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Summary The effect of lowering intracellular pH on the membrane potential (E m ) of rat thymic lymphocytes was studied using the potential-sensitive dyebis-oxonol. Cells were acid loaded by addition of the electroneutral K+/H+ exchanging ionophore nigericin. Acidification to pH 6.3 in Na+-free solution resulted in a biphasic change inE m : an early transient hyperpolarization followed by a sustained depolarization. These changes were associated with a rise in cytosolic free Ca2+ ([Ca2+] i ). The hyperpolarization was eliminated when the change in [Ca2+] i was prevented using BAPTA, an intracellular Ca2+ chelator. Moreover, a similar hyperpolarization was elicited by elevation of [Ca2+] i at physiological pH i using ionomycin, suggesting involvement of Ca2+-activated K+ channels. In contrast, the depolarization phase could not be mimicked by raising [Ca2+] i with ionomycin. However, intracellular BAPTA effectively inhibited the acidificationinduced depolarization. Inhibition was also obtained by extracellular addition of EGTA or dithiothreitol, even when the external free Ca2+ concentration remained unaltered. These observations suggested a possible role of contaminating trace metals. Cytosolic acidification is envisaged to induce intracellular accumulation of one or more trace metals, which induces the observed changes inE m . Accordingly, similar changes inE m can be induced without acidification by the addition of small amounts of Cu2+ to the medium. The ionic basis of theE m changes induced by acidification and the significance of these observations are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary Cholic acid (3,7,12-trihydroxy-5-cholanoic acid) was completely and selectively transformed into 12-ketoursodeoxycholic acid (3,7-dihydroxy-12-oxo-5-cholanoic acid) by means of two consecutive enzymatic steps catalyzed, the first, by 7- and 12-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and, the second, by 7-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. Coenzyme regeneration was carried out with -ketoglutarate-glutamate dehydrogenase and glucose-glucose dehydrogenase, respectively.  相似文献   
During the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic the Gondwana Supercontinent underwent dramatic geographic and climatic changes. Geologic and biologic factors concurrently played an important role modelling the vegetation of that time. The gymnospermic component of plant assemblages shows significant variations in composition and in the distribution of different taxa. Analysis of the assemblages shows that some plant groups dominated the scenario, such as the pteridosperms, glossopterids, corystosperms and, to a lesser degree, cordaites and conifers. Ginkgophytes, bennettites or cycads were less important in the Paleozoic but their numbers increased in the Triassic. Paleozoic assemblages were extensively dominated by glossopterids that became extinct in the earliest Mesozoic. Pteridosperms crossed the P—M barrier and became dominant during the Triassic, at a time when corystosperms evolved and radiated. Other groups became extinct in the Paleozoic, namely dicranophylls and cordaites. Conifers were represented by different families, restricted either to the Paleozoic or the Mesozoic. They were not conspicuous in the analysed assemblages. In some areas of Gondwana, taxa of the Euramerican alliance are present through a migrational mechanism that occurred during continental displacements which produced global climatic changes. Recent studies have shown that there are far more common elements between Euramerica and Gondwana than suspected up to now. These elements find their distribution especially in the western part of Gondwana (Africa—South America).  相似文献   
Summary— Immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy indicated that the antibody raised against the nuclear antigen Ki-67 of mammalian cells recognized antigenic determinants of early Drosophila embryos, localized on the outside of the nuclear envelope. Hence, the nuclear envelope of Drosophila appears to share a similar epitope with the chromosome scaffold of mitotic mammalian cells. With the progression of mitosis the antigen persisted around the mitotic spindle region and was also found in the pole regions at metaphase and anaphase. The antibody also stained the equatorial regions of the spindles from anaphase to late telophase. The antibody may therefore be used as a biochemical marker of the nuclear envelope for studying nuclear membrane biogenesis and behavior during the mitotic divisions of the Drosophila embryo.  相似文献   
In a part of the municipal territory of Reggio Emilia, northern Italy, selenium in drinking water decreased from 7 μg/L to less than 1 μg/L. In a cohort of 4419 individuals, previously exposed for at least 5 yr to the drinking water with higher selenium content, the 7-yr temporal distribution of deaths for coronary disease and for stroke was analyzed to examine a possible relationship with changes in drinking water selenium. From January 1986 until August 1988, when tap water selenium was 7 μg/L, deaths for coronary disease were one in males and two in females. After the decrease in drinking water selenium, 21 and 10 coronary deaths were observed, respectively, in males and in females from September 1988 to December 1992. No significant difference in the temporal distribution of stroke deaths was observed both in males and in females. Even if an effect of chance and aging in the temporal distribution of coronary deaths may not be excluded, findings of the study seem to be consistent with the hypothesis of a beneficial effect of selenium on coronary disease mortality.  相似文献   
A classical predator-prey model is considered in this paper with reference to the case of periodically varying parameters. Six elementary seasonality mechanisms are identified and analysed in detail by means of a continuation technique producing complete bifurcation diagrams. The results show that each elementary mechanism can give rise to multiple attractors and that catastrophic transitions can occur when suitable parameters are slightly changed. Moreover, the two classical routes to chaos, namely, torus destruction and cascade of period doublings, are numerically detected. Since in the case of constant parameters the model cannot have multiple attractors, catastrophes and chaos, the results support the conjecture that seasons can very easily give rise to complex populations dynamics.  相似文献   
The gene encoding a 23 kDA serine esterase from the cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis has been identified, cloned, characterized and expressed in Escherichia coli. The primary structure of the esterase deduced from the DNA sequence displayed 32% sequence identity with the carboxylesterase (esterase II) encoded by estB of Pseudomonas fluorescens; the highest degree of homology is found in a stretch of 11 identical or highly conserved amino acid residues corresponding to the GXSXG consensus motif found in the catalytic site of many serine proteases, lipases and esterases.  相似文献   
Variation in the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (nucleotide and amino acid sequences) is evaluated for 9 genera and 15 species of American opossums in the family Didelphidae, using the American caenolestid rat opossumLestoros and the New Guinean peroryctid bandicootEchimypera as outgroups. Phylogenetic analyses (parsimony and distance) strongly support the monophyly of the Didelphidae and delineate two major clades; (1)Didelphis andPhilander are strongly aligned sister taxa, withMetachirus weakly but consistently associated with them, and (2)Marmosa plusMicoureus, withMonodelphis falling outside that pair. The generaMarmosops, Caluromys, andGlironia exhibit varied relationships, depending upon the method of analysis and data (DNA or amino acid sequences) used, but generally are placed individually or in combinations near or at the base of the didelphid radiation. Some aspects of these relationships are consistent with current taxonomic views, but others are in marked contrast. Specifically, a clade comprised of the mouse opossumsMarmosa, Micoureus, andMarmosops is strongly rejected by log-likelihood analysis, contrary to expectations from some current classifications. Also, the woolly opossumsCaluromys andGlironia also do not form a sister-taxon relationship, as suggested by their placement in a subfamily separate from the remaining didelphids examined. However, such a relationship cannot be rejected from log-likelihood analyses. The relationships suggested fromcyt-b sequences are strongly concordant with those based on DNA-DNA hybridization analyses. In addition to systematic and phylogenetic properties, molecular evolution of the didelphid cytochrome b gene sequence is characterized according to nucleotide bias and rate differentials at each codon position and across the entire sequence.To whom correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   
The bifurcations of a periodically forced predator-prey model (the chemostat model), with a prey feeding on a limiting nutrient, are numerically detected with a continuation technique. Eight bifurcation diagrams are produced (one for each parameter in the model) and shown to be topologically equivalent. These diagrams are also equivalent to those of the most commonly used predator-prey model (the Rosenzweig-McArthur model). Thus, all basic modes of behavior of the two main predator-prey models can be explained by means of a single bifurcation diagram.  相似文献   
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