes from this species. Finally, FISH demonstrated the presence of rDNA in nine chromosome pairs, which is surprising as most mammals have only one carrier chromosome pair.  相似文献   
For some bacteria and algae, it has been proposed that inorganic polyphosphates and transport of metal-phosphate complexes could participate in heavy metal tolerance. To test for this possibility in Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, a microorganism with a high level of resistance to heavy metals, the polyphosphate levels were determined when the bacterium was grown in or shifted to the presence of a high copper concentration (100 mM). Under these conditions, cells showed a rapid decrease in polyphosphate levels with a concomitant increase in exopolyphosphatase activity and a stimulation of phosphate efflux. Copper in the range of 1 to 2 μM greatly stimulated exopolyphosphatase activity in cell extracts from A. ferrooxidans. The same was seen to a lesser extent with cadmium and zinc. Bioinformatic analysis of the available A. ferrooxidans ATCC 23270 genomic sequence did not show a putative pit gene for phosphate efflux but rather an open reading frame similar in primary and secondary structure to that of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae phosphate transporter that is functional at acidic pH (Pho84). Our results support a model for metal detoxification in which heavy metals stimulate polyphosphate hydrolysis and the metal-phosphate complexes formed are transported out of the cell as part of a possibly functional heavy metal tolerance mechanism in A. ferrooxidans.  相似文献   
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